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Reading Unit 1 and 2 test

1. Make a sentence with the word “impossible”


2. What is the synonym of the word “amazing”?


3. Spell the word “hành vi (noun)” in english?


4. Write every forms of word “sáng tạo”?


5. Write a definition of “well-behaved”?


6. “Josef and his brother asked their mother if they could borrow her car.” Who did the
word “they” refer to?

7. Make a sentence with the word “similar to”?


8. What is the antonym of the word “wrong”?


9. Rewrite the sentence using the form of “appear”.

The moon seems to be hiding the sun.

10. Rewrite the sentence using the form of “develop”.

They analyze tree rings to learn about the history of a tree.

11. What is the meaning of “make a difference”?


12. Write a feature of the camera.

13. What is the synonym of “change”?

14. Write a sentence with the word “confused”?


15. Write the correct system for this sentence.

Streetcars, buses and subways art parts of a city’s __________________________.

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