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Data Science

Data science lifecycle

⚫ Data Science Lifecycle revolves around the use of machine learning and
different analytical strategies to produce insights and predictions from
information in order to acquire a commercial enterprise objective.
⚫ The complete method includes a number of steps like data cleaning,
preparation, modelling, model evaluation, etc.
⚫ It is a lengthy procedure and may additionally take quite a few months to
complete. So, it is very essential to have a generic structure to observe for
each and every hassle at hand.
⚫ The globally mentioned structure in fixing any analytical problem is
referred to as a Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining or CRISP-
DM framework.

Data Science

The following are some primary motives for the use of Data science

✓ It helps to convert the big quantity of uncooked and unstructured

records into significant insights.
✓ It can assist in unique predictions such as a range of surveys, elections,
✓ It also helps in automating transportation such as growing a self-driving
car, we can say which is the future of transportation.
✓ Companies are shifting towards Data science and opting for this
technology. Amazon, Netflix, etc, which cope with the big quantity of data,
are the use of information science algorithms for higher consumer

❖ The lifecycle of Data Science:

Data Science

1. Identifying problems and understanding business :

⚫ Identifying problems is one of the major steps necessary in the data
science process to find a clear objective around which all the following
steps will be formulated.
⚫ In short, it is important to understand the business objective early since
it will decide the final goal of your analysis.

⚫ It is extraordinarily essential to apprehend the commercial enterprise

goal sincerely due to the fact that will be your ultimate aim of the
analysis. After desirable perception only we can set the precise aim of
evaluation that is in sync with the enterprise objective.

⚫ You need to understand if the customer desires to minimize savings

loss, or if they prefer to predict the rate of a commodity, etc.

⚫ The phase should –

1. Clearly state the problem that requires solutions and why it should
be resolved at once
2. Define the potential value of the business project
3. Find risks, including ethical aspects involved in the project
4. Build and communicate a highly integrated, flexible project plan

2.Data collection:
⚫ Data collection is the next stage in the data science lifecycle to gather raw
data from relevant sources. The data captured can be either in structured
or unstructured form.
⚫ The methods of collecting the data might come from – logs from websites,
social media data, data from online repositories, and even data streamed

Data Science

from online sources via APIs, web scraping or data that could be present in
excel or any other source.
⚫ The person performing the task should know the difference between
various data sets available and the data investment strategy of an
⚫ A major challenge faced by professionals in this step is tracking where each
data comes from and whether it is up-to-date.
⚫ It is important to keep track of this information throughout the entire
lifecycle of a data science project as it might help test hypotheses or run
any other updated experiments.

3.Data processing:
⚫ In this phase, data scientists analyse the data collected for biases, patterns,
ranges, and distribution of values.
⚫ It is done to determine the sustainability of the databases and predicts their
usage in regression, machine learning and deep learning algorithms.
⚫ The phase also involves the introspection of different types of data,
including nominal, numerical, and categorical data.
⚫ Data visualisation is also done to highlight the critical trends and patterns
of data, comprehended by simple bars and line charts.
⚫ Simply put, data processing might be the most time-consuming but
arguably the most critical phase in the entire life cycle of data analytics. The
goodness of the model depends on this data processing stage.

4.Data analysis:

Data Science

⚫ Data Analysis or Exploratory Data Analysis is another critical step in gaining

some ideas about the solution and factors affecting the data science
⚫ There are no set guidelines for this methodology, and it has no shortcuts.
The key aspect to remember here is that your input determines your
⚫ In this section, the data prepared from the previous stage will be explored
further to examine the various features and their relationships, aiding in
better feature selection required for applying it to the model.
⚫ Experts use data statistics methods such as mean and median to better
understand the data.
⚫ In addition, they also plot data and assess its distribution patterns using
histograms, spectrum analysis, and population distribution. Depending on
the issues, the data will be analysed.

5.Data modelling:
⚫ Modelling Data is one of the major phases of data processes and is often
mentioned as the heart of data analysis.
⚫ A model should use prepared and analysed data to provide the desired
⚫ The environment needed for executing the data model will be decided and
created before meeting the specific requirements.
⚫ In this phase, the team works together to develop datasets for training and
testing the model for production purposes.
⚫ It also involves various tasks such as choosing the appropriate mode type
and learning whether the problem is a classification, regression, or
clustering problem.

Data Science

⚫ After analysing the model family, you must choose the algorithms to
implement them.
⚫ It has to be done carefully since extracting necessary insights from the
prepared data is extremely important.

6.Model deployment:
⚫ Now, we are at the final stage of the lifecycle of data science. After a
rigorous evaluation process, the model is finally prepared to be deployed
in the desired format and preferred channel.
⚫ Remember, there is no value for the machine learning model until it’s
deployed to production. Hence machine learning models have to be
recorded before the deployment process. In general, these models are
integrated and coupled with products and applications.
⚫ The stage of Model deployment involves the creation of a delivery
mechanism required to get the mode out in the market among the users or
to another system.
⚫ Machine learning models are also deployed on devices and gaining
adoption and popularity in the field of computing. From simple model
output in a Tableau Dashboard to a complex as scaling it to cloud in front
of millions of users, this step is distinct for different projects.


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