bahasa Inggris sd 5

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bahasa Inggris, kelas 5, semester 2, clothes and clock

I. Choose the correst answer by crossing a, b, c, or d !

1. Vera arrives at home a quarter past twelve. She arrives at . . . .
a. 11.30 b. 12.15 c. 11.15 d. 12.00
2. Every morning my sister gets up at 06.15. she gets up at . . . .
a. A quarter past six b. a half past six c. a quarter to six d. a half to six
3. What time is it? It is……………..
a. Twenty minutes to eight c. thirty five minutes past eight
b. Twenty five minutes to nine d. twenty minutes past eight
4. The bell rings at 7 o’clock. Ida comes on time at school. She arrives at . . . .
a. Five minutes to seven c. seven o’clock
5. What time is it? It is ……………….
a. Twenty minutes past six c. twenty seven minutes past six
b. Twenty two minutes past six d. twenty five minutes past six
6. It is ………
a. A half past three c. a quarter past three
b. A half to three d. a quarter to three

7. Mr. Scoot will arrive here in fifteen minutes. It is ten minutes past five now. He will arrive at . . . .
a. Twenty five minutes past five. c. thirty minutes past five
b. Twenty minutes past five d. twenty two minutes past five
8. The plane will arrive at a half past eight. It is ten minutes past eight. I must wait for . . . . minutes.

a. Ten b. twenty c. fifteen

d. thirty
9. It is . . . .

a. a half past five c. a half to six

b. a quarter past five d. a quarter to six
10. my father has a breakfast at 06.50= . . . .
a. ten minutes to seven c. fifty minutes past six
b. ten minutes past seven d. fifty minutes
to six
11. the meeting begins at four o’clock. Diana comes ten minutes late. She comes at . . . .

a. a quarter past four b. a half past four c.ten minutes to four d. ten
minutes past four

12. What time is it? It is . . . .

a. Ten minutes to two c. two minutes to two
b. Six minutes to two d. five minutes to two
13. There are . . . seconds in one minutes
a. thirty b. sixty c. forty d. twenty
14. there are . . . . minutes in one hour.
a. Sixty b. fifty c. forty d. thirty
15. There are . . . hour in a day.

a. Twenty one b. twenty two c. twenty three d.

twenty four
16. This is a . . . .



Skirt b. Blouse c. Hat d. T- shirt

17. We need a . . . if we go to the mountain.


Jacket b. Trousers c. Shirt d. Cullotes

18. My mother likes to wear. . . .

a. Trousers b. Pajamas c. Shirt d. T-shirt


Mrs. Endang wears . . . in the wedding reception.

a. Kebaya b. jacket c. shirt d.

20. This is a . . . .

a. Zipper b. collar c. pocket d. button

21. Danang ha a black . . .
a. Tie b. belt c. hat d. shoes

22. My shirt has two . . .

a. Collars b. sleeves c. buttons d. pockets
23. Mr. hermawan wears . . . . when he goes to his office.
a. Shirt b. short c. culottes d. skirt
24. Rudi wear a uniform, it is . . . .

a. Shirt and blouse b. shirt and shorts c. shirt and skirt d. shirt
and trousers
25. We must wear . . . for going to school.

a. Pajamas b. culottes c. shoes d.

26. My father always wears . . .
a. Socks b. cullotes c. shoes d. trousers

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