2.1 Technical Assessment_202H Ceiling Rectification Works

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ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors

Mode 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
0 Ceiling Rectification 4 days 23 Jan '23 26 Jan '23
1 Procurement of 1 day 23 Jan '23 23 Jan '23
2 Mobilization 1 day 24 Jan '23 24 Jan '23 1
3 Delivery of 1 day 24 Jan '23 24 Jan '23 1
materials on site
4 Ceiling 2.5 days 24 Jan '23 26 Jan '23
5 Removal of 0.5 days 24 Jan '23 24 Jan '23 1
existing ceiling
board and frame
6 Installation of 0.5 days 25 Jan '23 25 Jan '23 9,5
new ceiling grid
7 Installation of 0.5 days 26 Jan '23 26 Jan '23 6
new ceiling tile
8 Plumbing/Fire 1 day 24 Jan '23 25 Jan '23
Protection Works
9 Repair of pipe 1 day 24 Jan '23 25 Jan '23 5
10 Demobilization 0.5 days 26 Jan '23 26 Jan '23
11 Housekeeping 0.5 days 26 Jan '23 26 Jan '23 7

Task Duration-only Path Predecessor Summary Task

Split Manual Summary Rollup Path Predecessor Normal Task

Milestone Manual Summary Baseline

Summary Start-only Baseline Milestone

Project: Ceiling Rectification
Project Summary Finish-only Baseline Summary
Date: 19 Jan '23
Inactive Task External Tasks Progress

Inactive Milestone External Milestone Manual Progress

Inactive Summary Deadline

Manual Task Path Predecessor Milestone Task

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