debate of phone

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Good morning to teacher Renisha and students, my name is Jun

Yan and today our topic is Should mobile phones be allowed in the

classrooms? Our opinion is yes.

It can be confusing whether or not to let your children bring their

mobile phones to school. Children love mobile phones not only

because of the convenience of the phone and the mentality of

comparison, but also because of the mobile games that children can’t

put down. Parents are very conflicted. But now in university

classrooms, mobile phones are generally allowed unless the course

has special requirements.

First, mobile phones have many uses. For example, in math class,

if we need a calculator, we can directly use the calculator APP on the

phone, which is convenient and does not require bringing many


Also, when we working on a group project, we can directly use

our mobile phones to search Internet to find the knowledge or news

we need, rather than having to wait until you get home to use your

computer to search. Just like the debate we are doing now, if we can

directly search for relevant knowledge and topics in the classroom,

this will save a lot of time.

In addition, the most important thing is that if parents have urgent

matters and want to contact students, they can call the students
directly instead of going through other teachers. I think this is also

the beginning. The person who invented the mobile phone thought

that the biggest function of the mobile phone was to facilitate

communication and to contact people at any time.

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