Exercises About BE GOING to[1]

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Exercises about BE GOING TO

1.Haz frases con be going to + infinitivo y las palabras entre paréntesis.

Example: (I/see/a film tonight) I’m going to see a film tonight.

1 (She/buy/a new car tomorrow) she going to buy a new car tomorrow

2 (They/not/catch/that train) they going to not catch that train

3 (you/have/a holiday next summer?) are you going to have a holiday next

4 (They/work/hard/the Maths test next month) they going to work hard

the maths test next month

5 (they/win/the football match?) are they going to win the football


6 (you/take/the exam in June?) are you going to take the exam in June?

7 (she/not/buy/a new house) she going to not buy a new house

8 (we/sell/our car tomorrow) we going to sell our car tomorrow

2. Una amiga va a visitar Gran Bretaña por primera vez. Hazle preguntas
con be going to + infinitivo, los verbos entre paréntesis, y estas

an umbrella in a luxury hotel to a disco fish and chips

in the sea a lot of English golf every day

Example: (speak) Are you going to speak a lot of English?

1 (play) are you going to play golf every day?

2 (take)

3 (swim)

4 (eat) are you going to eat fish and chips?

5 (stay) are going stay to a disco?

6 (go)

3. Pon las palabras en el orden correcto.

Example: (they/to/win/are/going?) Are they going to win?

1 (that/she/computer/going/to/isn’t/buy) she isn’t going to buy that


2 (he/his/visit/aunt/going/is/to) he is going to visit his aunt

3 (tonight/dance/we/to/are/going) we are going to dance tonight

4 (finish/they/are/soon/to/going?) are they going to finish soon?

5 (next/Chile/to/going/to/he/week/travel/is) he is going to travel to Chile

next week

6 (eat/they/out/going/are/Saturday/on/to?) are they going to eat out on


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