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1. Affiliation (noun)
- Definition: a relationship or connection with an institution, group, or cause.
- Example: My affiliation with the university ended after I graduated.
2. Baleful (adjective)
- Definition: threatening or menacing in an evil way.
- Example: The villain had a baleful glare that sent chills down everyone's spine.
3. Choreography (noun)
- Definition: the art of designing sequences of movements in dance.
- Example: The ballet's choreography was intricate and beautiful.
4. Collaboration (noun)
- Definition: the act of working together on a project or task.
- Example: The software was developed through close collaboration between
engineers and designers.
5. Conventional (adjective)
- Definition: following or conforming to accepted norms or traditions.
- Example: Their wedding ceremony was quite conventional, with the bride wearing
6. Dissension (noun)
- Definition: disagreement or conflict within a group.
- Example: Dissension arose among the committee members over the proposed
budget cuts.
7. Euphoria (noun)
- Definition: an intense feeling of happiness, excitement, or well-being.
- Example: The team celebrated their victory with euphoria after winning the
championship game.
8. Exotic (adjective)
- Definition: strikingly unusual or strange in effect or appearance.
- Example: The tropical resort had an exotic ambiance with its lush gardens and
vibrant colors.
9. Explicate (verb)
- Definition: to analyze and explain in detail.
- Example: The professor explicated the complex poem line by line for the class.
10. Finesse (noun)
- Definition: skill or dexterity, especially in handling or manipulating something.
- Example: The magician performed the trick with great finesse, leaving the audience
11. Fiduciary (adjective)
- Definition: involving trust, especially with regard to the relationship between a
trustee and a beneficiary.
- Example: The lawyer had a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of her client.
12. Glutinous (adjective)
- Definition: having a sticky, gluey, or viscous quality.
- Example: The glutinous rice pudding had a thick and creamy texture.
13. Hedonistic (adjective)
- Definition: devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification.
- Example: His hedonistic lifestyle involved frequent indulgences in fine dining and
luxury travel.
14. Hesitant (adjective)
- Definition: slow to act or proceed because of uncertainty or unwillingness.
- Example: She was hesitant to accept the job offer because it required relocating to
a new city.
15. Homage (noun)
- Definition: respect or honor shown towards someone or something.
- Example: The artist's new exhibition was a homage to the works of the Renaissance
16. Inference (noun)
- Definition: a conclusion or opinion formed based on evidence and reasoning.
- Example: From the muddy footprints, she made the inference that someone had
entered the house.
17. Irrelevant (adjective)
- Definition: not relevant or applicable to the current situation or context.
- Example: The judge ruled that the witness's testimony was irrelevant to the case.
18. Jocular (adjective)
- Definition: characterized by joking or jesting.
- Example: The comedian's jocular tone kept the audience laughing throughout the
19. Limber (adjective)
- Definition: bending or flexing easily and freely.
- Example: The gymnast's limber body allowed her to perform impressive
20. Luxuriant (adjective)
- Definition: abundant, lush, and thriving.
- Example: The luxuriant foliage in the rainforest created a dense canopy overhead.
21. Matriarch (noun)
- Definition: a woman who is the head or most respected member of a family or group.
- Example: As the matriarch of the family, Grandmother's wisdom guided all
important decisions.
22. Patriarch (noun)
- Definition: a man who is the head or most respected member of a family or group.
- Example: The patriarch of the tribe led the ceremonial rituals and traditions.
23. Purge (verb)
- Definition: to remove or eliminate something unwanted or undesirable.
- Example: The computer technician recommended purging unnecessary files to free
up disk space.
24. Propagate (verb)
- Definition: to cause something to spread or to be transmitted.
- Example: The social media post propagated the rumor across the internet within
25. Quell (verb)
- Definition: to suppress or put an end to something, especially a rebellion or
- Example: The police used tear gas to quell the violent protests in the city center.
26. Reiterate (verb)
- Definition: to repeat or restate something, especially for emphasis or clarification.
- Example: The instructor reiterated the importance of following proper safety
protocols in the lab.
27. Revulsion (noun)
- Definition: a strong feeling of disgust or loathing.
- Example: The sight of the decaying animal carcass filled her with revulsion.
28. Skirmish (noun)
- Definition: a minor or preliminary conflict or fight.
- Example: There were a few skirmishes between the two armies before the full-scale
war began.
29. Traverse (verb)
- Definition: to travel across or through something.
- Example: The hikers traversed the rugged mountain terrain with caution.
30. Wizened (adjective)
- Definition: shriveled or wrinkled due to age or experience.
- Example: The wizened farmer's face was deeply lined from years of working in the

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