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Laser Photonics Rev., 1–19 (2016) / DOI 10.1002/lpor.201600038

Abstract We review the progress in the development of fre-

quency converters based on three-wave mixing in whispering
gallery resonators (WGRs). The theoretical description, given
in a unified notation for all basic processes, reveals that the
phase-matching condition known from conventional devices is
replaced by several selection rules and, furthermore, the fact
that conversion efficiencies of more than 25% can be reached

in the overcoupled regime only. Experimentally, the conversion

efficiencies exceed 50% already at milliwatt input powers. This is
achieved, however, so far in bulk resonators only since today the specific effects like photoconductivity, photorefractivity, and py-
on-chip devices have two orders of magnitude lower quality fac- roelectricity. The impressive experimental progress paves the
tors. Regarding the stability of the conversion process, one has way that micrometer-sized frequency converters based on
to consider impurities left from the crystal growth and material WGRs will find the way out of the lab into real-world applications.

Three-wave mixing in whispering gallery resonators

Ingo Breunig∗

1. Introduction Furthermore, micrometer-scaled whispering gallery res-

onators can be easily integrated into chips [8].
Optical frequency converters based on three-wave mixing, Since the pioneering first demonstration of second-
i.e. on second-order nonlinear effects, are nowadays work- harmonic generation in a WGR, there has been a tremen-
ing horses in science and in industrial applications. We dous development in the field of WGR-based three-wave
find harmonic generators in almost every laser laboratory mixing. All basic processes have been modeled theoreti-
and in laser machining facilities. Optical parametric oscilla- cally using different approaches and diverse notations. In
tors (OPOs) emit pulsed and continuous-wave light tunable experiments, millimeter-sized WGRs made of bulk crys-
from the visible to the far-infrared [1–3]. Highly sensi- tals were employed as well as micrometer-sized devices
tive infrared cameras are based on sum-frequency mixers integrated on chips.
[4]. Finally, difference-frequency mixers are utilized for the Several reviews on whispering gallery resonators in
generation of laser light in the mid- and far-infrared spectral general have been published before [9–13]. Some more
range [5]. review articles concentrate on specific applications like
In order to increase the conversion efficiency, three- lasing [14, 15], sensing [16], cavity optomechanics [17],
wave mixers typically comprise a suitable mirror resonator or second-harmonic generation [18]. In this article, an
enhancing the power of the circulating light by orders of overview of the evolution of frequency conversion in WGRs
magnitude. The integration of these devices on centimeter- based on the second-order nonlinearity, i.e. three-wave mix-
sized chips was achieved by using waveguiding structures ing, during the last decade is given. We summarize the re-
having reflective coatings at the end facets [6]. However, sults of different theoretical models in a unified notation
miniaturization into the sub-millimeter range as it is known for all basic processes. Different fabrication techniques and
from laser diodes is challenging. The efficiency is weaker experimental achievements are discussed comparing those
for smaller devices because of shorter interaction lengths. of bulk resonators with the ones of on-chip devices. We will
This has to be compensated by coatings highly reflecting consider material limitations and, finally, discuss the per-
two or even three of the interacting waves. Taking into spectives of whispering-gallery-resonator-based frequency
account that the respective wavelengths are considerably converters.
different, this can be pretty sophisticated.
In 2004 this unsatisfactory situation has changed: A
team from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the United 2. Theoretical considerations
States has presented a frequency doubler based on an op-
tical whispering gallery resonator (WGR) [7]. Here, the For a strong second-order nonlinear-optical interaction, the
circulating light is guided by total internal reflection in three light fields involved have to exhibit a large spatial
monolithic spheroidally-shaped dielectric. Consequently, overlap and to fulfill the phase matching condition. Fur-
these cavities provide perfect reflectivity over the entire thermore, the efficiency of resonator-enhanced three-wave
transparency range of the material without any coating. mixing depends on how much light is coupled into and out

University of Freiburg, Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK), Georges-Köhler-Allee 102, 79110 Freiburg

Corresponding author: e-mail:

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2 I. Breunig: Three-wave mixing in whispering gallery resonators

The basic spatial structure of , displayed in Figs. 1b,c,

is described by the azimuthal mode number m (oscillations
in ϕ direction), the polar mode number p (zeros in ϑ direc-
tion) and the radial mode number q (extrema in u direction).
For visible or near-infrared waves propagating in a mm-
sized whispering gallery resonator m is about 104 . Their
cross section measures ∼ 100 µm2 and their mode volume
is approximately 106 µm3 . Another important feature is re-
lated to the symmetry of the electric-field distribution.  is
antisymmetric with respect to the equatorial plane for odd
values of p and symmetric for even ones. This is of great
importance for three-wave mixing since it leads to selection
rules as it will be discussed below in more detail.
The electric-field distributions m, p,q correspond to the
resonant frequencies [20]
mc0 αq (2 p + 1) R
νm, p,q  1 − 1/3 2/3 + √
2π Rn 2 m 2m ρ
Figure 1 a) Spheroidal shape given by the radii R and ρ and
coordinates u, ϕ, and ϑ. Normalized eigenfunctions m,p,q for mc0
≡ (2)
R = 1 mm and ρ = 0.25 mm. b) 60,2,1 in the equatorial and 2π Rn eff
polar planes. c) 10000,p,q , p = 0 . . . 2, q = 1, 2 in the polar plane
(ϕ = 0). The scale bar measures 10 × 10 µm2 . with the vacuum speed of light c0 , the bulk refractive in-
dex n and the effective refractive index n eff < n. From
this expression, we can determine the effective propagation
of the cavity. Thus, in the next two sections, we will iden- constant
tify the spatial field distributions - the whispering gallery
modes - and the corresponding values for the resonant fre- 2π νm, p,q m
quencies and propagation constants followed by consider- keff = n eff = . (3)
c0 R
ations about coupling in and out. Then we will put these
basic ingredients together with the coupled mode equations
The discretization of the propagation constant converts the
for three-wave mixing in order to derive explicit expres-
continuous phase matching condition for three-wave mix-
sions for the efficiencies of different frequency conversion
ing processes into a simple selection rule. This will also be
discussed below in more detail.
Equations (1) and (2) are valid if the evanescent field
outside of the resonator can be neglected, thus for m 
2.1. Whispering gallery modes 100. For optical waves propagating in a mm-sized WGR,
the accuracy can be considered as very high. Analytical
Most of the whispering gallery resonators applied for three- expressions with higher order corrections comprising also
wave mixing so far exhibit a mm-sized spheroidal shape a polarization dependence are given in [21–23]. Recently,
determined by the major and minor radii R and ρ (see they have been successfully applied for the determination
Fig. 1a). Since the light propagates at the rim close to the of the mode numbers from a fit to the resonance spectrum of
equator of the cavity, we employ a curvilinear coordinate a mm-sized resonator[24]. For WGRs having a shape that
system with the azimuth angle ϕ, the polar angle ϑ and the deviates from a sphere or a spheroid, numerical simulations
distance u from the rim. We restrict our analysis to light as described in [25] can be applied in order to characterize
fields located close to the equator (u  ρ and ϑ  1). the whispering gallery modes.
The general idea behind this approximation is described in
[19]. It leads to an expression for the spatial electric-field
distribution m, p,q , which is characterized by the mode 2.2. Coupling in and out
numbers m, p and q. Specifically, we find [20]:

  Coupling light into and out of a whispering gallery resonator

m, p,q ∝ Ai u/u m + αq × e−ϑ /2ϑm H p (ϑ/ϑm ) × cos(mϕ)
2 2
is commonly achieved by frustrated total internal reflection.
For the theoretical modeling, it is very instructive to leave
(1) aside specific details of the coupler (prism, tapered fiber,
etc.) and to apply a general approach as it was done in
with u m = 2−1/3 m −2/3 R and ϑm = (R/ρ)3/4 m −1/2 . Here, [26, 27]. The coupler can be represented by a 2 × 2 matrix
αq < 0 are the q th zeros of the Airy function and H p the with the real transmission and coupling coefficients t and
p th -order Hermite polynomials. κ such that κ 2 + t 2 = 1 (see Fig. 2). This matrix links the

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Laser Photonics Rev. (2016) 3

Figure 3 Left: Coupling efficiency K as a function of frequency

detuning δν for ν0 = 3 MHz and r = 2 according to Eq. (5) with
Figure 2 Resonator with major radius R and coupler described the maximum Kres at resonance and the linewidth ν. Right:
by the coefficients t and κ. Its input and output amplitudes are Coupling efficiency Kres and ratio Q/Q0 between total and intrinsic
aA,B and bA,B . quality factor as a function of r .

input and output amplitudes as

     of the WGR as well as how much light can be coupled into
aB t κ aA the cavity. Below, we will see that it is a crucial parameter
= . (4) for the optimization of nonlinear-optical three-wave mixing
bA −κ t bB
Here, aA,B represent the complex amplitudes of the light The generic approach used above does not include
fields outside the resonator and bA,B the internal ones. They details about the coupler. Thus, the coefficient κ 2 is not
are normalized in such a way that their squared absolute linked with experimental parameters. In Ref. [28], κ 2 is
value gives the respective optical power. It should be noted discussed for three different kinds of couplers: fibers, slab
that, in general, κ and t are complex since they have to waveguides, and prisms. For all of them the √ relation r ∝
account for phase jumps at the coupling point. Since our κ 2 = C exp(−2γ D) holds with γ = (2π ν/c0 ) n 2 − 1 and
goal is to obtain relations for output powers instead of the distance D between coupler and resonator. Thus, κ 2
fields, we are free in the choice of the phase jumps as and consequently the ratio r are maximized if the coupler
long as we fulfill the energy conservation |aB |2 + |bA |2 = touches the resonator. The constant C determining the upper
|aA |2 + |bB |2 . limit of r strongly depends on which coupler is employed,
On its path along the rim of the resonator with the cir- on the resonator radii, on the wavelength, etc. It varies over
cumference L = 2π R, part of the light field is absorbed by several orders of magnitude.
the material. We can write bB = exp(−αL/2) exp(iδφ)bA In this article, we restrict our argumentation on a simple
using the absorption coefficient α and the phase shift δφ in scheme with a single coupler since it is employed in most
order to take non-resonance into account. Combining this experiments. However, it can be advantageous for some
expression with Eq. (4) and assuming a small propagation applications to utilize add/drop ports. In order to take such
loss as well as a small deviation from resonance we get for a scheme into account, one has to add more couplers.
the coupling efficiency [28]

|aB |2 4r 2.3. Nonlinear-optical three-wave mixing

K ≡1− = (5)
|aA | 2 4(δν/ ν0 )2 + (1 + r )2
2.3.1. General considerations and selection rules
with the ratio r = κ 2 /αL between coupling and internal
loss, the deviation δν = (c0 /2π Ln)δφ from a resonance For the theoretical description of nonlinear-optical pro-
frequency, and the intrinsic linewidth ν0 = c0 α/2π n. The cesses, we consider three interacting waves with the respec-
function K (δν) has a lorentzian shape with the maximum tive frequencies ν1,2,3 such that ν1 + ν2 = ν3 propagating
K res = 4r/(1 + r )2 at resonance and the full width ν = along the z direction. The classical coupled wave equations
ν0 (1 + r ) at half maximum (see Fig. 3). Thus, the quality [29, 30] commonly used to describe bulk devices read
factor of the whispering gallery resonator is given by Q ≡
ν/ ν = Q 0 /(1 + r ) with the intrinsic quality factor Q 0 =
ν/ ν0 = 2π νn/c0 α. d α1 2π ν1 d
E1 = − E1 − i E 3 E 2∗ e−i kz
Figure 3 shows how K res and Q/Q 0 depend on the dz 2 c0 n 1
coupling ratio r . For strong undercoupling (r  1) the in- d α2 2π ν2 d
trinsic loss is the major contribution to the quality factor, E2 = − E2 − i E 3 E 1∗ e−i kz

while it can be neglected for strong overcoupling (r 1). dz 2 c0 n 2

At critical coupling (r = 1) the coupling efficiency reaches d α3 2π ν3 d
unity. Obviously, the ratio r determines the quality factor E3 = − E3 − i E 1 E 2 ei kz
dz 2 c0 n 3 
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4 I. Breunig: Three-wave mixing in whispering gallery resonators

Figure 4 Three waves with the normalized amplitudes bi (z)

propagate along the rim. Each of them has a certain spatial in-
tensity profile given by i2 (x, y ).

Figure 5 Normalized efficiency versus phase mismatch k L as

with the complex slowly varying amplitudes E i , the inten- known from the solutions of set (6). The dashed lines indicate the
sity absorption coefficients αi , the refractive indices n i , and possible values for m
the nonlinear-optical coefficient d. The phase mismatch
k = k3 − k2 − k1 comprises the propagation constants
ki = 2π νi n i /c0 . In this form, the set (6) is not useful for as known from phase matching nonlinear-optical processes
the description of three-wave mixing processes in whisper- in bulk crystals doesn’t play a role for three-wave mixing
ing gallery resonators sketched in Fig. 4. We need to take in whispering gallery resonators.
into account the transverse mode structure given by Eq. (1) The condition m = 0 can be satisfied by type-I-
as well as the discrete nature of the propagation constants phasematching as demonstrated in Ref. [32]. This requires
given by Eq. (3). Coupling in and out shall be considered unequal polarization directions for the interacting waves
using the general approach discussed in the previous sec- combined with a proper birefringence of the nonlinear-
tion. Thus, we transfer to normalized internal amplitudes optical material. A more versatile technique is quasi-
bi (z) and obtain [31] phasematching [33]. It does not restrict the polarization
directions nor birefringence is necessary. However, it re-
d α1 ν1 quires an additional fabrication step. The crystal structure
b1 = − b1 − i γ b3 b2∗ e−i mz/R
has to be modified in such a way that the nonlinear-optical
dz 2 ν3
coefficient varies along the rim as d(z) = d0 S(z). Here, d0
d α2 ν2 denotes the maximum value of d. The unitless function S(z)
b2 = − b2 − i γ b3 b1∗ e−i mz/R
dz 2 ν3 alternates between ±1. It comprises the spatial dependence
d α3 of d and since it is periodic in L, it can be represented by a
b3 = − b3 − iγ b1 b2 ei mz/R
(7) Fourier series:
dz 2
with m = m 3 − m 2 − m 1 . The nonlinear-optical cou- d(z) = d0 S(z) = d0 S M eiM z/R (9)
pling parameter is given by M=−∞

2 σ123 with the integer M and the corresponding Fourier coeffi-
γ = 2π ν3 d √ (8) cients S M . Substituting the constant nonlinear coefficient d
ε0 c03 n 1 n 2 n 3 σ1 σ2 σ3
from Eq. (8) by this expression conserves the structure of
the set (7). The nonlinear coefficient d is just replaced by
comprising the respective mode cross sections σi = the effective value |S M |d0 and m = m 3 − m 2 − m 1 − M.
i2 dxdy and the overlap cross section σ123 = Thus, with a proper choice of S(z) one can ensure m = 0
1 2 3 dxdy. For simplicity, we use i = m i , pi ,qi . regardless of polarization directions or birefringence. For
In the following, we will discuss the phase mismatch the determination of S M one can use the explicit expression
m and the coupling parameter γ in more detail. The ba- [34]
sic structure of the sets (6) and (7) coincide. Thus, also
the solutions will be similar. Solving set (6) yields a nor- N −1
malized conversion efficiency given by sinc2 ( k L/2) [30]. SM = (−1) j eiM z j /R (10)
This function is sketched in Fig. 5. It has a global maxi- πM j=0
mum at k L = 0 and several side maxima with zeros for
even values of k L/π in between. In set (7), k is just with the respective positions z j of the N domain walls.
replaced by m/R, thus k L = 2π m. Since m is an Here, the position z 0 is set to zero.
integer, we can expect considerable frequency conversion During one roundtrip the polarization direction of the
for m = 0 only (see Fig. 5). The well-known sinc2 shape interacting light fields with respect to the crystallographic

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Laser Photonics Rev. (2016) 5

Figure 7 Overlap cross section σ123 for R = 1 mm, ρ = 0.25 mm,

m1,2 = 10000, m3 = 20000, q1,2,3 = 1, p1,2 = 0 . . . 10, p3 = 0, 6.
Nonzero values are obtained for p1 + p2 + p3 = 2N and p1 + p2 ≥
p3 only.

ρ = 0.25 mm, m 1 = m 2 = 10000, m 3 = 20000, q1,2,3 = 1,

p1,2 = 0 . . . 10, and p3 = 0 shows this behavior as illus-
trated in Fig. 7. Calculating the overlap cross section for
p3 > 0 reveals another selection rule. The sum p1 + p2
has to be equal or larger than p3 (see Fig. 7). Thus, we can
Figure 6 Function S(z) and corresponding absolute values |SM | summarize
of the Fourier coefficients for different phase matching schemes:
type-I-phase matching (a), quasi-phase matching (b), and 4- p1 + p2 + p3 = 2N , (12)
quasi-phase matching (c).

p1 + p2 ≥ p3 . (13)
axes might vary. Consequently, an oscillating nonlinear-
optical coefficient can be found in whispering gallery res-
onators without an artificially imprinted quasi-phase match- We have derived selection rules for m i (Eq. (11)) and
ing structure. For example, WGRs made of materials with for pi (Eqs. (12, 13)) separately. In a quantum mechanical
4 symmetry provide such a variation in d [35, 36]. These approach as used in Ref. [37], the nonlinear-optical cou-
include the crystal classes 43m (GaAs, GaP, etc.) and 42m pling strength is proportional to d 1 2 3 dV . Here, the
(KD2 PO4 , AgGaSe2 , etc.). Here, we find two Fourier com- integration over the volume V reveals all selection rules si-
ponents with |S M | = 0.5 at M = ±2. Figure 6 exemplifies multaneously. For spherical whispering gallery resonators
S(z) and the corresponding |S M | for the phase-matching and M = 0, they have been derived in Ref. [38] pointing
strategies described above. Summarizing all, we find the out that Eqs. (11) and (13) can be interpreted as a conserva-
first general selection rule tion of angular momentum and Eq. (12) as a conservation
of parity.
m3 = m1 + m2 + M (11) For spherical WGRs one can abstain from numerical
integration. As demonstrated in Ref. [32], in this situation
with M = 0 for type-I-phase matching, M = ±2 for 4- it is possible to apply Gaunt’s formula [39] and Stirling’s
quasi-phase matching and arbitrary integers for quasi-phase approximation for the evaluation of large factorials in order
matching. to obtain the selection rules mentioned above for M = 0.
The parameter γ in set (7) indicates the nonlinear-
optical coupling between the interacting waves. There is
no frequency conversion at all if γ = 0, i.e., for a zero 2.3.2. Input-output relations for three-wave mixing
nonlinear-optical coefficient d or for a zero overlap cross processes
section σ123 = 1 2 3 dxdy. As mentioned above, the
electric-field distribution  is antisymmetric with respect In the previous section, we have discussed the interaction
to the equatorial plane for odd values of the polar mode between the waves inside the resonator. In order to cal-
number p and symmetric for even ones. Thus, the product culate the output powers as a function of input powers,
1 2 3 is antisymmetric if one field or all fields have an we need to supplement the set (7) with relations (4) link-
odd polar number. In these two cases the integration over ing the external amplitudes ai with the internal ones bi
the cross section gives zero for σ123 . From this symmetry and with proper boundary conditions. This procedure was
consideration, we can conclude that the sum p1 + p2 + p3 successfully applied for second harmonic generation and
of the polar mode numbers has to be an even number optical parametric oscillation in Ref. [31]. It can easily be
in order to ensure a nonzero overlap cross section. Nu- adapted to sum and difference frequency generation in order
merically calculating σ123 using Eq. (1) with R = 1 mm, to obtain input-output relations for all three-wave mixing 
C 2016 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
6 I. Breunig: Three-wave mixing in whispering gallery resonators

Figure 8 Efficiency ηsh given by Eq. (17) normalized to its max- Figure 9 Normalized efficiency of sum frequency conversion as
imum value ηsh
as a function of pump power Pp normalized to a function of the normalized pump power for different values of B.
Pp .

The function X/(1 + X )2 has a maximum value of 0.25 at

X = 1. Thus, we have a maximum achievable efficiency
processes. We will assume that the selection rules (11-13)
are fulfilled. In a first step, all waves are considered to rsh rp
have frequencies perfectly matching whispering gallery res- ηsh
= (18)
1 + rsh 1 + rp
onances given by Eq. (2). The influence of detuning from
triple resonance will be discussed subsequently. at the pump power
Second harmonic generation 1 + rp
For frequency doubling, we have only one pump wave with Ppmax = 4 P0 . (19)
the power Pp at the frequency νp . The wave generated has
the power Psh at the frequency νsh = 2νp (see Figure 8). Figure 8 shows this behavior. For realistic parameters
The coupler is described by the respective transmission and νp = 300 THz, n p,sh = 2, d = 1 pm/V, Q 0p,0sh = 5 × 107 ,
coupling coefficients tp,sh and κp,sh . For the output power of
Vp2 Vsh /Vppsh
= 106 µm3 and rp,sh = 1, we obtain ηsh max
the second harmonic wave, we find [31]
25 % conversion efficiency at Pp = 35 µW pump power.

rsh Expressions (15) do not have to be evaluated numeri-

Psh = 4 P0 X 2 with (14) cally. There is a lenghty analytical solution which was used
1 + rsh in Ref. [7] in order to determine an explicit equation for
the conversion efficiency. It is valid for strong overcou-
rp Pp pling where rp,sh 1 and consequently ηsh max
= 1. Com-
X (1 + X )2 = A where A = . (15) bined with a correction indicated in Ref. [32] it perfectly
1 + rp P0 coincides with expression (17).

Expression (15) combines the normalized intracavity Sum frequency generation

power X of the pump wave with the normalized exter- For sum frequency generation (SFG), we have two pump
nal pump power A. The coupling ratios are given by waves with the powers P1,2 at the respective frequencies
rp,sh = κp,sh
/αp,sh L with the respective absorption coeffi- ν1,2 . The wave generated has the power Psf at the frequency
cients αp,sh and the power νsf = ν1 + ν2 (see Figure 9). Coupling is described now
by three coefficients κ1,2,sf . Following the notation of Ref.
π ε0 n 4p n 2sh Vp2 Vsh [31], we find for the power of the generated wave
P0 = νp (1 + rp )2 (1 + rsh ) .
8d 2 Q 20p Q 0sh Vppsh
νsf2 rsf
Psf = 4 P0 X Y with (20)
(16) ν1 ν2 1 + rsf

ν2 r1 P1
Here, n p,sh are the refractive indices of the cavity material X (1 + Y )2 = A where A = , (21)
for the two waves, Q 0p,0sh their intrinsic quality factors, νsf 1 + r1 P0
Vp,sh = σp,sh L their mode volumes, and Vppsh = σppsh L the
ν1 r2 P2
mode overlap volume. Equations (15) can be evaluated nu- Y (1 + X )2 = B where B = . (22)
merically for every pump power Pp in order to get X , which νsf 1 + r2 P0
is then substituted into (14). For the conversion efficiency,
we find As above, the normalized intracavity powers of the pump
waves are given by X and Y whereas A and B denote
Psh rsh rp X the respective normalized external pump powers. The cou-
ηsh ≡ =4 . (17) pling ratios are r1,2,sf = κ1,2,sf 2 /α1,2,sf L with the absorption
Pp 1 + rsh 1 + rp (1 + X )2
coefficients α1,2,sf . The characteristic power P0 is given

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Laser Photonics Rev. (2016) 7


ν1 ν2 π ε0 n 21 n 22 n 2sf 1 V1 V2 Vsf
P0 = × ···
νsf 16d 2 2
Q 01 Q 02 Q 0sf V12sf
× (1 + r1 )(1 + r2 )(1 + rsf ) . (23)

Here, the refractive indices n i , the intrinsic quality factors

Q 0i , and the mode volumes Vi are used with the indices
i = 1, 2, sf for the respective waves, while V12sf is the mode
overlap volume. Importantly, for two equal pump beams Figure 10 Normalized conversion efficiencies of optical para-
ν1 = ν2 = νp = νsf /2 and P1 = P2 = Pp /2, the set (20-22) metric oscillation versus the normalized pump power.
transforms exactly to the set (14,15), i.e. to that for second
harmonic generation. by Vpsi . For the conversion efficiencies of this process we
SFG is commonly used for upconverting light at a low find
frequency (let it be ν2 ) to light at a higher frequency νsf

in a spectral region where efficient detectors are available. Ps,i νs,i rs,i rp N −1
Thus, it makes sense to define the conversion efficiency as ηs,i ≡ =4 (28)
Pp νp 1 + rs,i 1 + rp N

Psf νsf rsf r2 X with N = Pp /Pth representing the pump power √ normal-
ηsf ≡ =4 (24) ized to the oscillation threshold. The function ( N − 1)/N
P2 ν2 1 + rsf 1 + r2 (1 + X )2
in the conversion efficiency is a general feature of multi-
As for second harmonic generation, the efficiency for resonant optical parametric oscillators [3]. It has a maxi-
SFG has a maximum value mum value of 0.25 at N = 4. Thus the conversion efficiency
reaches the maximum value
νsf rsf r2
ηsfmax = (25) νs,i rs,i rp
ν2 1 + rsf 1 + r2 ηs,i
= (29)
νp 1 + rs,i 1 + rp
at the pump power
at the pump power
νsf 1 + r1 B
P1max = P0 1 + . (26) Ppmax = 4Pth . (30)
ν2 r1 4
This behavior is illustrated in Fig. 10. For strong over-
This behavior was described in Ref. [40], just using a differ- coupling (r j 1) the last factor comprising the coupling
ent notation. Figure 9 shows the conversion efficiency ηsf ratios in expression (27) can be set to unity when the in-
as a function of the pump power P1 . Importantly, at input trinsic quality factors Q 0 j are replaced by the loaded ones.
powers P2 leading to B > 4 a bistable behavior is found The resulting compact equation for the oscillation threshold
around P1max with the maximum efficiency located on an was determined in Ref. [42]. The general influence of the
unstable branch. This is known also for doubly resonant coupling ratio on the pump threshold and on the conversion
sum frequency generation [41]. efficiency described by Eqs. (27) and (28) perfectly coin-
cides with the one that was determined for triply resonant
Optical parametric oscillation optical parametric oscillators based on mirror cavities [43].
An optical parametric oscillator (OPO) is pumped with
the power Pp at the frequency νp . The OPO generates two Difference frequency generation
waves (signal and idler) with the respective powers Ps,i In order to complete the picture, we consider the fourth
at frequencies νs,i when the pump power overcomes the three-wave mixing process, i.e. difference frequency gen-
oscillation threshold [31] eration, also employing the notation of Ref. [31]. Here, we
have two input waves (pump and signal) with the powers
π νp ε0 n 2p n 2s n 2i 1 Vp Vs Vi Pp,s at the frequencies νp,s . The third wave (idler) is gen-
Pth = × ···
16d 2 2
Q 0p Q 0s Q 0i Vpsi erated with the power Pi at νi = νp − νs . This process can
be considered as seeded optical parametric oscillation. The
(1 + rp )2 (1 + rs )(1 + ri ) power of the idler wave is given by
× (27)
νi ri
Pi = 4 P0 X Y with (31)
where the refractive indices n i , the intrinsic quality fac- νs 1 + ri
tors Q 0i , the mode volumes Vi and the coupling ratios ri
have the indices i = p, s, i denoting the pump, signal, and νs rp Pp
X (1 + Y )2 = A where A = , (32)
idler waves, respectively. The overlap volume is indicated νp 1 + rp P0 
C 2016 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
8 I. Breunig: Three-wave mixing in whispering gallery resonators

Figure 11 Normalized conversion efficiency of difference fre-

quency generation versus normalized pump power for different
Figure 12 The frequencies νp,s,i are close to resonances at νmp,s,i
values of B.
with the widths νp,s,i and the normalized detunings δ̂, δ̂p . The
circles denote signal and idler frequencies that would fulfill fre-
quency and phase matching condition. Only at the frequencies
rs Ps
Y (1 − X )2 = B where B = . (33) indicated by the filled circles the normalized detunings of signal
1 + rs P0 and idler are equal.

As before, Eqs. (32) and (33) combine the normalized For the characteristic powers maximizing the conversion
intracavity powers X and Y with the respective external efficiency, we compare Eqs. (19), (26), (30), and (37). Also
values A and B. The characteristic power is given by here, we have a similar behavior for all processes:
π ε0 n 2p n 2s n 2i 1 Vp Vs Vi
P0 = νs × ··· (1 + r )4
16d 2 2
Q 0p Q 0s Q 0i Vpsi P max ∝ . (39)
× (1 + rp )(1 + rs )(1 + ri ). (34) From these two expressions, we can conclude that high
efficiencies are reached at strong overcoupling whereas the
Because of the close relation to optical parametric oscilla-
lowest characteristic pump powers are found in the regime
tion, we define the conversion efficiency as
of slight undercoupling.
Pi νi rp ri Y
ηi ≡ =4 . (35) Influence of detuning
Pp νp 1 + rp 1 + ri (1 + Y )2
So far, we have assumed that all interacting waves are per-
Thus, the conversion efficiency of difference frequency gen- fectly resonant. The influence of detuning on the conversion
eration reaches a maximum value efficiency and on the characteristic pump power was dis-
cussed in Refs. [34] and [44] for optical parametric oscilla-
νi rp ri tion in whispering gallery resonators. Let us assume that the
ηimax = (36)
νp 1 + rp 1 + ri frequencies νp,s,i are detuned by δνp,s,i from the resonance
frequencies νm p,s,i with the respective widths νp,s,i such
at the power that the phase matching condition m p = m s + m i + M is
  perfectly fulfilled (see Fig. 12). In the following, we will use
νp 1 + rp the normalized detunings δ̂p,s,i = 2δνp,s,i / νp,s,i indicating
Ppmax = 4 P0 1 − B . (37)
νs rp how many half linewidths the frequencies are detuned from
the respective resonances.
Figure 11 shows this behavior. Importantly, for B = 0, Signal and idler frequencies have to be perfectly cen-
we obtain exactly the result of optical parametric oscillation tered around the point of degeneracy at νp /2 in order to
with the pump threshold at Ppmax /4. fulfill the frequency condition νp = νs + νi . Due to disper-
sion, this is not necessarily true for the resonance frequen-
Influence of coupling cies νm p,s,i . From figure 12 it becomes clear that one finds
All three-wave mixing processes reach a maximum conver- an infinite number of possible frequency combinations νs,i
sion efficiency at a certain characteristic pump power. The around their resonances that all fulfill the frequency condi-
values of both strongly depend on the coupling ratios r j tion. However, the parametric oscillation will occur only at
of the interacting waves. Although the coupling ratios are the one combination that ensures
generally unequal, it is very instructive to consider them as
equal r j = r . Comparing Eqs. (18), (25), (29), and (36), we δ̂s = δ̂i ≡ δ̂ . (40)
see that the maximum conversion efficiency of three-wave
mixing processes is Thus, this expression can be interpreted as a single-
frequency condition. It is a general feature of all nonde-
r2 generate doubly and triply resonant optical parametric os-
ηmax ∝ . (38)
(1 + r )2 cillators [45, 46]. Importantly, the normalized detunings of

C 2016 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Laser Photonics Rev. (2016) 9

pump and generated waves cannot be treated as indepen- this flexibility is the necessity of an additional fabrication
dent parameters. They are connected via δ̂p = (δ̂ − δ̂0 ) step. The material has to be structured in such a way that
with = ( νs + νi )/ νp . Here, δ̂0 is the normalized the nonlinear-optical coefficient varies along the rim. Ba-
detuning of the generated waves for a perfectly resonant sically, the techniques known from conventional devices
pump wave. where the light propagates along a straight line [47] can be
Nonzero detunings from the resonances increase the applied to whispering gallery resonators as well: electric-
oscillation threshold as field poling for ferroelectric crystals like lithium niobate
  and orientation-patterned growth for semiconductors like
Pthδ = Pth 1 + δ̂p2 (1 + δ̂ 2 ). (41) gallium arsenide. So far, all experiments on quasi-phase-
matched three-wave mixing in WGRs are conducted with
Considering that Pth can be of the order of microwatts ferroelectrics.
in typical whispering gallery resonators, we can expect to Due to the circular path of the light, a radial quasi-
drive optical parametric oscillation even when all waves phase-matching structure as sketched in Figure 13a most
are detuned by several half linewidths from their respective naturally mimics the parallel stripes known from conven-
resonance frequencies. Of course, the maximum efficiency tional devices. Here, the domains are aligned in different di-
will drop in this case. rections with respect to the crystallographic axes (Fig. 13b).
There is another important issue implied by detuning. In lithium niobate crystals, the domain growth is strongly
The pump power transmission as a function of pump de- anisotropic. Experimentally realized radial patterns show
tuning strongly deviates from a lorentzian shape when the domains aligned along the y-axis that are much thinner
oscillation threshold is overcome. This is due to the fact that than the ones aligned along the x-axis [48] (Fig. 13c). Cal-
the three-wave mixing process acts as an additional loss for ligraphic poling [49], i.e. domain switching by moving a
the pump wave. Thus, it affects the coupling efficiency charged metal tip across the crystal, provides an elegant so-
and hence the transmission signal. This effect is discussed lution. Here, poling conditions like voltage or speed of the
for triply resonant optical parametric oscillators with mir- tip can be easily adopted to the writing direction. Such an
ror resonators [46] and with whispering gallery resonators optimization leads to radial patterns with almost uniform
[44]. It is necessary to take it into account when stabilizing domains [50] (Fig. 13d).
actively the resonator in order to achieve continuous-wave Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the humidity of
output emission. the environment of the tip significantly influences the do-
main switching process [51]. Radial domain patterns in
3. Resonator fabrication lithium niobate crystals have been realized also by uv-light
assisted poling [48, 52].
3.1. Generating quasi-phase-matching Quasi-phase matching structures with parallel domains
structures are much easier to fabricate and commercially available.
They comprise a broader Fourier spectrum than the ra-
As discussed in section 2.3.1, quasi-phase matching en- dial ones [53]. Thus, they can be used for broadband
ables the fulfillment of the selection rule (11) for every quasi-phase matching. However, one has to take into ac-
combination of polarizations or frequencies. The price of count the reduced effective nonlinear-optical coefficient.

Figure 13 (a) Sketch of a radial domain structure for quasi-phase matching in a WGR. The red circle indicates the propagation path
of the light and ± the sign of the nonlinear-optical coefficient. (b) Crystallographic axes in the xy plane for lithium niobate crystals.
(c) Radial domain structures in lithium niobate without and (d) with optimization of the poling process. The patterns are visualized by
etching with hydrofluoric acid. The domain walls appear dark blue. 
C 2016 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
10 I. Breunig: Three-wave mixing in whispering gallery resonators

In order to obtain a compromise between simple fabrica- cation techniques are applied. In lithium niobate crystals,
tion and high nonlinearity, patterns comprising six regions ring resonators have been fabricated via proton exchange
with parallel domains aligned along the y-axes have been [61] and titanium diffusion [62]. These devices measured
proposed [54]. 2.5 mm and 80 mm in diameter, respectively, providing
quality factors of 105 and 106 . In both examples, the rings
3.2. Resonator shaping were not etched. The light was guided in the region of
increased refractive index only.
3.2.1. Bulk resonators In order to reduce the resonator size, the refractive-index
difference between the guiding structure and its vicinity
For the first demonstration of three-wave mixing in a whis- has to be larger than the one provided via proton exchange
pering gallery resonator, the spheroidal cavity was made of and titanium diffusion alone. Thus, etching is necessary.
a bulk lithium niobate crystal [7]. The latter is transformed Combining refractive-index enhancement with subsequent
into a WGR in several steps. First, a cylindrical preform etching, ring resonators with 200 µm diameter and a quality
is drilled out of the material. Then, the rim of the preform factor of about 104 have been demonstrated [63, 64].
is shaped on a lathe or by hand. Finally, the rim around Thin films of lithium niobate on a substrate [65] (also re-
the equator is polished by hand using adequate slurries. ferred to as lithium-niobate-on-insulator) provide a prefer-
This procedure was adopted to various other second-order able platform for the fabrication of integrated whispering
nonlinear optical materials, such as quartz [55], lithium tan- gallery resonators. By etching rings or disks into the lithium
talate [56], beta-barium borate [57], and lithium tetraborate niobate films, WGRs with diameters of several 10 µm with
[58]. For all materials, the quality factor of the resonator quality factors up to 106 were realized [66–71].
is of the order of 108 to 109 and limited by material ab- For other second-order nonlinear optical materials such
sorption. Mechanical polishing ensures a residual surface as (aluminum)gallium arsenide, gallium phosphide, and
roughness in the nm range or below. This procedure is ap- gallium nitride a similar approach is applied. Thin films
plied for the fabrication of whispering gallery resonators of these materials are bonded on a substrate or deposited by
with radii down to several 10 µm [59]. molecular beam epitaxy. Subsequently, rings or disks are
If a WGR is fabricated out of a chip with a radial QPM etched into the films. Using this technique, ring resonators
structure, one has to keep in mind that the center of the made of gallium arsenide [72] and gallium nitride [73,74] as
resonator should coincide with the one of the radial pattern. well as disk resonators made of aluminum gallium arsenide
Otherwise, the periodicity will vary along the rim. This [75, 76], gallium arsenide [75, 77] and gallium phosphide
will reduce the effective nonlinear optical coefficient and [78] have been fabricated. These devices typically measure
broaden the Fourier spectrum of the pattern. For millimeter- between several and several tens of micrometers in diameter
sized resonators, a displacement of tens of µm already has providing quality factors between 104 and 106 .
a substantial impact [54, 60]. Compared with their bulk counterparts, the chip-
integrated WGRs demonstrated so far have two orders of
3.2.2. On-chip resonators magnitude lower quality factors. This is due to the resid-
ual surface roughness after the etching process. Figure 14
For the fabrication of small whispering gallery resonators shows a collection of whispering gallery resonators with
that allow their integration on chips, lithographic fabri- different shapes made of various materials.

Figure 14 Whispering gallery resonators fabricated out of various non-centrosymmetric materials. Picture a) is reprinted with kind
permission from [7]. Copyright 2004 by the American Physical Society. Pictures b, f, h, j) are reprinted with kind permission of the
Optical Society of America from [57, 58, 68, 76]. Pictures c, d) are reprinted with kind permission from [67, 72]. Copyright 2010, 2000
by IEEE. Pictures e,i) are reproduced from [74, 75] with the kind permission of AIP Publishing. Picture g) was kindly provided by C.
Marquardt from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany.

C 2016 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Laser Photonics Rev. (2016) 11

structure varies along the rim. However, it ensures phase

matching over a broad wavelength range. This was con-
firmed by frequency doubling of 1319-nm-wavelength light
in the same resonator.
The frequency-doubling experiments published so far
base on a similar setup and on the same procedure: The fre-
quency of the pump light is scanned across the resonances
of the cavity and simultaneously the transmitted pump light
as well as the generated second harmonic light are detected.
Figure 15 Sketch of the first demonstration of SHG in a WGR
Literature data are compared in Table 1 in terms of
made of bulk periodically-poled lithium niobate (left). While scan- resonator material, resonator radius R, wavelength λsh of
ning the pump frequency, the transmitted pump light at 1550 nm the generated light, slope efficiency ηs , maximum efficiency
wavelength as well as the generated second harmonic light at ηmax reached, and phase-matching strategy.
775 nm wavelength are detected (right). The data were taken Whispering-gallery based frequency doublers success-
from Ref. [7]. fully generate light from the ultraviolet (245 nm wave-
length) to the infrared (942.5 nm wavelength).
In terms of efficiency, there is a huge difference be-
tween bulk and on-chip devices (examplified in Fig. 16).
4. Experiments on three-wave mixing Bulk WGRs enable conversion efficiencies typically rang-
ing from several to several ten percent at milliwatt powers
4.1. Frequency doubling even with non-optimized but broadband phase matching
in beta barium borate (BBO) [79] or with lithium tetrabo-
Frequency doubling in a whispering gallery resonator was rate (LB4) having a nonlinear-optical coefficient as tiny as
demonstrated in 2004 for the first time [7]. In this experi- 0.073 pm/V [58]. 9% conversion efficiency at only 30 µW
ment, pump light at 1550 nm wavelength was converted to pump power has been demonstrated with optimized bire-
light at 775 nm wavelength with up to 50% efficiency at fringent phase matching in a WGR made of bulk lithium
25 mW pump power only. The millimeter-sized resonator niobate [32]. These results highlight the potential for WGRs
was made of a periodically-poled lithium niobate crystal as miniaturized efficient frequency converters.
(see Fig. 15). Thus, phase matching was not optimized for In contrast to this, the slope efficiencies as well as the
this particular process, since the periodicity of the QPM maximum efficiencies of on-chip devices are two to three

Table 1 Experimental demonstrations of frequency doubling in WGRs comparing the respective non-centrosymmetric materials, radii
R, second-harmonic wavelengths λsh , slope efficiencies ηs , maximum efficiencies ηmax at pump powers Pp , and phase matching
schemes. Bulk and on-chip resonators are indicated by (b) and (oc), respectively, and non-optimized but broadband phase matching
by ∗ . The phrase q modes“ expresses phase matching via different mode numbers q for pump and second harmonic waves. As a
reference, experimental results of frequency doubling in waveguides (wg) are included. Here, the waveguide length indicated followed
by ∗∗ .

Material R [µm] λsh [nm] ηs [%/mW] ηmax [%] @ Pp [mW] Phasematching Ref.
LN (b) 1500 775 50 @ 25 QPM∗ [7]
659.5 2 @ 30
LN (b) 1900 532 9 @ 0.03 BPM [32]

BBO (b) 910 778.5 0.063 0.069 @ 1.1 BPM [79]
487 4.6 1.15 @ 0.25
435 1.8 1.57 @ 0.87
317 0.74 0.31 @ 0.42
LB4 (b) 1150 245 0.37 2.2 @ 6 BPM
LN (oc) 14 773 2 × 10−4 3.8 × 10−4 @ 1.8 unclear [68]
LN (oc) 41 400 1.3 × 10−3 8 × 10−3 @ 6 unclear [71]
GaAs (oc) 2.6 942.5 5 × 10−3 4 × 10−4 @ 0.08 4QPM [77]
AlGaAs (oc) 2 792 7 × 10−5 1.4 × 10−4 @ 2 4QPM [80]
GaN (oc) 80 780 2 × 10−5 2 × 10−3 @ 100 q modes [73]
LN (wg) 60000∗∗ 775 1.4 45 @ 900 QPM [81]
LN (wg) 50000∗∗ 780 2.4 92 @ 160 QPM [82] 
C 2016 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
12 I. Breunig: Three-wave mixing in whispering gallery resonators

tude larger than the values obtained with waveguides. The

reason for this is the following: Both concepts, WGRs and
waveguides provide roughly the same mode cross section,
however WGRs add a substantial power enhancement due
to resonance. This can be achieved in waveguides also with
additional high-reflective coatings.
Remarkably, frequency doubling was observed in a
on-chip WGR made of silicon nitride (SiN) which is a
centrosymmetric material. The ring in this experiment
measured 116 µm in diameter. Light at 777.1 nm wave-
length was generated with ηs = 10−4 %/mW and ηmax =
3.2 × 10−3 % at 320 mW pump power [83]. These values
are of the same order as the other ones obtained with on-chip
resonators made of non-centrosymmetric materials. The
second-order nonlinearity in this experiment is attributed
Figure 16 Conversion efficiency versus pump power for fre-
to a break of symmetry at the surface of the resonator [84].
quency doubling laser light around 1550 nm wavelength in a bulk
WGR and in an on-chip WGR. The data were taken from Ref. [7]
Also covering the surface of a whispering gallery res-
and [73]. onator made of glass (360 µm diameter) with a monolayer
of crystal violet molecules enables frequency doubling [85].
In this experiment, violet light at 400 nm wavelength was
generated. The molecules were deposited with a periodical
orders of magnitude lower. Looking at Eq. (17) in the un- pattern around the equator in order to mimic a quasi-phase-
depleted pump approximation (X  1), we see that the matching structure as known from non-centrosymmetric
slope efficiency ηs ≡ ηsh /Pp isproportional to Q 3 /V with crystals.
V being the effective mode volume. The quality factors
and mode volumes are roughly two orders of magnitude
smaller than the ones of bulk resonators. The other pa-
rameters can be similar. Thus, the limited quality factor of 4.2. Optical parametric oscillation
on-chip WGRs explains the four orders of magnitude lower
conversion efficiencies compared with that of bulk devices. First indications of highly nondegenerate optical parametric
It makes sense to compare the conversion efficiencies of oscillation generating idler light with frequencies of several
WGR based devices with that of waveguides which can also hundred Gigahertz in a whispering gallery resonator have
be integrated on a chip. The latter are typically several cm been published in 2007 [87]. In this experiment, the cavity
long and provide ηs = (1 . . . 2) %/mW [81,82]. Their max- measuring 840 µm in diameter was made of bulk lithium
imum conversion efficiency can exceed 90% [82]. These niobate. However, the idler light could not be detected di-
values outnumber the ones of the state-of-the-art on-chip rectly. The first proof of optical parametric oscillation in a
WGRs by far. However, looking at the respective values WGR was published three years later [86]. Here, the three-
for bulk WGRs and especially at the ones presented in wave mixing process was pumped at 532 nm wavelength
Ref. [32], the advantage of WGR based devices in terms of generating signal and idler waves at 1012 and 1123 nm
slope efficiency becomes obvious. One can estimate from wavelengths, respectively (see Fig. 17).
ηmax = 9% reached at 30 µW pump power that ηs is of the In contrast to frequency doubling, all WGR OPOs
order of several 100%/mW which is two orders of magni- demonstrated so far are based on millimeter-sized cavities

Figure 17 (a) Spectrum of the first proved WGR-based OPO. (b) Power Ps + Pi versus the pump power of the same experiment (b).
The solid line represents a fit of Eq. 28 to the experimental data indicating an oscillation threshold Pth = 6.7 µW, which is still the
lowest pump threshold of an OPO observed so far. Data were taken from Ref. [86].

C 2016 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Laser Photonics Rev. (2016) 13

ous radiation. The latter was achieved by locking the pump

laser to a resonance and controlling the resonator temper-
ature on a mK level [93]. For the locking one has to take
into account the deformation of the pump mode due to the
parametric process [44].
Besides for classical spectroscopy as mentioned above,
WGR based OPOs are suitable sources for nonclassical
light [94]. Below the oscillation threshold, i.e. in the re-
gion of spontaneous parametric down conversion, they are
applied as a source for single photon pairs as well [95, 96].

Figure 18 Whispering gallery optical parametric oscillator

pumped at 450 nm wavelength generating orange and infrared 4.3. Other processes
light (a). Wavelength ranges covered by WGR OPOs pumped at
450, 488, 532 and 1040 nm wavelengths, respectively (b). Besides frequency doubling and optical parametric oscil-
lation also sum frequency generation as well as cascaded
three-wave mixing processes have been demonstrated in
made of bulk lithium niobate crystals. They are pumped in millimeter-sized bulk whispering gallery resonators made
the visible at 450, 488, or at 532 nm wavelengths employ- of lithium niobate crystals. As mentioned in section 2.3.2
ing type-I-phasematching [44, 88, 89]. Devices pumped at SFG can be applied for upconverting light from the infrared
1040 nm wavelength require quasi-phase matching [60]. to the visible spectral region where the most efficient de-
Coarse wavelength tuning over hundreds of nanometers is tectors are available. The WGR-based system presented in
achieved via varying the temperature of the resonator or Ref. [40] was pumped at 780 nm wavelength converting
by varying the pump mode number. Figure 18 summarizes signal light at 1560 nm to radiation at 520 nm wavelength
the tuning range of state-of-the-art WGR OPOs. The wave- via SFG. The efficiency P520 /P1560 exceeded 2.5 × 10−3 at
lengths of the light generated ranges from 571 nm (pumped a pump power P780 below 1 mW.
in the blue) to 2600 nm (pumped in the infrared). Using This scheme could be very useful for the detection of
temperature tuning only, WGR OPOs can be applied for far-infrared (THz) radiation as discussed in [97]. The first
broadband spectroscopy [50]. step into this direction was demonstrated in Ref. [98]. Here,
There are several strategies for fine (mode-hop free) 0.4 mW of cw radiation at 100 GHz frequency were upcon-
tuning the wavelengths of the generated light [90]: apply- verted into the near infrared with 5 × 10−3 power efficiency
ing an external electric field, applying mechanical stress, or corresponding to 2.6 × 10−6 photon number efficiency at
manipulating the evanescent fields of the circulating waves. a pump power of 16 mW. It should be noted that this ex-
Combining these strategies with the coarse tuning (wave- periment is not SFG in a WGR in a strict sense since the
length jumps by changing the resonator temperature), it far-infrared radiation was not coupled into the resonator. It
is possible to tune the output wavelengths in a controlled has modulated the refractive index of the lithium niobate
way until they meet MHz-wide resonances of alkali atoms disk via the electro-optic effect from outside.
[91]. Thus, wavelength tuning of whispering-gallery-based Recently, microwaves of 10 GHz frequency have been
OPOs can be controlled at a level that is sufficient for high- upconverted into the optical-telecommunication range by
resolution spectroscopy. It is highly remarkable that this is applying a similar strategy [99]. Here, a photon number
achieved despite of the intrinsic triple resonance and despite efficiency of 0.1% was achieved by pumping the millimeter-
of the fact that all waves are influenced simultaneously. sized WGR made of lithium niobate with 1 mW power at
As indicated by the theoretical expressions (38) and 1550 nm wavelength. The input power of the microwave
(39), the oscillation thresholds and conversion efficien- was in the microwatt range only.
cies of WGR-based OPOs strongly depend on the coupling Cascaded three-wave mixing processes are useful, e.g.,
regime. Just by varying the gap between coupler and res- for the generation of the third harmonic, where frequency
onator, the oscillation threshold is changed from 200 µW doubling (ν → 2ν) is followed by sum frequency genera-
(slight undercoupling) to 4 mW (strong undercoupling), tion (ν + 2ν → 3ν). Such a cascade (1554 nm → 777 nm
whereas the conversion efficiency ranges between 10−2 % → 518 nm wavelengths) was demonstrated in a WGR with
(strong undercoupling) and 30 % (overcoupling) [92]. The a radial QPM structure not optimized for this particular
lowest oscillation thresholds observed so far are in the low process[100]. Nevertheless, conversion efficiencies around
µW range [86], while the highest conversion efficiency ex- 2% for frequency doubling and 0.2% for frequency tripling
ceeds 50% [93]. were reached.
Most experiments on optical parametric oscillation in A longer cascade (1536 nm → 768 nm → 512 nm →
WGRs are conducted by scanning the pump frequency forth 384 nm wavelengths) was realized for the generation of ul-
and back across a pump resonance, i.e., the same procedure traviolet light [101]. Here, broadband quasi-phase matching
as used for frequency doubling. Consequently, the output via a parallel domain structure was applied. The combina-
comprises millisecond long light flashes instead of continu- tion of such a cascade with stimulated Raman scattering can 
C 2016 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
14 I. Breunig: Three-wave mixing in whispering gallery resonators

of the pump light from a lorentzian fits perfectly to experi-

mental observations [20].
Thus, all theoretical predictions for basic influences of
pump power, of coupling strength and of detuning on the
conversion efficiency as well as on the oscillation thresh-
old of optical parametric oscillators have been verified
experimentally. However, the quantitative comparison of
the oscillation threshold itself is still an issue. A closer
look at Eq. (27) gives the explanation. For the calculation
of the oscillation threshold, we need to know the effec-
tive mode volume and consequently, the mode numbers p
and q of all three waves. For the pump wave, the num-
bers can be determined by a spectral fit of Eq. (2) to the
pump spectrum [24]. However, so far there is no exper-
Figure 19 Output spectrum between 300 and 900 nm wave- imental demonstration of the unambiguous determination
length of a cascaded three-wave mixing process pumped at of the mode numbers for the two generated waves. Thus,
1536 nm wavelength. The main peaks arise from frequency dou- a quantitative comparison of the theoretically predicted
bling, tripling and quadrupling of the pump wave. The other com- oscillation threshold with the experimental values is still
ponents can be attributed to Raman scattering. The data were missing.
taken from Ref. [102].

5. Material considerations
be used to generate laser light at more than 20 wavelength
components simultaneously between 375 and 851 nm (see In order to compare non-centrosymmetric materials re-
Fig. 19) in a millimeter-sized WGR at 200 mW pump power garding their applicability for three-wave mixing, a fig-
only [102]. ure of merit is defined as F O M = d 2 /n 3 [103]. This def-
inition is useful if absorption of the material can be ne-
glected. For conventional devices with a mirror cavity or
4.4. Comparison of experimental results with without a cavity at all, this is valid over the entire trans-
theoretical predictions parency range of the material. However, in WGR-based
devices, the intrinsic quality factor Q 0 and thus the ab-
In the following section, we want to discuss how well the sorption plays a major role. From expressions (16), (23),
experimental results fit to the theoretical predictions made (27), and (34) it becomes obvious that the characteristic
by the input-output relations summarized in section 2.3. pump power for any three-wave mixing process is pro-
First, we start with the dependence of the conversion effi- portional to n 21 n 22 n 23 /(d 2 Q 01 Q 02 Q 03 ). Thus, a proper fig-
ciency as a function of input power. For all basic three-wave ure of merit for a material used in a WGR-based device
mixing processes, we expect that the efficiency reaches would be
a maximum at a certain pump power before it decreases
again. This behavior fits nicely to observations for second d2
harmonic generation [7] and for optical parametric oscil- FOM = Q 01 Q 02 Q 03 . (42)
lation [86, 88]. In some experiments only a saturation of
the conversion efficiency was observed [32, 40]. A reason In this definition, it is assumed that the refractive index
might be that at high pump powers, additional processes of the material does not vary much in the transparency
or multi-mode operation occur. Since the theoretical model range. However, for the intrinsic quality factor, the wave-
described above is only valid for a single three-wave mixing length dependence has to be considered. Figure 20 shows
process it might fail to describe the experimental results at Q 0 for whispering gallery resonators made of lithium nio-
high pump powers. bate versus the wavelength. In the nominal transparency
Now, we want to switch to the influence of the coupling range between 0.32 and 5 µm wavelength, Q 0 varies over
ratio ri on the conversion efficiency and on the characteristic several orders of magnitude. Pronounced dips in the qual-
pump power maximizing the conversion efficiency. So far, ity factor originate from iron or hydrogen impurities left
there is only one systematic study about this for optical from the growth process [104]. Thus the figure of merit
parametric oscillation [92]. It shows that the conversion strongly depends on the respective wavelengths of the three
efficiency grows monotonically with increasing coupling interacting fields.
strength, whereas the smallest pump threshold is found The figure of merit as defined in (42) highlights an im-
at slight undercoupling. The experimental results are well portant circumstance: a tiny nonlinear-optical coefficient
described by Eqs. (27) and (28). is compensated by a high intrinsic quality factor. Conse-
Furthermore, the influence of detuning on the oscilla- quently, materials that are only rarely applied in standard
tion threshold of an optical parametric oscillator given by three-wave mixing experiments because of their low value
Eq. (41) and the corresponding deviation of the line shape of d can be very useful for WGR-based systems. This was

C 2016 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Laser Photonics Rev. (2016) 15

6. Conclusion and perspectives

In their first decade of existence, frequency converters based

on three-wave mixing in whispering gallery resonators have
proven to combine efficiencies of up to several tens of
percent at milliwatt input powers with compactness. These
monolithic devices measure from several micrometers to
several millimeters in diameter only. They are successfully
operated from the ultraviolet to the near infrared. As optical
parametric oscillators, they generate single-frequency light
tunable over hundreds of nanometers. Furthermore, they
are applied also for light detection.
The experiments on bulk WGRs have revealed the high-
est efficiencies and, even more important, the possibility to
Figure 20 Quality factor of a whispering gallery resonator made control the tuning behavior to a level that is sufficient for
of lithium niobate for extraordinarily polarized light. The values are broadband as well as for high-resolution spectroscopy in
calculated from absorption data [104]. The dips around 2.5 µm spite of the intrinsic triple resonance. This demonstration
wavelength are attributed to absorption stemming from residual greatly enhances the probability that frequency converters
hydrogen. based on WGRs will find the way out of labs into commer-
cial applications.
In order to pave the way for this, further progress in
WGR manufacturing is required. So far, the bulk resonators
confirmed by efficient frequency doubling in a WGR made rely on hand-polishing in the final step while the on-chip
of lithium tetraborate having d = 0.073 pm/V only [58]. resonators show two orders of magnitude lower intrinsic
Absorption does not only determine the characteristic quality factors. Completely machine-made WGRs based
pump power of a WGR-based three-wave mixing process, on non-centrosymmetric crystals with quality factors ex-
but also its stability. Absorption induces thermal heating ceeding 108 would be a major achievement. Heating the
of the WGR and consequently mode drifts and probably materials close to their respective melting points and keep-
detuning from perfect triple resonance. ing this temperature for several hours as demonstrated in
The great majority of WGR-based three-wave mixing [112] might be used as a final fabrication step for resonators
experiments is conducted with lithium niobate crystals. in order to improve the surface roughness.
Here, one has to be aware of the photorefractive effect also As mentioned above, the fabrication of WGRs out of
called optical damage [105]. Absorption of visible light a wafer with a radial quasi-phase-matching structure is not
leads to generation of mobile charges that are redistributed an easy task. The center of the resonator and the center of
creating electric space charge fields and, via the electro- the domain pattern have to match with an accuracy better
optic effect, refractive index changes that disturb the circu- than 10 µm. A new strategy could be valuable here. It was
lating light. Mode drifts and mode crossings in WGRs made demonstrated that ferroelectric domains in lithium niobate
of lithium niobate have been attributed to photorefractiv- can be switched directly using a focused ultraviolet laser
ity [106, 107]. Such behavior greatly limits the stability of beam [113]. This works on the x and on the y face of the
WGR-based devices. Unwanted refractive-index changes crystal [114]. Using such a technique, one can imprint the
in lithium niobate can also be generated via the pyroelec- QPM structure directly below the rim after the resonator
tric effect [108]. A solution of this material problem is the was shaped and polished.
use of periodically-poled lithium niobate crystals. Here, So far, QPM was applied in WGRs made of lithium nio-
the photorefractive damage is significantly reduced [109] bate only. Recent progress in the fabrication of orientation-
compared with that of single domain crystals. patterned semiconductors as gallium arsenide [47], gal-
As mentioned above, external electric fields can be ap- lium phosphide [115], and gallium nitride [116] gives
plied in order to fine-tune the resonant frequencies via the hope that the wavelength range of frequency convert-
electro-optic effect. Here, one has to take into account that ers based on WGRs will be extended greatly. Especially
the material might be photoconductive [110, 111], i.e., the gallium arsenide and gallium phosphide enable opera-
electric field generating the desired refractive index de- tion in the mid and even in the far infrared. The effi-
creases with time while the characteristic decay rate in- ciency of cascaded three-wave mixing processes in WGRs
creases with light power. Such a behavior has been observed could be boosted by using aperiodic QPM structures
in WGRs [90]. It considerably limits the tuning possibil- [47, 117] that are optimized for a specific cascade instead
ity with a static electric field. Both photorefraction as well of broadband QPM.
as photoconductivity strongly depend on wavelength. For A combination of several strategies can be used to tune
lithium niobate, they are much stronger in the visible than the wavelength of WGR-based OPOs in a controlled way.
in the infrared range. Thus, in the latter these two effects However, systematic investigations regarding the tuning be-
will not seriously affect a three-wave mixing process in a havior of these devices via mechanical pressure [118, 119]
WGR. or via influencing the evanescent field of the interacting 
C 2016 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
16 I. Breunig: Three-wave mixing in whispering gallery resonators

fully integrated devices will be developed soon and will

also find their way into applications beyond conventional
three-wave mixing.

Acknowledgement. Financial support from the Deutsche

Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) is gratefully acknowledged.

Published online: 15 April 2016

Key words: Nonlinear optics, Frequency conversion, Res-
Figure 21 A cascade of second harmonic generation (SHG), op-
tical parametric oscillation (OPO) and sum frequency generation
(SFG) generates frequency combs around νp and 2νp . a) SHG Ingo Breunig did an apprentice-
of the pump wave at νp and subsequent OPO generate two fre- ship as a car mechanic. After one
quency components centered around νp . b) The latter are trans- more year working in a garage,
fered to frequency components centered around 2νp via SFG and he studied physics at the Uni-
SHG. The sketch is adopted from Ref. [123]. versity of Rostock, and received
his Diploma degree in 2004. He
moved to the University of Bonn
and obtained a Ph.D. in physics in
waves [90] are still missing. These two strategies are of 2009 for a thesis on continuous-
major importance for all devices based on quasi-phase wave optical parametric oscilla-
matching since the domain pattern will hamper the tuning tors. Then followed a two-year
by applying an external electric field using simple surface period as a post-doc. Since 2011,
electrodes. he leads the research group Non-
In contrast to their mirror-based counterparts, WGR- linear Optics being part of the Laboratory for Optical Systems
based frequency converters have not been operated with at the University of Freiburg. His current research activities
biaxial crystals yet. The special feature of a WGR made of comprise optical materials, nonlinear-optical phenomena and
a biaxial crystal is the missing rotational symmetry, since whispering gallery resonators.
the refractive index might vary along the rim. Consequently,
there will be no conservation of angular momentum and the
phase-matching condition (11) cannot be applied anymore.
We can expect a completely different tuning behavior. So References
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