Interview Warmup - Grow With Google

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6/3/24, 10:25 PM Interview Warmup - Grow with Google

Background question 1/5

Please tell me why you would be a good fit for this role.

notes Your answer

I'm a fast love traffic and your ex designer with more than 3 years of experience and says I have taken a Google
year certificate cost. I need a team of five people and I've been selected as the top of your ex project leader of
70 teams by bringing a unique perspective to every project my extensive relationship breakdown allows me to
understand and anticipate clients and deliver design that perfectly align with their brand identities. So I really
think I'm the perfect fit for this role as a

Background question 2/5

What are you looking for in your next job?

notes Your answer

I'm looking for insurance in my next job because for now I'm still working as a graphic anyways designer. I'm
hoping in the future. I can't focus really focus on you are your ex design and really get to know about fixing the
user needs into a real product?

Situational question 3/5

Tell me about a time you made a mistake. How did you communicate that mistake?

notes Your answer 1/3
6/3/24, 10:25 PM Interview Warmup - Grow with Google

So what make a mistake there must be something that I'm wrong? Wrong position, right? So I want to get to know
where where did I make that mistake of course saying sorry for us and then I get to know about how I can fix that
mistake. And if that's really crucial. I really want to fix that mistake as soon as possible. So it won't affect the
product development in the future.

Technical question 4/5

What’s the value of information architecture in UX design?

notes Your answer

Okay, so exclamation point important because we really get to know where we should put one of the content in
our design. So let's say I want to Have a several navigation in my website. So I need to divide what navigation
there will be on the website. So it make me easier in the future if I want to start wireframing sketching and Etc and
when I'm doing or creating the Architecture, I will get to know about what content I really need to put each on
each of the page like example what I should put in home what I should put in contact us what I should put in
about us something like that.

Situational question 5/5

Please share a time when you set a goal for yourself and achieved it. How did you go about that?

notes Your answer

Of course. Human natural human or psychology like when we set our God for ourself and we achieve it. It's very
satisfying and it's very happy as a human being when I can achieve the goal that I met. Of myself, but back again.
I need to stay humble. Like we know on the outside. There's more people that can do more than what we can do.
So yeah. It's okay to achieve personal goal, but stay humble because we know outside there. There's still many
people. Keep reaching for their goals and we cannot feel satisfied too early so we can achieve more in the future. 2/3
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