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Have you ever felt low iman?

Feels like our heart is empty?

And yes I do ever felt that

I just wanted to share my experience when I’m away from ALLAH , It feels like ALLAH is not here, but
ALLAH mention in surah qaaf ayah no. 16 that ALLAH Is closer to us than our jagular vein, but why I feel
this way. And it’s called low iman .

I know life feels so hard with low iman, and it feels like we wanted to given it up, but guys when u feel
this way please think about , if I give up who will fulfill my need? Who will provide Jannah for me in the
hereafter? So what to do when low iman , and have no power to do our daily prayer?

And the key is increase out ibadah, add an additional prayer, like sunnah prayer, fasting, dzikr, sadakah.

When we spend our time to add our ibadah and get closer to Prophet Muhammad SAW’s habit in order
to increase our iman, and ask ALLAH to put our iman back and increase it more.

Definetly guys trust ALLAH you will feels ten times better than what you already have

Isn’t it the time we have to reflect that we need to put out of our sin as prophet saw said sadaqah
extinguish sin

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