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STD 1: Statistical Analysis (Std 1), S2 Relative Frequency

and Probability (Y11) 1. Probability, 2UG 2013 HSC 7 MC
Relative Frequency (Std 1) In an experiment, a standard six-sided die was rolled 72 times. The results are shown in the
Teacher: Kirtana Hariharan
Exam Equivalent Time: 70.5 minutes (based on HSC allocation of 1.5
minutes approx. per mark)

Which number on the die was obtained the expected number of times?
MS-S2 Relative Frequency and Probability was a major contributor to the old Gen2 course, (C)
contributing an average of 9.5% per exam over the past decade (note past allocations are no
guarantee of future contributions to the Standard 1 exam but can nonetheless cast light on a (D)
topic's likely importance).
This analysis looks at the sub-topic Relative Frequency (3.0%).

ANALYSIS - What to Expect and Common pitfalls

Relative Frequency (3.0%) was examined like clockwork in the old Gen2 exam.
Notwithstanding a limited representation in sample exam questions released in recent times,
we still regard this topic area as a very important Standard 1 revision area.
Pitfalls: Although generally well answered, note the sub-50% mean marks in 2018 (Q26a),
2017 (Q29c) and in 2016 (Q23 MC) that were surprisingly poorly answered and deserve
2. Probability, 2UG 2007 HSC 2 MC 3. Probability, 2UG 2014 HSC 8 MC
Each student in a class is given a packet of lollies. The teacher records the number of red A group of 150 people was surveyed and the results recorded.
lollies in each packet using a frequency table.

A person is selected at random from the surveyed group.

What is the probability that the person selected is a male who does not own a mobile?


What is the relative frequency of a packet of lollies containing more than three red lollies?


4. Probability, 2UG 2017 HSC 5 MC

In a survey of 200 randomly selected Year 12 students it was found that 180 use social
Based on this survey, approximately how many of 75 000 Year 12 students would be
expected to use social media?
5. Probability, 2UG 2009 HSC 8 MC 6. Probability, 2UG 2009 HSC 9 MC
Some men and women were surveyed at a football game. They were asked which team they A wheel has the numbers 1 to 20 on it, as shown in the diagram. Each time the wheel is
supported. The results are shown in the two-way table. spun, it stops with the marker on one of the numbers.

What percentage of the women surveyed supported Team B, correct to the nearest percent?
(D) The wheel is spun 120 times.
How many times would you expect a number less than 6 to be obtained?
7. Probability, 2UG 2010 HSC 12 MC 9. Probability, 2UG 2005 HSC 16 MC
A group of 347 people was tested for flu and the results were recorded. The flu test results On a television game show, viewers voted for their favourite contestant. The results were
are not always accurate. recorded in the two-way table.

One male viewer was selected at random from all of the male viewers.
What is the probability that he voted for Contestant 1?
A person is selected at random from the tested group.
What is the probability that their test result is accurate, to the nearest per cent? (A)


8. Probability, 2UG 2013 HSC 10 MC
 RAP Data - Bottom 25%: School result (81%) was 8% above state average (73%) 10. Probability, 2UG 2006 HSC 6 MC
Students studying vocational education courses were surveyed about their living Marcella is planning to roll a standard six-sided die 60 times.
How many times would she expect to roll the number 4?
(A) 6
(B) 10
(C) 15
(D) 20

One of these students is selected at random.

What is the probability that this student is male and living with his parent(s)?
11. Probability, 2UG 2018 HSC 20 MC 12. Probability, 2UG 2012 HSC 17 MC
During a year, the maximum temperature each day was recorded. The results are shown in A spinner with different coloured sectors is spun 40 times. The results are recorded in the
the table. table.

What is the relative frequency of obtaining the colour orange?


From the days with a maximum temperature less than 25°C, one day is selected at random.
What is the probability, to the nearest percentage, that the selected day occurred during
winter? (C)
A. 19% (D)
B. 25%
C. 32%
D. 77%
13. Probability, 2UG 2016 HSC 23 MC 15. Probability, 2UG 2012 HSC 26e
 RAP Data - Bottom 4%: School result (31%) was -3% below state average (34%)  Part i: RAP Data - Bottom 1%: School result (64%) was -8% below state average (72%)
 Part ii: RAP Data - Bottom 1%: School result (68%) was -8% below state average (76%)
A group of 485 people was surveyed. The people were asked whether or not they smoke.
The results are recorded in the table. The dot plot shows the number of push-ups that members of a fitness class can do in one

A person is selected at random from the group. (i) What is the probability that a member selected at random from the class can do more
than 38 push-ups in one minute? (1 mark)
What is the approximate probability that the person selected is a smoker OR is male?
(A) (ii) A new member who can do 32 push-ups in one minute joins the class.
(B) Does the addition of this new member to the class change the probability calculated in
part (i)?
(C) Justify your answer. (1 mark)

14. Probability, 2UG 2011 HSC 25c 16. Probability, 2UG 2006 HSC 26c
A new test has been developed for determining whether or not people are carriers of the
 Part i: RAP Data - Bottom 16%: School result (100%) was 4% above state average (96%)
Gaussian virus.
At another school, students who use mobile phones were surveyed. The set of data is Two hundred people are tested. A two-way table is being used to record the results.
shown in the table.

(i) What is the value of ? (1 mark)

(i) How many students were surveyed at this school? (1 mark) (ii) A person selected from the tested group is a carrier of the virus.
(ii) Of the female students surveyed, one is chosen at random. What is the probability that What is the probability that the test results would show this? (2 marks)
she uses pre-paid? (1 mark)
(iii) For how many of the people tested were their test results inaccurate? (1 mark)
(iii) Ten new male students are surveyed and all ten are on a plan. The set of data is
updated to include this information.
What percentage of the male students surveyed are now on a plan? Give your answer
to the nearest per cent. (1 mark)
17. Probability, 2UG 2008 HSC 26a 18. Probability, 2UG 2015 HSC 26e
Cecil invited 175 movie critics to preview his new movie. After seeing the movie, he  Part i: RAP Data - Bottom 25%: School result (92%) was 8% above state average (84%)
conducted a survey. Cecil has almost completed the two-way table.
The table shows the relative frequency of selecting each of the different coloured jelly beans
from packets containing green, yellow, black, red and white jelly beans.

(i) Determine the value of . (1 mark)

A movie critic is selected at random.

(ii) i. What is the relative frequency of selecting a red jelly bean? (1 mark)
What is the probability that the critic was less than 40 years old and did not like the
ii. Based on this table of relative frequencies, what is the probability of NOT selecting a black
movie? (2 marks) jelly bean? (1 mark)

Cecil believes that his movie will be a box office success if 65% of the critics who
were surveyed liked the movie.
Will this movie be considered a box office success? Justify your answer. (1 mark)
19. Data, 2UG 2011 HSC 25b 20. Probability, 2UG 2011 HSC 24b
 Part i: RAP Data - Bottom 6%: School result (68%) was -1% below state average (69%)  Part i: RAP Data - Bottom 10%: School result (93%) was 2% above state average (91%)
 Part iii: RAP Data - Bottom 2%: School result (72%) was -6% below state average (78%)
A die was rolled 72 times. The results for this experiment are shown in the table.
The graph below displays data collected at a school on the number of students
in each Year group, who own a mobile phone.

(i) Find the value of . (1 mark)

(ii) What was the relative frequency of obtaining a 4. (1 mark)

(iii) If the die was unbiased, which number was obtained the expected
number of times? (1 mark)

(i) Which Year group has the highest percentage of students with mobile phones? (1 mark)
(ii) Two students are chosen at random, one from Year 9 and one from Year 10.
Which student is more likely to own a mobile phone?
Justify your answer with suitable calculations. (2 marks)

(iii) Identify a trend in the data shown in the graph. (1 mark)

21. Probability, 2UG 2004 HSC 25c 22. Probability, 2UG 2008 HSC 26b
Lie detector tests are not always accurate. A lie detector test was administered to The retirement ages of two million people are displayed in a table.
The results were:
• 50 people lied. Of these, the test indicated that 40 had lied;
• 150 people did NOT lie. Of these, the test indicated that 20 had lied.
(i) Copy the table into your writing booklet and complete it using the information above.

(i) What is the relative frequency of the 51–55 year retirement age? (1 mark)

(ii) Describe the distribution. (1 mark)

(ii) For how many of the people tested was the lie detector test accurate? 23. Probability, 2UG 2017 HSC 29c
(iii) For what percentage of the people tested was the test accurate? A group of Year 12 students was surveyed. The students were asked whether they live in the
(iv) What is the probability that the test indicated a lie for a person who did city or the country. They were also asked if they have ever waterskied.
NOT lie? The results are recorded in the table.

Have Have never

waterskied waterskied
Live in the city 150 2500
Live in the country 70 800

(i) A person is selected at random from the group surveyed. Calculate the probability that
the person lives in the city and has never waterskied. (2 marks)
(ii) A newspaper article claimed that Year 12 students who live in the country are more
likely to have waterskied than those who live in the city.
Is this true, based on the survey results? Justify your answer with relevant
calculations. (2 marks)
24. Probability, 2UG 2018 HSC 26a Worked Solutions
Jeremy rolled a biased 6-sided die a number of times. He recorded the results in a table.
1. Probability, 2UG 2013 HSC 7 MC

What is the relative frequency of rolling a 3? (1 mark)

Copyright © 2004-18 The State of New South Wales (Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW)

2. Probability, 2UG 2007 HSC 2 MC

3. Probability, 2UG 2014 HSC 8 MC

4. Probability, 2UG 2017 HSC 5 MC

5. Probability, 2UG 2009 HSC 8 MC 9. Probability, 2UG 2005 HSC 16 MC

6. Probability, 2UG 2009 HSC 9 MC

10. Probability, 2UG 2006 HSC 6 MC

7. Probability, 2UG 2010 HSC 12 MC

11. Probability, 2UG 2018 HSC 20 MC

8. Probability, 2UG 2013 HSC 10 MC

12. Probability, 2UG 2012 HSC 17 MC 14. Probability, 2UG 2011 HSC 25c

♦♦ Mean mark 34%

COMMENT: Note that relative
frequency is the frequency of
an event divided by the total
frequencies (i.e. the (ii)

13. Probability, 2UG 2016 HSC 23 MC

♦♦ Mean mark 34%.

15. Probability, 2UG 2012 HSC 26e



most successful candidates in
this part used the fraction
in their answer rather than
relying solely on words in their
16. Probability, 2UG 2006 HSC 26c 17. Probability, 2UG 2008 HSC 26a

(i) (i)





18. Probability, 2UG 2015 HSC 26e


19. Data, 2UG 2011 HSC 25b 21. Probability, 2UG 2004 HSC 25c
(i) (i)


(ii) students ignore the instruction
to use calculations and lose
marks as a result.



20. Probability, 2UG 2011 HSC 24b



♦ Mean mark 38%

(ii) IMPORTANT: Many students
confused 'relative frequency'
with 'frequency' and incorrectly
answered 8.

22. Probability, 2UG 2008 HSC 26b 24. Probability, 2UG 2018 HSC 26a
♦ Mean mark 40%.

Copyright © 2016-2019 M2 Mathematics Pty Ltd (


23. Probability, 2UG 2017 HSC 29c


♦ Mean mark part (ii) 47%.


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