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Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

Unit 16: Social and Political Stratification

Lesson 2: Social Mobility Systems

Name: Date:

Section: Teacher: Score:

A Short Story of Social Mobility 60 minutes

This activity aims to make you apply the concepts you learned and incorporate
real-life situations you observe to create a story.

1. Choose a system of social mobility.
2. Write a short story that depicts this system following these guidelines:
a. Use a character whose situation you will write about.
b. You can use another country or time period as a content.
c. Write at least 10 sentences.
d. Include real-life examples as much as possible.

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Unit 16: Social and Political Stratification
Lesson 2: Social Mobility Systems


Title: ________________________________________






















Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Unit 16: Social and Political Stratification
Lesson 2: Social Mobility Systems

Suggested Rubric

Performance Levels

Criteria 1 2 3 Score
Beginning Average Advanced
Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency

Structure The sentences The sentences The sentences are

are poorly have a clear clearly
constructed and structure but constructed and
need further with several have minimal
guidance in grammar, errors in
grammar, mechanics, and grammar,
mechanics, and spelling errors. mechanics, and
spelling. spelling.

Application No concept from Some concepts Concepts from

the lesson is used are not properly the lesson are
or applied in the used in the story. appropriately
story. used and applied
in situations.

Sufficiency The facts are The facts are well The facts are well
of Facts poorly established and established and
established and provide adequate provide adequate
provide support for support for
inadequate illustrating the enriching the
support for learner’s idea. learner’s idea.
illustrating the
learner’s idea.

Total Possible Score 9

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