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Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Recognize the common terms in English relating to part of book (e.g.
BPK 1 4
cover, title page, etc.) book orientation
AK 2 Read the alphabets of English 4
Recognize names people, objects, things and places (e.g. names of
animals, fruits, objects in songs, stories, poems, nursery rhymes,
pictures, realia and other ICT- based materials) 5

G 3 Recognize the use of a/an + noun

G Recognize nouns in simple sentences
Recognize common or proper nouns in simples sentences 8
G 4
Discriminate sounds from a background of other sounds
Classify/Categorize sounds heard (animals, mechanical, objects, 5
PA 5 musical instruments, environment,
Differentiate English words from other languages spoken at home and in
Identify the English equivalent of words in the Mother Tongue or in
V 6
Relate information and events in a selection to life experiences and vice
Activate prior knowledge based on new knowledge formed
LC 7
Quarter 2
Identify letters in English that are not present in Mother Tongue/Filipino
AK 3
and vice-versa
AK 8 Give the beginning letter of the name of each picture 8
Recognize common action words in retelling, conversation, etc.
G 9 10
Ask and answer simple questions (who, what, where, when, why, and
LC 7
how) about text listened to
Identify and discuss the elements of a story (theme, setting, characters,
LC 10 12
and events)
Quarter 3
Participate in generating ideas through prewriting activities
WC 11 1
Show understanding of a story listened to through the following writing
a. Completing a Lost and Found Poster
WC b. Filling in blanks in a letter 3
c. Drawing and writing some words on a birthday card
d. Writing a phrase or sentence about an illustration
12 e. Writing some words about a character
Identify the common terms in English relating to part of book (e.g. cover,
title page, etc.)
Discuss the illustrations on the cover and predict what the story may be
BPK 13 3
Identify title, author and book illustrator and tell what they do
BPK 14
S Spell words with short a sound in CVC Pattern A
S Spell words with short e sound in CVC Pattern
S Spell words with short i sound in CVC Pattern A
S Spell words with short o sound in CVC Pattern A 2
S Spell words with short u sound in CVC Pattern A
Spell words with short e, a, i, o and u sound in CVC pattern
S 15
G Identify action words
Use common action words in retelling, conversations, etc. 2
G 16

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Identify the basic sequence of events and make relevant predictions
RC 17 3
about stories
Give the meaning of words used in stories presented
RC through real objects, illustrations, demonstration and context clues

Use an understanding of characters, incidents and settings to make

Use an understanding of incidents, characters and settings to validate
Use clues to answer questions, clarify understanding and justify
RC 18 predictions before, during and after reading (titles, pictures, etc.)
Recognize that some words mean the same (synonyms)
20 C 3
Recognize that some words have opposite meaning (antonyms)
V 19 Create or expand word cline D 2
Recognize the difference between “made-up” and “real” in) texts
LC 21 2
listened to
LC 22 Identify important details in expository text listened 2
LC 23 Retell and/or reenact events from a story 2
Talk about texts identifying major points and key themes
OL 24 3
Participate/engage in a read-along of texts (e.g. poetry, repetitive
Participate in choral speaking and echo reading of short poems, 3
OL 25 rhymes and stories with repeated patterns and refrains in English

Use personal experiences to make predictions about text viewed and

listened to
Listen and respond to texts to clarify meanings heard while drawing on
OL 26
personal experiences
Read short phrases consisting of short e words and some sight
Read short phrases and sentences consisting of short e words and
the sight words.
Read a short story consisting of short a, i, o and u words and sight
words A
Read words with short e, a, i, o , and u sound in CVC pattern B
PWR 27
PWR Read some the sight words
PWR 28 Match the picture with its sight word 2
Quarter 4
S Spell words with short e, a and i sound in CVC pattern
S Spell words with short o and u sound in CVC pattern A
Spell 2- syllable words with short a, e, i, o and u sound in CVC pattern
S 29
Use personal pronouns (e.g. I, you, he, she, it, we, they) in dialogues
G 30 7
G 31 Use demonstrative pronouns (this/that, these/ those) 7
Use the most frequently occurring preposition (e.g. on, over, under, to,
G 32 7
from, above, etc.)
Differentiate and read correctly the short e and a words (pan- pen,
man-men, tan-ten etc.)
Differentiate and read correctly the short e and i words (pin- pen, tin-
ten etc.) A
Differentiate and read correctly the short o and u words (hot-hut, not-
nut, etc.) A
Differentiate words with different medial vowels (eg: cap-cop-cup;
PWR 33
Read 2-syllable words consisting of short e and a (basket, magnet, ...)
V 6

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Read 2-syllable words consisting of short i, o and u (basket,
magnet, ...) A
Read phrases, short sentences and short stories
V consisting of short e and a words and the Who, What and Where
questions about them
Read phrases, short sentences and short stories consisting of short i, o
V and u words and the Who, What and Where questions about them

Read phrases, short sentences and short stories consisting of

words with short e, a, i, o, and u then answer the Who, What and
V 34
Where questions about
them C
PWR Read short i words in CVC pattern (pin, big, fit. . .)
Read short a, e, o and u words in CVC pattern (pan, beg, hot, nut…)
Read 2- syllable words consisting of short a, e and i words (pigpen,
magnet ...) 6
Read 2- syllable words consisting of short o and u words (hotpot,
donut ...) A
Write the names of pictures with the short a, e, i, o, and u words C
PWR 35

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