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Aklan State University

Banga, Aklan

Name: Ren Christian G. Panuncio

Course: BA ELS 4-A

Subject: Creative Writing

Instructor: Mr. Jonell S. Gregorio


Pencil, a tool used for writing, its tip made of graphite, stroke it on the paper and it can tell a thousand
stories, or write images that comes into your mind so that it will always be remembered. Its body, made
of wood, so whenever it dulls, you can always resharpen it. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you can
always rub it off with the eraser on its head, so you can start anew.

Dead Poets Society:

Question #1: Would Neil still have eventually committed suicide if Mr. Keating had never come into his

- In my opinion, I think Neil wouldn't have committed suictif he hadn't met Mr. Keating because before
he met Mr. Keating, he was an obedient aonito his father and he's willing to do anything to make him
proud. Mr. Keating taught them "carpe diem" (seize the day), to dare take a leap and take control over
their life and that's where things started to change for Neil.

Question #2: Why exactly did Neil take his own life?

- He was torn apart by his situation because he can't decide if he should continue being an obedient son
or follow his true passion which is to act. His father wouldn't support him at anything he does unless his
father said it. Neil couldn't take the burden and that's where he decided to take his own life in order to
be free.

Question #3: Could Neil have found another way out of his predicament? Was suicide his only answer?
- Yes, I think Neil could found another way out, he could've returned to being the dutiful son up until he
finishes his study then he can finally do what he wants, or if he only answered his father's question after
the play about what he truly felt, then maybe there's a chance that he will listen to him.

Question #4: With similarly screwed up parents as Neil's, why didn't Todd take the same way out?

- To me, I think it's because Todd is not as bold as Neil is. Todd is afraid to gamble and take risks, and
would rather leave things on their own. But that changed after Neil's death, Todd finally found his
courage and stood up for Mr. Keating.

Question #5: Who was really the bravest of Keating's boys?

- In my opinion, It's either Todd or Charlie. Charlie is the kind of person that would put himself on the
line for the sake of his friends, he even got expelled from their school because he didn't want to sell his
friends out. Meanwhile Todd, despite being threatened and forced to sign the expulsion papers of Mr.
Keating for causing Neil's death, decided to stood up for Mr. Keating and exploited the director's and
Mr. Nolan's plan to remove him from Welton Academy.

Question #6: What happened to the original Dead Poets Society? Why did it cease to exist?

-I think the original Dead Poets Society was disbanded by the administration because they might
influence other students to become freethinkers like them, and also to prevent any controversy that
would ruin the Welton Academy's reputation.

Question #7: How did the poetry book make it into Neil's room? Did Keating put it there? And if so, why,
after telling the boys that the present administration would not look favorably on it, would Keating do

- I think Mr. Keating was the one who put the book into Neil's room because he saw himself and his
previous friends in the same way as his students now. they're young, full of hope, believing they're
destined for greatness, Mr. Keating saw this and he wanted to give them the freedom that they need, to
live their lives the way they want and discover their passion through poetry.

Question #8: In the initial screenplay, Todd specifically does not sign the paper at the end. In the movie,
we are not told one way or the other. Did Todd sign it or not?

- The administration was willing to let them go if they just cooperate because the one they're really after
is Mr. Keating. All of his friends signed except Charlie who was expelled, the next day Todd was still able
to attend class and this tells that he signed because he had no other choice and admitted to Mr. Keating
that everyone was forced to sign the paper.

Question #9:Dead Poets Society: The Next Day... What happens next? What does the future hold for
Keating and the boys?

- I think the boys was able to finish their studies at Welton Academy since the school wouldn't risk
expelling too many students because it will be bad for their reputation. As for Mr. Keating, I think he
continued teaching somewhere else because it's his passion to teach, or maybe he went to see the girl
on the picture that he was writing about.

Question #10: Who really was to blame for Neil's death?

- To me, we really can't blame Mr. Keating for Neil's death, just because he gave Neil the idea of
freedom and and "Carpe diem" (seize the day). It was still Neil's choice to perform in the play because
he loved acting even though his father disagrees with him. Mr. Perry kept discouraging his son even
though he saw how good Neil was during the play. He told Neil to stop acting because he believes that
nothing good will come out of it and that is what pushed Neil to the edge and into his demise.

Great Gatsby

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