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Task 6: Checking management system effectiveness through auditing

Advise the Managing Director on

(a) the differences between an audit and a
workplace inspection.
(b) the benefits of using third party auditors, rather than internal workers, for carrying
out health and safety audits of the management system
DEC 2020

a) Advise the Managing Director on the differences between an audit and a

workplace inspection.

I would advise the managing director that an inspection is a snapshot of the

workplace whereas an audit is a detailed and thorough process which looks at the
entire management system
Inspection identifies unsafe acts and conditions and highlights the hazards present in
the workplace whereas an audit identifies gaps in the management system and non-
Inspection can be short and quick (completed in a few hours) depending on the area
to be inspected whereas auditing is an elaborate process and takes a long time to
carry out sometimes even days
An inspection only looks at the hazards present in that specific moment or time
whereas audit can reveal what unsafe acts and conditions that prevailed previously
through the examination of records
An inspection doesn’t require a great deal of competence and can done by some with
basic knowledge and training whereas as auditing requires extensive training and
knowledge of auditing skills and detailed investigation techniques.
An inspection usually requires little or no planning whereas auditing required a lot of
planning and preparation
Inspections can be carried out individually by one person whereas audits are usually
out by an audit team
Inspections are relatively cheaper whereas audits are more costly as they require
more resources and time
An inspection merely consist of a physical visit of the workplace where as auditing
consists of interviews, meetings, reviewing documents and records and a site visit
Inspections are a check of the ongoing activities on the site and do not provide an
account of what goes on before or after the inspection. Whereas an audit can provide
a deep insight into the level of compliance through the review of documents and
records and by conducting interviews, you can determine on what non-conformances
have existed in the past
An inspection can be held on a short notice whereas you need to give prior and
advance notice for audits for the necessary arrangements to be made
By taking actions on the findings of the inspection you are usually only rectifying the
unsafe act or condition which means they are doing correction, whereas in an audit
you can identify the root causes of nonconformity and take corrective action to
prevent the non-conformity from re-occurring

The audit is evaluation of occupational health and safety management system while
the inspection focuses on checking the workplace condition and effective of the
control measure. The audit is a long process needs team there is many difference
between an audit and workplace inspection. The audit focus on to examination and
review all the document evidence like training record, maintenance record and
interview all the managers and worker and direct observation of workplace in order to
gather information
.in the other side inspection is short process can carry out by one inspector depend
only one the observation.
Auditors must carry out proper report of the area of concern describe any weakness
of the health and safety management system and recommend the corrective
measure but in the inspection short report with the corrective action is adequate .
The inspection done on as daily weekly or monthly basis but audit done annually

b) the benefits of using third party auditors, rather than internal workers, for
carrying out health and safety audits of the management system

I will advise the management director that third party auditors are independent of the
internal relations and will not show bias, whereas internal auditors may show bias
during the audits due to internal working relations and internal politics
3rd party auditors are often able to see or identify gaps as they are having a fresh
pair of eyes which internal auditors are not able identity as they are used to seeing
things the way they are
3rd party / external auditors usually have wider experience of different types of
workplace as they are used to auditing various organizations whereas internal
auditors lack that broad range of experience.
3rd party audits are usually well trained and more experience and can add a lot of
value to the organization whereas internal workers may not be that much experience
The findings and recommendations of the 3rd party auditors will carry a lot of wright
as we are specifically arranging their audit whereas internal workers
recommendations may not be given the same importance
Our workers will take 3rd party auditors more seriously rather than our internal

It is useful to carry out the audit by third party auditors because the auditor is
independent and no things in the company can affect their decision
When visit new side you will observe any defect because you will have fresh pair
The external auditor having large experience from many different company through
an audit them so their recommendations will carry more effective information
Company's worker may not have skill of how to carry out the audit and they are not
independent. They may not have any knowledge about the standard and legal
requirement and cannot assess the issues properly
Feb 2021
Task 1: Behavioural safety audits and the use of checklists

What are the benefits of using the checklist of critical behaviours during these
behavioural safety audits (BSAs)?

1. Use of checklist will help keep us on track and not deviate during the Behavioural
safety audit
2. There is a young apprentice on the BSA team and the checklist will help guide him
in carrying out the BSA
3. The use of checklist will enable the BSA to be carried out in an organized manner
and the auditors will not miss out item during the BSA
4. The checklist will also serve as a written record and will be considered as
documented information
5. The checklist will ensure that no important step is missed during the BSA and that
all relevant factors are considered
6. The use of the checklist will also ensure that a consistent approach is adopted
during al BSAs
7. The checklist is designed on critical behaviours form past incidents so it will help in
identifying and addressing those behaviours and help in preventing the recurrence of
the incident
8. As the checklists are collate don daily basis, it will help in carrying out trend
analysis of critical behaviours
9. Identifying the trend of critical behaviours will help take actions to address the
critical behaviours and help in improving OHS performance
10. The checklist is common to all departments hence we don’t need to have
separate checklist for each department
11. Using the checklist will help reduce the reoccurrence of critical behaviours as the
behaviours will be immediately identified and addressed through verbal feedback

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