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Name: Ren Christian G.


Year and Section: 4 - A

Course: Bachelor of arts in English Language Studies

Subject: Multimedia Storytelling

Instructor: Walter P. Toriano

School Superintendent's project proposal, granted by Anonymous donor.

Leaguetown High school is located in the rural west Texas with 900 students enrolled in grade 9-12.
About 85 percent of the students depend on the school transportation system, these bus rides often
take about an hour each way because of the massive district boundaries spanning over 250 miles. Taking
this matter in consideration, duting the fall Superintendent Kelli Putman proposed to add wireless
capabilities to the buses in order to make use of the time during the bus ride, she stated that " Because
of the size of our district, many students have very long bus rides every day. Some of our students sleep
on the bus, but most do not use the time wisely. Giving free Wi-Fi to our students will enable them to do
research, read news, or even watch educational videos each day. That time will no longer be wasted.
This change will positively impact academic productivity.

Her proposal was featured in the previous article last november, it caught the attention of a local
business and made an anonymous donation to equip the school buses with Wi-Fi. All buses will offer the
service to the students for free starting March 1. Superintendent Putman was very grateful to the
anonymous donor's generosity; "We are fortunate to have a local business who believes our students
deserve every opportunity to learn. I do not know who made the $25,000 denation, but I am very
grateful. That large donation will allow us t continue this service for at least three years. With the tight
budget and tough economic times, I thought my Wi-Fi proposal was a pipe dream. I want to thank the
donor for being so generous". Although the donor's identify remains unknown, Dr. Putman expressed
her depeest gratitude and how helpful their donation can be especially for the students who will benefit
from the project.

In addition, Superintendent Putman ensured the security of the students Internet access.Students
cannot access any games unless they are educationally-sound, and they can't access social sites or other
sites unsuitable for young adults. Dr. Putman also said she is working to get more grants so that every
high school student would receive a computer each school year.

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