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(Indion Conslrtulon Altworb)

Pagn No.
Ch-1 Cons!itulionWhy and Hou ?

A conslihution is a uaftten set lauss ad undarnental

poincplek to develop_a nelakionskip betuzeen he peaple
And thegoxenmentwhich Compaises a numbes oP
aililesahout the sBake.
unchon3 o Indian Conaftutioni
lopicvide a sekoP hasîc aulea to alla o roiSnal
Lodination amongsk the dlzens Lraerahee ol the
speity ho the goveinment uould be conctiuted
and Laho ha the peuweo to make decsiongin he
lo lay Some limitalfon3 on qoeInments poueN Dy_
quaianbedinq ighBs ta he catizeng
T enable the qoexmenent ta Lul£l_aspinatiang oP a
Sodietyand cieae codiion8 lou a just Sacieky
b expaess the Eundanental identilty okpeaple.
l h e Constution ok Tadia loaa Faramed b4 the
ConsLhuent Assembls bekuoeen Decembe 19u6 and
Novemben 1949.
Constilubion aneofLen subyented,bat by the_people,-
but buSmall qtaups Laho uoish_ta enharnce thein
oon poeL LDell Czalted constitutians lnaqment
poLeein Sodel intelligentls _so Hhat ho single qMau
can Subven he Consiiukion. The Indian canstituticon
ooizontlyExeculive and he Judiciay and even
hdepeolent stahutoy bodies like the Elecklon
Comnissicon, An inteliqent Sustem o checks and
balan.ce hos Paciltaked the Success the Tndfan
Page No. :


he Assembly spent yeass 11

lonsetue month
and days to
came nto
adopked on Noveabee 6,Q49 and ALe_
Qn 26Januay, 1950.
The Constitulional Assembly_had eighkmaan milte
Lon dileueat subiecks. 1suallyy Jauzaha-la Nehs
Raieinde Pansad Saneh Patel oa B.R Aanbedkag
chaisued heae Commitees Each (ooamiltee uual
dmlled pauticulasz p2ov?sions o the analitubicn
Lohich oeste then subiecked o debake hs_the enk
The Constikution_oP Tadia ia the Supneme law lohe
accepted and apecked y all he dL:R a well
as insLtukions oE the countas_
Only one pxovision of theLonshitulion Loa3 passed
ithout intually any debake: fhe intxeducEsnoP_
uniuessal feufksrag.e?reaninq thatall ciLizen
Srea chinqa cestcin age,uould be_entied tobe.
vckesa i29respecHie olaeligion,aake,educalion,
endes 0N ihcome),
The Congihution o Tndia isa blendok Hlexibils_and
siqidis_as it k Eeclenal inoam u unitanq in Spiei=
The main Fedenal fentusnas d he Tnda lonaitubon
ame Lositen and flexible_cons tuton distaibubion-
ok poueS between the centoe Qnd the states
Supxemacyudiciasy and exigteoce_ot hi-Cameralleislek
lhe aameu oE Indian_Lonsitulion pave boxaoleaa
humbeOE p0isiona_aapeHhesuitablia he
nalion extm dileenk counk.fes lh lhe BoiHsh
Consulon,the Ameican loual9uton Hhe Consituion a
onada the locihukon oF Teland Hhe Fenrh lonaktuicon,ette
alona am he uOVemmontof IdfaAc, 932.

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