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A. The ledger shall be accomplished as follows:

1. LGU – name of the province/city/municipality
2. Fund – Fund name/code
3. Account Title – account title used in accordance with the
prescribed Chart of Accounts (CA)
4. Account Code – account code used in accordance with the
prescribed CA
5. Date – date of the source document
6. Particulars – other information or details pertaining to the
7. Ref. – the source special/general journal and sheet number
8. Debit Column – total or recapitulated or individual amount
of the corresponding debit account in the special/general
9. Credit Column – total or recapitulated or individual
amount of the corresponding credit account in the
special/general journal
10. Balance – the difference between the Debit and Credit
columns. Place a parenthesis in the amount with a negative
B. The ledger sheets shall be arranged in the same order or sequence
of the accounts appearing in the Chart of Accounts.
C. Postings to this ledger shall come directly from the General and
Special Journals.
D. Every sheet shall be footed and totaled. The difference of the
totals of Debit and Credit columns should tie-up with the running
balance column.
E. At the end of each month, after all journals have been posted,
each account shall be footed in pencil and the balance indicated
in ink.
F. At the end of the fiscal year, the accounts shall be ruled and
closed. All totals shall be written legibly in ink and the balances
of the accounts carried forward as the opening balances of the
new General Ledger for the next fiscal year.
G. Controlling or summary accounts in the General Ledger shall be
supported by details in the subsidiary ledgers.


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