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SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements

Final results record

Student name:

Assessor name:


Unit name: SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements

Qualification name:

Final assessment results


Task Type Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not submit

Assessment Task 1 Research report S U DNS

Develop and cost recipes

Assessment Task 2 S U DNS
for special diets

Assessment Task 3 Gathering feedback S U DNS

Overall unit results C NYC


◻ My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me.

◻ I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature: Date:

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SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements

◻ I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been
carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor signature: Date:

Introduction 3
Assessment for this unit 3
Assessment Task 1: Research report 4
Information for students 4
Activities 5
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 6
Assessment Task 2: Develop and cost recipes for special diets 8
Information for students 8
Activities 9
Assessment Task 2: Checklist 15
Assessment Task 3: Gathering feedback 18
Information for students 18
Activities 19
Assessment Task 3: Checklist 21

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SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements

Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary
requirements. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge
that you have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide
provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

● Assessment Task 1: Research Report – You must research and report on types of special
diets and dietary requirements.

● Assessment Task 2: Develop and cost recipes for special diets – You must develop eight
recipes for types of special diets and dietary requirements.

● Assessment Task 3: Gather feedback – You must gather and implement feedback on dishes

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SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements

Assessment Task 1: Research report

Information for students

In this task, you will research and report on types of special diets and dietary requirements.
You will need access to:

● your learning resources and other information for reference

● your Research Report Template.

Ensure that you:

● review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Hospitality Works
Student User Guide

● comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

● adhere with your ’s submission guidelines

● answer all questions completely and correctly

● submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

● submit a completed cover sheet with your work

● avoid sharing your answers with other students.

i Assessment information

Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the
Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

● where this task should be completed

● the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task

● whether or not this task is open-book.

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SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is
provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your has provided you with an
assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements

Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the following information.

In this task, you will research a range of contemporary special dietary requirements
which are part of Australian society in order to discover their:

● characteristics for:

o special lifestyle diets

o fad diets

o special medical diets

o food allergens

o special religious diets

You will also explore:

● the main customer groups that have special dietary requirements

● nutritional characteristics of the five food groups

● the key health and legal consequences of failing to address special dietary

● the basic principles and practices of nutrition

● recommendations of the Australian Dietary Guidelines

● nutrients and their food sources

● dietary and nutritional guidelines for various groups

● the roles of professionals who can assist with recipe planning

● suitable substitute ingredients

● ingredients that cause allergic reactions.

2. Research and report.

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A Research Report Template has been provided. Use the template to complete
your report and then submit it to your assessor.

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Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name:


Has the following been completed? Yes No Comments

The student has accurately described

the dietary and nutritional guidelines for
different groups:

● adolescents

● athletes

● children

● defence force personnel

● elderly people

● people in health care

● ill or injured people

● people with nutritional and energy

requirements due to physical

● people in areas affected by disaster

or environmental extremes

● people in remote areas.

The student has provided:

● an accurate description

● a health or other implication of

failing to address a special

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SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements


● a suitable adjustment, replacement

or substitute ingredient
for each of the diets or dietary regimes
listed in the Research Report Template.

The student has provided an accurate

definition of:

● food allergies

● food intolerances

● religious sanctions

● drug-food interactions

and provided two examples of each.

The student has identified possible

health and legal consequences of failing
to address the following scenarios:

● allergic reaction

● anaphylaxis

● food intolerance

● food sensitivity.

The student has accurately described

nutrients and their food sources:

● vitamins

● minerals

● fibre

● carbohydrates

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● fats

● protein

● water.

The student has accurately described

the role of professionals that assist
planning recipes including:

● allied health professionals

● dietitians

● medical specialists

● nutritionists.

◻ ◻
Task outcome:
Satisfactory Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Assessment Task 2: Develop and cost recipes

for special diets

Information for students

Tasks required for this unit

This unit of competency requires that you:

● develop recipes that comply with the dietary and nutritional guidelines for at least eight of
the following groups (one recipe for eight different groups):

o adolescents o people with nutritional and energy

requirements due to physical
o athletes
o children
o people in areas affected by disaster
o defence force personnel or environmental extremes

o elderly people o people in remote areas

o people in health care

● two of the eight recipes must reflect one or more lifestyle dietary requirements

● four of the eight recipes must address one or more medical dietary requirements

● two of the eight recipes must address one or more religious dietary requirements

● develop the above recipes demonstrating:

o basic principles and practices of nutrition.

Instructions for how you will complete these requirements are included below.

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Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this unit requires that you demonstrate your skills and
knowledge by evaluating the special dietary requirements of eight different
customer groups and developing and costing eight recipes that address those
The recipes that you develop must meet the special dietary requirements of eight
of the following groups (your assessor may advise which groups you are to

● adolescents

● athletes

● children

● defence force personnel

● elderly people

● people in health care

● ill or injured people

● people with nutritional and energy requirements due to physical condition

● people in areas affected by disaster or environmental extremes

● people in remote areas.

Two recipes must address one of more lifestyle dietary requirements, which could

● vegetarian

● vegan

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● lacto ovo

● pescatarian

● paleo

● raw

● ketogenic

● flexitarian.

Four recipes must address one or more medical dietary requirements, which could

● eating regimes:

o elimination

o macrobiotic

● exclusions for allergies, contraindications with medicines or food intolerance

● fat-free

● fluids

● food preferences

● food restrictions

● gluten-free

● high carbohydrate

● high or low energy

● high or low protein

● high fibre

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● low carbohydrate

● low cholesterol

● low fat

● low gluten

● low kilojoule

● low sugar

● modified sodium or potassium

● modified texture

● nutritional requirements

● portion size

● substitutes:

o gluten-free flour

o yeast-free flour

o non-sugar sweeteners

● sugar-free

● type one and two diabetes.

Two recipes must address one or more religious dietary requirements, which could

● halal

● Hindu

● kosher

● vegan

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● vegetarian.

It is important that you provide evidence that you have done all of these things and
we have provided you with two templates to work into. You will need eight copies
of the Dietary Requirements Template and a commodity list to complete the
Standard Recipe Card Template. We have also provided you with an Assessment
Summary Sheet, which will help you keep track of your requirements for this task.
You will need access to eight groups of customers to complete this task. For the
purposes of this assessment, your customers might be groups of fellow students,
groups of the customers of your ’s training kitchen or customers in your workplace.
When selecting your customers, carefully consider the criteria listed above and
read through the whole assessment to ensure that you will be able to meet all of
your requirements. Your assessor will assist you to identify a suitable customer

What do I need to demonstrate?

During this task, you will be required to demonstrate a range of the skills and
knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include:

● identifying the recipe requirements by:

o identifying the lifestyle, medical or religious recipe requirements of the

different customer groups
o following any dietary advice provided by other professionals (where

● developing recipes for special diets by:

o selecting a variety of suitable ingredients to meet specific requirements

o identifying appropriate combinations of food to meet macro and micro

nutrient requirements
o developing recipes that balance nutritional requirements and variety

o recommending food preparation, cooking and storage methods that

maximise the nutritional value of food
o assessing cost-effectiveness of proposed dishes.

● costing recipes by:

o itemising the components of each dish

o using standard measures

o calculating portion yields and costs

o using technology to cost recipes.

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How will I provide evidence?

You will complete the two templates that have been provided for the eight recipes.
The Assessment Summary Sheet will help you keep track of your requirements for
this task.

Tips for completing develop and cost recipes for special diets

● Read through this assessment and your templates before you get started and
make sure you understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to
your assessor and/or supervisor.

● Stay up to date! Providing organised, complete evidence forms part of your


● Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in,
Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!

2. Identifying the special dietary requirements of each group.

You will need access to eight groups of customers to complete this task. For the
purposes of this assessment, your customers might be groups of fellow students,
groups of the customers of your ’s training kitchen or customers in your workplace.
When selecting your customers, carefully consider the criteria listed above and
read through the whole assessment to ensure that you will be able to meet all of
your requirements. Your assessor will assist you to identify a suitable customer
Work with the customers from each of the eight groups that you identified earlier to
identify their special dietary requirements, food preferences and/or aversions. Keep
in mind that you will use this information to develop recipes which will meet their
needs so you will need to understand:

● their specific dietary requirements

● explain why you choose the recipe to meet the dietary needs

● ingredient choice - how the recipe balances nutritional requirements and


● any food labelling and interpretation

● how preparation, storage cooking methods effect nutrients

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● any consultant undertaken.

A Dietary Requirements Template has been provided to help you. You will use the
information developed in the Dietary Requirements Template to develop and cost
recipes in Step 3.
Save each document as ‘Dietary Requirements’ and include in the filename the
recipe connected with in the SRC. For example, ‘Dietary Requirement Medical 1’.

Record the customer food dietary requirements identified on the Dietary

Requirements template and submit to your assessor.

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3. Planning, costing and developing recipes.

Use the information that you developed in Step 2 of this assessment to plan, cost
and document eight recipes Your recipes must meet a range of dietary
requirements across the eight groups that you identified in Step 2.
Note: Keep in mind that there are set criteria for the types of recipes that you must
develop and cost. These are explained in Step 1 above and summarised in the
Assessment Summary Sheet that accompanies this guide.
Each recipe must:

● include a variety of suitable ingredients according to the special dietary needs

being addressed

● include appropriate combinations of food and meet the macro and micro
nutrient requirements of your customer/s

● balance nutritional requirements and variety

● recommend food preparation, cooking and storage methods to maximise the

nutritional values of the food

● be documented using spreadsheet and word processing programs.

A Standard Recipe Card Template has been provided for you to use. You must
complete the Standard Recipe Card Template electronically and each costing must
be completed using Excel or a similar package or the recipe costing software used
in your workplace or .

Record all recipe details and costings in the Standard Recipe Card spreadsheet
and submit to your assessor.

4. Submit your work.

Email your completed eight Dietary Requirements documents, your Standard

Recipe Card Spreadsheet and your Assessment Summary Sheet as evidence to
your assessor. Ensure that your files are named according to the file naming
conventions described earlier in this guide and that they are complete and well

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Assessment Task 2: Checklist

Student’s name:


Has the following been completed? Yes No Comments

The student has satisfactorily evaluated

the special dietary requirements of eight
customer groups.

The student has satisfactorily identified

two dietary, two religious and four
medical recipe requirements of different
customer groups.

The student has satisfactorily identified

two lifestyle dietary requirements.

The student has satisfactorily identified

four medical dietary requirements.

The student has satisfactorily liaised with

other professionals to identify and
confirm customer requirements if

The student has satisfactorily used

suitable foods to meet customer

The student has satisfactorily identified

appropriate combinations of food to meet
macro and micro nutrient requirements.

The student has satisfactorily ensured a

variety of nutrients in recipes.

The student has satisfactorily

recommended food preparation, cooking
and storage methods to maximise
nutritional value of food.

The student has satisfactorily developed,

costed and documented eight recipes

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that address the needs of eight different

customer groups, including:

● two lifestyle recipe requirements

● four medical dietary requirements

● two religious recipe requirements.

The student has satisfactorily calculated

expenditure items to determine
production costs of recipe items.

The student has satisfactorily calculated

portion yields and costs from ingredients

● standard measures

● standard yield test

● food cost percentage

● budgeted sales price

● GST.

The student has satisfactorily assessed

cost-effectiveness of proposed dishes
against budgetary constraints.

The student has satisfactorily

demonstrated knowledge of the
principles of nutrition including:

● factors influencing food choices

● food labelling

● role and implications of food

additives and preservatives

● potential health and reputational

implications of food choices

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● the role of good nutrition in avoiding

dietary disease

● the impact of cooking process on


● the Australian Dietary Guidelines.

The student has satisfactorily developed

recipes that considered customer
preferences and aversions.

◻ ◻
Task outcome:
Satisfactory Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Assessment Task 3: Gathering feedback

Information for students

In this task, you are required to analyse the customer satisfaction feedback provided in the
scenario supplied. You will then use that analysis to make recommendations on how the recipe
could be improved.
You will need access to:

● your learning resources and other information for reference

● your Recipe Feedback Template.

Ensure that you:

● review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Hospitality Works
Student User Guide

● comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

● adhere with your ’s submission guidelines

● answer all questions completely and correctly

● submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

● submit a completed cover sheet with your work

● avoid sharing your answers with other students.

i Assessment information

Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the
Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

● where this task should be completed

● the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task

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● whether or not this task is open-book.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is
provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your has provided you with an
assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the following information.

In this task, you are required to monitor and evaluate your recipes to determine if
your dishes will meet the dietary requirements of the relevant customer groups.
Select one recipe from each of the dietary types: lifestyle, medical and religious to
receive feedback on.
In this task you will need to meet with colleagues, customers and other
professionals to obtain feedback.
You will listen and respond to routine customer feedback and ask questions of
health and other professionals to determine the suitability of your recipe
choice and evaluate if it:

● meets the customer group’s special dietary requirements

● follows the basic principles and practices of nutrition

● follows the Australian Dietary Guidelines

● uses suitable ingredients, preparation, cooking and storage methods

● avoids ingredients that cause allergic reactions

● avoids the use of food additives and preservatives.

Note: if you are undertaking this task in a simulated commercial kitchen

environment your assessor will organise for people to play the roles of the
required personnel. Your assessor will provide you with details about who
these people will be and when you will get to engage with them.

2. Gather feedback.

Once you have created your dishes you need to evaluate them to determine if your
dishes will meet the dietary requirements of the customer group. Provide each of
your recipes to your colleagues, customers and industry specialists and request
their feedback. The feedback should be obtained in person or via video
conferencing software if you cannot meet the person ‘face to face’.
You will need to use effective listening and questioning techniques to gather
feedback from colleagues, customers and other professionals.

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SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements

You will need to evaluate the feedback given and make any changes required to
your recipes. As part of the process you need to consider the feedback and
whether it is suitable to the dish and the customers to which it is targeted.

Record the feedback received as well as what changes or improvements you would
make to your dishes on the Recipe Feedback template and submit to your
Also submit any recipes that were changed due to feedback.

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Assessment Task 3: Checklist

Student’s name:


Has the following been completed? Yes No Comments

The student has satisfactorily listened

and responded to customer feedback
and ask questions of health and other
professionals to determine recipe

The student has satisfactorily analysed

the suitability of recipes against dietary
goals, nutritional requirements and
customer needs.

The student has satisfactorily adjusted

recipes based on feedback and

◻ ◻
Task outcome:
Satisfactory Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements

Assessment Summary Sheet Template

Use this sheet to keep track of your assessment requirements for SITHKOP012 Develop recipes
for special dietary requirements.

Student name:

Student number:

Requirement 1 – Evaluate the dietary requirements of two customer groups

The student must evaluate the special dietary requirements of at least two customer

Groups Date

Group 1

Group 2

Requirement 2 – Develop and cost six menus or meal plans

The student must develop and cost six menus or meal plans that address the needs of
the customer groups identified in requirement 1. The menus or meal plans must, whether
in combination or individually, address at least six of the special dietary requirements
from the following list.

Menu/meal plan Dietary requirement Select six from this list

Menu/meal plan 1
□ eating regimes:
Menu/meal plan 2
□ elimination
Menu/meal plan 3
□ macrobiotic
Menu/meal plan 4

Menu/meal plan 5 □ exclusions for allergies,

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Menu/meal plan Dietary requirement Select six from this list

Menu/meal plan 6 contraindications with

medicines or food intolerance

□ fat-free

□ fluids

□ food preferences

□ food restrictions

□ gluten-free

□ high carbohydrate

□ high or low energy

□ high or low protein

□ high fibre

□ lacto ovo

□ low carbohydrate

□ low cholesterol

□ low fat

□ low gluten

□ low kilojoule

□ low sugar

□ modified sodium or potassium

□ modified texture

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Menu/meal plan Dietary requirement Select six from this list

□ nutritional requirements

□ portion size

□ substitutes:

□ gluten-free flour

□ yeast-free flour

□ non-sugar sweeteners

□ sugar-free

type one and two


Requirement 3 – Two menus/meal plans must reflect cultural or religious

dietary requirements
Two of the menus or meal plans must reflect one or more cultural or religious dietary
requirements from the following list:

□ halal

□ Hindu

□ kosher

□ vegan

□ vegetarian.

Cultural/religious dietary requirements Date

Menu 1

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Menu 2

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Requirement 4 – Two of the menus or meal plans must address the special
dietary requirements of different customer groups
Two of the menus or meal plans must address the special dietary requirements of different
customer groups from the following list:

□ adolescents

□ athletes

□ children

□ defence forces

□ elderly

□ health care

□ ill or injured

□ infants

□ international tourists

□ nutritional and energy requirements due to physical condition

□ people in areas affected by disaster or environmental extremes

□ people from different socioeconomic groups

□ people in remote areas

□ those with weight problems (underweight/overweight/obese).

Different customer groups Date

Menu 1

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Menu 2

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Dietary Requirements Template

For each recipe you will need to identify the customer’s special dietary requirements, food
preferences and aversions. You will need to complete one of these documents for each recipe.

Dietary requirements
Summarise the dietary requirements of the group. Your summary should include all:

● religious dietary requirements

● food intolerances or allergies

● eating/dietary trends and regimes

● nutrition goals

● contraindications with medicines

● any other dietary and nutrition needs of the group

● food restrictions

● customer preferences and aversions.

You should also include in your summary:

● a description of the health consequences of ignoring the special dietary requirements of the
people in the group

● a description of the process that you used to gather this information

● any liaison that you did with other professionals to identify and confirm the dietary
requirements of members of the group.

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Recipe choice
Explain your rationale for selecting the recipe – what are its merits? How does the dish address the
special dietary requirements of the customer?

Describe the steps that you took to respond to the customer’s dietary need. How did you access a
recipe which met the customer’s specific needs?

Ingredient choice
Describe how you chose ingredients suitable for meeting the customer’s nutritional needs. How did
you ensure that a combination of foods was chosen to meet the nutrient requirements of your
customer/s? How did you ensure balance of nutritional requirements and variety? How did the
ingredients chosen help in regards to dietary diseases and health implications of food choices?

Food labelling and interpretation

Describe how you reviewed the food labels to determine the suitability of ingredients. Were there
any implications of using food additives and preservatives?

Food preparation/storage/cooking methodology

Describe how the preparation, storage and cooking methods effect the nutrients.

Describe the cooking process that you used to ensure that the nutritional quality of the dish was
maintained. Why did you choose the process that you did? Why did you choose the equipment that
you did? Explain your choices. Use correct culinary terminology.

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What cooking methods did you use? How did you prevent cross contamination? How did you
ensure that the dish maintained equivalent nutritional value?

Who did you communicate with about the customer’s dietary need/s? Why did you choose this
person? What information did you seek? How did you clarify their exact requirements? How did you
negotiate an appropriate response with other members of your team? What specialist advice did
you seek? How did you ensure that you communicated clearly and effectively with other members
of your team to ensure that the customer’s needs were met?

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Recipe Feedback Template

Gathering feedback
Provide the eight recipes you have created in your Standard Recipe Card Spreadsheet to
colleagues, customers and industry specialists to evaluate.
Summarise the feedback that was given including any recommendations for changes.

Feedback received




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Adjust recipes
Did you receive any recommendations on how your recipe could be improved? How did you
determine if the recommendation is suitable? What changes will you make to your recipes based
on the feedback you were given?
You will need to submit to your assessor any recipes that were adjusted due to this feedback.

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Research Report Template

Complete the table for dietary and nutritional guidelines for the following groups. You will need to conduct research on the internet as well as various
publications. You will also need a copy of the Australian Dietary Guidelines that can be found at:
Other useful websites include:,
calculator,, file:///home/workpc/Downloads/eat-for-educator-

Vitamins and minerals Fibre Carbohydrates Fats Protein Water General Comments



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Vitamins and minerals Fibre Carbohydrates Fats Protein Water General Comments


Defence force


People in
health care

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Vitamins and minerals Fibre Carbohydrates Fats Protein Water General Comments

Ill or injured

People with
nutritional and
due to

People in
affected by
disaster or

People in
remote areas

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Nutritional characteristics of the five food groups

Complete the table for the nutrients for the main five food groups. The link file:///home/workpc/Downloads/eat-for-educator-guide.pdf is a good source of

Food group Grain (cereal) foods, Vegetables and Fruit Milk, yoghurt, Lean meat and
mostly wholegrain legumes/beans cheese and/or poultry, fish, eggs,
and/or high cereal alternatives, mostly tofu, nuts and seeds,
fibre varieties reduced fat legumes/beans

Main nutrients

Other significant

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Culinary characteristics and ingredients of special, lifestyle, medical and religious diets
Complete the following table by providing a brief description of each diet or regime, the health or other implications of failing to address the special
dietary requirement, and at least one suitable adjustment, replacement or substitute ingredient.

Special lifestyle implications of failing
Description replacement/
diets to address special
substitute ingredient

Lacto ovo



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Special lifestyle implications of failing
Description replacement/
diets to address special
substitute ingredient


Low or no fat

High or low

High or low

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Special lifestyle implications of failing
Description replacement/
diets to address special
substitute ingredient

Fad diets





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Special lifestyle implications of failing
Description replacement/
diets to address special
substitute ingredient


Special medical diets

Type one and two


Gluten free

Dairy free

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Special lifestyle implications of failing
Description replacement/
diets to address special
substitute ingredient


Modified texture

Low or no salt

Food allergens


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Special lifestyle implications of failing
Description replacement/
diets to address special
substitute ingredient

Tree nuts


Cow’s milk


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Special lifestyle implications of failing
Description replacement/
diets to address special
substitute ingredient


Sesame seeds

Soy or soy beans

containing gluten
and their products
namely wheat,
rye, barley, oats,
spelts and their
hybridised strains

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Special lifestyle implications of failing
Description replacement/
diets to address special
substitute ingredient



Special religious diets



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Special lifestyle implications of failing
Description replacement/
diets to address special
substitute ingredient


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Drug-food interactions, food allergies, food intolerances and religious dietary sanctions
Complete the following table by providing a brief definition of each of the following terms and providing two examples of each.

Term Definition Examples


Food allergy



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Key health and legal consequences of failing to address special requirements

Complete the following table by providing at least one health and one legal consequence of the following scenarios.

Scenario type Scenario Possible consequences

Allergic reaction A customer orders coffee and cake in a bistro during a busy weekend lunch Health consequences
service. At the time of ordering, they clearly state that they have an allergy to
eggs and egg products and check that the cake they are ordering is egg-free as
advertised on the menu. The waiter assures the customer that it is. When the
waiter takes the order through to the kitchen, they are careful to communicate to Legal consequences
the kitchen staff that the customer has an egg allergy and they write the allergy
carefully on the docket. However, when the cake is served, a sauce containing
egg protein is added to the plate and it is served to the customer. The customer
suffers an allergic reaction requiring hospitalisation.

Anaphylaxis A resident in an aged care facility has a known allergy to tree nuts causing Health consequences
anaphylaxis. The allergy is clearly recorded in the resident’s medical records, in
meal plans and as required by all the legislation. However, there is a change to
an ingredient in one of the sauces used in a standard recipe which is not picked
up when stock is delivered. The resident unfortunately consumes a tiny amount Legal consequences
of the sauce, suffers an anaphylactic reaction and passes away as a result.

Food sensitivity A customer asks the waiter at a restaurant if the prawn risotto has the food Health consequences
preservative ‘potassium sulphite’, as they have food sensitivity to it. It makes
them get a tingly mouth and itchy skin. The waiter asks the kitchen and they say
it doesn’t contain the preservative. The waiter informs the customer and they
order the prawn risotto. After eating the risotto the customer starts to become Legal consequences
itchy and has a tingly mouth. They inform the waiter. The waiter informs the

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SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements

Scenario type Scenario Possible consequences

kitchen and the chef checks all the ingredients to find out that green prawns are
sprinkled in potassium sulphite before they are frozen. This is displayed on the
packaging label.

Food A person with a food intolerance to lactose is eating at a new restaurant. They Health consequences
intolerance forget to advise the staff about their dietary issue and, when the meal is brought
to the table, they notice that it has been topped with cheese. The addition of
cheese wasn’t described on the menu. They then advise the staff they have a
lactose intolerance and ask them to return the dish to the kitchen and prepare a Legal consequences
new one. When the dish comes back to the table, the waiter assumes that it is
safe for them to eat. The next day, they suffer dietary symptoms similar to
having eaten lactose and the only thing that they can put it down to is the meal
that they had in the new restaurant. When they contact the restaurant, they
discover that the cheese was removed from the top of the dish and the same
dish was re-served. The restaurant advises the customer that there may have
been some cheese throughout the dish as well.

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SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements

Basic principles and practices of nutrition

Complete the following table for the seven nutrient groups and provide at least two examples of their food sources.

Definition Examples





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Definition Examples




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SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements

Role of professionals
Briefly explain the role of the following professional that may be involved in recipe planning for customers and provide an example of when you would
need to ask their advice.

Definition Role examples

Allied health


Medical specialists


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