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TAHUN AJARAN 2023/2024
Name : …………………
Class : VIII………………

I. Read the text and then answer the questions!

This text is for no 1-3.

1. What is the purpose of the text above?

2. What should we do after wetting our hand using the soap?
3. Where will we likely find the picture above?
Text is for no 4-7.
Asian-Africa Student Conference in Bandung
Experienced of participating in an event I had the best experience of my life in 2015. I
participated in Asian-African Student Conference in Bandung. I was interested in Asia-Africa
Conference history and dreamed to be part of it. I prepared an essay and idea to be presented at the
event. The other participants also helped me and gave me some ideas for committee discussion. I
didn’t talk too much, but it was good experience for me.
4. Where was Asian-African Student Conference held?
5. When was Asian-African Student Conference held?
6. “I was interested in Asia-Africa Conference history and dreamed to be part of it.”
What does the underlined word refer to?
7. “I participated in Asian-African Student Conference in Bandung.”
The underlined word can be replaced by ….
II. Combine two sentences into one sentence by using “when”!
8. – The students studied English.
- The bell rang
9. - Mr. Anto played the football
- The rain fell
10. – My mom cleaned the floor
- There was a man came to my house.

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