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Lesson 7: SYLLABLE

Drops syllable is the word which has stress at the first syllable.
Vegetables /ˈvedʒtəbl/
Comfortable /ˈkʌmftəbl/
Restaurant /ˈrestrɑːnt/
Literature ˈlɪtrətʃər/
Temperature /ˈtemprətʃər/
Business /ˈbɪznəs/
Diamond /ˈdaɪəmənd/
Chocolate /ˈtʃɑːklət/
Different /ˈdɪfrənt/
Favorite /ˈfeɪvərɪt/
Every /ˈevri/
Interesting /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/
Opera /ˈɑːprə/
Practice with long sentences:
What’s the average temperature here?
I have several pieces of chocolate.
That’s an interesting question.
I’m going to the opera this evening.


Today I’d like to talk to you about simplicity. How many of you in this room
think about this matter? Let me see a show of hands. Think about your life. Is
there clutter? What are you doing to create long-term happiness? Ask yourself
about the things you value. Prioritize them. Let go of unnecessary things and
people. Am I asking you to stop having fun? No. but if we voluntarily simplify
our lives, we can experience more of what we have. The world is busy enough.
Let’s create substance. My question to you? Will you simplify your life now or

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