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Yogurt and cheese can be produced from ___________.

A. Bacteria
B. Virus
C. Protozoa
D. Algae

The smallest microorganism on earth is _____________

A. virus
B. bacteria
C. algae
D. fungi

Both __________ and ___________ are a type of fungus

A. mold, viruses
B. bacteria, mold
C. viruses, yeast
D. mushrooms, mold

Yeast is a type of ____________ that people use to make bread.

A. bacteria
B. fungus
C. virus
D. protist

Which of the following reproduces only inside a host cell?

A. Bacteria
B. Amoeba
C. Virus
D. Fungus

The picture shows some yeasts cells. What kingdom do they belong to?

A. Protist
B. Fungi
C. Monera
D. Plant
This microorganism has whip-like flagella, that help them move.
A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Algae
D. Fungi

What type of fungi is used to help bread rise?

A. mushrooms
B. yeast
C. mold
D. truffle

Amoeba belongs to
A. Algae
B. Fungi
C. Virus
D. Protozoa

Fungi is beneficial to us because of the following reason:

A. They are a source of oxygen
B. They can clean up pollution
C. They are a source of antibiotics
D. They help to clean run off from waste

Which of the following is an example of a harmful microorganism?

A. Fungi used as antibiotics
B. Ecoli on food that makes people sick
C. Bacteria found in yogurt.
D. Microorganisms helping dead matter to decay

Which of the following statements are true?

A. All microorganisms are bad
B. All microorganisms are good
C. Some microorganisms are harmful, while some can be helpful
D. Microorganisms are too small to do anything to anyone

Identify a statement that shows how bacteria are NOT helpful to humans.
A. Bacteria break down dead plants and animals
B. Bacteria break down water, soil, and air pollution.
C. Bacteria cause inflammation of tissues and often a fever.
D. Bacteria break down the milk protein to create cheese.

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are important because...

A. they are decomposers
B. they are salt lovers
C. they provide protection for plants from diseases
D. they make nitrogen available to plants in form they can use
Some bacteria is known as ________________ and cause disease.
A. pathogens
B. flagella
C. influenza
D. ebola

Bacteria is known as ______________ in an ecosystem when feeding on dead organisms.

A. decomposers
B. herbivores
C. pathogens
D. infections

What is true about bacteria?

A. Bacteria use photosynthesis to make their own food
B. Bacteria can only be found in dirt
C. Bacteria is always beneficial
D. Bacteria can be used to make certain foods

_____ kill or stop the growth of bacteria

A. Antibodies
B. Vaccines
C. Antibiotics
D. Antiserum

________ convert atmospheric nitrogen into plant usable form

A. viruses
B. protozoa
C. bacteria
D. fungi

______________ helps us digest our food and they produce needed vitamins.
A. Bacteria
B. Fungi
C. Protozoa
D. Algae

Bacteria is known as ______________ in an ecosystem when feeding on dead organisms.

A. decomposers
B. herbivores
C. pathogens
D. infections

Fungi is beneficial to us because of the following reason:

A. They are a source of oxygen
B. They can clean up pollution
C. They are a source of antibiotics
D. They help to clean run off from waste
What is Penicillin (medicine) made from?
A. Bacteria
B. Virus
C. Mold
D. Algae

Influenza is a disease caused due to

A. bacteria
B. Virus
C. Protozoa
D. None of the above

A Bacteria responsible for curdling of milk is

A. Rhizobium
B. Oscillatoria
C. Lactobacillus
D. Plasmodium

The Fermentation process is discovered by

A. Louis Pasture
B. Alexander flaming
C. Edward jenner
D. John Mendal

Mushroom belongs to
A. Algae
B. Virus
C. Fungi
D. None of the above

Rhizobium bacteria
A. Help in Digestion
B. Help in nitrogen fixation
C. Cause diseases
D. All the above

Penicillium is a
A. Algae
B. Fungus
C. Bacteria
D. Yeast

Malaria is caused by….

A. Protozoa
B. Virus
C. Algae
D. Bacteria
Amoeba belongs to
A. Algae
B. Fungi
C. Virus
D. Protozoa

A tiny, non-living particle that invades and then reproduces inside a living cell.
A. Bacteria
B. Virus
C. Protist
D. Fungi

The ability of a population of bacteria to survive the lethal effects of an antibiotic.

A. Vaccine
B. Lysogenic Cycle
C. Antibiotic Resistance
D. Capsid

Outer protein coat of a virus.

A. Envelope
B. Capsid
C. Cell Wall
D. Chitin

Probiotics are an example of ....

A. A microorganisms that can make people sic
B. A microorganism that lives in the ocean
C. An example of bacteria and all bacteria is harmful
D. an example of live bacteria and yeast that is helpful to humans by aiding in the digestion of food

Tuberculosis is a disease that was widespread during the turn of the century. This disease is an example
A. A helpful bacteria
B. A helpful fungi
C. A harmful bacteria
D. A harmful probiotic

Which is not an example of a helpful microorganism?

A. Yeast to help bread rise
B. A virus used in a vaccine
C. Microbes used to clean oil spills
D. Bacteria that causes strep throat
Which is not an example of a harmful microorganism?
A. Mold growing on a kitchen sponge
B. Bacteria found in yogurt
C. Bacteria that causes tuberculosis
D. Salmonella on uncooked chicken

Choose which student is correct

A. Shelby says that all microorganisms are found in the ocean. Some are helpful, but some are
harmful. It's best to shower after swimming at the beach.

B. Garry says that all microorganisms are harmful. This is why we must get vaccinations and
antibiotics from the doctor.

C. Irene says that some microorganisms are helpful and some are harmful. The best way to protect
ourselves from harmful microbes is to wash our hands with soap and water.

D. Jonathan says it's impossible to become sick from bacteria. Only viruses and fungi can make a
person sick. Make sure to sneeze in your elbow to prevent the spread of germs.

They cause stomach illness or even death.

A. Penicillin
B. Athletes Foot
C. Algae
D. Salmonella / E Coli

A fungus that causes skin disease.

A. Ring Worm
B. Salmonella
C. Yeast
D. Athletes Foot

A fungus used as a medicine.

A. Yeast
B. Bacteria
C. Penicillin
D. Algae

Helps to digest the food in your stomach.

A. Fungi
B. Algae
C. Yeast
D. Bacteria
_____________ can be many different sizes ranging from microscopic single celled yeasts used in
bread making to macroscopic fungi which contain many cells such as moulds, mushrooms, and

A. Protozoa
B. Fungi
C. Yeast
D. Algae

_____________ are single-celled spherical, spiral or rod shaped organisms.

A. Yeast
B. Algae
C. Penicillin
D. Bacteria

___________ single celled organism which cause diseases such as malaria, and sleeping sickness.
They are also helpful in the treatment of sewage waste where they eat the harmful bacteria
making it safe for disposal.

A. Protozoa
B. Algae
C. Yeast
D. Fungi

Which observation supports the claim that microorganisms are helpful to ecosystems?

A. Microorganism are to small to been seen without special equipment.

B. Microorganism need water and energy to survive.

C. Millions of microorganism can often be found in soil.

D. Microorganisms break down dead plants and animals, making nutrients available.

Organisms that live in the intestines of humans are helpful when they______________.

A. Block nutrients that humans need.

B. Help break down food for humans to use.

C. Secrete chemicals that cause disease.

D. Enter the bloodstream of humans.

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