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NASWVHVYaV V4.0 Owner's Manual Pag: Bruksanvisning se 15 Oo EVAR TARTS Register your product with ABRAHAMSENO end expand rranty from two(2) 0 years, Use the included regstation form or regstrate online at www. rahamsenau-, For fastest process. ing, we recommend using the onlin registration. When wo receive your registration, we wil sond you a warranty card Register dit produkt hos ABRAHANSENO 9 uv (garanien fra t(2) ti Fem) fr Bruk det vedagte regste- ringsskjema eller 98 online pa www, Raskeste mate vil vare 4 gjore det online. Nav vi har mattatt din rogistrering vil vi sonde og ot garanticor Use ths riornation to regatrale your produel Bruk denne infommasjonen ti ®istrere cit produkt NI Wea ase | ‘Thenk you for chosing this ABRAHAMSENG product. You wil enjoy ys 3s oflstening pleasure and true High End musical performance from you aug system. The signatures snown below ceri tat this product m or exceeded our stict standards, ‘Taki for at du har val et produkt fra ABRAHAMSEN® Du kommer ti & nyta mange &r med lyteopplevels tra ait ydsystem, Underskritene under viser at dette produkt motte eller overakk var ‘kta “High End’ musikxgiongvalse enge testutner We strongly believes that uncompromising quality is not an option--it's an obligation. > . 8 $ ee is i o ; Se é: a er Rorahamsen Designer Maintenance interval cjustment ——Crearing ‘S000HOUFS ouuSETER —CIeaRInNg ‘SOD0DHOUFS iding —]— Comectors. laing Connectors. oc Oca o DataSign/stamp | bo rcp o Date/sign/Stamp Adjustment’ Clearing To0v0HOUrSs —) Adjustment Cleaning '35000HOUrS iaing § Comectors. lating = Connectors pe Orca o DatelSign’Stamp | [pc OO pce o Date/Sign/Stamp Adjustment Clearing *5000HoUrs | Agjustnent Cleaning -40000HOUrS iding OO Connectors O ding =O Connectors 1 a o Date/Signistamp | bc Pes o Date/Sign/Stemp Adjustment Clearing 2ooooHours) (Agjustnent Cleaning -45000HoUurs Iding Q Comectors. Idling Connectors. cc e8 o Dateisign/stamp | o_O pep o Date /Sign/Stemp cgustment ——Cieaning ODORGUFE —) Restwene —Creaning SDODOROUTS iding § Comectors. iaing ~O — Comectors. O oc Oca o DataiSignistamp | bo O Pos o Date/Sign’Stamp V4.0 POWER AMPLIFIER User and Quality Inspection Manual This user manual contains important information on the pla- cement, installation, and operation of your ABRAHAMSENO, product, Please read this information thoroughly. A good Understanding of these details will help ensure Satisfactory ‘operation and long lif for your product. ‘The story behind the sound. In 1972 Dr. Otala and Mr, Lohstro finished thelr work in analysing transistor amplifiers to determine what actually created the "transistor sound” In general transistorized designs. The results of their innovative design work were Incorporated in the legendary 25 watt ampitier. This product was the first commercial transistor amplifier to use this new design approach, and the amplifier was Immadiataly recognised as dramatically more musical and dynamic sounding than any other transistor amplifier. The ‘same dasign philosophy has been constantly updated by additional research and development. This philosophy forms the basis of the new ABRAHAMSEN® design, ‘After the 25 watt amplfier had established a new standard for transistor amplifiers, research was undertaken to find ways to make the amplifier even better, and to extend Its highty musical sound quality to more powerful amplifier design. OR Unpacking the V4.0 Immediately upon recelpt of the V4.0, inspect the carton for possible damage during shiament. The carton and pac- kaging have been designed to provide the safest possible protection for the transport of your amplifier. Unpack the unit Carefully. Save all packaging materials for future shipment. ‘The contents of the carton 1 pos ABRAHAMSENO V4.0 4 pes AC maine cord 2 pcs XLR- RCA adapter 4 pes Owners manual 1 pes Spare fuse (located in the fuse drawer, mains inlat. See page 11) any of the items mentioned above are not included In the carton, please contact your authorized ABRAHAMSENO dealer, distributer, or ECS Holding AS for assistance, Setup procedure Before connecting the V4.0 to the mains, check that the mains voltage indicated on the rear panel corresponds to the line voltage in the territory you intend to use the unit How to avold damages Do not under any circumstances connect or disconnect equip ment when power Is turned on. The design of the RCA plug generates @ huge transient when inserted. Connecting or dis- Connecting equipment wth the power on can resutt in severe damage to both speaker and amplifier. How to avoid noise problems. The V4.0 contains delicate circults tat are sensitive to mag- netic strayfields. The unit should not be placed near mains transformers, TV sets etc. Care should be taken regarding placement of the interconnect cables. Oo not run interconnect cables in paralel with mains cords or speaker cables. Keep interconnect and speaker cables as short as possible. How to avoid antenna problems In some set-ups hum may occur when you connect the radio, VOR or TV to your system. The problem is caused by DC voltage coming from your antenna. Please contact your cable network operator. Installation and connection How to connect your product. Please read these pages carefully(page @ and 9) Do net under any circumstances connect or disconnect equipment when the power Is turned on, Stereo operation = * | “Use the included (RCA to XLR adapter) to enter the XLR inputs with a single ended source. TSIEN Peer Mono operation ictions Rear panel controls, The power on/off switchs localised on the left side ofthe mains Inlet on the rear panel. Inputs / Outputs Use a small screvidriver and push the switch located on the rear of the product LED on = Mono LED off Stereo Stereo Push the "Stereo / Mono" switch in(LED off, “Use the Included (RCAto XLR adapter) to enterthe XLR inputs with a single ended source. Balanced operation The balanced mode can only be used ifthe signal source has a balanced output. Use an XLR interconnect with GND fon pin 1, + on pin2, and - on pin 3. Mono operation Push the "Stereo / Mono” switch out(LEO en), Connect one channel of the preampitier tothe Right input of the V4.0. Leave the let input open. Connect the positive speeker terminal to the ampltiers postive right output. Connect the negative speaker terminal to the amplifiers positive left output, Do net load the ampitier with impedance lower than 2 ohms oy How to power up your system You should always power up your system the following way: Signal sources (CD player, tuner ete.) frst, Then the pream- pliierpower amplifier’. When turning your system off, you should start by switching off your power amplifier. Finally the signal source devices. Important notice For optimal sonic performance, the V4.0 should be burned infor a minimum time of 96 hours. Ifthe product has been ewitched of, allow two hours of ‘warm-up to optimise sonic performance, Dus to high class A operation in all ABRAHAMSENO designs, itis normal for the product to feel warm. Proper ventlation Is important, The product should NEVER be completely covered. ‘A.good rule of thumb isto allow at least 3-5 em (1-2 inches) of air sidewise, and 6-8 em (2-3 inches) above the product. LES Maintenance interval To maintain maximum performance and to protect your invest- ‘ment, itis essential that your products serviced in accordance te the correct maintenance interval Every 6000 hours we recommend you to have maintenance ‘on your product, This operation involves, among other things, cleaning of connectors, adjustments of DC voltage and idling current(class Area). See page 4 Servicing Refer all servicing to qualified personnel. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the user manual unless you are qualified ta-do so, Servicing Is required when the product has been damaged in any way, such as the product has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally or has been dropped. Do not remove any cover There are areas vith high voltages inside. To reduce the risk of electric shack, do nat remove any cover iftha AC powercord is connected. The cover should 08 removed by qualified person- rel only. No user serviceable parts inside. Cleaning When the product needs a cleaning, you can blow off dust from the amplifier with a blower or clean with a rag ete. Don’t Use solvents such as alcohol er other fluids with very strong volatiity and fiammabilty for cleaning the apperatus bod. Fuse To prevent a fire, make sure to use fuses with specified standara(current, voltage. type). Do not use a differant fuse or shor circuit the fuse holder. Before replacing the fuse, turn OFF the product and disconnect the powercord, SPARE FUSE MAIN FUSE EN aer It Service is needed Your dealer will have all relevant information regarding the service station in your area, and will ensure that your unit is. serviced with minimum delay. It is our general policy to have your unit retumed to you within five working days, This is an ‘average time, and can vary locally, depencing on the workload at that particular service station. If for some reason, there are no service facilities available In your country, please ship the Unit to the following adress: EOS Holding AS, Box 108, N-1471 Lorenskog, Norway E-mail ‘ Service department: Web: \ oy ‘The enc-user is responsibie forall shipping charges. insurance, re-importation and duty charges. When shipping a product to the factory for service, always include the following: 1. Asales slip or other proof of purchase if repairs claimed under warranty. 2. Aproforma invoice with value of goods, stating that the ‘amplifier is returned to Norway for repair. 3. An accompanying eter describing fauts, symptoms, or pro- blems wh the unit ‘Always ship the unit in its original carton and packaging material to prevent damage in transit, ABRAHAMSEN® by ECS Holding will not cover damages Incurred in transit Ifyou require further information concer- ning the operation of the unit, or ifyou have any questions related to service, please do not hesitate to contact your dealer or national distributor. echnical specification 13 ‘The folowing technical data vere measured on randomizedtestcbjects Dimensions and are typical data, Width 432mm (17°) Depth 320mm 12.6") Height 118mm — (4.5") Weight 16kg (32ibs) All measurements are mace with main voltage 120/240 V S0Hz | 60He, Clipping point ofthe product is set to a level where total har- monic distortion (THD) is 0.2%. The manufacturer reserves the right to ater these specications without further noice Output power 7OW/BORM Output power 1401W/40hm Noise <100uV) Frequency response -368 Do-tMHe Slow rate 100Vus Channel separation (20H: 20KH2) 9038 Warranty terms and conditions 1 ABRAHAMSENO by ECS Holding warrants that this pro- duct will be free from any defects in matrials and/or work rmanship for a period of to(2) years from the purchase date, five(S) if you have completed the warranty registration. 2 The extended warranty service Is only avaliable to the orginal consumer, who purchased this product directly from the retall dealer, and it can not be transferred. 3 During the warranty service, ABRAHAMSENO by ECS Holding may repair or replace this product at Its own option at no charge to you for parts or labor in accordance with this, limites warranty 4 Tris warranty does not apply to the damages that occur- red under the following conditions: 4.1 Instead of operating in accordance with the user's ma- nual. Any abuse or misuse of this product. 4.2 Normal tear and wear. 4.3 The product has been altered or modified in any way. 4.4 Damage which may have been caused either directly or Indirectly by another product force / ete. 14 4.5 Abnormal service or repairing by anyone other than a qualified person or technician, ‘And in such cases, al the expenses will be charged to the buyer. 5 In no event shall ABRAHAMSENO by ECS Holding be liable for any incidental or consequential damages. Some countrys do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, s0 the above exclusion or limitar ton may not apply to you. 6 This warranty gives you the specific rights, and these rights are compatible with this country laws, you may also have other statutory rights that may vary from country to country. V4.0 SLUTT FORSTERKER Bruksanvisning og Inspeksjons manual mse Denne brukermanualen inneholder informasjon vedrorende Instalasjon og generell bruk av ditt ARAHAMSENO pro- ddukt. Venniigst les den grunaig. En rktig forstdelse av disse etaljene vil gi en bedre bruk av produktet Historien bak lyden. | 1972 sluttfarte Mattl Otala og Jan Lohstro sine studier for & finne hva som var opphavet ti den typiske “transistorlyden™ som fantes | alle transistorforsterkere pa den tiden. Denne: "lyden’ er tremideles fremtredende i mange produkter. Re- Sultatet tra deres forskning ble innfor | en forsterker utvkiet av Per Abrahamsen, og ble senere Kjent som den legenda- Fiske “25 Watter' Denne forsterkeren var det forste kommersielle produktet som uinyttet denne teorien, og forsterkeren ble omtalt som vesentlig mer dynamisk og musikalsk enn andre transistor- forsterkere. Denne cesignfilosofien har bit videreutvikiet giennom mange ar ‘Bedire elektroniske Komponenter har sammen med cenne utviklingen lagt grunnlaget for den nye ABRAHAMSENO. produktserie 16 Utpakking av v4.0, Etler & ha tatt ut og lest denne bruksanvisningen bor du inspi- ‘sere ytterkartongen for eventuelle skader under transport. Hvis {den har synige skader ma det straksrettes krav mot transportor. Pakk ut prodluktet forsiktig, og ta vare pa emballasjen for {remtidig transport. nnpakningen er designet fr tryggest mulig transport av produktet. Kartongens innhola 1 stk ABRAHAMSENO V4.0 1 stk Netikabel 2 stk XLR-RCA overganger 1 stk Bruksanvisning 1 stk Reservesikring (Plassert i skringsskutfen, nettintak Se side 21) Hvis nosn av de gjenstandane som er nevnt oventor ikke er vedlagt, venniigst kontakt din forhandler. importar eller ECS Holding AS for assistanse, ‘Oppkobling av V4.0 For du kobler enheten tl nettspenningen. sjekk at enheten du har mottat er beregnet for samme spenning som det omradet du befinner deg |. Dette er merket pa baksicen av enheten. 17 Hvordan unnga koblingsproblemer. ‘Sid alltid av apparatet for andre produkter tikobles, RCA (Phono) pluggen er konstruert slik at den genererer en kraft transient nar den kobles tl. Tit og frakobling av annet utstyr kan odelegge bade hoyttaler o9 forsterker. Hvordan unnga stoyproblemer V4.0 Inneholder kretsiop som kan vasre folsomme for mag- netfelt, Apparetet bor ikke plasseres i nasrheten av trans- formatorer mm. Du bor ogsa ta hensyn til plasseringen av signalkabler. Disse bor ikke ligge parallelt med nettledninger eller hoyttaler-lechinger. De bor vaere 68 korte som mulige. Hvordan unnga antenneproblemer. Fell pa fellesantenneaniegg kan resultere I brum i hoyttaleme narradio, VCR, eller TV kobles til aniegget. Problemet er OC- sspenning som kommer fra antennen. Vennligst kontakt din lokale kabelleverandor. BEES LS Hvordan tikoble ditt produkt Les disse sidene noye(page 18 og 19) Ikke uttor tikobling eller frakobling dersom produktet er slat pa. “Bruk veclagte XLR-RCA overganger ved ubalenser kilde, 18 TSIEN Mono operation Peer erie Bakplatebryter Avipa-bryteren er okalisert pé venstre side av nettinntaket. InnganglUtgang Bruk en iiten skrutrekker og trykk bryteren tl onsket tunksjon Mono-Trykk ut = LED pa ‘Stereo-Trykk inn = LED av Stereo Trykk "stereoimono” bryteren inn(LED av) “Bruk veclagte XLR-RCA overganger ved ubalanser kde. Balansert Denne muligheten kan kunn brukes med balansertkilde. Bruk fen XLR-XLR kabel med jord pa pinne 1, + pé pinne 2 og - pa pinne 3. Mono Trykk “stereo/mono” bryteren ut(LED pa). En kanal fra forfor- sterkeren kobles til V4.0s hayre kanal. Venstre kanal brukes Ikke. 4.08 possitive hoyre utgang kobles til hoyttalerens, pluss terminal, og V4.0s possitive venstre utgang kobles tl hoyttalerens negative terminal. Belast ikke V4.0 med hoytialer impedanse lavere en 2 ohm, Hvordan sla avipa systemet Du bor alt sia pa systemet I denne rekkefoigen: Kilde (CD, DVD, TUNER, ete.) forst, sé forforsterkerenieffektforsterker/in- tegrertorsterker. Nar du siar systemet av igjen bor du begynne med effektforsterkerervintegrertforsterkeren Viktig Informasjon For optimal iydajengivelse bor V4.0 spilles inn i minst 96 timer. Hvis prociuktet har vert avelatt, ma man beregne ca. 2 timers oppvarming for optimal lydgiengivelee. P& grunn av den hoye klasse A driften | ABRAHAMSENG'S, konstruksjon er det normalt at produktet blir varmt. Det er viktig at produktet far god kjoling, og ma derfor ikke tdek- kes, En god regel er a tlate 3-5 em luftrom pa begge sider (0g 5-8 cm over produktet SMES Inspeksjonsintervaller Over tic vil flere viktige parametere endre seg. Det er derfor Iydmessig viktig at produktet blir vedlikeholet | henhold th de Vvedlagte vedlikeholdsintervaliene. Manbetaler at produktet br vedlikeholat hver 5000 time. Dette Innebasrer biant annet rensing av kontakter, ustering av spen- ning og hullestram (klasse A omrade) Se side 4. Service Bruk kun kvallfisert serviceverksted. Hivis du ikke er kvalif- sert, 0g for & unngé elektrisk stot, Kke utfor annen service p& apparatet enn det som er omtalt i denne manualen. Service er nedvendig nar produktet har bit utsat for fuktig- het, regn, eller pa annen mate ikke virker som normalt, Fjern ikke topplokket Produktet inneholder omréder mad hoy spenning. For @ redu- sere riskoan for elakriak stot, ma ikke topplokket skrus av lenge nettkabelen ertikoblet nettet. Topplokket skal flemes av kvailfsert personell. Deter ingen service deler innvencig, som kan skiftes av bruker Rengjoring Bruk ikke alkohol eller annen brennbar vaeske ved renglo- ring av produktet. lds stov av apparatet med en biaser eller “trykklut pa boks”. Vaor forsiktig med luftrykket ved biasing giennom lutespaltene. Nettsikring Bruk kun sikringer av samme type og styrke som spesifisert. For sikringen skies mA produktet vaere avsiat og netikabelen ‘trekkes ut av stikkontakten, RESERVESIKRING HOVEDSIKRING Ieee) oe Hvis det er behov for service Din forhancler har all Informasjon du trenger vecrorende serviceverksteder, og garanterer at din enhet far service uten forsinkelse. Under normale forhold vil itt produkt bli returnert | lopet av fem arbeidsdager. Dette kan variere avnengig av kapasiteten hos verkstedet du benyter. Hvis det ikke finnes et autorisert verksted I naerheten av deg kan du sence produktet til adressen under EOS Holding AS, Box 108, N-1471 Lerenskeg, Norway Sentralbore: +47 87978180 Faks +47 87978131 E-post ‘ Service avdeling: Web: \ Du er selv ansvariig for alle transportutgiter og forsikring nar du sender et produit til service. Husk alld a legge veo folgende: 1. Kulttering eller annet Klopsbevis dersom produktet kreves reparert under garanti 2. Et kort notat om fallen felsymptomer og hvordan feilen oppste. 3.Send alltid produktet | originalemballas. ABRAHAMSENO ved ECS Holding kan ikke under noen Comstendighetar stiles ansvarig for skader som har oppstatt under transport. ekniske spesifikasjoner Folgende tekniske data er mat pa et tifeldig V1.0 produkt og er typiske data Alle malinger er glort med 120/240 V SOHz / 60H2. nettspen- ning Max utgangsniva er sat tl THD = 0.2% Utgangseftekt 7OW/8ORM Utgangseffokt 140W/40nm Stay <100uV Frekvensrespons 308 Do-1MMz Slew rate s0Vus Kanalseparasjon (20H2-20kH2) 29006 Dimensjoner Bredde 432mm Dybde 220mm Hoyele 118mm Vekt—16kg ar) (126°) (45) (328) Produsenten forbeholder seg retten tl forandringer uten for- arantivilkar 1 ABRAHAMSENO ved ECS Holding garanterer at dette produktet vl vere fr for fell oppstatt av komponent eller monteringsfell|2 (to) ar fra Klopsdato, eventuelt § (fem) ér hvis du har registret deg for utvidet garanti 2 Den utvidete garantien er kun gyldig for forstegangs- kKjoper som har kjopt produktet direkte fra forhandler, og kan. Ikke bli overfart. 3 I garantitiden vil ABRAHAMSEN® ved ECS Holding repa- rere eller bytte ut dette procuktet uten kostnad for deler og arbeld I henhold tl denne begrensede garanti 4 Garantian gjelder ikke folgende forhold: 4.1 Misbruk av produktet eller ikke brukt I henhod til anbefa- linger git | denne manual 4.2 Normal sitasj. 4.3 Forandiring eller ombyaging av produktet. 4.4 Odeleggelse pafort av andra produkter eller bruk av overdraven kraft 4.5 Service eller reparasjoner utfort av ukvalifiserte service- personer. | de nevnte punkter vil alle kostnader vedrorende service bl Delastet Koper 5 Ikke under noen omstendigheter vil ABRAHAMSENO ved ECS Holding vaere ansvarlig for ubell og skader utover & reparere produktet. 6 Denne garantien gir deg spesifikke rettigheter som er | samsvar med dette landets lov. Du kan ha andre rettigheter som kan variere fra land ti land,

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