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A disaster is an event, natural or manmade, sudden or progressive,

which impacts with such severity, that the affected community has to
respond by taking exceptional measures.
It is a serious disruption of the functioning of a society causing
widespread human, material, financial, and environmental losses
which exceed the ability of the society to cope using it own resources.
PHILIPPINES is oftentimes subjected to different natural disasters
and calamities because we are surrounded by water. The country is
an archipelago composed of more than 7,000 islands.
These ocean and seas that surround us are also considered blessings
because they are sources of marine wealth.
What are the common types of disaster?

1. Earthquake
2. Volcanic Eruption
3. Tsunami
4. Tropical Cyclone
5. Flood
6. Landslide
7. Bushfire
8. Drought
9. Epidemic
10. Major Accident
11. Armed conflict and civil unrest

What can you do to prepare?

Finding out what can happen is the first step. Once you have determined
the events possible and their potential in your community, it is important that you
discuss them with your family or household. Develop a disaster plan together.

1. Create an emergency communication plan

2. Establish a meeting place

3. Assemble a disaster supplies kit

Copies of essential documents

4. Check on the School emergency plan of any school-age children you may

1. Remain calm and be patient

2. Follow the advice of local emergency officials
3. Listen to your radio or television for news and instructions
4. If the disaster occurs near you, check for injuries. Give the first aid and get
help for seriously injured people.
5. If the disaster occur near your home while you are there, check for damage
using a flashlight. Do not light matches and candles or turn of electrical
switches. Check for fires, fire hazards and other household hazards. Sniff for
gas leaks, starting at the water healer. If you smell gas or suspect a leak, turn
off the main gas valve, open windows, and get everyone outside quickly.
6. Shut off any other damaged utilities.
7. Confine or secure your pets.
8. Call your family contact – do not use the telephone again unless it is a life-
threatening emergency.
9. Check on your neighbors, especially those who are elderly or disabled.
As we learned from the events of September 11, 2001, the following things can
happen after a terrorist attack:

• There can be significant numbers of casualties and/or damage to buildings and the
infrastructure. So employers need up-to-date information about any medical needs you
may have and on how to contact your designated beneficiaries.
▪ Heavy law enforcement involvement at local, state and federal levels follows a terrorist
attack due to the event’s criminal nature.
▪ Health and mental health resources in the affected communities can be strained to
their limits maybe even overwhelmed.
▪ Extensive media coverage, strong public fear and international implications and
consequences can continue for a prolonged period.
▪ Workplace and schools may be closed, and there may be restrictions on domestic and
international travel.
▪ You and your family or household may have to evacuate an area, avoiding roads
blocked for your safety.
▪ Clean-up may take many months.
Simple Tips:

1. Wear a long-sleeved shirts, long pants and sturdy shoes so you can be protected as
much as possible.
2. Take a disaster supplies kit
3. Take your pets with you; do not leave behind. Because pets are not permitted to
public shelters, follow your plan to go to a relative’s or friend’s home, or find a “pet
friendly” hotel.
4. Lock your home
5. Use travel routes specified by local authorities – don’t use shortcuts because certain
areas may be impassable or dangerous.
6. Stay away from downed power lines.
Listen Local Authorities
Your local authorities will provide you with accurate information specific to an event
in your area. Staying tuned to local radio and television, and following their
instructions is your safest choice.

If you’re sure you have time:

▪ Call your contact to tell them where you are going and when you expect to
▪ Shut off water and electricity before leaving, if instructed to do so. Leave natural
gas service ON unless local officials advise you otherwise. You may need gas for
heating and cooking, and only a professional can restore gas service in your
home once it’s been turned off. In a disaster situation it could take weeks for a
professional to respond.
Shelter–in-place fact Sheet

Advised of the local Official: meaning is for you to remain inside your home or
office and protect yourselves there.

Additional Positive Steps You can Take

Raw, unedited footage of terrorism events and people’s reaction to those events
can be very upsetting especially to children.
First Aid Primer
If you can encounter someone who is injured, apply the emergency action
Check call-care.
Check the scene to make sure it is safe for you to approach.
Check the victim for unconsciousness and life-threatening conditions.
Someone who has a life-threatening condition, such as not breathing or severe bleeding, requires
immediate care by trained respondents and may require treatment by medical professionals.
Call out for help.
Control Bleeding
▪ Cover the wound with a dressing and press firmly the wound (direct
▪ Elevate the injured area above the level of the heart. If you do not suspect
that the victim has a broken bone.
▪ Cover the dressing with a roller bandage.
▪ If the bleeding do not stop:
▪ Apply additional dressing and bandages
▪ Use a pressure point to squeeze the artery against the bone
▪ Provide care for shock.
Care for Shock
▪ Keep the victim from getting chilled and overheated.
▪ Elevate the legs about 12 inches (if broken bones are not suspected)
▪ Do not give food or drink to the victim.
Tend Burns
▪ Stop the burning by cooling the burn with large amounts of water.
▪ Cover the burn with dry, clean dressings or cloth.
Care for Injuries to Muscles, Bones and Joints

▪ Rest the injured part.

▪ Apply ice or cold pack to control swelling and reduce pain.
▪ Avoid any movement or activity that causes pain.
▪ If you must move the victim because the scene is becoming unsafe, try to
immobilize the injured part to keep it from moving.
Be Aware of biological/Radiological Exposure
▪ Listen to local radio and television reports for the most accurate
information from responsible government and medical authorities on
what’s happening and what actions you will need to take.
Reduce Any Care Risks

The risk of getting a disease while giving first aid is extremely rare, However,
to reduce the risk even further:

• Avoid direct contact with blood and other bloody fluids.

• Use protective equipment, such as disposable gloves and breathing
• Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water immediately after giving
Emergency and Emergency Care: what to do?

✓ Stay indoors and keep calm.

✓ Monitor TV and Radio reports.
✓ Secure your home.
✓ Trim trees near dwellings.
✓ Keep roads clear for emergency vehicles.
✓ If your house is in flood prone area, go to the nearest designated evacuation center.
✓ Have a flashlight and radio handy, with fresh batteries.
✓ Stock up on food, potable water, kerosene, batteries and first aid supplies.
✓ In case of flooding, turn off the main sources of electricity, gas and water in your home.
✓ Stack furniture above the expected flood level. Keep appliances, valuables, chemicals, toxic
substances and garbage beyond reach of floodwaters.
✓ Avoid low-lying areas, riverbanks, creeks and coastal areas, slopes, cliffs and foothills. Rains can
trigger landslides, rockslides and mudslides.
✓ Avoid wading through flooded areas. Do not attempt to cross flowing streams.
✓ Do not operate any electrical equipment during a flood.
✓ Do not use gas or electrical appliances that have been flooded.

✓ A strong earthquake is a natural tsunami warning. Do not stay in low-lying and seashore areas
after an earthquake. A tsunami might occur with minutes.
✓ Other natural signs include sudden lowering of the sea level or an unusual rise and fail of the sea
✓ Fish and other marine life may be exposed when the sea retreats: Never go down to the beach to
collect these. Tsunami waves might rush back anytime and carry you out to sea with great force.
✓ Tsunamis are also preceded and/or accompanied by unusual sounds. Be alert for these signs, too.
✓ Immediately vacate and seek higher ground. Stay here until all signs of danger have passed.

✓ If you are a structurally sound building protect yourself by getting under a sturdy table or desk and
holding on to it while shaking occurs; or you can also protect your head with your arms.
✓ If you are inside a moving vehicle, do not attempt to cross bridges, overpass, or flyovers which may
have been damaged.
✓ If you are near the shore and feel an earthquake, it is safest to assume that a tsunami might
occur. Move to higher ground.
✓ If you are outside, move to an open area. Stay away from power lines, posts and concrete
structures that may fall or collapse.
✓ Move away from mountainous areas or near a steep hill slope where landslides might occur.
✓ Stay calm and don’t panic. Once the shaking stops, take the fastest and safest way out of a
building in an orderly and calm manner. Do not use elevators. Use the stairs.
✓ Check yourself and others for injuries. Administer first aid if trained to do so. Otherwise seek
immediate assistance from nearby authorities if necessary.
✓ Do not enter partially damaged buildings after an earthquake – strong aftershocks may cause
these structures to collapse.
✓ Check for spills of chemicals, toxic and flammable materials to avoid potentially disastrous
✓ Check for fires and if there are any, have them extinguished.
✓ Check water and electrical lines for damage; if any damage is suspected, switch of water and
✓ Should you decide to evacuate, leave a note stating where you will go.
✓ Bring along items essential for your survival. Do not overburden yourself.
✓ Follow official advisories and warnings.
✓ Avoid needles telephone and road use to allow authorities unhampered use of these for relief and
rescue operations.

✓ Residents living around an erupting volcano are faced volcanic hazards that may ensure, these
include pyroclastic flows, ash-fall and lahars.
✓ Hazard maps that show areas likely to be affected by any of these hazards are available from
proper authorities prior to eruption. Follow all advisories and warnings, as these can save your
✓ Avoid the declared permanent danger zones in your locality. Also, rivers where hazardous volcanic
substances can flow should be avoided.
✓ Should as-fall occur, cover your nose with a wet cloth to allow for better breathing.
✓ Food should always be covered to prevent collapse.
✓ If you are inside a moving vehicle, seek shelter immediately.
✓ If you are along the path of potential lahar flows, move to higher ground or to a designated
evacuation site immediately.
What to have:

1. First Aid Kit – includes medicines and essentials for primary treatment of fever,
LBM, cough, colds, wounds, and other ailments.
2. Flashlights, candles, matches and fresh spare batteries.
3. Portable radio and spare batteries.
4. Potable drinking water in sealed containers, store water for everyday use in
other pails and drums.
5. Basic equipment for the needs of infants, the elderly and the disabled.
6. Non-perishable foodstuffs sufficient for three days.
7. Blankets, clean clothes, raincoats, rubber boots, tissue paper, and other
sanitary supplies.
8. Bring some money, including loose changes.
9. Large and sturdy plastic bags that can be used to storeand protect various
important items and documents.
What are the general effects of disaster?

1. Loss of life
2. Injury
3. Damage of destruction and property
4. Damage to and destruction of subsidence and cash crops
5. Disruption of production
6. Disruption of Lifestyles
7. Loss of livelihood
8. Disruption of essential services
9. Damage of national infrastructure and disruption of governments systems
10. National economic loss, and
11. Sociological and psychological after-effects
- measures, which enable government agencies, organizations, communities, and
individuals to respond rapidly and effectively to instances of disaster.

What are the general disaster counter-measure?

1. Development of possible warning indicators.
2. Land use regulations
3. Building regulations
4. Relocation of communities
5. Public awareness and education program
6. Evacuation plans and arrangements
7. Fire prevention regulations
8. International cooperation in information and technology
What are the Philippine approaches to disaster management?

1. Prevent /mitigate
2. Prepare
3. Take adaptive; and
4. Take corrective action
What are the common problems in disaster management?

1. Lack of appreciation for Disaster Preparedness Program by local officials themselves;

2. Lack of a strong and effective Disaster Coordinating Council installed in the LGU;
3. Absence of Disaster Preparedness Planning;
4. Lack of effective linkages for disaster operation;
5. Absence of a functional Disaster Operation Center; and
6. Erroneous disaster reporting and monitoring.
What are the components of Disaster Management?

1. Prevention. These are the actions or programs designed to impede the occurrence of
disaster or its harmful effects on communities and key installations.
2. Mitigation. These are programs intended to reduce the ill effects of disaster.
3. Preparedness. These are measures, which enable governments, organizations,
communities and individuals to respond rapidly and effectively to disaster situations.
4. Disaster Impact. This is the effects of disasters and is varied according to different types
of disasters.
5. Response. These are measures taken immediately prior to and following disaster’s
6. Recovery, This is a process which communities and organizations assist people to
returning to their proper level of functioning following a disaster.
7. Development. This provides the link between disaster-related activities and national
What are the Disaster Management Policies?

1. Self-reliance through self-help and mutual assistance.

2. Maximum utilization of resources in the affected areas.
3. Planning and operation to be on the barangay level, in an interagency multi-sectoral
basis to optimize existing resources.
4. Documentation of plans of DOC members.
5. Local leadership to take charge at their respective levels.
6. National government to support local government efforts
7. Exercise and periodic drills to be conducted, principally at the barangay level, to ensure
readiness by all concerned.
What are the different tasks of the National Disaster Coordinating Council?

1. Advises the President on the status of disaster preparedness programs, disaster

operations and rehabilitation efforts undertaken by the government and the private
2. Establishes policy guidelines on emergency preparedness and disaster operations
involving rescue, relief and rehabilitation.
3. Establishes priorities in the allocation of funds, services, disaster equipment and relief
4. Advises the lower-level Disaster Coordinating Councils through the office of the Civil
Defense in accordance with the guidelines on disaster management.
5. Recommends to the President the declaration of a state of calamity in areas effectively
damaged and submits proposals to restore normalcy in the affected areas.
6. Creates an Action Grouped composed of permanent representatives from the member
departments and other government agencies with the Executive Officer as head; and
7. Utilizes the facilities and serves the Office of Civil Defense discharging its functions.
Who are the members of the Council?

The Chairman is the Secretary of the Department of Ntional Defense. The Members are:

1. Department of Public Works and Highway (DPWH)

2. Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC)
3. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
4. Department of Agriculture (DA)
5. Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) – now it is the Department of
Education (DepEd)
6. Department of Foreign Affairs ( DFA)
7. Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
8. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
The different coordinating councils have personnel stationed in their respective
operation centers, composed of the following:

1. Damage Assessment and Need Analysis Unit

2. Emergency Management Information Service Unit
3. Vulnerability Risk reduction Management Unit
4. Plans and Operations unit
5. Resource Unit
Each Council shall provide operating units for:
1. Communication, Transportation Service and Early Warning Device
2. Health Services
3. Auxiliary Fire and Police Service
4. Relief and rehabilitation Services
5. Public Information Services, and
6. Rescue, Evacuation, and Engineering Services.
What are the objectives of Disaster Management?

1. To avoid or reduce physical and economic losses.

2. To reduce human personal sufferings and personal losses.

3. To achieve rapid and durable recovery.

What does the National Disaster Management Program contain?

1. Disaster preparedness
2. Construction of Disaster reduction facility
3. Disaster response and short-term rehabilitation
4. Public Information
5. Research and Development
What are the suggestions to enhance community preparedness?

1. Appreciation of the fact that any disaster can occur with or without warning.
2. Awareness on the characteristics and corresponding effects of calamities.
3. Identification of vulnerable and disaster prone areas in the locality,
4. Readiness in responding to the threats of natural and man-made hazards.
5. Capability to do and what must be done and when to do it in case disaster
strikes, and
6. Application of counter-measures to cushion the impact of the calamity.
Thank you!

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