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**Philippine History:**

- **Pre-colonial period:** Discuss the rich cultural diversity of indigenous peoples, their social
structures, and economic activities like trade and agriculture.

- **Spanish colonization and its impact:** Explore the arrival of the Spanish, conversion to Christianity,
and the socio-economic changes brought by colonial rule.

- **Philippine Revolution:** Analyze the factors leading to the revolution against Spanish rule, key
figures like Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio, and the proclamation of independence.

- **American colonization:** Examine the transition from Spanish to American rule, socio-political
changes, and resistance movements.

- **Japanese occupation:** Discuss the impact of World War II on the Philippines, Japanese
occupation, and Filipino guerilla resistance.

- **Post-war Philippines:** Explore the period leading to independence, challenges in nation-building,

and the shaping of the modern Filipino state.

- **Contemporary history up to present:** Highlight major political, economic, and social

developments post-independence, including issues like martial law, democratization, and modern
governance challenges.

2. **Geography:**

- **Physical geography:** Discuss the archipelagic nature, climate variability, and natural resources,
emphasizing their impact on agriculture, tourism, and national development.

- **Political geography:** Analyze the regional divisions, administrative structure, and their
implications for governance and development policies.

- **Cultural geography:** Explore the diversity of ethnic groups, languages, and cultural practices
across different regions, and how they contribute to national identity.

3. **Economics:**

- **Basic economic concepts:** Introduce fundamental economic principles such as supply and
demand, economic systems, and their application in the Philippine context.

- **Economic systems:** Compare different economic systems and their relevance to Philippine
development, including capitalism, socialism, and the mixed economy model.
- **Development issues in the Philippines:** Discuss challenges like poverty, inequality, corruption,
and environmental sustainability, and examine policy responses and their effectiveness.

- **Major industries and sectors:** Highlight key sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, services,
and their contributions to the economy, as well as emerging industries and their potential impact.

4. **Sociology and Anthropology:**

- **Social structure:** Explore the hierarchical structure of Philippine society, including class divisions,
gender roles, and the impact of colonialism on social dynamics.

- **Cultural diversity and unity:** Discuss the multicultural nature of Filipino society, indigenous
beliefs, traditions, and their integration into mainstream culture.

- **Family and kinship systems:** Analyze traditional Filipino family structures, kinship ties, and their
evolution in modern society.

- **Social issues:** Address contemporary social issues such as poverty, education access, healthcare
disparities, urbanization challenges, and their implications for social cohesion.

5. **Politics and Governance:**

- **Philippine government structure:** Examine the organization of the Philippine government,

separation of powers, checks and balances, and the role of key institutions.

- **Constitution and political institutions:** Discuss the Philippine Constitution, its evolution,
principles, and the functioning of branches of government.

- **Political parties and elections:** Analyze the party system, electoral processes, political
participation, and the impact of elections on governance and policy-making.

- **Local and national governance:** Evaluate challenges in local governance, decentralization efforts,
and the role of local government units in national development.

6. **Current Events and Issues:**

- **Contemporary issues facing Philippine society:** Discuss current socio-political issues such as
human rights, environmental degradation, urbanization challenges, and the impact of globalization.

- **Globalization and its impact:** Examine how globalization influences Philippine economy, culture,
politics, and society, including issues like labor migration, cultural integration, and economic
- **Environmental concerns:** Address environmental challenges such as deforestation, pollution,
natural disasters, and initiatives for sustainable development.

- **Socio-political challenges and reforms:** Analyze ongoing reforms in governance, justice system,
education, and healthcare, and their implications for national development and social justice.

Each discussion should include historical context, key concepts, current trends, and critical analysis to
provide a comprehensive understanding of "Araling Panlipunan" topics and their relevance to Philippine

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