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Error: Reference source not found Implementation of Solar

Powered Traffic Light

AROMEH, Jeremiah FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/ET/0638

ADAMU, Dogara FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/ET/0639
DANIEL, Francis FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/ET/0640
ABAH, Joshua FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/ET/0641
GBENDA, Aondowase Jeremiah FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/PM/1136
ISAH, Ibrahim FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/PM/1137
JENOM, Josiah FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/PM/1138
MUHAMMED, Usman Ahmed FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/PM/1139
PETER, Samuel Ayenajeh FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/PM/1140


JULY, 2023

Implementation of Solar Powered Traffic Light




AROMEH, Jeremiah FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/ET/0638

ADAMU, Dogara FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/ET/0639
DANIEL, Francis FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/ET/0640
ABAH, Joshua FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/ET/0641
GBENDA, Aondowase Jeremiah FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/PM/1136
ISAH, Ibrahim FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/PM/1137
JENOM, Josiah FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/PM/1138
MUHAMMED, Usman Ahmed FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/PM/1139
PETER, Samuel Ayenajeh FPN/S04/2021/2022/HEET/PM/1140

JULY, 2023


I/we hereby declared this project is all my/our own work and has not been copied in

part or in whole from any other sources. All previous project work, publications,

books, journals, magazines, internet sources have been adequately reference within

the main report and to an item in the references or bibliography lists.

Name: Signature: Date:

AROMEH Jeremiah
ADAMU Dogara
DANIEL Francis
ABAH Joshua
GBENDA A. Jeremiah
ISAH Ibrahim
JENOM Josiah
PETER S Ayenajeh

Project Supervisor


Head of Department



External Examiner:


Letter of Transmittal

School of Engineering Technology

Department of Electrical/Electronic

Engineering Technology

Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa

P.M.B 001

Nasarawa state.

The Head of Department

Electrical/Electronic Technology

Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa


Dear Sir,


In the compliance with the policy of the institution, which stipulate that every student

at the end of his//her programme in the school is expected to carry out a supervised

project on design and construction/implementation.

We/I hereby submit our/my project title Implementation of Solar Powered Traffic

Light in the partial fulfilment for the award of Higher National Diploma in
Electrical/Electronic Engineering in the Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa.

Yours faithfully

GBENDA, Aondowase Jeremiah

(For the group)


Our profound gratitude goes to God Almighty for his Divine protection,

wisdom, mercy, love throughout our studies and finally for a life time


Our infinite appreciation goes to our lovely family for their love, kindness

support and prays throughout my program.

Our sincere acknowledgment goes to our project supervisor for his

numerous engagements he devoted his time to go through and advise me in

every area of this work and life. May God continue to shower him with

abundant blessing Amen.

Our special thanks goes to my Head of Department (HOD) Engr. AHMED,

Sagir and all the Department Lectureres, may God bless you all for your

contribution and encouragement you have made to us.

Finally, we want to appreciation all our friends and all those who supported us

in one way or the other may Almighty God bless and reward you all.

Table of Contents

Item Page

Chapter 1 - Introduction..............................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................1
1.2 Background and Justification..........................................................................2
1.3 Aim and Objectives of Project/Research.........................................................3
1.3.1 Aim...........................................................................................................3

1.3.2 Objectives.................................................................................................3

1.4 Motivation.......................................................................................................3
1.5 Contribution to Knowledge...........................Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.6 Scope and Limitation of project......................................................................4
1.7 Structure of the Report....................................................................................4
Chapter 2 - Literature.............................................................................................- 5 -
2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................- 5 -
2.2 Theory of operation.....................................................................................- 7 -
2.3 Functionality...............................................................................................- 8 -
Chapter 3 - Methodology/Implementation..............................................................10
3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................10
3.2 Methods of Information collection and Information Utilisation...................10
3.2.1 Information collection............................Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2.2 Information Utilisation...........................Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.3 Project Requirements.....................................................................................10

3.4 Project Analysis.............................................................................................16
3.5 Project Design................................................................................................16
3.6 Complete Circuit Diagram Analysis..............................................................18
3.7 System Implementation/Coding....................................................................18
3.7.1 Soldering Implementation and Assembling procedure..........................20

3.8 System Operational Guide.............................................................................22

3.9 Bill of Engineering Management and Evaluation.........................................23
Chapter 4 - Test Measurement and Analysis...........................................................24
4.1 Introduction...................................................................................................24

4.1.1 System’s subunits test/measurement......................................................24

Chapter 5 - Conclusion/Recommendation...............................................................27
5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................27
5.2 Conclusion.....................................................................................................27
5.3 Recommendation...........................................................................................28
5.3.1 Discuss Project appraisal........................................................................28

5.3.2 Discussion of Problems encountered.....................................................28

5.3.3 Areas of Application..............................................................................28

5.3.4 Future improvement on the design.........................................................29

List of Figures
Figure Page

Figure 2.1 Batteries Series Connection.......................Error! Bookmark not defined.


The non-availability of electric power for traffic light signals on roads and
intersection has caused serious difficulties and danger to road users, hence the
application of solar energy to power these traffic lights. This paper proposes the
application of solar in powering traffic light with no power grid. A photovoltaic
system is used to capture the solar energy. The implemented system is simple,
low- cost and free of maintenance. Captured solar energy is saved into a 12 volts
lead-acid battery. A circuit including IC regulator is used to control the flow of
charge through the battery instead of a dc-dc converter that lower the price of
system controller. Timing of the traffic light is carried out via AVR ATMEGA16
microcontroller. Some software tools that have been used in this project are:
PROTEUS for simulation of the circuit, Code vision for programming AVR
microcontroller, and Microsoft Excel for plotting the captured data. Experimental
results for different angles of radiation at different times of the day are also
shown in this paper.

Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Introduction

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.1 Introduction
Traffic lights, traffic signals, or stoplights are signalling devices positioned at road

intersections, pedestrian crossings, and other locations in order to control the flow of

traffic.[3] Traffic lights consist normally of three signals, transmitting meaningful

information to drivers and riders through colours and symbols including arrows and

bicycles. The regular traffic light colours are red, yellow (also known as amber), and

green arranged vertically or horizontally in that order. Although this is internationally

standardised,[4] variations exist on national and local scales as to traffic light

sequences and laws.[5]

The Traffic light was introduced in December 1868 on Parliament Square in London

to reduce the need for police officers to control traffic. The first illuminated traffic

signal was installed in London, England, in 1868. It was manually turned and

consisted of two gas lamps, one red and one green, with semaphore arms atop a pole.

Shortly after its inauguration it blew up while the lamps were being lit and killed a

policeman. The first electric traffic signal was installed in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1914. It

consisted of a green and red light with a warning buzzer to indicate when the light

was about to change. The first signal to use the familiar green, yellow, and red lights

was installed in New York City in 1918. It was operated manually from an elevated

observation post in the middle of the street. In Los Angeles, traffic lights consisted of

green and red lights used in conjunction with a warning gong and a pair of semaphore

arms lettered "stop" and "go."

Since then, electricity and computerised control has advanced traffic light technology

and increased intersection capacity.[7] The system is also used for other purposes, for

July 2023 1
Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Introduction
example, to control pedestrian movements, variable lane control (such as tidal flow

systems or smart motorways), and railway level crossings.

Solar traffic lights are powered by solar panels and are quick to install and easy to

move. It is suitable for newly built intersections with large traffic flow and urgent

need for new traffic signal command and can meet the needs of emergency power

failure, power restriction, and other emergencies.

Traffic light assigns the right of way to road users by the use of lights in

standard colour (Red-Amber-Green). In a typically cycle, illumination of

the green light allows traffic to proceed in the direction denoted,

illumination of the amber light denoting it safe to, prepare to stop

short of the intersection, and illumination of the red signal prohibits any

traffic from proceeding.[1]

1.2 Background and Justification

The rapid growth of urbanization and the increasing number of vehicles on the roads

have posed significant challenges to traffic management and road safety. Traffic lights

play a crucial role in regulating and controlling vehicular movement at intersections,

ensuring smooth traffic flow and reducing the risk of accidents. Traditionally, traffic

lights have been powered by the electrical grid, relying on conventional energy

sources such as fossil fuels or nuclear power. However, the need for sustainable and

environmentally friendly solutions has led to the exploration of alternative energy

sources, such as solar power.

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Introduction

1.3 Aim and Objectives of Project/Research

1.3.1 Aim
The main aim of this project is to implement a solar powered traffic light
to control traffic at the School library’s /New admin block T- junction.

1.3.2 Objectives
The primary objective of this research work is to investigate the implementation of
solar-powered traffic lights and address the associated challenges. The study aims to
achieve the following specific objectives:

i. Explore the existing literature and research related to solar power applications

in traffic control systems, focusing on solar-powered traffic lights.

ii. Assess the technical feasibility and performance of solar-powered traffic lights

in different environmental conditions.

iii. Investigate the optimal design parameters for solar energy systems integrated

with traffic lights, considering factors such as solar panel technologies, battery

types, and system configurations.

iv. Develop an implementation framework for solar-powered traffic lights,

including guidelines for system design, installation, and integration into the

existing traffic control infrastructure.

v. Evaluate the economic and environmental benefits of solar-powered traffic

lights compared to conventional grid-powered systems.

1.4 Motivation
I noticed that most of the accident that occurs are in the T- junctions in the school and

vehicular movement are not coordinated in those areas and the need arises as an

electrical student, to provide solution towards that. And due to the constant

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Introduction
unavailability of power supply in the school, I decided to make use of photovoltaic

cell, which generate its own energy and serve as a power source to the system.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of project

This project focuses on the construction and the implementation of a traffic light

signal to be implemented in a T- junction.

This project is limited to routes with less traffic congestion because of the timing of

the signals and it is only applicable in T- junctions and not on a cross road

1.6 Structure of the Report

This section will discuss the layout of the report, the chapters are;

- Chapter 2 will look at literature on ……

- Chapter 3 this involve adopting engineering methodology, then implement

the methodology……………………….

- Chapter 4 this section will discuss test result, all measurement and analysis

will be carrying out……….

- Chapter 5 will state the conclusion, project appraisal, and recommendation.

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light

Chapter 2 - Literature

2.1 Introduction

The traffic light system is made up of all the components and circuits used to

realize to lighting effect at the output. Basically it consists of the power supply units,

the digital logic circuit and components, the power circuit and the traffic light

bulbs themselves. Each stage is directly connected to the other such that the last stage

gives the desires output. [3]

Most of the traffic junctions are fixed detection using RFID networks. Conventional

traffic signal systems are time based system has been proposed. This system uses

solar cells and cannot be varied as per varying traffic density. This is to power the

existing conventional traffic control units. It causes unnecessary delay in traffic

signal junctions. This doesn’t involve density based signalling. In [5] sensors also

involves lot of man power and energy for its based traffic control system has been

designed. Its operation and maintenance [15]. System uses photo-sensors to calculate

the density of the traffic on each junction and to change the signals. In [14]

Proposed System: Most of the traffic junctions are fixed also proposes similar

wireless sensors based system that type which uses constant timings for each cycle.

Even uses photo-sensors for traffic sensing. The proposed system consists of

following three main units, which coordinates with each other and manages the

traffic flow in the junctions efficiently and also prioritize the emergency vehicles in

each traffic zone. The below are the three units of the proposed system. Density

Detection System Emergency Vehicle Alert System Solar Power Supply y Density

Detection System: The density detection system consists of an IR LED and a

Photodiode which acts as an IR transmitter and receiver respectively. The system

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Traffic Light
uses Microcontroller AT89S52. Each zone in the traffic junction is monitored by

the IR photo sensors. These sensors monitor the density in the zone and provide

input to the Microcontroller unit. Microcontroller in turn will change the signal

timings as per the input provided by the sensors. If the density in a specific zone is

high, then IR sensors indicate the same to microcontroller unit which has been

programmed to increase the green light timings on that specific zone. Emergency

Vehicle Alert System: The purpose of emergency vehicle alert system is to

prioritize the signal for any emergency vehicles like ambulance, fire brigade. This

unit has two components. One is a RF encoder and transmitter circuit which will be

placed in the emergency vehicle. The second component is the RF decoder and

receiver which will be placed in the junction. Whenever the emergency vehicle

arrives at the junction, This program will simulate input, output voltages and the

driver can initiate a signal using the RF transmitter. Current through the battery. The

circuit built on Multisim this signal will be received in the junction RF receiver and

program is shown in FIG.3.1. The graph is obtained by the microcontroller unit will

set the green light for the zone running a DC sweep simulation for V1, the voltage

sweeps in which emergency vehicle is present. Rest all other from 13 V to 20 V. The

corresponding values of the zones will be set to red signal allowing the emergency

current are graphed against the voltage values. Vehicle to reach the destination as

soon as possible. Solar Power Supply: The solar power supply unit consists of an

array of solar cells connected in parallel or series to produce DC electricity with

desired parameters. The charge controller/DC-DC converter device is a two in one

component which does two main functions. This device protects the battery from

overcharging and deep discharging, which is very important to protect the battery and

to increase its life span. It basically takes voltage supplied by solar panel and drops it

down to 12 Volts and supplies both battery and the light panel. This is mainly Fig.

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light
3.2: Battery Current vs. Solar Panel Voltage because the solar panel output may vary

up to 25V which can result in damage of the circuit components Signal Flowchart:

The flow chart in FIG.4 represents the Design and Simulation of a Charge

Controller: A charge system with emergency vehicle alert. controller or charge

regulator is basically an voltage and/or current regulator to keep batteries from

overcharging. A charge controller or charge regulator is basically a voltage and/or

current regulator to keep batteries from overcharging. It regulates the voltage

(V) and current (A) coming from the solar panels going to the battery. Most "12

volt" panels put out about 20-25 volts, so if there is no regulation the batteries will be

damaged from overcharging. Most of the batteries need around 14 to 14.5 volts to

get fully charged. The simple charge controller will be implemented using the

Multisim program.

2.2 Theory of operation

In the theory, solar energy was used by human as early as 7 century B.C. So in

conclusion traffic light or signal are erected at a junction side or above the roads to

give instructions or provide information to road users and it can also be

grouped into several types’ danger warning sign, priority signs, special regulations

signs, facilities, information or service signs, direction, position, or indication

signs. “Solar traffic lights are suitable for providing traffic signalling or highway

blinkers application without having to rely on electric grid [5]. They are easy to

set up and operate. They also require very little to no maintenance as they have no

moving part. The vehicle concentration or density will be detected by the IR

LEDs and photodiodes. The controller will take the data from IR communication

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Traffic Light
taking place in between IR Transmitter and IR Receiver. The microcontroller

Arduino will process this received data and show the signals through red, yellow

and green LED’s along with that controller will also ensure the delivery of the

sensor data to users in form of a user friendly website where the people could

watch the live traffic status. For the manual control operation, the authorized

person will send the request to the server with the login data i.e. the username and

password. The server will match the user entered data with the pre-stored values,

after successful matching the server will open the page from which the user can set

the direction in which he/she wants to display the green signal light [6]

The user after entering on the control page will be asked which mode of operation

he/she would like to keep for the traffic. There are two options being provided one

manual and the other is automatic. First, he/she have to select the manual mode

and then as the user will click on opening a specific lane i.e. turning the green

signal for that specific lane, the microcontroller will stop taking the data

from IR

Communication and will open the requested lane by showing the green signal in

twenty seconds. When the authorized person is done its work, he/she will

again have to set the control to automatic mode for the proper functioning of

traffic. Then he/she can log out by clicking on the log out button, the server will

redirect to the monitoring page [5].

2.3 Functionality
Efficient data management and analysis are essential for an effective real-time

tracking system. This section reviews literature on data collection, storage, and

analysis techniques for traffic management systems. It examines approaches such as

cloud computing, big data analytics, and machine learning that can be utilized to

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Traffic Light
process and analyze the data collected from the tracking system. It explores studies

and practical experiences that have identified and addressed the unique requirements

of tracking and managing solar-powered traffic lights.

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Traffic Light Literature

Chapter 3 - Methodology/Implementation

3.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the methodology and implementation details for the research on the

implementation of solar-powered traffic lights. The chapter outlines the research approach,

data collection methods, and the steps taken to implement and evaluate the solar-powered

traffic light system. The primary objective of this chapter is to provide a clear understanding

of the research methodology and the practical aspects of implementing solar-powered traffic


3.2 Data types used

3.2.1. Primary Data
I gather my research work through the following ways.

 Interviews
 Surveys
 Focus groups work
 Observation and
 Experiments

3.2.2. Secondary Data

The methods and sources of secondary data collected; the available methods of data

collections are mentioned.

 Google and Google Scholar Search to research on the previous related work.

 Library for any documentation stored on the related work

 Surfing Internet source

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Literature

 Reading Journals

3.3 Project Requirements

Components used for the implementation of solar powered traffic light are as follows

 Step up converter
 GSM module
 Vero board
 MPPT Charge controller
 Resistor
 Capacitor
 Solar panel
 GSM module
 Single frequency buzzer
 N channel MOSFET
 ATMega32A
 Step down converter
 Button LED
 12v Battery
 Female DC header
 1.5 mm cable

Step up Converter

A DC-to-DC converter is an electronic circuit or electromechanical device that convert

a source of direct current from one voltage level to another. It is a type of electric

power converter. Power levels range from very low to high.

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Literature

Vero board

Vero board is the generic name for a widely used type of electronics prototyping
material for circuit boards characterized by a pre-formed 0.1 inches regular grid of
holes, with wide parallel strips of copper cladding running in one direction all the way
across one side of on an insulating bonded paper board.

Figure 3.5 Vero Board

Charge Controller

A charge controller, charge regulator or battery regulator limits the rate at which

electric current is added to or drawn from electric batteries to protect against electrical

overload, overcharging, and may protect against overvoltage.

Fig 3.6Charge Controller


A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical

resistance as a circuit element

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Literature

Figure 3.7 resistor


A capacitor is a device that stores electrical energy in an electric field. It is a passive

electronic component with two terminals.

Figure 3.8capacitor

Solar Panel

Solar panels are those devices which are used to absorb the sun's rays and convert

them into electricity or heat. Description: A solar panel is actually a collection of solar

(or photovoltaic) cells, which can be used to generate electricity through photovoltaic


Figure3.8.1 Solar Panel

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Traffic Light Literature


ATmega328P is a high performance yet low power consumption 8-bit AVR

microcontroller that's able to achieve the most single clock cycle execution of 131

powerful instructions thanks to its advanced RISC architecture. It can commonly be

found as a processor in Arduino boards such as Arduino Fio and Arduino Uno.

Figure 3.9 ATMEGA 328P

System Coding (optional)

Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software was used to create the

system code. This software was used because Arduino is an open-source electronics

platform based on easy-to-used hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to

read input – light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a twitter message – and turn it into

an output – activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. Arduino

programming language (based on Wiring), and the Arduino Software (IDE) based on

processing are used to tell what board to do by sending a set of instructions to the

microcontroller on the board.

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3.4 Project Analysis

3.5 Project Design

Power Supply Unit

The power supply unit of this system is made up of a solar system, which comprises of a

solar panel of 20watts, charger controller of 30A, battery of 7.5Ah 12v.

When solar energy radiates of the panel its generates electrical energy and moves to the

charger controller which regulates the current going to the battery and to the load, the battery

serves as a power storage when the sun goes down

Microcontroller Unit (Pic16f887)

A Microcontroller is a functional computer system-on-a-chip. It contains a processor core,

memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. Microcontrollers include an integrated

Central Processing Unit (CPU), memory (a small amount of Random Access

Memory,program memory, or both) and peripherals capable of input and output.[CITATION

Wik081 \ 2057]

It emphasizes high integration, in contrast to a microprocessor which only contains a CPU.

In addition to the usual arithmetic and logic elements of a general purpose microprocessor,

the microcontroller integrates additional elements such as read-write memory for data

July 2023 15
Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Literature

storage, read-only memory for program storage, Flash memory for permanent data

storage,peripherals, and input/output interfaces.

Microcontrollers consume relatively very little power, and can continue operating while

waiting for an event such as a button to be pressed. This makes them ideal for low power

and long lasting battery applications.

The integration of a CPU, Memory and Data storage makes them preferable to

Microprocessors which contain only a CPU and would require a separate memory and data

storage device. They are also relatively less expensive.

There are different types of Microcontrollers and from different Manufacturers.They are

classified based on their hardware architecture and also based on the size of their Data bus (8

bit, 16 bit or 32 bit). Two of the most popular manufacturers are Microchip,which produces

the PIC series, and AVR, which produces the Atmel series. The Microcontrollers range from

the basic Low memory types to those with in-built Analog-to-Digital converters and Pulse

Width Modulation.

For the purpose of this Project, the PIC16F887 is a suitable choice for the following reasons:

i. It is readily available in Nigeria at Electronics retail stores

ii. It is based on a Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) cnfiguration and has only

35 instructions.

iii. It has 24/35 I/O pins with individual direction control and high current source/sink

for direct LED drive.

iv. It has direct, Indirect and Relative Addressing modes.

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Traffic Light Literature

3.6 Complete Circuit Diagram Analysis

Figure 3.6 The Internal View Traffic Light

This circuit is designed for use in areas where there is no electricity or where power

cuts are frequent. Solar panels and batteries are collected in a single area and power

distribution is made with the help of cables. High efficiency solar panels and gel

batteries are used in the solar system.

3.7 System Implementation

3.7.1 Hardware Implementation:

The traffic light controller system design is employed by synthesizing the VHDL structural

code model. Then, using Xilinx ISE 14.7 tools, the bit file is generated and downloaded to

the FPGA Spartan 3E development kit xc3s500efg320. The system’s outputs are more than
July 2023 17
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the LED on FPGA, then the LEDs display one state or use the supporting chip (expansion)

external pin diligent (FX2 MIB). The real-time implementation of TLC and Chip-Scope

implementation is demonstrated in Figures 6 and 7 respectively. The system design provides

the implementation of the hardware system besides the software. The hardware

consumptions are listed in Table 3.

Fig. 6. FPGA implementation of TLC system

Software simulation

Traffic Light Controller Based on Arduino:

This sub-section briefly explains the features and characteristics of the Arduino Mega

microcontroller which was used to realize the signal flow in the TLC system. Generally,

Arduino is an open-source platform which is where the creator of a hardware /software

allows the end-user access to their end product‘s design and realization. This means that the

July 2023 18
Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Literature

end-users have an opportunity to change or modify how the software works or looks and

redistribute it.

The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board depending on the ATmega2560. A reset

button, a power jack, a USB connection, and the other features which are summarized in

Table 4 are attached on the board. It includes everything required to support the

microcontroller; it is powered through an AC-to-DC adapter or battery or can be linked to a

computer through a USB cable to get started. The Arduino mega 2560 top view is shown in

figure 8. The Atmega2560 on the Arduino Mega comes pre-burned with a boot-loader that

permits the user to upload new code to it without using an external hardware programmer.

The programming language of Arduino looks like the Programs of C++ [20].

3.7.1 Soldering Implementation and Assembling procedure

At this stage of construction, the various components to be used for the project were placed

on the Vero board after the constructional diagram was prepared; the constructional

diagram is the diagram that presents the actual look of the project on the board. And it

formed the basis of the components placement which was achieved using the diagram.

After the components have been placed on the Vero board, soldering of the

components was carefully carried out using soldering tools which were soldering

irons, the lead socket, lead, soldering brush and cutter. The components were carefully

soldered on the Vero board by applying the necessary soldering skills to ensure that the

components were well soldered.

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Literature

The circuit was tested after the completion of the soldering work. The hardware and

software were integrated and the entire circuit was tested to verify if there was

desirable output before casing the board.

A case was made for this project after all the tests have been done. This was used to protect

the circuit from being damaged and to make the whole project presentable and portable.

The construction part is shown in appendices A and B.

After the components have been placed on the Vero board, soldering of the

components was carefully carried out using soldering tools which were soldering

irons, the lead socket, lead, soldering brush and cutter. The components were carefully

soldered on the Vero board by applying the necessary soldering skills to ensure that the

components were well soldered.

The circuit was tested after the completion of the soldering work. The hardware and

software were integrated and the entire circuit was tested to verify if there was

desirable output before casing the board.

A case was made for this project after all the tests have been done. This was used to protect

the circuit from being damaged and to make the whole project presentable and portable.

The construction part is shown in appendices A and B.

The device was soldered on Vero board, Vero board was used in this project because of it

availability and cost effectiveness. Printed circuit board is highly cost and takes long

process in designing but works in high efficiencies

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Literature

3.8 System Operational Guide

The program was written based on a flow chart which analyses the flow of tasks

expected to be performed by the microcontroller as shown in figure 3-10. The arrows

in the chart show the flow of tasks execution from the start to the return end of the

operation. The chart consists of basically three stages of execution which also

represent the five major segments of the program.

Stage 1: This is the initiation stage in which the microcontroller communicates to the

GSM module and LCD.

Stage 2: This stage deals with the communication between the GSM Module ESP8266

and mobile.

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Literature

3.9 Bill of Engineering Management and Evaluation

S/N Description Quantity Rate Amount
N/Unit (N)

Grand Total N

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Literature

Chapter 4 - Test Measurement and Analysis

4.1 Introduction
This chapter provides a vivid discussion pertaining to; tests, results, limitation and/or

Problems encountered during the period of the implementation. Testing was carried

out on each component or section that makes up the circuit to ensure the proper

satisfaction of the software design. The debugging was carried out using the Arduino

IDE. A step debugging was performed to ensure that each section of the code was

correctly debugged to ensure proper functionality. This is a Proteus feature that allows

you to step into the program while simultaneously viewing the registers and flag

settings. Testing was also done to ensure that the system's capabilities, feedback, and

response were all working properly.

4.2 Test and Measurements

4.2.1 System’s subunits test/measurement

The components used for the implementation of this system were tested on a

breadboard for better performance and were later transferred to the Vero board and

soldered. The heat applied during soldering was just moderate to avoid damage to the

Vero and the components since most of the components have low heat resistance. The

test equipment includes;

• Power supply test-Digital multimeter to measure voltage, current, resistance

and check for continuity

• Arduino test- Arduino sketch compilation

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Literature

• Proteus simulation software test

• Signal time delay test

Power Supply Test

The power supply test was to ensure that the various voltage levels required at various

points in the circuit were readily available. The supply voltages required for the

project include the 5V which is supplied to the Arduino nano and. The other supply

voltage is the input used to power the Arduino nano of input 12VDC and output

24VDC. The power supply test was conducted by placing the multi-meter test leads at

various testing points and the range switch positioned at the correct voltmeter range.

Arduino IDE Test

The Arduino IDE is an open-source software, which is used to write and upload code

to the Arduino boards, the program or code written is often called as sketching. [12]

The Arduino code were compiled in an Arduino based software to check for any

programming errors or bugs, the test was carried out successfully.

Proteus Simulation Software Test

The proteus simulation software is a proprietary tool suite used primarily for electron-
ic design automation. The software is used mainly by electronic design engineers and
technicians to create schematics and electronic prints for manufacturing printed circuit
boards. All the components were placed in proteus simulation software and simulated
with the Arduino sketching and simulation was successful.

Signal Time Delay Test

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Traffic Light Literature

This test is carried out in other to know the working principle of the traffic indicator in

other to give functional operating time that will be suitable and convenient for it user.

When the test was carried out on the several singnal indication of the traffic light on

which the test result is show in figure 4.1

4.3 Analysis of Result

After the test was carried out, results were obtained. Table 4.1 shows the results

obtained when the system was powered, once the circuit is powered, microcontroller

send commands to the LED to display “the sign indicator of various directions”.

Meaning of the colour on the traffic signs using LED bulbs

Amber means ready

Green means go

Red means stop

Table 4.1 Results of time delay

Colour Time delay

Amber (Yellow) 10se

Red 60sec

Green 60sec

NOTE: the time delay is adjustable when there is need to adjust the time delay dew to

over population or under population of road users.

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Motor LightControl Reference

Chapter 5 - Conclusion/Recommendation

5.1 Introduction
In this system we have the magnetic sensor that sends signal through the

Arduino board. Whenever the magnetic sensor sends signal through Arduino

board the light changes in favour of me lean with vehicles. Here we have

used which is Arduino board.

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5.2 Conclusion

5.2.1 Solar p o w e r e d traffic light system was presented. The

system has four major parts: PV fixed-array, charge controller,
lead-acid battery and traffic light. Crystalline silicon solar cells
were used in this project because it is the most favourable type
for traffic stop light signals, due to its availability in the market,
and its higher efficiency. The timing sequence of light signals was
managed via an AVR microcontroller. In order to regulate voltage
of PV array, IC regulator was employed instead of conventional
buck-boost dc-dc converter which reduced the price of the
control system. Lead acid battery was employed since these
batteries are relatively inexpensive and have a longer lifetime
compared to other batteries for energy storage. The LED stop light
is energy efficient and has a long life span and low maintenance
costs. The experimental results shows that angle of array, time of
day and different days of the year are effective to capture the
highest power. In order to capture maximum power, movable array
that can changes the angle is more effective which can be used for
high power applications.

5.3 Recommendation

5.3.1 Discuss Project appraisal

- Your project appraisal will review the proposed goals and objectives, then

compare the final product if the goals are achieved or not.

- State the goals or objectives not achieved

- State reason(s) your goals or objectives where not achieved.

5.3.2 Discussion of Problems encountered

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Implementation of Solar Powered
Motor LightControl Reference
Problem: For the project to meet our target there is problem with
programming the Arduino nano to interface with the hardware used.
Solution: Institution should venture on grooming it student on programming

scheme with adequate particle work.

Problem: we encounter many problem on components failures, malfunction

and also the problem as to get access to the components ease, before we get

some of the component we have to pass so many processes so as to convert

our local currency to the exchange international countries were we can get the


Solution: Nigeria should encourage investor on investing on the production of

electrical and electronics material here in Nigeria to enable ease access to the

component by the users and it will increase high standard of technical practices.

5.3.3 Areas of Application

This project work is applicable in rural and urban area were traffic

light are needed or where there is need for non-interruptible power supply

5.3.4 Future improvement on the design

To include a program that will indicates to driver’s presences of emergency vehicles,

to included programs in the system that will determine the density of the traffics. And

also a programme that can shows the diagnostic of where a fault is coming from and

the battery capacity to make maintenance easier.

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Implementation of Solar Powered
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