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Name: Phan Nguyen Dan Linh

Practice Test 1 (Improve Your Writing Skill)

Task 1: The graph below shows the changing patterns of access to
modern technology in homes in the UK (expressed in percentage
The given line graph illustrates the figure for British homes’ access to
four particular cutting-edge automation from 1994 to 2008.
Overall, domestic usage for all specific state-of-the-art machineries increased
steadily. Furthermore, the pattern of CD players access accounted for the
highest data for most of the period.
As can be seen from the line chart, over 45% poured into CD players,
which are the earliest modernized technology that appeared in the years 1994
and 1995. Over the next 1 year, British homes started approaching mobile
phones with a small figure (18%), before growing gradually to 85% in 2003.
Additionally, mobile phone usage fluctuated wildly, but the trend was upward
to 78% in 2003. From 2003 onwards, these proportions remained unchanged at
over 85% for CD players and nearly 80% for mobile phones.
Regarding the remaining details of the chart, internet connection first
appeared in 1998, which stood at around 10%, whereas the proportion of DVD
players access initially occurred in 2002 with 32%. Moreover, the year 2003
witnessed the same percentage in the number of internet connection and DVD
players approaches, with a half on each. The quantity of internet connection
access climbed slowly to nearly 70% compared to that of DVD players
approach went up sharply to 80% in 2005, but later rose steadily by 10% in the
last year of the period.
Task 2: People often find it difficult to adapt to new situations in their
lives. Why do you think this is? What measures can you suggest to
make it easier?
In today’s state-of-the-art world, acclimatizing to new situations is a
fundamental challenge that many individuals face throughout their lives. This
can be attributed to several factors, which calls for implementing certain
solutions to be adopted.
There are various underlying reasons why this transition is difficult to
adapt. One in particular could be human tendency towards familiarity and
routine. We are creatures of habit, and our comfort zones provide us with a
sense of security and stability. Stepping into a new situation disrupts these
familiar patterns, triggering feelings of uncertainty and discomfort. Another
point worth mentioning is the fear of the unknown. When people face new
situations where outcomes are uncertain, anxiety can arise. This fear can
paralyze individuals from fully engaging with new circumstances. For example,
starting a new job involving different responsibilities and expectations, the fear
of not meeting expectations or making mistakes initially made the transition
Nevertheless, several measures can be adopted to tackle this issue.
Firstly, humans should prepare and plan. Individuals can gather information
about the new situations, therefore, they can alleviate uncertainty. For instance,
before relocating for a job, researching the local culture and amenities help
workers deal with the changes ahead. Furthermore, people could maintain a
positive mindset as well as practice self-care. Individuals' perspective can be
shifted if they believe embracing change as an opportunity for growth and
learning rather than viewing it solely as a challenge. As a result, taking time to
rest, and prioritize physical and mental well-being can enhance resilience and
facilitate adjustment to new circumstances.
In conclusion, many reasons can be given to explain why it is laborious
for people to adjust to unfamiliar circumstances, and several actions can be
taken to address this issue. By addressing these challenges head-on, individuals
can navigate transitions more effectively and embrace personal development
opportunities that new situations offer.

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