J of App Behav Analysis - Spring 1992 - Horcones - NATURAL REINFORCEMENT A WAY TO IMPROVE EDUCATION

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In 1984, B. F. Skinner wrote "The Shame of reinforcers can be manipulated or controlled easily
American Education," a paper that could have been by members or groups-so we needed an alter-
tided "The Shame of World Education," because native to contrived reinforcement. We also wanted
education is universally in a shameful condition. In to identify reinforcers that individuals could receive
his article, Skinner says, "Give the students and without the mediation of another person, and that
teachers better reasons for learning and teaching. contribute to making the natural consequences of
That is where the behavioral sciences can make a behavior reinforcing. As a result of this investiga-
contribution. They can develop instructional prac- tion, we have termed the alternative reinforcers
tices so effective and so attractive in other ways that "natural reinforcers."
no one student, teacher, or administrator-will Unfortunately, natural reinforcement often has
need to be coerced into using them" (p. 950). The not been experimentally studied from a behavior-
science of behavior analysis already has made valu- analytic perspective, and the concept itself has been
able contributions to education (Bijou & Baer, 1978; vague (cf. Ferster, 1967; Horcones, 1983; Kazdin,
Heward, Heron, Hill, & Trap-Porter, 1984; Hol- 1975; Skinner, 1957; J. Vargas, 1977).
land, Solomon, Doran, & Frezza, 1976; Keller,
1968; Skinner, 1968, 1973, 1989; Stewart & Var-
gas, 1990; Sulzer-Azaroff & Meyer, 1986; J. Var- DEFINING NATURAL
In 1980, Los Horcones community initiated a The Concept of Consequence
research project on alternatives to contrived or ar- The term natural reinforcement has been de-
tificial reinforcement. The present paper summa- fined in various ways. The definition we use is based
rizes procedures used within our community, and
on the more general concept of consequence. The
proposes the use of natural reinforcement as a way definition of the term consequence we propose refers
of maximizing the effectiveness of positive rein- to events produced by a behavior, whether or not
forcement in the field of education. The rationale they affect subsequent responding (Horcones,
for these procedures is related to our philosophy 1987). The concept of postcedent suggested by E.
that possession and control of reinforcers by a par- Vargas (1984, 1985) identifies a related concept:
ticular individual or by a group interferes with our A postcedent follows responding whether or not it
development as a Walden Two culture (Horcones, was produced by responding, and whether or not
1982a, 1982b, 1985, 1986a, 1986b, 1986c, it affects subsequent responding.
1989, 1991; Skinner, 1976). Contrived or artificial
We wish to express our appreciation and thanks to Philip
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Consequences
N. Hineline for his helpful suggestions and comments. Spe- Consequences can be classified as intrinsic or
cial thanks are extended to Edward K. Morris, Sidney W. extrinsic according to their origin (Horcones, 1987).
Bijou, and Janet Bijou for their thoughtful comments on
earlier versions of this manuscript. A more complete version Intrinsic consequences originate in the behavior it-
of this paper was presented at the Fourteenth Annual Con- self; they are the natural or automatic results of
vention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Milwaukee, responding (Vaughan & Michael, 1982). For ex-
Wisconsin, May 1989. ample, the repertoires we call knowing are intrinsic
Correspondence regarding this artide should be addressed
to Comunidad Los Horcones, Apdo. Postal #372, Hermo- results of studying (Horcones, 1983). Extrinsic con-
sillo, Sonora, 83000, Mexico. sequences originate in sources other than the be-
19383703, 1992, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1901/jaba.1992.25-71 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [05/03/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

havior itself; for example, getting an approving strengthening). However, although we can condi-
remark from a teacher. Both intrinsic and extrinsic tion a natural consequence as a reinforcer, it is more
consequences may or may not function as reinforc- effective to use certain additional strategies (Hor-
ers. cones, 1983). We recommend the following se-
Intrinsic consequences have also been called nat- quence.
ural consequences (Horcones, 1983; Skinner, 1982; 1. Select the target behavior.
J. Vargas, 1977). Some behavior analysts define a 2. Identify the natural consequences of the se-
natural reinforcer based on the setting in which it lected behavior.
occurs (cf. Ferster, Culbertson, & Perrott, 1975; 3. Select intrinsic consequences to condition as
Kazdin, 1975; Sulzer-Azaroff & Mayer, 1977). natural reinforcers those that are most relevant to
Other behavior analysts define a natural reinforcer the educational setting. A particular student's be-
as an automatic product of behavior (cf. Skinner, havior can have several intrinsic consequences, and
1957;J. Vargas, 1977; Vaughan & Michael, 1982). not all of them are equally relevant. For example,
The problem associated with using the term nat- intrinsic consequences of writing could be the noise
ural to dassify a reinforcer that is highly available made by the pencil when marking on the paper or
in a particular setting is that what is natural varies the forms and size of the marks made on paper.
across settings. We propose that when classifying This latter consequence is most relevant and should
an event as natural to use the second definition; be the one conditioned as the natural reinforcer.
that is, to consider only its relation to the behavior 4. Identify the relevant intrinsic consequences
and not its relation to the environment. The defi- that can be more easily observed by the student.
nition we propose is: Intrinsic consequences are the Select from those relevant intrinsic consequences
changes in stimulation produced by the behavior the most conspicuous to condition as natural re-
itself. Thus, a behavior is naturally reinforced when inforcers. For example, some relevant intrinsic con-
the intrinsic consequences it produces function as sequences of the behavior of singing in a group are
reinforcers (Horcones, 1983). hearing oneself singing in the same key, volume,
and words as the rest of the group. Of course,
listening to oneself singing the same words as the
ESTABLISHING A NATURAL rest is one of the consequences that can be more
REINFORCER easily observed by the singer. It would be more
Because the natural reinforcer is an intrinsic con- difficult to discriminate whether one is singing in
sequence of the behavior, it cannot be manipulated key or not. So, the teacher may first try to condition,
deliberately. Obviously, each time the behavior oc- as a natural reinforcer, the consequence of singing
curs, the consequence occurs; in this sense, the con- the same words, then, singing at the right volume,
sequence is automatic. Now, if the educator cannot and finally, singing in the right key.
manipulate the natural consequence of a specific 5. Arrange the conditions under which the in-
behavior, what practical use does it have? The an- trnnsic consequences occur in order to make them
swer is that we can establish or eliminate the re- more easily observable for the students. From our
inforcing function of natural consequences. We can point of view, making the natural consequences
also make them more or less conspicuous as a conspicuous is one of the most important functions
consequence of the behavior. of the educator. For example, when the student
In the strategy of emphasizing natural reinforce- finishes solving a math problem, the teacher can
ment, extrinsic reinforcers still fulfill two objectives: point out and describe for the student the correct
first, to shape, increase, and maintain the behavior sequence followed by the student to arrive at the
(behavior strengthening), and second, to condition solution.
the natural consequences as reinforcers (reinforcer Another function of the educator, of course, in-
19383703, 1992, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1901/jaba.1992.25-71 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [05/03/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

volves eliminating or reducing conditions that can continues to point out and describe to the student
interfere with the student's observation of the in- the natural consequence. (b) Besides witholding the
trinsic consequences of his or her behavior. Care back-up reinforcers, it is necessary to decrease the
should be taken in the selection of reinforcers and teacher's behavior of pointing out and describing
their delivery to the student. Sometimes when a the natural consequences. (c) Deliver and inter-
teacher delivers an extrinsic reinforcer, the teacher mittently pair the back-up reinforcer with the nat-
distracts the student from observing the natural ural reinforcers.
consequences associated with studying.
6. Select appropriate back-up reinforcers. The Maintenance of Behavior through
success of conditioning an intrinsic consequence as Natural Reinforcement
a reinforcer can depend on the back-up reinforcer We believe the educator's function is not only
selected. Six recommendations for selecting the ap- to shape and maintain the student's behavior but
propriate back-up reinforcer are: (a) The back-up is also to arrange for it to be maintained by natural
reinforcer should be powerful. If the back-up re- consequences. Educators may find these nine steps
inforcer is powerful, conditioning will occur more helpful to maintain behavior under natural control.
rapidly. (b) The back-up reinforcer should have a Step 1. Constantly maintain the conditions that
high possibility of occurrence or high availability facilitate the emission of the naturally reinforced
within the natural setting (Kazdin, 1975). (c) The behavior and the observation of its natural conse-
back-up reinforcer should not interfere with the quences by the student. For example, a chemistry
occurrence of the behavior or with the observation teacher not only provides students with materials
of its intrinsic consequences. (d) Whenever possible, necessary to carry out experiments but also main-
the back-up reinforcer should be a connected re- tains the conditions so students can easily observe
inforcer. A connected reinforcer is one that facilitates the natural consequences resulting from their ex-
the performance of the behavior (Horcones, 1983). perimental behavior.
For example, crayons and coloring books are re- Step 2. Teach students how to maintain for
inforcers connected to the behavior of coloring, themselves the conditions that facilitate the emis-
whereas free time is a reinforcer not connected with sion of the behavior and the observation of its
this behavior. (e) The back-up reinforcer can be natural consequences. For example, in the case of
the opportunity to emit behaviors that are already doing chemistry experiments, the educator teaches
naturally reinforced. This can be done, for example, students to assemble in advance the materials need-
by reinforcing the drawing of a student for whom ed to carry out the experiment until students even-
it is naturally reinforcing to sing, by pairing the tually learn to set up the same required conditions.
opportunity to sing with drawing (Premack, 1959). Step 3. Make intermittent approving remarks
(f) The back-up reinforcer should be a participatory about the natural consequence of a behavior even
reinforcer whenever possible. A participatory rein- when the behavior is not being emitted. As an
forcer is one that involves the educator participating example, a teacher, after reading a student's written
directly in the activity in which the target behavior homework, says "It is nice when your handwriting
occurs (Horcones, 1991). is dear, because we both can understand what is
7. Establish natural reinforcers. After the back- written."
up reinforcer is selected, we begin conditioning the Step 4. Teach students to make approving de-
intrinsic consequences as reinforcers. To insure the scriptions ofthe natural consequences. The educator
maintenance of the reinforcing function of an in- teaches students not only to observe these conse-
trinsic consequence, we have found the following quences but also to describe them positively.
strategies to be helpful: (a) Gradually remove back- Step 5. Avoid pairing natural reinforcers with
up reinforcers from the situation while the teacher aversive stimuli. For example, the educator avoids
19383703, 1992, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1901/jaba.1992.25-71 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [05/03/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

criticizing a child when he is coloring and observing behavior. This feature reduces the possibility of
the drawing. satiation from a generalized reinforcer; if satiation
Step 6. Avoid putting naturally reinforced be- does occur, it affects only the behavior that produces
havior under instructional control. Putting naturally the particular reinforcer.
reinforced behavior under instructional control
makes it less probable to occur, because its occur- Disadvantages of Using Only
rence will not be controlled by natural discrimi- Contrived Reinforcers
native stimuli but instead by artificial discriminative The negative effects of the exclusive use of con-
stimuli-the instructions given by the teacher. trived reinforcers in education are obvious. Students
Step 7. Be carefuil not to interrupt students when may stop studying when teachers stop reinforcing.
they are performing the naturally reinforced be- Often the reinforcer for the student's behavior of
havior. attending the school is not to learn but to obtain
Step 8. Avoid asking students to perform the an attendance mark or to avoid punishment for not
behavior when they are already satiated. The teach- attending.
er avoids telling a student for whom drawing is Students rarely make novel things and explore
naturally reinforced to make more drawings when new material; they often do only what is necessary
the student has already stopped drawing. to fill the teacher's requirements. They do not study
Step 9. Avoid limiting the time for emitting a more than required to pass the exam. Teachers often
naturally reinforced behavior. Students must have devote much energy to making the students study,
enough time available to observe each of the natural and their behavior of teaching is frequently extin-
consequences that result from their activity. guished or punished by the student. Teaching comes
to be controlled by reinforcers other than those
associated with teaching.
Advantages of Natural Reinforcement CONCLUSION
Some of the advantages of using natural rein- There is nothing wrong with artificial or con-
forcers in the shaping and maintenance of students' trived reinforcement in itself (Horcones, 1983;
behavior are as follows: Students' behaviors may Skinner, 1982). However, the success of shaping
be more rapidly shaped due to the immediacy of and maintaining a particular behavior depends
the reinforcer in natural reinforcement (Skinner, largely on the type of reinforcers selected and on
1989). Natural reinforcers are available for all stu- how and when they are delivered. Contrived re-
dents at the same time. With contrived reinforce- inforcers can be used in the educational setting to
ment it is almost impossible for the teacher to obtain more benefits for the student, the teacher,
reinforce every behavior of every student at the most and the society as a whole, providing they are used
appropriate moment; with natural reinforcement not only to reinforce behavior but also to condition
this is possible. its natural consequences as reinforcers. In other
Natural reinforcement may bring the behavior words, contrived reinforcers can be more effectively
under the control of natural discriminative stimuli. used to teach reinforcers, not just behavior (as we
The conditions under which the behavior is usually say) "to reinforce reinforcers." By using the strat-
performed, rather than the teacher's instructions or egies outlined in this artide, educators may be able
presence, function as discriminative stimuli. Nat- to teach students to be reinforced by studying and
urally reinforced studying behavior is thus likely to not only to study. Natural reinforcement is, for
generalize beyond the school setting and beyond educators, an available and reliable behavioral pro-
the presence of the teacher. cedure, whose application, from our point of view,
Natural reinforcement is individualized for each can significantly contribute to our efforts to improve
19383703, 1992, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1901/jaba.1992.25-71 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [05/03/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

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this area. ysis in the design of a culture. In W. Ishaq (Ed.), Human
behavior in today's world. New York: Praeger.
Kazdin, A. E. (1975). Behavior modification in applied
settings. Illinois: Dorsey Press.
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