Artwork Vocab

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artwork (n)

decorate (v)

Example: They decorated the room with flowers and balloons.

– depict (v)

Example: The artist had depicted her lying on a bed.

– painting (n)

Example: The Mona Lisa, a half-length portrait painting by Leonardo Da Vinci, is one of

the most famous artworks worldwide.

– portrait (n)

Example: He had his portrait painted in uniform.

– sculpture (n)

Example: a marble sculpture of Venus has been displayed at the new local museum.

– artistic (adj)

Example: She comes from a very artistic family.

– oil painting (n)

Example: Oil painting art was so appealing because of the brightness and richness of its

– art gallery (n)

Meaning: phòng triển lãm nghệ thuật

Example: In Britain, works of art are displayed in art galleries and, especially outside

London, in museums

– exhibition (n)

Meaning:triển lãm

Example: The Picasso exhibition has been held recently in the Museum of Art and


– display (v)

Example: The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity to display their work.

– illustrate (v)

Example: The mysterious creature was illustrated in detail in the artist’s paintings.

– landscape (n)

Example: The new successful artist specializes in landscapes.

– watercolor (n)

Example: Most of her paintings were done in watercolors.

– sophisticated (adj)

Meaning: tinh tế

Example: Mark is a smart and sophisticated young man.

-abstract (adj)

Meaning: trừu tượng

Example: the work of American abstract expressionists like Mark Rothko has been

displayed next month.

– contemporary (adj)

Meaning: đương đại

Example: The film paints a depressing picture of life in contemporary Britain.

– folk (adj)

Meaning: dân gian

Example: Many folk songs relate to the lives of ordinary people in past centuries.

– to enjoy beautiful work of art

Meaning: thưởng thức tác phẩm nghệ thuật

Example: Many people come to art museums to enjoy an enormous amount of beautiful

work of art.

– to create a masterpiece

Meaning: tạo ra một kiệt tác

Example: Artists spend a lot of time on creating a masterpiece.

– to be displayed at an art gallery

Meaning: được trưng bày ở triển lãm nghệ thuật

Example: Anna was trying her best so her artworks can be displayed at an art gallery.

– to appreciate the beauty of nature/humans:

Meaning: trân trọng vẻ đẹp của thiên nhiên/con người

Example: Enjoy landscapes paintings is a way of appreciating the beauty of nature.

– to live without:

Meaning: sống thiếu gì đó

Example: We mostly cannot live without art as a daily dose of entertainment.

– contemporary folk art:

Meaning: nghệ thuật dân gian đương đại

Example: Contemperary folk art has become one of the trendiest topics for artists to

express the link between the old and the new.

– to express one’s self

Meaning: thể hiện bản thân

Example: Artists choose to express themselves through their artworks.

– to be an inspiration to someone:

Meaning: trở thành nguồn cảm hứng cho ai đó

Example: Ancient Greek beauty has been an inspiration to countless contemporary


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