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Distr: Global – All Nomes of Date: 2nd day of July 2024

the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna

Confidentiality Level: Zero Record No: KoM-RM-1001020-020720-241400

Imminent Nationalisation of all Infrastructure and Buildings

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna acknowledges and confirms the following:

His Majesty Michael-Uriel Gabriel Raphael Zaphkiel of All Saints, The King’s Supreme
Commander and Grand Master Knight, Royal Monarch, Ruler of the Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna, communicates to all citizens that there will be an imminent nationalisation of all
infrastructure, buildings and homes etc., throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s
sovereign territories (amounting to 510,100,000 square kilometres of land and sea - which
equates to 100% of earth’s surface area).

His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, issued a Royal Decree on the nationalisation of all infrastructure,
buildings and homes etc., based on the following fundamental realities:

• All historical administration agreements were cancelled. These historical

administration agreements previously gave the former nation states (sub-sovereign
nations) the rights to administer parts of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s sovereign
territories. By Royal Decree of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, the Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna, an Absolute Monarchy, will now self-administer all her sovereign territories
under her own De Facto and De Jure administrative structures. Therefore, all former
government structures (and related officials, entities, ministries, departments,
agencies etc.) and all positions and authorities connecting to these former
government structures were cancelled and are therefore non-existent, null and void.
• All former nation states (sub-sovereign nations/countries) have already been re-
registered under the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna as “Nomes” and that the world is
now one kingdom – The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. For more information, please
see Appendix J, X and Y.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 1

• The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is an Absolute Monarchy ruled by her Royal
Monarch His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. Within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna
everything is owned by, and of the Body of the Royal Monarch.
• Further, every person living on earth is already a citizen of, and part of, the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna, and therefore is already under the sole and exclusive rule of His
Majesty Michael-Uriel I, and subject to, the sovereign law codes of the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna and the Royal Decrees of her Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-
Uriel I. For further information, please see Appendix K, L, and U.

1. Nationalisation of all infrastructure, buildings and homes etc.

The nationalisation of all infrastructure, buildings and homes etc., and everything connected
to them, in simple terms means they are owned by and of the Royal Body of the Royal
Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

Concurrently and simultaneously, the imminent nationalisation of all infrastructure, buildings

and homes etc., is being executed at the same time as both the activation of ‘Aureus’ (Au) as
the sole and exclusive currency, plus the nationalisation of all companies, and all products
made, created and manufactured.

So, for clarity, within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, no infrastructure, building or home,
can be bought or sold. Neither can they be rented, borrowed, loaned, squatted in, utilized, or
liened, unless authorised by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

As all infrastructure, buildings, and homes, are owned by and of the body of the Royal
Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, it is only His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, who can designate,
allocate, and authorise any infrastructure, building or home for a specific use.

This also means, that only with the sole authority of, and approval from, His Majesty Michael-
Uriel I, may any person, family, or department, use, work in, utilize, or reside in, any
infrastructure, building or home. This applied to all infrastructure, buildings, and homes,
throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

Due to the former structures, people and entities have never had any rights over any type of
infrastructure, building or home. This was a falsely and nefariously created illusion, giving the
people the perception of a degree of rights over infrastructure, buildings, and homes.

Sovereign ground can only be owned by a Sovereignty. Therefore, the sovereign ground was
never owned by the former nation states (sub-sovereign nations). Previously, they only ever

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 2

had the right to administrate the sovereign ground, and the infrastructure, buildings and
homes (amongst many other things) located on the sovereign ground. By never owning it, the
former nation states (sub-sovereign nations) therefore never had the power or the rights to
sell something that was not theirs. So, at best what the former nation state structures was
doing was selling (assigning in return for a fee) the rights to share in the administration of any
infrastructure, building, or home.

If people really had owned any infrastructure, building or home then the former nation states
(sub-sovereign nations) would never have had the authority to build a road through
someone’s “land or property”. Also, if people really had owned the infrastructure, buildings
or homes, then they would not have needed to apply for “planning permission” to make any
alterations. So, in essence, any sense of rights, was just a false illusion.

For clarity, and to reiterate, all infrastructure, buildings, and homes, throughout the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna, are owned by, and of the Royal Body of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, who
has now issued a Royal Decree that all infrastructure, buildings and homes etc., will now be

2. Allocation of Homes to Citizens

As all infrastructure, buildings, and homes, are owned by, and of the body of the Royal
Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, it is only His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, who can designate,
allocate, and authorise any infrastructure, building or home for a specific use or for use by a
specific person, family or Department.

This includes, but is not limited to, residential family homes. Herewith, for clarity, no citizen
within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna has any rights of any kind (ownership, administration,
residency, control or similar - in any shape or form) relating to any infrastructure, building or
home – including any residential or family home.

In relation to residential family homes, each family will be allocated, by His Majesty Michael-
Uriel I, the use of one primary family home. All homes are provided for free. The size of house
allocated to each person (family) is dependent on the Rank they have earned within the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and which has been granted to them by His Majesty Michael-
Uriel I.

Upon completing the citizen’s registration process every citizen is appointed a Rank (and title
where relevant) within the relevant heraldic division. Based on their initial Rank, which they
receive upon completing the citizen’s registration process, they will be allocated a

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commensurate salary, house, car, and other related benefits, connecting to their Rank. See
Appendix K, L and W, for more information.

Everywhere, throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna there is a planned regeneration

programme of a grand scale where new urban structures (Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Cities)
will be built, complimented by advanced technologies and the use of materials which are
neither mined, nor harmful to the environment. All new housing will be an integral part of the
new urban structures (Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Cities).

Shelter, and a safe and sound living environment is a basic need of all people. Within the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna each and every citizen is provided, for free, a very comfortable
- Free provision of a luxury designed, spacious, home (house or apartment) to each
citizen in the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.
- All housing comes with all utilities, again provided for free, e.g. water, heating,
electricity, communications and telephony, media and TV, two-way communication
home-education system and two-way communication home-healthcare system.
- Every 10 years, every person receives a full new package commensurate with their
Rank. This can include, but is not limited to, a newly built home, car, and other related
- As all citizens within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna hold a military rank, the higher
the rank the larger the allocated home (house or apartment).
- The minimum size of the home is calculated based on a minimum of 70 square metres
(753 square feet) per citizen above the age of twenty-five.
- The minimum size of a home e.g. for a single person, however, is 2 x 70 square metres,
equalling 140 square metres (1,506 square feet).
- The minimum size of a home e.g. for a married couple would be 140 square metres
plus 70 square metres, equalling 210 square metres (2,260 square feet).
- The minimum size of a home e.g. for a family of 4 (including two children under 25
years old), would also be 210 square metres (2,260 square feet).
- For every three children an additional 70 square metres is allocated. So, for a family of
5 (including three children under 25 years old), they would be provided with a home
measuring a minimum of 280 square metres (3,014 square feet).

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- All living spaces are designed and constructed in such a way where they promote the
maximum flow of positive energy, inside and outside of the home, and where they
eliminate any negative impact to the environment.
- Each home is provided with a Sovereign Kingdom of Manna flag.
- Additionally, for added safety and security, every home has both a Panic Room for
security emergencies, and a Bunker, in the unlikely event of a war or an unforeseen
natural disaster.
- Outer walls between each room and apartment will be made fully sound proofed for
comfort and tranquillity.
- Every household can request at any time a home audit visit. This is where housing
specialists audit the apartment or house in order to check the suitability for its
occupiers, and at the same time check all potential allergy levels and air quality level.
The home audits are done for the benefit of the occupiers to ensure what they are
provided is of the highest quality and standard possible.

2.1. New Secondary Homes within the Mountain Cities

In addition to the primary home allocated for use by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, to each
citizen, a secondary home will be allocated per family for free within one of the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna Mountain Cities which will be built.
This second home will be a luxury designed, spacious, high-tech apartment for each citizen in
the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and it will be located within one of the Sovereign Kingdom
of Manna’s Mountain Cities.
The Mountain Cities, comprising the tallest and the highest number of skyscraper buildings,
are highly advanced technological areas – future cities which demonstrate and present the
latest technologies known to mankind, while blending with an abundance of water canals,
green areas and gardens around all buildings.

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2.2. Existing Second (non-primary) Homes

To reiterate, all infrastructure, buildings and homes etc. – including all residential and family
homes, are owned by, and of the Royal Body of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. The size of the
home allocated by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, for the use of a person or family, is directly
related to the military styled rank they have earned within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.
While all new infrastructure, buildings and homes, are being built, and during the period of
the citizen’s registration process, most citizens throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna
will remain in their present primary homes. However, changes may be made, where
applicable, at the sole discretion of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

So, in this interim transition period, each person/family will only be permitted the use of one
primary home.

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All existing residential homes which were previously designated secondary homes, additional
homes, weekend homes, holiday homes, investment property, or similar, will be re-allocated
accordingly at the sole authority of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.
No person should ever be homeless within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, so until all the
new housing has been built within the new urban structures (Sovereign Kingdom of Manna
Cities), which is a high priority, all non-primary homes will be re-allocated by His Majesty
Michael-Uriel I.
- Any attempts by any person to deviate from the above and or to attempt to operate
within, utilise, reside in, or claim as their own, any infrastructure, building, or home,
without explicit formal authorisation from His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, to do so, will be
deemed unlawful and for those attempting to do so will fall under the full extent of the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system.

2.3. Urban Plans

There are 6 City sizes planned dependent on the size of the Nome and the terrain within.

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The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna regeneration programme which includes the building of new
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna cities, when completed, will equate to only 20% of earth’s
surface being used for human day to day living and working. The remaining unused surface
will be left for nature which will allow mother earth the time to repair and replenish. There
are 6 sizes planned for the Cities, dependent on size of Nome and terrain.

The following portrays the structures within the inner circle of an individual hexagon.

3. Financial Gifts

In the run up to people receiving their appropriate salaries commensurate to the Ranks they
have within the Departments, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, has authorised 4 initial good faith
payments or gifts, for each citizen.

As part of the nationalisation process of the infrastructure, buildings and homes, a payment
of a financial gift to each citizen was calculated by taking the collective valuation of all
infrastructure, buildings and homes etc., and dividing such figure by the total number of

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citizens within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. This payment is released upon the citizen
completing the citizens registration process for the Bio-Identity Card. The four payments to
citizens are detailed as follows.

a) Initial Gift of 100,000 Aureus.

His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, has authorised a gift of 100,000 Aureus to every citizen within
the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. This 100,000 Aureus gift may be accessed using their
debit card or net banking apps until they have completed the citizen registration process
for their new Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Cards. The use of debit cards and
net/internet banking will last only until the citizens are issued their new Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Cards, or alternatively until a cutoff date issued by His
Majesty Michael-Uriel I. From this cutoff date, all banking functions will be exclusively via
the Bio-Identity Cards or by visiting their local bank and speaking with their bank officer.

b) Second Gift of 100,000 Aureus.

Upon completing the citizen registration process via personal registration and recording
of their biometrics related to being issued a Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity
Card a further 100,000 Aureus per citizen will be gifted by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, for
completing the citizen registration process.

c) Gift related to the Nationalisation of all Companies

Upon completing the citizen registration process via personal registration and recording
of their biometrics related to being issued a Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity
Card, 200,000 Aureus per citizen will be gifted by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, as their
personal share of the good faith proceeds from the nationalisation of all companies
throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

d) Gift related to the Nationalisation of all Infrastructure, Buildings & Houses

Upon completing the citizen registration process via personal registration and recording
of their biometrics related to being issued a Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity
Card 400,000 Aureus per citizen will be gifted by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, as their
personal share of the good faith proceeds from the nationalisation of all infrastructure,
buildings, and homes, throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. The release of the
400,000 Aureus is subject to the completion of the citizen registration process by every
citizen within each household. For all minors under the age of 25 years old, this gift is
‘banked’ for them on their Bio-Identity Card but is only released to them on their 25th

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As part of the citizen’s registration process and release of salaries, for certain Ranks and
heraldic divisions, the displaying of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna insignia will be
mandatory. Please see Appendix O for more information.

4. Citizens’ Registration Process

Upon the imminent activation of Aureus becoming the sole currency of use throughout the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna combined with other related actions, including but not limited
to, the nationalisation of all companies, it is critical for all Sovereign Kingdom of Manna citizens
to be fully registered. They do this by completing the citizens registration process. For further
information, please see Appendix Q, S, M, and N.

Without being fully registered citizens cannot be appointed their relevant Rank (and title
where relevant) within the suitable heraldic division (Intelligence, Army, Navy, Air & Space
Force, Governance, Support Services, Disaster Relief, or External) appropriate to their level of
education, employment and experiences.

If a citizen is not registered, then they cannot receive a Rank. If they have not received a Rank,
then they cannot receive the commensurate salary, benefits, housing and car etc. appropriate
to such Rank. For further information, please see Appendix B, C, D, and I.

As part of the citizen’s registration process and release of salaries, for certain Departments,
Ranks and heraldic divisions, the displaying of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna insignia will
be mandatory. Please see Appendix O for more information.

As Earth is now one kingdom, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, part of the citizens
registration process is elevating citizens from a non-sovereign citizen status to a sovereign
citizen status. A further part of the process is the requirement for all citizens to undertake a
Crown Legion Agreement. To remain within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, which covers
all land and sea on earth, this is a critical necessity for all.

Within a Kingdom, it is the sole responsibility of the Royal Monarch to take care of and provide
for the sovereign citizens who are “of the body” of the Royal Monarch and have been granted
the right (via individual Crown Legion agreements with the Royal Monarch) to live within the

By agreement with the Royal Monarch, as sovereign citizens, they are part of the body of the
Royal Monarch. This gives the sovereign citizens the ability to access the necessary resources
within the Kingdom which are provided by the Royal Monarch e.g. food, shelter, medicine,

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 10

protection, education, currency, technology, communications etc. Please see Appendix K and
L for more information.

5. Bio-Identity Card

Upon completing the citizen registration process via personal registration and recording of
their biometrics, a highly secure and unique Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Card,
which has a multitude of functions, will be issued to every citizen, of all ages, within the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. The functionality of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-
Identity Card includes:

• The Bio-Identity Card is unique to each holder and is securely activated by their
DNA/thumbprint. Please see Appendix I for more information.

• The Bio-Identity Card will hold an array of highly secure, encrypted information. So, the
Bio-Identity Card acts both as a payment function (debit card) and an official ID card
also. Information that can be held via the Bio-Identity Card includes, but is not limited
to: Full Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Rank and Title, Service Area, Service/Employment
History, Nome Address, Bank Account Balance and Transaction History, DNA,
Biometrics, and Medical Information, Real-Time Diagnostics, Law Infringements, Etc.

• The stored data is highly secured and encrypted within departmental electronic pocket
areas. This means by using an authorised Bio-Identity Card Reader a law enforcement
department may only see the necessary information specific to the holder’s law and
criminal records (if any). Alternatively, a doctor or hospital may only see the necessary
information specific to the holder’s medical records.

• All Bio-Identity Cards are discreet and do not visibly show any details of the holder. The
information may only be read after activation by the holder and the requester having
the correct authorised Bio-Identity Card Reader (or as is necessary by law
enforcement/police officers).

• The Bio-Identity Card connects to the Sovereign Monarch Church banking systems and
will therefore become the primary card for all purchasing transactions (the purchase
of goods and services). The Bio-Identity Card will replace bank debit cards, ID cards,
medical record cards etc. This also allows those people who presently do not have bank
accounts to have immediate access to financial funds, including the initial deposit of
100,000 Aureus, and all future citizens salary payments.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 11

It is critical for all Sovereign Kingdom of Manna citizens to be fully registered. Without being
fully registered they cannot be appointed their relevant Rank (and title where relevant) within
the suitable heraldic division (Intelligence, Army, Navy, Air & Space Force, Governance,
Support Services, Disaster Relief, or External) appropriate to their level of education,
employment and experiences. If a citizen is not registered, then they cannot receive a Rank. If
they have not received a Rank, then they cannot receive the commensurate salary, benefits,
housing and car etc. appropriate to such Rank. Please see Appendix B and C for more

Executing Financial transactions:

On all above activities being activated people wishing to execute a financial transaction –
which means transacting using their new Bank (a licensed Bank, but which operates like that
of a bank account) which is part of the Sovereign Monarch Church banking system may use
the following:

i. Debit Card - as normal until receipt of Bio-Identity Card, or cut-off date as issued by His
Majesty Michael-Uriel I.
ii. Net Banking/Digital Banking – as normal until receipt of Bio-Identity Card, or cut-off
date as issued by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.
iii. Mobile Banking - as normal until receipt of Bio-Identity Card, or cut-off date as issued
by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.
iv. Speaking with a Bank Relationship Officer or Teller within a bank branch – as normal.
v. Using a Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Citizen’s Bio-Identity Card.
Example of a Bio-Identity Card

The use of debit cards and net/internet banking will last only until the citizens are issued their
new Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Cards, or alternatively until a cutoff date issued

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 12

by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. From this cutoff date, all banking functions will be exclusively
via the Bio-Identity Cards or by visiting their local bank and speaking with their bank officer.

6. Citizen’s Ranks

As the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, an Absolute Monarchy, ruled by her Royal Monarch, His
Majesty Michael-Uriel I, is built on military structures, every citizen is both given a rank, and
appointed into a relevant heraldic division (Intelligence, Army, Navy, Air & Space Force,
Governance, Support Services, Disaster Relief, or External).

All ranks are bequeathed to the holder under authorisation solely of His Majesty Michael-Uriel
I. All ranks have to be earned. They are bequeathed to each citizen in line with their level of
education, employment, training, and experiences. The core priority for every citizen, is to
support the Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, in providing the most abundant, safe,
peaceful, and rewarding environment, for all citizens. For more information, please see
Appendix B and C.

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The vast majority of all citizens, within one form or other, will be part of a Department where
they will work and perform their required duties within their chosen profession or specialty.

The Departments also have ranks. For more information, please see Appendix A.

The higher the Rank of a Department the higher the extended benefits to all citizens who work
within such Department are. A Department’s Rank can be increased through helping a larger
portion of the citizens e.g. by providing products and or services to a larger number of citizens
across a larger area., or for safeguarding a larger more densely populated area of sovereign

There are various ways for citizens to progress through the ranks of their chosen profession.

Example - Lawyers

• Lawyers will be appointed a new structure similar to that of local doctors. Each lawyer
will be provided an area of where their customers may come from. They will then
service the citizens appointed to them when requested. Generally speaking, a single
lawyer would service up to circa 100+ clients.

• However, a lawyer may wish to expand their reach and join a Department with a higher
Rank. This would mean they also could receive a higher Rank and the higher
commensurate salary and benefits.

• The Department with a higher Rank could also offer its employees a higher level of
benefits it has access to due to its Rank e.g. hotels, clubs, holiday resorts, theme parks,
Department cars etc.

• As all Departments are within one structure and under one main Department, to be
promoted and or to become part of a Department with a higher Rank, the lawyer must
submit a request. They can submit their request themselves directly to human
resources, or to the transparency department, or to intelligence, or super officer, or
to the Private Office of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. There is a wide flexibility of options
with this approach mainly so that no one is ever “stuck in a rut” of where they feel
trapped. If they wish to put themselves forward for potential promotion then they
may do so, without restrictions.

• Alternatively, the ranks above them may also propose them for potential promotion
due to their performance, dedication, and or expertise on a subject matter. The
proposer of such citizens must be a minimum of two ranks more senior.

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• All people who have been proposed for promotion will then be fully analysed by a
specialist intelligence department, including analysis of the citizens past years
performance (as a minimum).

• On completion of the formal review, they will then deliver their recommendation
forward for His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, to authorise or not, such promotions. If the
review and recommendation is positive, this may culminate in the request being
approved by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. If so, then the lawyer may join the larger

• This scenario allows for the lawyer to potentially hold a higher rank within the larger
Department due to them providing quality services to a larger number of citizens than
they were before working only by themselves.

• It is also important to note that the lawyer, like any person within the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna, may at any time, take time to further educate themself in their
chosen profession, or even to change their profession

• Anyone may change professions at any time where they will be provided the resources
to retrain themselves in their chosen field.

In past historical structures, many people were burdened by debt, and or financial restrictions,
and or lack of re-training options, and or lack of re-education options, and felt trapped in doing
jobs they did not want to do but had to do out of necessity. Within the Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna, it is the opposite. His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, wishes for all to engage in activities they
wish to do. So much so, training and education resources are made fully available, for free, to
all citizens of all ranks and ages, and in all specialties, in order that they do the job they most
wish to do.

Any person within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna may choose to change their role at any
time. Re-education and re-training resources are provided for free to all those who opt to
follow a new specialty path. When a person changes to a new job or specialty they keep the
same Rank as their previous role, including while they are being educated and or trained in
their new chosen specialty. This again allows people to move with freedom without the
restriction or worry of having to reduce their Rank and commensurate salary and benefits. As
an example, if a lawyer with the Rank of Captain wished to follow his or her real passion which
is carpentry, then they could do so. They would then be put on the education and training path
allowing them to progress, without restriction, to the Rank of Captain within the carpentry
department – all the time maintaining the original Captain Rank and the commensurate salary
and benefits.

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Within all specialties (professions) and within all heraldic divisions the potential to increase in
rank is open to all. The key is that people do what they most wish to do, and therefore they
will play a more significant role in being a happy part of their community and happy in

The Arts and Sports

No type of chosen specialty is apart from or restricted from the potential to progress through
the ranks if that is what the citizen wishes. An important part of society are the arts and sports,
and similar professions of giving service and enjoyment to others.

Artists, sculptors, actors, singers, dancers, musicians, writers, photographers, sports people,
spiritual healers, etc. are integral and important parts of society. They provide positive
influence and enjoyment to many. These are fully salaried positions within the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna, with the same potential for promotion. A musician who performs on a
smaller scale would naturally have a lower rank to one who performs on a grand scale. If
citizens wish to focus on their chosen specialty, all citizens will be catered for, and supported
in becoming the best they can be.

Promotion through Departments

The Rank of a citizen is different from the Rank of a Department. Concurrently with all
Departments holding a rank, inside every Department the individual citizens all hold their own

Their Ranks will be appropriate to their level of education, employment level and experiences,
etc. They can increase their Rank and progress higher through a Department by their
continued personal performance and valued service to their colleagues, the Department as a
whole, and or to the customers they are helping to provide products and services to.

Rank may also be increased through education. This could be by attending university or college
at age 21 after they have completed their initial 30-month military training which all young
people (men and women) have to complete. It could be by applying for officer training at any
time within their chosen career specialty. And increasing in Ranks can also be by doing the
continued training courses and professional education courses related to their chosen career
specialty. For note, within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, citizens are only lawfully adults
when they reach 25 years of age. Please see Appendix T for further information.

So, a citizen’s Rank can be increased through:

a) their performance within their Department/focus of specialty, and or

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 16

b) the collective performance of the Department they sit within, and or
c) further education and training.

7. Citizen’s Salary Payments

All citizens salaries are paid by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, through the Sovereign Kingdom of

No salaries can be paid directly by the Departments as they have no Banks (accounts). For
further information, please see Appendix D and Q.

In the interim, prior to completing the citizens registration process for the Sovereign Kingdom
of Manna’s Bio-Identity Card where the citizens are given a Rank and appointed to their
specialty heraldic division, and allocated a related commensurate salary and benefits, all
citizens are treated equally. They are all appointed into the heraldic division of ‘External’ and
allocated a basic citizens salary of 22,000 Aureus per month.

Once each citizen has completed the citizens registration process they are given an initial rank,
heraldic department and commensurate salary connecting to their rank. Only once they have
completed the citizens registration process is the salary released for use, and the subsequent
tangible full salary and benefits are initiated. For note, the higher the Rank, the higher the
salary and the larger the allocated house size (and other related benefits).

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 17

Dependent on rank, monthly standard salaries, excluding members of the nobility and royal
nobility, go from 22,000 Aureus per month up to 275,000+ Aureus per month. For more
information, please see Appendix B, C, and I.

Pocket Money – Children (Non-Adult)

In the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, young people (babies - children - teens - adolescents) are
only designated as adults when they reach the age of 25 years old.

Children however start accumulating pocket money from birth, starting at 500 Aureus per
month, and increasing each year by a further 500 Aureus per month (year on year).

This continues up to the age they start their 30-month initial military training which all young
people (men and women) have to complete. During this period they are paid 24,750 per month
which is an Enlisted Private Rank. If they did not increase in rank, they would continue on this
salary during their further education or further training activities. But salaries are directly
related to ranks. So Rank may be increased through education, amongst other activities. This
could be by attending university or college at age 21 after they have completed their initial 30-
month military training which all young people (men and women) have to complete. It could
be by applying for officer training at any time within their chosen career specialty. And
increasing in Ranks can also be by doing the continued training courses and professional
education courses related to their chosen career specialty. Please see Appendix B, C and T for
further information

Age Salary Type Rank (lowest) Monthly (Au) Annual (Au)

0-1 Pocket Money n/a 500 6,000
1-2 Pocket Money n/a 1,000 12,000
2-3 Pocket Money n/a 1,500 18,000
3-4 Pocket Money n/a 2,000 24,000
4-5 Pocket Money n/a 2,500 30,000
5-6 Pocket Money n/a 3,000 36,000
6-7 Pocket Money n/a 3,500 42,000
7-8 Pocket Money n/a 4,000 48,000
8-9 Pocket Money n/a 4,500 54,000
9-10 Pocket Money n/a 5,000 60,000
10-11 Pocket Money n/a 5,500 66,000
11-12 Pocket Money n/a 6,000 72,000
12-13 Pocket Money n/a 6,500 78,000

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 18

13-14 Pocket Money n/a 7,000 84,000
14-15 Pocket Money n/a 7,500 90,000
16-17 Pocket Money n/a 8,000 96,000
17-18 Pocket Money n/a 8,500 102,000
18-19 Initial Military Service Enlisted Private 24,750 297,000
19-20 Initial Military Service Enlisted Private 24,750 297,000
20-21 Initial Military Service Enlisted Private 24,750 297,000
21-22 Further Education / University Enlisted Private 24,750 297,000
22-23 Further Education / University Enlisted Private 24,750 297,000
23-24 Further Education / University Enlisted Private 24,750 297,000
24-25 Further Education / University Enlisted Private 24,750 297,000
From 25 years old, all adults receive salary and benefits commensurate with their Rank

8. Concurrent Activity – Activation of Aureus as the sole currency

His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, has also authorised the imminent activation of ‘Aureus’ as the sole
and exclusive financial currency to be used throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s
sovereign territories (amounting to 510,100,000 square kilometres of land and sea - which
equates to 100% of earth’s surface area).

Aureus is the sole national currency of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. It is a non-debt
currency and will be the sole recognisable and usable financial currency throughout the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Currency

Name of National Currency Aureus

National Currency Alphabetic Code: Au

National Currency Symbol:

Type of Currency Asset Based Currency - therefore Debt Free and not connected
to Fractional Reserve Banking

Physical Currency Yes (Printing only on authorisation of the Royal Monarch)

Purchasing Power 1 Au = the purchasing power of 1 GBP (as on 20th June 2024)

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 19

Aureus, the official financial currency of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, is an Asset-Based
debt-free currency, and is also a physical currency. However, the printing of physical cash is
only upon strict authorisation by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. Predominantly, within the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Aureus will be used digitally via the Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna Bio-Identity Cards which are personalised to each Sovereign Kingdom of Manna citizen.
Please see Appendix Q for further information.

Aureus are sovereign funds which hold full sovereign status and rights. They are part of the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and are part of the Royal Body of her Royal Monarch, His
Majesty Michael-Uriel I. Being sovereign funds, and of the Royal Body of His Majesty Michael-
Uriel I, however futile to even try, they cannot be blocked, restricted, controlled, pinged,
traded with, or have their rights infringed, in any way, shape, or form.

Aureus – What it Means

With the imminent activation of Aureus as the sole currency in existence throughout the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, the changes to the present structures, the financial system as
people have known it, the former power positions influence, and basically the destructive way
the world had been heading prior to the emergence of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna will
be systematically and seismically different and better - for all living things – including all of
both humanity and nature.

There will of course be a period of necessary adjustment for all citizens across all Nomes of
the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. The structural changes will be visible to all and will come
into effect immediately on His Majesty Michael-Uriel I’s activation of Aureus.

How this looks in real terms:

1. Aureus will be the only authorised currency which can be used by citizens or entities
within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. This means that all 8.2 billion citizens
throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s sovereign territories (amounting to
510,100,000 square kilometres of land and sea - which equates to 100% of earth’s
surface area) will be exclusively using Aureus.
2. No other currency, apart from Aureus, will be usable, recognisable or exchangeable
throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. This means that Aureus will be the only
currency which will be electronically and digitally recognised, readable and usable
across all types of payment systems, payment gateways, electronic systems, Till

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 20

Systems, Point of Sale Systems, or similar. So, if a person wishes to buy e.g. a litre of
milk, then only Aureus can be used to purchase this or any other item.
3. With the exception of Aureus, all existing national currencies (including but not limited
to the 180 official currencies presently recognised as legal tender) will be deleted from
existence, digitally, electronically, and physically, by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna
as authorised solely by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. Such deleted currencies will no
longer be usable, transferrable, or recognisable by the global systems, Global Financial
System, or any type of financial system, monetary system, banking system, payment
system, payment gateway, currency exchange system, electronic system, Till System,
Point of Sale System, ATM, Cashpoint, technology platform, or similar. Please see
Appendix G for the full list of currencies to be deleted.
- Further attempts to use in any way, including but not limited to, any remaining
pallets or stockpiles of physical cash currencies is unlawful and for those attempting
to do so they will fall under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal
and court system.
4. All registrations and certifications of the asset allocations of the commodities and
inground assets which were allocated to back any existing national currencies
(including but not limited to the 180 official currencies presently recognised as legal
tender) will be deleted from existence by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna as
authorised solely by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. .
- All assets, historical assets, bunkered assets, and inground assets of all types, are
registered to, and fully owned by, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. Any
unauthorised attempts (meaning without authorisation solely from His Majesty
Michael-Uriel I) to use these assets, in any shape or form, including but not limited
to, for trade, exchange, leverage, monetisation, value realisation, pinging,
mirroring, or similar, is deemed unlawful and all those attempting to do so will fall
under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system.
5. All existing, or future unauthorised cryptocurrencies will be deleted from existence,
digitally and electronically, by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna as authorised solely by
His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, and will not be usable, transferrable, or recognisable by
the global systems, Global Financial System, or any type of financial system, monetary
system, banking system, payment system, payment gateway, crypto exchange system,

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 21

electronic system, Till System, Point of Sale System, ATM, Cashpoint, technology
platform, or similar. Please see Appendix H for the full list of cryptocurrencies to be
6. All registrations and certifications of the asset allocations of the commodities and
inground assets which were allocated to back any existing unauthorised
cryptocurrencies (including but not limited to any type of Central Bank Digital Currency
or global cryptocurrency) will be deleted from existence by the Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna as authorised solely by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. All assets, historical assets,
bunkered assets, and inground assets of all types, are registered to, and fully owned
by, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.
- All assets, historical assets, bunkered assets, and inground assets of all types, are
registered to, and fully owned by, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. Any
unauthorised attempts (meaning without authorisation solely from His Majesty
Michael-Uriel I) to use these assets, in any shape or form, including but not limited
to, for trade, exchange, leverage, monetisation, value realisation, pinging,
mirroring, or similar, is deemed unlawful and all those attempting to do so will fall
under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system.

9. Concurrent Activity – Nationalise and Convert all Companies into Departments

Concurrently with the imminent nationalisation of all infrastructure, all companies (private
companies, public companies, state-owned companies, micro enterprises, small enterprises,
medium enterprises, large enterprises, large conglomerates, group structures, corporations,
charities, NGOs, Trusts, and Foundations, etc.), are also nationalised including everything
connected to them. This means they are owned by and of the Royal Body of the Royal
Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

From this point forward all nationalised companies, and all parts within, will now operate as
Departments of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, with their collective assets, equipment,
products and services being the resources of the Royal Body of the Royal Monarch, His Majesty
Michael-Uriel I.

Herewith, the directors/management/staff/members/partners/employees etc. are no longer

privately employed by the former companies. They now work within the Departments, and
are employed by, and paid directly by, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, subject to their
appointed Rank (and title where relevant) within the relevant heraldic division. Their actual

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 22

salaries are paid by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, via the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. Please
see Appendix B for further information.

Based on their Rank, which they receive upon completing the citizen’s registration process,
they will receive the commensurate monthly salary, house, car and other related benefits
connecting to their Ranks. See Appendix C, D, E, and I for more information.

So, for clarity, no company can be bought or sold. They now conduct their former business
activities (where permitted) under the direction of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, as a
Department of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. They are all sub-departments of one large
department. Each Department is also given a Rank based on the number of citizens it can
provide a service for. This allows an indication of the scope and size of the Department.
Further each Department will have a code, segmenting the specialty type the Departments
have a focus on. Please see Appendix A and E for further information.

9.1. Department Structure

All the former companies which are nationalised will be split up. This means that each area or
branch within them e.g. Accounting, Administration, Production, Manufacturing, Legal,
Management etc., becomes a Department by itself. No former company will therefore exist
in their present format or structure. Neither will they continue trading in their present format
where they are profit driven or return on investment driven on behalf of their shareholders.
These practices will become non-existent. The focus for all Departments going forward will be
to provide the citizens of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna with the best products and services
- on behalf of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, Royal Monarch of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

• Each newly structured Department is placed dependent on its size, number of citizens
it addresses (provides for), and channel of specialty, within a hierarchical waterfall
structure beneath one Main Department. The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna has only
one Main Department which provides all goods and services for all citizens. This Main
Department has a waterfall (hierarchical organogram) of connecting Channels and
their Departments below it.

• Each type of department (e.g. Accounting, Administration, Production,

Manufacturing, Legal, Management etc.) becomes a part of a larger channel of similar
specialty departments, arranged in hierarchical order according to their size and
number of citizens they address (provides for).

• All Departments all flow within one of the 11 Channel types. Each Channel type has
similar specialty Departments. There is no cross over of types of Departments. The

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 23

Departments priority as stated is to collectively, under one Main Department, provide
the citizens of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna with the best products and services -
on behalf of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, Royal Monarch of the Sovereign Kingdom of

Department types, each which have their own Rank, flow into a hierarchical system based on
their size, number of citizens it addresses (provides for), and channel of specialty

Department Types
Accounting Human Resources Marketing
Administrative Services Hygiene Services Operations
Compliance Information Technology Product Management
Distribution Legal Project Management
Electronics Logistics Research and Development
Engineering Maintenance Management Risk Management
Environmental Affairs Management Telecommunications
Facilities Management Manufacturing Wellbeing Management
Governance Etc. Etc.

The 11 Channel types are:

ID Channel Sectors Via the waterfall hierarchical flow

10 Energy Holding the Departments relating to this specialty function
15 Materials Holding the Departments relating to this specialty function
20 Industrials Holding the Departments relating to this specialty function
25 Consumer Discretionary Holding the Departments relating to this specialty function
30 Consumer Staples Holding the Departments relating to this specialty function
35 Health Care Holding the Departments relating to this specialty function
40 Financials Holding the Departments relating to this specialty function
45 Information Technology Holding the Departments relating to this specialty function
50 Telecommunication Services Holding the Departments relating to this specialty function
55 Utilities Holding the Departments relating to this specialty function
60 Real Estate Holding the Departments relating to this specialty function

Please see Appendix E for more information.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 24

The simplest way to explain the Department structure is that the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna
is transparently and openly built around a military structure. So, the easiest way to think of
the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s Department structure and how they work, is to compare
them to a military unit within a military base. This is exactly how the Department structure
works – as a military structure. All structures within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna are built
around military structures.

Military Base Example:

Within the military base there are personnel who are soldiers, lawyers, doctors, dentists,
administrators, logistics, engineers, electricians, mechanics, and so on.

Every person will be designated to one of the units or branches within the military base. All
the units and branches interconnect, depending on their size into, and under, one larger unit.
The personnel, based on their specialty will be grouped where:

• a Section (Department) may hold 10 people.

• A Platoon (Department) may hold 3 Sections plus a Platoon HQ (equating to circa 35


• A Company (Department) may hold 4 Platoons plus a Company HQ (equating to circa

150 people)

• A Battalion (Department) may hold 5 Companies plus a Battalion HQ (equating to circa

1,000 people)

• And so on, Etc. Etc.

Therefore, someone working within an 10-person section (department), is part of a 35-person

platoon (department), which is part of a 150-person company (department), which is part of
a 1,000-person regiment (department), and so on.

Also, everyone within the base has a Rank dependent on their performance, specialty, service
arm, education and years of experience etc. Everyone’s salary and benefits within the base are
commensurate with their Rank.

Also, within a very large military base, the personnel are regularly rotated between units.
Generally speaking, the higher the Rank, the shorter the rotational periods (rotated more
often). This allows them to have the most experience and knowledge while keeping all the
units fresh and highly trained.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 25

The Departments have different sizes and different specialties. Some of them are more special
than others e.g. special forces, which have a higher training status than others, and therefore
their personnel receive higher salaries and benefits. The former companies etc. which are now
departments under a bigger department are exactly the same.

Also, when it comes to needing anything inside the military camp, no-one pays for anything.
They work out what they need, and then they submit a resource request. If the resources are
available, they are delivered to the unit (Department) who has made the request – but no
money changes hand, as it is all within one military base.

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna departments work exactly the same. So, for clarity, the
departments have no expenses as everything is provided from internal resources on request.

9.2. What is a department

A Department in simple terms is a department or specialist area from within a former

commercial, private, or public company etc. which has been nationalised and now operates as
a Department of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

Every Department is categorised which indicates its heraldic division, channel ID, specialty
area, and addressable size of the customer base it may provide products and or services. A key
point is that Departments are no longer sales revenue or profit driven. Their sole focus is to
provide the best service they can within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, and to fully support
His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, in providing the best (abundant, rewarding, clean, safe, healthy
and happy) livelihood to every citizen within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

So, upon nationalisation, all former companies become departments. They are then
designated one of the 8 heraldic divisions most suited to their specialty e.g. Intelligence, Army,
Navy, Air & Space Force, Governance, Support Services, or Disaster Relief.

They are also designated a Department ID which will connect to the sector ID of the type of
Department they are to e.g. Energy, Materials, Industrials, Consumer Discretionary, Consumer
Staples, Healthcare, Finance, Information Technology, Telecommunication Services, Utilities,
or Property and Infrastructure. See Appendix E for more information.

Furthermore, each Department will have a Rank. The Ranks are based on the size of the
Department. The Rank does not illustrate how many citizens work within the Department but
it does illustrate what value the Department provides the citizens or community as a whole.
In simple terms, the Rank is based on what the directly addressable number of the population
that the Department may provide products or services for.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 26

There are 22 levels of Department Ranks, starting at ‘Sub Komarz – 1st Degree’ which would
be directly addressing up to 250 citizens. The standard personal Rank of the head or chief of
this Department would be a ‘Mannat’ (equivalent to a Lance Corporal).

The Ranks of the Departments go all the way up to ‘Komarz – 12th Degree’ (and above) which
would be directly addressing up to 3 billion citizens who could become customers. The
standard personal Rank of the head or chief of this Department would be a General of 4 Stars.
Please see Appendix A for further information.

9.3. Mandatory Ethical and Green Methodologies

All Departments will be subject for review. Integral within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna,
is that all production lines are in balance with nature and that the effects of any Department
is 100% non-harmful to nature and or all living things (including people).

There are support methodologies and systems designed to support all Departments
incorporate more ethical, sustainable, environmentally sound and socially responsible
practices that improve the overall health and wellbeing of society and the planet.

To achieve this vision, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, decrees that all Departments will undergo
a regular verification, evaluation and certification process that has been specifically designed
to generate an array of ecological, social and economic benefits.

All Departments will be assessed by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, with the support of an
extensive and dedicated team of industry experts. Upon approval, Departments will have
access to all the technical and structural assistance they may require to transition to a Circular
Business Model (CBM) that incorporates Green Production and Fair-Practices throughout.

9.4. Working Environment within Departments

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna will provide all citizens with the possibility of a healthy,
rewarding and invigorating work environment. The ethos is to have a healthy balance between
work, quality family time, and leisure time, thus keeping everyone fresh, healthy and
motivated – with a guarantee of work for every citizen who wishes to work, regardless of
status, environment or disability, so that everyone has the opportunity to be a valued part of
their community. Life should not be a struggle for survival but a matter of quality of life and

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 27

a) Rotating through Departments

To maintain the integrity and vibrance of both the Departments and the employees,
the employees rotate periodically into new departments - just like the personnel on a
military base.

- Every 4 years: Citizens with Ranks of a lower echelon will rotate into a new
Department of a similar specialty. This can also be rotating into a higher Rank (size)
of Department or even into a new specialty area if the citizen has chosen this route
and is qualified to do so.
- Every 2 years: Citizens with Ranks of a middle echelon will rotate into a new
Department of a similar specialty. This can also be rotating into a higher Rank (size)
of Department or even into a new specialty area if the citizen has chosen this route
and is qualified to do so.
- Every year: Citizens with Ranks of an upper echelon will rotate into a new
Department of a similar specialty. This can also be rotating into a higher Rank (size)
of Department or even into a new specialty area if the citizen has chosen this route
and is qualified to do so.
- The effect of the rotational process is to keep everyone fresh, motivated,
interested, and to continue to expand one’s knowledge and experiences.

b) Female Leader of Female Departments and Male Leaders of Male Departments

For the correct energetical balances and to return to our core natural roots of females
being females, and males being males, Department genders are structured as thus:

- Female leader for every female only Department, and

- Male leader for every male only Department.
- No Department can have both females and males within them.
- No female only Department can have a male leader, or a male within the
- No male only Department can have a female leader, or a female within the
- This way females report to females, and males report to males.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 28

- For every female only Department (at every Rank and within every speciality
channel) there will be a corresponding male only Department, performing similar
- On a project basis they would collaborate through the Committee structure for
cohesiveness and full execution of their tasks.
- These Departmental leadership positions are also rotated. To ensure effective
continuity of experience the leader of the female only Department, and the
corresponding leader of the male only Department are rotated at different times.
- For clarity, this is not a physical segregation of males and females. It is a segregation
of the reporting lines only. This is why there is female only Departments and Male
Only Departments. Females only report to females and males only report to males.
- For every activity or role, there will be two people. One woman, and one man. Both
doing the same job, but from different reporting lines/departments. If we use the
example of an X-Ray Department (in a hospital environment). Normally they would
have 4 personnel in it. Now, if all personnel were available for placement, there will
be 8. A 4-woman team and a 4-man team.
- A core principle of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is to cultivate healthy balanced
work ethics and collaborative equal opportunities for both men and women, while
still performing at the highest levels. Complimenting this approach is the need to
balance the energy and efficiency in any leadership or management position to
maximise efficiency and performance. Having this flow through the whole
Department structure all the way to the top Main Department (concurrently
through the male lines and the female lines) enhances the female/male energetical
balance throughout the workforce across the whole of the Sovereign Kingdom of
- The administration departments of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s Nomes,
have similar structures. Please see Appendix P for more information.

9.5. Banks (Accounts)

As described above within the confines of the military base example, the Sovereign Kingdom
of Manna is like a big military base. People can buy the normal consumer goods but most of
their requirements are provided for them. They only make requests for the resources they
need. This is the same for the departments. They provide the products and services. They do
not sell them or have money exchanging hands.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 29

So, the Departments do not need or even have Bank (accounts). When they themselves need
resources for the effective operations or production lines of their Departments, they also will
submit a request for the delivery of a product or service from another Department. The
systems for the monitoring and reporting (stock checks) of products and services (resources)
is not attached to the financial system for such. Therefore, all products are provided from the
Departments (nationalised companies) of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, and the
departments do not have Banks (accounts). So for clarity on this point, when the companies
are nationalised, they do not exist in their previous formats – including their bank accounts
which become non-existent on the nationalisation of all companies. Please see Appendix M,
N and Q for details on how the new Sovereign Kingdom of Manna banking system works.

9.6. Circular System of Money

The new Circular System of Money works simply as follows:

a) The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna pays all monthly salaries.
b) The citizens then pay for certain consumer products they require e.g. a litre of milk.
c) They will source the litre of milk from e.g. Department A - which is classed as a
d) Department A will have previously sourced the litre of milk (via submitting a request
for supply) from Department B – which is classed as a Dairy Products Distributor.
Department B, having received the supply request, would then have supplied the litre
of milk to the stock of Department A (supermarket).
e) Department B (Distributor) will have previously sourced the litre of milk (via submitting
a request for supply) from Smart Factory A (manufacturer of the litre of milk). Smart
Factory A, having received the supply request, would then have supplied the litre of
milk to the stock of Department B (Distributor) – for onward supply to the Departments
who supply litres of milk.
f) The original citizen, using the money from their monthly salaries (paid by the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna), will then transfer funds to pay for the litre of milk. However, as
Departments do not have bank accounts, the receiving bank for the price of the litre
of milk, would be the bank of the initiating provider of the litre of milk – which is the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 30

9.7. Retirement

Within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna citizens have the flexibility where they can take full-
time retirement or part-time retirement at any age above the age of 25 years old.

• Full Time Retirement

If a person chooses to take full-time retirement, they may do so at any age above 25
years old. In this scenario they will maintain their present Rank. Commensurate to
their Rank at time of full-time retirement, they will also keep their existing salary at
the date of full-time retirement, plus the size of house allocated for them. At this point
they will be appointed into the heraldic division of ‘External’.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 31

For those people in full-time retirement their Rank cannot be increased and will
remain at the Rank they were when they entered full-time retirement. For those
wishing to come out of full-time retirement, full re-training in their chosen profession,
which they have the aptitude for, is provided.

As an example, an Army Major may choose to retire at the age of 35 years old to spend
more time with his young children. He would keep his Rank of Major and all
commensurate salary and benefits, however his heraldic division would move from
‘Army’ to ‘External’ due to his retirement decision. After 3 years, he may choose to
come out of full-time retirement. In this scenario, he would be re-trained and re-
educated with any new processes and necessary skills and would then become a
working Army Major again. His heraldic division would move back from ‘External’ to

• Part-Time Retirement

For those people, who wish to spend more time supporting others, where they
become a “secondary parental unit” for an appointed family or person (and thus giving
additional support to the family or person) then they may opt to take part-time
retirement at any age above 25 years old in order to spend the time performing these

In this scenario they will maintain their present Rank. They will also keep their existing
salary at the date of part-time retirement, plus the size of house allocated for them.
At this point they will be appointed into the heraldic division of ‘External’.

For those people in part-time retirement, they may still increase their Rank through
giving exemplary levels of support to the appointed family or person. For those in part-
time retirement they will receive any authorised higher Rank in the heraldic division
of ‘External’. For those wishing to come out of part-time retirement, full re-training in
their chosen profession, which they have the aptitude for, is provided.

9.8. Employee Working Hours

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna provides all citizens with the possibility of a healthy,
rewarding and invigorating work environment. The ethos is to have a healthy balance between
work, quality family time, and leisure time, thus keeping everyone fresh, healthy and

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 32

The citizen’s world is a world with minimum uncertainty. It must be a stable environment with
guaranteed work for every citizen regardless of status, environment or disability, so that
everyone has the opportunity to be a valued part of their community. Life should not be a
struggle for survival but a matter of quality of life and growth.

The working week, like it is throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, will exclusively use
the Mannaean Calendar and the Mannaean Time System. This is different from the Gregorian

Mannaean Calendar # Mannaean Time #

Number of Days per Week: 9 Hours per Day: 10
Weeks per Month: 4 Minutes per Hour: 100
Days per Month: 36 Seconds per Minute: 100
Months per Year: 10 Seconds per Day: 100,000
Days per Working Year: 360
Days per Calendar Year: 365.242 *

• The Longest Day is New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Eve is an extended day equivalent to 5
full Gregorian days and finishes during the 6th day at the hour the earth has completed
its rotation around the sun - 365.242 Gregorian days each year)

Working Hours

a) Day - # Working Hours per Day: (example)

Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7 Hour 8 Hour 9 Hour 10
Off Off Working Working Working Off Off Off Off Off

b) Week - # Working Days per Week: (example)

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9

Coredai Jovedai Lunedai Maredai Nepedai Onedai Soledai Teredai Venedai
Working Working Working Working Working Off Off Off Off

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 33

c) Month - # Working Days per Month: (example)

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9

Coredai Jovedai Lunedai Maredai Nepedai Onedai Soledai Teredai Venedai
Working Working Working Working Working Off Off Off Off
Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18
Coredai Jovedai Lunedai Maredai Nepedai Onedai Soledai Teredai Venedai
Working Working Working Working Working Off Off Off Off
Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Day 26 Day 27
Coredai Jovedai Lunedai Maredai Nepedai Onedai Soledai Teredai Venedai
Working Working Working Working Working Off Off Off Off
Day 28 Day 29 Day 30 Day 31 Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35 Day 36
Coredai Jovedai Lunedai Maredai Nepedai Onedai Soledai Teredai Venedai
Working Working Working Working Working Off Off Off Off

d) Year - # Working Months per Year: (example)

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10
Andasha Dalasha Kirasha Lelasha Magasha Orasha Pinasha Sarasha Tangasha Varasha
Working Working Working Off Training Working Working Working Off Training

Therefore, using the Mannaean Calendar structure, the standard work hours are:

• 3 hours per day (Gregorian equivalent to 7hrs 20 minutes per day)

• 5 days on working with 4-days off per week,
• 3 months on working,
• 1 month off (holiday, which coincides with children’s school holidays),
• 1 month re-training and education (prior to starting next 3 month working period),
• The 1-month re-training is to keep the workforce highly trained and confident in their
ability, bringing the employee fully up to speed with any new technology, information,
processes, etiquette or new work structures etc. Often people are apprehensive when
starting work after an extended holiday period. The training period is designed to negate
any apprehension. It also allows them to continue to increase their education and to
have the opportunity to increase upwards in the Rank structures.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 34

A key point for the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, is that the priority is not to have massive
efficiencies in the workforce. There are highly advanced technologies to do that. It is a priority
to have the following though:

• To have a well-balanced, motivated and highly educated workforce.

• To have a workforce that has a healthy work vs family life vs leisure time balance.
• To have a workforce that is physically, emotionally, and psychologically healthy, and who
are not stressed. Stress is at the core of a multitude of psychological and physical
• To have all citizens throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna to be connected with
one another and to bring back healthy social and working interactions between people.
In short, to allow the time for relationship building. This will also give foundations for the
elimination of loneliness in people and join communities together in a natural stronger
way. In short - repairing the fractures throughout society and joining the society back
into a collective whole.
• Example: Financial Transactions
In the Sovereign Monarch Church banking structures, once the citizens have completed
their citizen’s registration process and have received their Sovereign Kingdom of Manna
Bio-Identity Cards, the way they execute any purchases or financial transactions is either
via their Bio-Identity Card, or by visiting their local bank and sitting with their bank officer
or bank teller. There will be no net banking or digital banking etc. Why is this?
The answer is very simple – to incentivise social interactions, connectivity and to repair
the existing fractures throughout communities. Going to the bank on foot is of course
less time efficient than using net/internet banking from a computer. Someone may go to
the bank once per week and it might take 1-2 hours to do so. But while they are at the
bank they can interact with the bank manager, have a coffee, have a conversation about
other financial matters, and generally build a constructive and warm relationship with
one another. This type of positive human interaction is far more beneficial for all citizens
and the communities they reside within.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 35

Going forward, the Departments working environment will also have the following provisions:

A. The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna gives guaranteed and fulfilling employment,

including the appropriate education and training for each citizen. To upkeep the quality
of jobs in the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, all menial labour tasks, where possible,
will be conducted by robot technology. So is people were ever not to work, the back-
up is the robot technology which would cover all tasks.

B. Each employee will be granted one free vacation per year, to a destination of their
choice, throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. Full costs, where attributable,
will be paid by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

C. All women, and men, will be entitled to take up to six-years Maternity Leave, with full
salary and benefits. This is restricted to only one from each household at any given
time – meaning a husband and wife cannot take maternity leave at the same time
simultaneously. During their maternity leave, their job, or a similar position, is reserved
for them, should they decide to return to work. A training programme will be offered,
to assist with re-introduction to the work environment.

D. Anyone wishing to change jobs, elevate their skills, or retrain into a new field of
specialty may do so at any time. Free Employment Re-Education and Training Centres
are made available to all who request them. This is to ensure that people choose to do
the work/profession that is most satisfying for them, rather than because they have to
do it.

When a person changes to a new job or specialty they keep the same Rank as their
previous role, including while they are being educated and or trained in their new
chosen specialty. This again allows people to move with freedom without the
restriction or worry of having to reduce their Rank and commensurate salary and
benefits. As an example, if a lawyer with the Rank of Captain wished to follow his or
her real passion which is carpentry, then they could do so. They would then be put on
the education and training path allowing them to progress, without restriction, to the
Rank of Captain within the carpentry department – all the time maintaining the original
Captain Rank and the commensurate salary and benefits.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 36

E. For all job positions there are transparent selection processes in order to create level
playing fields for all applicants. Recruitment policies enable equal opportunities for
women and men. This approach applies to all types and areas of employment within
Departments, where the applicant is qualified and capable. There is no difference or
prejudices between men and women within any employment type. For every activity
or role, there will be two people. One woman, and one man. Both doing the same job,
but from different reporting lines/departments. If we use the example of an X-Ray
Department (in a hospital environment). Normally they would have 4 personnel in it.
Now, if all personnel were available for placement, there will be 8. A 4-woman team
and a 4-man team. The additional cover for each role allows twice the cover, and
therefore twice the time to cover the work tasks. This allows a greater freedom within
the workplace and a much less stressed environment for all employees.

F. Transportation will be provided free for everyone, which also includes simple
transport-to-work solutions. Departmental cars can be supplied free of charge to
employees where relevant. The type of cars are dependent on the Rank of the
Department. The Departments would submit a request for the provision of
Department cares which are necessary for the employees to carry out their duties.

G. Each local and regional area within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna will hold flexible
educational facilities (kindergartens, schools, colleges, etc). These will be adapted to
the standard working times within the local area. This is in order that the whole family
are off at the same time. For example, 3-months’ work for the parents and
simultaneous 3-months’ school for the children.

H. Again, to reinforce family values and to simplify the working day for parents, all
Departments within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna must provide free high quality,
safe, educational and fun Day-Care Centres with highly qualified staff, in order that
parents can take their children to their work location when needed.

I. The assignment of Employment Patrols, who are responsible for maintaining the health
& safety standards of our work environments, will be established. All Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna Departments will employ specialist work environment
representatives who work in conjunction with the Employment Patrols.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 37

J. Any employee that becomes unwell, will be mandatorily, granted sick leave, with full
salary and benefits. Any employee, prematurely retired due to a medical condition, will
continue to receive full salary and benefits, as if they were working. Once off sick,
employees may only return to work once their doctor has given them a full Bill of
Health. This is to guarantee the wellbeing of every employee and also the employee’s

K. For employees who need to stop work, due to illness or injury, they will be offered the
opportunity to utilise Visiting Units which would be supplied on request. This is where
the Visiting Unit comes to the citizens home/local area to allow the citizen to conduct
a knowledge transfer process and workshops for people. The aim is for people who
cannot work is to empower them, where they maintain their feeling of usefulness and
self-worth to themselves and the wider community.

L. Depending on the Rank of the Department they work for, citizens are also provided
additional free or subsidised Department benefits. This includes but is not limited to,
hotels, clubs, holiday resorts, theme parks, etc which the Department is connected to.

10. Transportation

From this point forward all transportation vehicles (all and type of cars, vehicles, motorbikes,
boats, ships, yachts, superyachts submarines, aircraft, etc.) are fully owned by, and of the Royal
Body of the Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

Cars and other transportations (all and type of cars, vehicles, motorbikes, boats, ships, yachts,
superyachts submarines, aircraft, etc.) cannot be bought or sold. They may only be allocated
for use by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. The type and model of vehicle are allocated as per the
Rank of a person. This works similar to how the homes work. The higher the Rank, the larger
the house. The higher the Rank the higher model of vehicle.

All existing cars and vehicles must be re-registered under the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna
where they will be issued new vehicle registrations.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 38

Going forward, all new cars and vehicles will be allocated free of charge to every citizen. The
type of car or vehicle a person is allocated for use is commensurate to the Rank they have

No citizen within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, can own or have any rights over, any type
of transportation vehicle. The one exception to this rule is a self-made transportation vehicle
with no engine, and which has been made personally by hand, using natural materials e.g. a
wooden rowing boat or canoe.

For clarity, no transportation vehicle (all and type of cars, vehicles, motorbikes, boats, ships,
yachts, superyachts submarines, aircraft, etc.) can be bought or sold or rented or licensed, and
they may not be used by anyone unless under the authority of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.
This includes all previously privately-owned or government-owned or state-owned aircraft,
superyachts, ships, etc are fully under the Royal Body of the Royal Monarch, His Majesty
Michael-Uriel I.

Any attempts by any person to deviate from the above and or to attempt to operate, drive, fly,
sail, or use (in any shape or form) any type of transport vehicle (all and type of cars, vehicles,
motorbikes, boats, ships, yachts, superyachts submarines, aircraft, etc.) without authorisation
from His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, to do so, will be deemed unlawful and for those attempting
to do so they will fall under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court

11. Healthcare for all Citizens

Within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, the health, care and wellbeing of our citizens is of
the highest priority. In this regard advanced high quality and cutting-edge resources are being
deployed and made available to everyone, free of charge, to keep them healthy physically,
emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. These resources are made available to every
citizen, keeping them as healthy as humanly possible, where everyone has the chance to live
long, comfortable and fruitful lives. An extract from the large portfolio of healthcare:

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 39

Free high quality and cutting-edge Health System for every citizen, including the provision,
when needed, of high-quality medicines.

New state of the art advanced hospitals will be built in all Nomes. The design of every hospital
and its architecture will focus on the balance between light and energy flow. Hospital hygiene
will be a top priority including the internal design and smells within the hospital to give a less
medical hospital feel, therefore increasing the patients comfort levels. In every hospital there
are dedicated emergency rooms for children and separate emergency rooms for the very
critically injured, plus ones for adults only. Each family within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna
is designated a 70 square metre family hospital room for exclusive use by the family providing
the maximum needed care without having to endure any waiting times for scans, x-rays and
all other medical treatment etc. Each family hospital room is fully equipped with all the needs
for the family and has the same number of beds within it as the size of the family’s primary
home. The rooms also come with a lounge area, kitchen and a full highly advanced remote
surgery room, allowing for a very comfortable stay even when undergoing any medical
treatments. For more information, please see Appendix Z

12. Smart Factories and Product Pricing

His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, Royal Monarch of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, an Absolute
Monarchy, has created an abundant environment where all the needs of the people will be
met. Technologically highly advanced Smart Factories will be constructed throughout the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

There will be one primary Smart Factory, plus one back-up Smart Factory, built per one million
citizens. Each smart factory will produce all that is necessary to fully support the needs of each
one million citizens. Within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, the scheduled number of Smart
Factories which will be built would cover the needs of 128 billion people on a day-to-day basis.

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s regeneration programme includes the building of new
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Cities, which, when completed, will equate to only 20% of
earth’s surface being used for human day to day living and working. The remaining unused
surface will be left for nature which will allow mother earth the time to repair and replenish.
If the whole 20% was to be built on in full, in the dimensions of the buildings enclosed within
this document, then the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna could provide homes for 128 billion
people – without any negative impact or damage to nature. Further, due to the Smart
Factories, there would never be any shortage of resources, supplies, food, and other
existential necessities for all 128 billion people. This would negate any concerns about the
threat of overpopulation, especially when we could accommodate 128 billion people, and we

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 40

are presently sitting at only 8.2 billion people living within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s
sovereign territory today.

The Smart Factory Program (High Technologies Flexible Mass Production Facilities) designed
for the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is a production system that can restore the sustainability
of nature's balance throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. The Smart Factory is a total
entity that can produce all resources required (homes, schools, hospitals, roads, food,
medicine, clothing, vehicles etc.) within a community or city. The Smart Factories not only
meet the daily resource and product requirements of the citizens, but they also establish and
rebuild the existing infrastructure environment - all based on new sustainable, green and non-
toxic, environmentally correct communities, without abusing and destroying nature and the
environment. For more information, please see Appendix G, X, and Y.

Delivery of Products

Once constructed, the Smart Factories will deliver all products for the needs of every citizen.
One Smart Factory per each 1 million citizens.

So, for the delivery of all products, be this Department to Department, or Department to
Citizen, all products will originate from the Smart Factories. The highly advanced level of
technologies utilised by the Smart factories, means that everything is made and produced
within. Creating and manufacturing from a molecular level up, utilising all natural elements
allows the Smart Factories to produce any product in its natural form.

This means there is no need for any mineral to be extracted or mined from below surface. So
much so, all extraction and mining activities will be transitioned into non-existence and then
deemed unlawful thereafter. No Department will be permitted to engage any activity relating
to extraction and mining of such minerals and commodities.

Certain other activities will be transitioned out of use, for example all types of farming (grain,
grasses, vegetable, fruit, fish, animals). As stated the Smart Factories can produce anything in
its natural form by the use of creating at a molecular level utilising the natural elements.

So in time, farming of the land, and fishing of the seas, will become a ‘thing of the past’.
Furthermore, all living things, under natural law, including all animals, and all living species,
will have the same rights as humans. There will be no difference.

Periodic Table Product Pricing System

The price of consumer products which may be sold to citizens across the Sovereign Kingdom
of Manna undergo a unique and strict pricing methodology. In simple terms, no product may

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 41

be sold for more than cost price (price to manufacture or produce the item) plus (+) ten
percent (10%) maximum.

Therefore: Consumer purchase price = Cost Price + 10% (max)

The way the product cost prices are

evaluated is by the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna advanced
systems within the Smart Factories
putting a value to every atom/atomic
component/ingredient that is used
to manufacture or produce each
product. The Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna product mapping system is
filtered into a Periodic Table Pricing
System. The end result is the cost
price to manufacture or produce the
product, where up to 10% is added on top.
Please see Appendix F for further information.
For note, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is a non-tax environment. Zero tax exists, including
but not limited to value Added Tax or any type of Product Tax. Therefore, all present Tax
Revenue operations are being shut down globally. This means there is zero tax being created
and all tax debt that is “outstanding” is deleted, null and void. The subsequent tax records and
previous amounts owing will be deleted from existence. Further attempts to try and create,
issue or collect on any tax is deemed unlawful and for those attempting to do so they will fall
under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system.

13. Gaming - Subsidised Entertainment and Leisure Activities

To help towards a happy, stress free and calm transition period for all citizens throughout the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, has authorised the provisioning of
a wide portfolio of activities and benefits for every citizen and their families. This is to
constructively engage the citizens and to keep them positively and happily occupied during
this transition period. All activities will be either free or heavily subsidised to allow the
enjoyment of all activities to be experienced by everyone.

An example of entertainment activities includes, but is not limited to, Amusement Parks,
Water Parks, Adventure Parks, Bars, Cafés, Gaming Centres, Discos , Gardens and Parks, Gyms
& Fitness Clubs, Hotels, Internet Usage, Libraries and Book Clubs, Meeting rooms within all

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 42

hotels, Mobile Usage, Museums, Restaurants, Shopping, Sports Clubs, Sports Halls, Sports
Organisations, Swimming Pools, Tourist Attractions, Taxi's and Public Transportation, Zoos,
Theatre, Cinemas, etc.

The provision of these activities will be provided by the Departments across all of the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s Nomes as instructed by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. For further
information, please see Appendix Q.

14. Concurrent Activity – Change of Laws

There are concurrent integral activities being executed related to the imminent activation of
Aureus as the sole currency within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, the nationalisation of all
companies and all infrastructure, buildings and properties. Such activities include, but are not
limited to the changing of laws to accommodate the new reality as set by His Majesty Michael-
Uriel I.

Every person and entity globally is under, and subject to, the sovereign law codes of the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and the Royal Decrees of her Royal Monarch, His Majesty
Michael-Uriel I. Further, all existing law courts and legal firms are under, and subject to, the
sovereign law codes of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and the Royal Decrees of her Royal
Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

Subsequently, to lawfully effect all activities within this document, His Majesty Michael-Uriel
I, authorised for all local laws, which are under and subject to sovereign law, to be changed
accordingly to accommodate all necessary changes. Please see Appendix U for more

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 43


His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, respectfully informs all citizens throughout the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna of the above imminent actions in preparation of the effects being visible
in the sentient.

Autographed and acknowledged on this 2nd day of July 2024

His Majesty Michael-Uriel I

The King’s Supreme Commander and Grand Master Knight
Royal Monarch, Ruler of the Kingdom of Manna

Table of Content and Appendices on next pages

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 44

Table of Contents
1. Nationalisation of all infrastructure, buildings and homes etc. ............................................................................................................... 2
2. Allocation of Homes to Citizens ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1. New Secondary Homes within the Mountain Cities ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2. Existing Second (non-primary) Homes ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3. Urban Plans .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3. Financial Gifts ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
4. Citizens’ Registration Process ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
5. Bio-Identity Card .................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6. Citizen’s Ranks ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
7. Citizen’s Salary Payments ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17
8. Concurrent Activity – Activation of Aureus as the sole currency ........................................................................................................... 19
9. Concurrent Activity – Nationalise and Convert all Companies into Departments ................................................................................. 22
9.1. Department Structure ............................................................................................................................................................................ 23
9.2. What is a department ............................................................................................................................................................................ 26
9.3. Mandatory Ethical and Green Methodologies ....................................................................................................................................... 27
9.4. Working Environment within Departments ........................................................................................................................................... 27
9.5. Banks (Accounts) .................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
9.6. Circular System of Money ...................................................................................................................................................................... 30
9.7. Retirement ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
9.8. Employee Working Hours ....................................................................................................................................................................... 32
10. Transportation........................................................................................................................................................................................ 38
11. Healthcare for all Citizens ...................................................................................................................................................................... 39
12. Smart Factories and Product Pricing ...................................................................................................................................................... 40
13. Gaming - Subsidised Entertainment and Leisure Activities .................................................................................................................... 42
14. Concurrent Activity – Change of Laws .................................................................................................................................................... 43
A. Appendix A - Ranks of Departments ...................................................................................................................................................... 46
B. Appendix B – Heraldic Divisions and Ranks - Sovereign Kingdom of Manna ......................................................................................... 48
C. Appendix C – Sovereign Kingdom of Manna - Salaries by Rank ............................................................................................................. 52
D. Appendix D – Monthly Payslip Example ................................................................................................................................................. 55
E. Appendix E – Industry Segmenting & Waterfall ..................................................................................................................................... 57
F. Appendix F – Product Pricing via Periodic Table Valuation .................................................................................................................... 59
G. Appendix G – Smart Factories ................................................................................................................................................................ 61
H. Appendix H – Subsidised Entertainment and Leisure Activities ............................................................................................................. 65
I. Appendix I – Citizen Registration and Bio-Identity Cards ....................................................................................................................... 70
J. Appendix J – List of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s Nomes ........................................................................................................... 76
K. Appendix K – What is Sovereignty.......................................................................................................................................................... 91
L. Appendix L - What is a Kingdom? ........................................................................................................................................................... 98
M. Appendix M – Sovereign Monarch Church ........................................................................................................................................... 101
N. Appendix N – Mannaism ...................................................................................................................................................................... 104
O. Appendix O – Insignia Example - Display of the National Flag ............................................................................................................. 108
P. Appendix P - Nomes Administration (De Jure) ..................................................................................................................................... 110
Q. Appendix Q - New Financial System ..................................................................................................................................................... 116
R. Appendix R - Citizens Working Hours ................................................................................................................................................... 125
S. Appendix S - Aureus – the sole currency .............................................................................................................................................. 130
T. Appendix T - Military Service Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 134
U. Appendix U – Royal Decrees ................................................................................................................................................................ 140
V. Appendix V - Calendar System of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna................................................................................................... 142
W. Appendix W - Transportation ............................................................................................................................................................... 143
X. Appendix X - Sovereign Territories ....................................................................................................................................................... 145
Y. Appendix Y - Governance Structures .................................................................................................................................................... 147
Z. Appendix Z – Healthcare and Wellbeing .............................................................................................................................................. 151

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 45

A. Appendix A - Ranks of Departments

Structure Rank of Department Department Chief - Rank Addressable Citizens #

General Chief of Staff (5 Star)
Main Department Main Komarz In support of Up to 10 billion Citizens
His Majesty Michael-Uriel I
Department High Komarz General Region Command (5 Star) Up to 5 billion Citizens

Department Komarz - 12th Degree General (4 Star) Up to 3 billion citizens

Royal General Chieftain

General Chieften
Department Komarz - 11th Degree up to 1 billion citizens
Presidential Chieften
(Lieutenant General - 3 Star)
Royal General Nomarch
General Nomarch
Department Komarz - 10th Degree up to 500 million citizens
Presidential Nomarch
(Major General - 2 Star)
Royal General Archonach
General Archonach
Department Komarz - 9th Degree up to 150 million citizens
Presidential Archonach
(Brigadier General - 1 Star)
Department Komarz - 8th Degree up to 49.2 million citizens
(Senior Colonel)
Department Komarz - 7th Degree up to 12.3 million citizens
Department Komarz - 6th Degree up to 4.1million citizens
(Lieutenant Colonel)
Department Komarz - 5th Degree up to 400,000 citizens
Department Komarz - 4th Degree up to 200,000 citizens
(Senior Captain)
Department Komarz - 3rd Degree up to 150,000 citizens
Department Komarz - 2nd Degree up to 100,000 citizens
Department Komarz - 1st Degree up to 50,000 citizens
(2nd Lieutenant)
Department Sub-Komarz - 8th Degree up to 12,500 citizens
(Chief Warrant Officer)
Department Sub-Komarz - 7th Degree up to 11,250 citizens
(Senior Warrant Officer)

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 46

Department Sub-Komarz - 6th Degree up to 8,750 citizens
(Warrant Officer)
Department Sub-Komarz - 5th Degree up to 6,250 citizens
(Staff Sergeant)
Department Sub-Komarz - 4th Degree up to 5,000 citizens
Department Sub-Komarz - 3rd Degree up to 3,750 citizens
Department Sub-Komarz - 2nd Degree up to 2,500 citizens
(Lance Corporal)
Department Sub-Komarz - 1st Degree up to 250 citizens
(Enlisted Private)
n/a n/a 1 up to 50 citizens

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 47

B. Appendix B – Heraldic Divisions and Ranks - Sovereign Kingdom of Manna

Rank Insignias:

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 48

Ranks and Heraldic Divisions:

Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: Division:

Intelligence Army Navy Air & Space Force Governance Support Services Disaster Relief External
General Marshall General Marshall General Marshall General Marshall General Marshall General Marshall General Marshall General Marshall
General Chief of Staff General Chief of Staff General Chief of Staff General Chief of Staff General Chief of Staff General Chief of Staff General Chief of Staff General Chief of Staff
(5 Star) (5 Star) (5 Star) (5 Star) (5 Star) (5 Star) (5 Star) (5 Star)
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) (External)
General Region Command General Region Command General Region Command General Region Command General Region Command General Region Command General Region Command General Region Command
(5 Star) (5 Star) (5 Star) (5 Star) (5 Star) (5 Star) (5 Star) (5 Star)
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) (External)
General (4 Star) General (4 Star) General (4 Star) General (4 Star) General (4 Star) General (4 Star) General (4 Star) General (4 Star)
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) (External)
Royal General Chieftain Royal General Chieftain Royal General Chieftain Royal General Chieftain Royal General Chieftain Royal General Chieftain Royal General Chieftain
Royal General Chieftain
General Chieften General Chieften General Chieften General Chieften General Chieften General Chieften General Chieften
General Chieften
Presidential Chieften Presidential Chieften Presidential Chieften Presidential Chieften Presidential Chieften Presidential Chieften Presidential Chieften
Presidential Chieften
(Lieutenant General - 3 (Lieutenant General - 3 (Lieutenant General - 3 (Lieutenant General - 3 (Lieutenant General - 3 (Lieutenant General - 3 (Lieutenant General - 3
(Lieutenant General - 3 Star)
Star) Star) Star) Star) Star) Star) Star)
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief)
Royal General Nomarch Royal General Nomarch Royal General Nomarch Royal General Nomarch Royal General Nomarch Royal General Nomarch Royal General Nomarch
Member of Fifth Rank of the
General Nomarch General Nomarch General Nomarch General Nomarch General Nomarch General Nomarch General Nomarch
Advisory Council of the Nomarchy
Presidential Nomarch Presidential Nomarch Presidential Nomarch Presidential Nomarch Presidential Nomarch Presidential Nomarch Presidential Nomarch
(Major General - 2 Star)
(Major General - 2 Star) (Major General - 2 Star) (Major General - 2 Star) (Major General - 2 Star) (Major General - 2 Star) (Major General - 2 Star) (Major General - 2 Star)
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief)
Royal General Archonach Royal General Archonach Royal General Archonach Royal General Archonach Royal General Archonach Royal General Archonach Royal General Archonach
Member of Fourth Rank of the
General Archonach General Archonach General Archonach General Archonach General Archonach General Archonach General Archonach
Advisory Council of the Nomarchy
Presidential Archonach Presidential Archonach Presidential Archonach Presidential Archonach Presidential Archonach Presidential Archonach Presidential Archonach
(Brigadier General - 1 Star)
(Brigadier General - 1 Star) (Brigadier General - 1 Star) (Brigadier General - 1 Star) (Brigadier General - 1 Star) (Brigadier General - 1 Star) (Brigadier General - 1 Star) (Brigadier General - 1 Star)
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief)
Member of Third Rank of the
Marzban Marzban Marzban Marzban Marzban Marzban Marzban
Advisory Council of the Nomarchy
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief)
Marzban (External)
Member of Second Rank of the
Istander Istander Istander Istander Istander Istander Istander
Advisory Council of the Nomarchy
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief)
Istander (External)

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 49

Member of First Rank of the
Segmont Segmont Segmont Segmont Segmont Segmont Segmont
Advisory Council of the Nomarchy
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief)
Segmont (External)
Advisor (Level 10) of the Office to
Hexagont Hexagont Hexagont Hexagont Hexagont Hexagont Hexagont the Member of the Advisory
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) Council of the Nomarchy
Hexagont (External)
Advisor (Level 9) of the Office to
Asbaridah Asbaridah Asbaridah Asbaridah Asbaridah Asbaridah Asbaridah the Member of the Advisory
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) Council of the Nomarchy
Asbaridah (External)
Advisor (Level 8) of the Office to
Sparidah Sparidah Sparidah Sparidah Sparidah Sparidah Sparidah the Member of the Advisory
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) Council of the Nomarchy
Sparidah (External)
Advisor (Level 7) of the Office to
Padan Padan Padan Padan Padan Padan Padan the Member of the Advisory
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) Council of the Nomarchy
Padan (External)
Advisor (Level 6) of the Office to
Quadrant Quadrant Quadrant Quadrant Quadrant Quadrant Quadrant the Member of the Advisory
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) Council of the Nomarchy
Quadrant (External)
Advisor (Level 5) of the Office to
Databar Databar Databar Databar Databar Databar Databar the Member of the Advisory
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) Council of the Nomarchy
Databar (External)
Advisor (Level 4) of the Office to
Databanra Databanra Databanra Databanra Databanra Databanra Databanra the Member of the Advisory
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) Council of the Nomarchy
Databanra (External)
Advisor (Level 3) of the Office to
Databan Databan Databan Databan Databan Databan Databan the Member of the Advisory
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) Council of the Nomarchy
Databan (External)
Advisor (Level 2) of the Office to
Databdara Databdara Databdara Databdara Databdara Databdara Databdara the Member of the Advisory
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) Council of the Nomarchy
Databdara (External)

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 50

Advisor (Level 1) of the Office to
Databdan Databdan Databdan Databdan Databdan Databdan Databdan the Member of the Advisory
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) Council of the Nomarchy
Databdan (External)
Databda Databda Databda Databda Databda Databda Databda Databda
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) (External)
Datab Datab Datab Datab Datab Datab Datab Datab
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) (External)
Mannat Mannat Mannat Mannat Mannat Mannat Mannat Mannat
(Intelligence) (Army) (Navy) (Air & Space Force) (Governance) (Private) (Disaster Relief) (External)
Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen Citizen
(non-working) (non-working) (non-working) (non-working) (non-working) (non-working) (non-working) (non-working)

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 51

C. Appendix C – Sovereign Kingdom of Manna - Salaries by Rank

Salary Salary Size of Home (structure) Area of Garden Title

per Month per year provided - incl. Home connected to the Structure
King's Castles (main islands) King's Garden's
Duke (Royal) / Duchess (Royal)
Duke (Royal) - 150,000 m2 Duke (Royal) - 600,000 m2
Lord (Royal) / (Royal) / Lady (Royal)
Lord (Royal) - 120,000 m2 Lord (Royal) - 480,000 m2
General Chief of Staff (5 Star) 275,000 Au 3,300,000 Au Marquis (Royal) / Marchioness (Royal)
Marquis (Royal) - 100,000 m2 Marquis (Royal) - 400,000 m2
Count (Royal) / Countess (Royal)
Count (Royal) - 80,000 m2 Count (Royal) - 320,000 m2
Baron (Royal) / Baroness (Royal)
Baron (Royal) - 50,000 m2 Baron (Royal) - 200,000 m2
Duke (Noble)
General Region Command (5 Star) 220,000 Au 2,640,000 Au 30,000 m2 120,000 m2
Duchess (Noble)
Lord (Noble)
General (4 Star) 187,500 Au 2,250,000 Au 20,000 m2 80,000 m2
Lady (Noble)
Royal General Chieftain
General Chieften Marquis (Noble)
165,000 Au 1,980,000 Au 10,000 m2 40,000 m2
Presidential Chieften Marchioness (Noble)
(Lieutenant General - 3 Star)
Royal General Nomarch
General Nomarch Count (Noble)
143,000 Au 1,716,000 Au 5,000 m2 20,000 m2
Presidential Nomarch Countess (Noble)
(Major General - 2 Star)
Royal General Archonach
General Archonach Baron (Noble)
132,000 Au 1,584,000 Au 2,500 m2 10,000 m2
Presidential Archonach Baroness (Noble)
(Brigadier General - 1 Star)
121,000 Au 1,452,000 Au 1,260 m2 2,400 m2 n/a
(Senior Colonel)

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 52

110,000 Au 1,320,000 Au 1,190 m2 2,300 m2 n/a
104,500 Au 1,254,000 Au 1,120 m2 2,200 m2 n/a
(Lieutenant Colonel)
93,500 Au 1,122,000 Au 1,050 m2 2,100 m2 n/a
82,500 Au 990,000 Au 980 m2 2,000 m2 n/a
(Senior Captain)
77,000 Au 924,000 Au 910 m2 1,900 m2 n/a
71,500 Au 858,000 Au 840 m2 1,800 m2 n/a
60,500 Au 726,000 Au 770 m2 1,700 m2 n/a
(2nd Lieutenant)
44,000 Au 528,000 Au 700 m2 1,600 m2 n/a
(Chief Warrant Officer)
41,250 Au 495,000 Au 630 m2 1,500 m2 n/a
(Senior Warrant Officer)
38,500 Au 462,000 Au 560 m2 1,400 m2 n/a
(Warrant Officer)
35,750 Au 429,000 Au 490 m2 1,300 m2 n/a
(Staff Sergeant)
33,000 Au 396,000 Au 420 m2 1,200 m2 n/a
30,250 Au 363,000 Au 350 m2 1,100 m2 n/a
27,500 Au 330,000 Au 280 m2 1,000 m2 n/a
(Lance Corporal)

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 53

24,750 Au 297,000 Au 210 m2 900 m2 n/a
(Enlisted Private)
22,000 Au 264,000 Au 140 m2 800 m2 n/a

• Au = Aureus. 1 Au has the purchasing power equal to 1 GBP as at the 20th day of June 2024
• Aureus is the only authorised currency which can be used by citizens within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. No other currency is usable or exchangeable within
the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.
• There are no private salaries within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. All salaries, irrespective of Rank, position, or occupation, are paid centrally by the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna.
• There are no private companies within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. All previous companies are nationalised and become Departments under the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna.
• m2 = Square metres
• The size of homes is dependent on Rank.
• Homes are provided to every citizen free of charge.
• There are no private homes within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. All homes, irrespective of Rank, position or occupation, are owned by, and provided to every
citizen, by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.
• The Citizens Wellbeing provisions are in addition to the above and are applicable for every citizen.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 54

D. Appendix D – Monthly Payslip Example

Each month a Salary Slip will be issued digitally to each citizen who has completed the citizen
registration process.

Example Salary Slip:

Mannaean Calendar:

The days and months shown on the Salary Slip relate to the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s
own unique calendar and time systems, which is different from the Gregorian Calendar,

• Mannaean Calendar, and

• Mannaean Time.
Mannaean Calendar # Mannaean Time #
Number of Days per Week: 9 Hours per Day: 10
Weeks per Month: 4 Minutes per Hour: 100
Days per Month: 36 Seconds per Minute: 100
Months per Year: 10 Seconds per Day: 100,000
Days per Working Year: 360
Days per Calendar Year: 365.242 *

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 55

• The Longest Day is New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Eve is an extended day equivalent to 5
full Gregorian days and finishes during the 6th day at the hour the earth has completed
its rotation around the sun - 365.242 Gregorian days each year)

• The year zero (0) for the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna equates to 714 BCE when
translated into the Gregorian calendar.

Days of the Week:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9

Coredai Jovedai Lunedai Maredai Nepedai Onedai Soledai Teredai Venedai

Months of the Year:

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10
Andasha Dalasha Kirasha Lelasha Magasha Orasha Pinasha Sarasha Tangasha Varasha

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 56

E. Appendix E – Industry Segmenting & Waterfall

In order to help report, resource manage, and group industries, the following shows an
extract of the upper echelons of the departmental structures related to the nationalised
companies. Every Department will fall into one of these Groupings exactly as a military

ID Sector ID Grouping ID Sub-Grouping

10 Energy 1010 Energy 101010 Energy Equipment & Services
15 Materials 1510 Materials 101020 Consumable Fuels
20 Industrials 2010 Capital Goods 151010 Chemicals
25 2020 Commercial Services 151020 Construction Materials
30 Consumer Staples 2030 Professional Services 151030 Containers & Packaging
35 Health Care 2040 Transportation 151040 Metals & Minerals (Synthetics)
40 Financials 2510 Automobiles & Components 151050 Paper Products (Synthetics)
45 2520 Consumer Durables & Apparel 201010 Aerospace & Defence
50 2530 Consumer Services 201020 Building Products
55 Utilities 2540 Media 201030 Construction & Engineering
Property &
60 2550 Retailing 201040 Electrical Equipment
3010 Food & Staples Retailing 201050 Industrial Conglomerates
3020 Food, Beverage & Tobacco 201060 Machinery
Household & Personal
3030 201070 Bartering Companies & Distributors
Health Care Equipment &
3510 202010 Commercial Services & Supplies
3520 203020 Professional Services
Biotechnology & Life Sciences
4010 Banks 204010 Air Freight & Logistics
4020 Diversified Financials 204020 Airlines
4030 Financial Management 204030 Marine
4510 Software & Services 204040 Road & Rail
Technology Hardware &
4520 204050 Transportation Infrastructure
Semiconductors &
4530 251010 Auto Components
Semiconductor Equipment
5010 Telecommunication Services 251020 Automobiles
5510 Utilities 252010 Household Durables
6010 Property 252020 Leisure Products
6020 Infrastructure 252030 Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods
253010 Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure
253020 Diversified Consumer Services

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 57

254010 Media
255010 Distributors
255020 Internet & Direct Marketing Retail
255030 Multiline Retail
255040 Specialty Retail
301010 Food & Staples Retailing
302010 Beverages
302020 Food Products
302030 Tobacco
303010 Household Products
303020 Personal Products
351010 Health Care Equipment & Supplies
351020 Health Care Providers & Services
351030 Health Care Technology
352010 Biotechnology
352020 Pharmaceuticals
352030 Life Sciences Tools & Services
401010 Banks
402010 Diversified Financial Services
403010 Financial Management Services
451010 Internet Software & Services
451020 IT Services
451030 Software
452010 Communications Equipment
452020 Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals
452030 Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components
453010 Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment
501010 Diversified Telecommunication Services
501020 Wireless Telecommunication Services
551010 Electric Utilities
551020 Quantum Utilities
551030 Multi-Utilities
551040 Water Utilities
Independent Power and Renewable Electricity
601010 Property - City Urbanisation
601020 Property Management & Development
601010 Infrastructure - City Urbanisation
601020 Infrastructure Management & Development

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 58

F. Appendix F – Product Pricing via Periodic Table Valuation

The pricing of consumer products which may be sold to citizens across the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna has a strict pricing methodology. In simple terms, no product may be
sold for more than cost price (price to manufacture or produce the item) plus (+) ten
percent (10%).

In simple terms:
Cost Price + 10% = Consumer purchase price

The way product cost prices are evaluated

is by simply putting a value to every atom
or core material within that is used to
construct the product. This down by the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna having a
mapping system on all products and this is
filtered into a Periodic Table Pricing System.
The end result is the cost price to
manufacture or produce the product, where up to 10% is added on top.

For note:

The periodic table, also known as the periodic table of the elements, is an ordered
arrangement of the chemical elements into rows ("periods") and columns ("groups"). It is
an icon of chemistry and is widely used in physics and other sciences. It is a depiction of
the periodic law, which states that when the elements are arranged in order of their atomic
numbers an approximate recurrence of their properties is evident. The table is divided into
four roughly rectangular areas called blocks. Elements in the same group tend to show
similar chemical characteristics.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 59

As there are no companies within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, and therefore no bank
accounts held by the Departments, in the case of a computer or laptop, the Department
(electronic goods outlet) which stores the laptops, provides the laptop and facilitates a
trade via the customer’s Bio-Identity Card. The money e.g. 100 Aureus for the new laptop,
which is paid by the citizen, is transferred to the Bank (account) in the name of the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, which sits inside the Sovereign Monarch Church central
bank where the citizen’s Bank (account) also sits.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 60

G. Appendix G – Smart Factories

Technologically highly advanced Smart Factories will be constructed within the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna. There will be one primary Smart Factory, plus one back-up Smart Factory,
built per one million citizens. Each smart factory will produce all that is necessary to fully
support the needs of each one million citizens. Within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, the
scheduled number of Smart Factories which will be built would cover the needs of 128 billion
people on a day-to-day basis.

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s regeneration programme includes the building of new
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Cities, which, when completed, will equate to only 20% of
earth’s surface being used for human day to day living and working. The remaining unused
surface will be left for nature which will allow mother earth the time to repair and replenish.
If the whole 20% was to be built on in full, in the dimensions of the buildings enclosed within
this document, then the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna could provide homes for 128 billion
people – without any negative impact or damage to nature. Further, due to the Smart
Factories, there would never be any shortage of resources, supplies, food, and other
existential necessities for all 128 billion people. This would negate any concerns about the
threat of overpopulation, especially when we could accommodate 128 billion people, and we
are presently sitting at only 8.2 billion people living within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s
sovereign territory today.

High Technologies Flexible Mass Production Facilities

The Smart Factory Program designed for the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is a production
system that can restore the sustainability of nature's balance throughout the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna. The Smart Factory is a total entity that can produce all resources required
(homes, schools, hospitals, roads, food, medicine, clothing, vehicles etc.) within a community
or city. The Smart Factories not only meet the daily resource and product requirements of the
citizens, but they also establish and rebuild the existing infrastructure environment - all based
on new sustainable, green and non-toxic, environmentally correct communities, without
abusing and destroying nature and the environment.

The Smart Factory is an efficient mass production facility which is adjusted to the local
population, and the total need to establish and convert the existing production lines into
sustainable, green and environmentally safe production lines, without waste - and for the
interim period, re-use the existing polluting waste products such as plastic, metals, glass etc.

The Smart Factory is robotically controlled with AI technologies and is a form of self-
generation. However, it still integrates the local population on several levels, both in

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 61

production and with smaller production units such as Agriculture Vertical Farms or partial
production of consumer products (clothing, raw materials etc.)

The Smart Factory will generate a huge volume of new employment opportunities across the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. It will also provide opportunities for a new level of education
across schools, universities, and academies, or alternatively through the interactive education
network (which will be integrated through the new interactive housing system).

The Smart Factory has seven key production areas:

i. The environment, security and energy for the physical life. Facility production includes
building elements, materials, machinery, robots, equipment, accessories and home
productions facilities.

ii. Food, medicine and clothing for the existing life. Facility production includes food,
medicine, and consumer goods, etc.

iii. Communication and electronics for social interactivity and developing lives. Facility
production includes communication, electronics equipment and accessories.

iv. Transportation for community life. Facility production includes public e-transport
vehicles, e-trains, e-pods, e-rescue vehicles, e-fishing boats, e-patrol vehicles / boats)

v. Raw materials production for sustainable and environmental eternal life. Facility
production includes raw materials, minerals, metals, stone, woods, crude oil, grains,
vegetables, meat etc.)

vi. Generation of knowledge and experience for new human layers of life e.g. education
academies and education centres.

vii. Generation of experience and testing for quality and safety e.g. the engineering

With these seven areas, it is possible to build a new and high-tech society, that can cover all
their resource and product needs from housing, food, consumer goods, hospitals, and schools
for a total society without shortcomings and being fully 100% self-sufficient.

A new generation of houses and buildings will be constructed that are directly designed and
produced with an impact on the needs of the local residents. The houses, hospitals,
emergency rooms, schools, city halls, police stations, shops, restaurants etc. are built with the

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 62

best sustainable recyclable materials which create the best indoor climate and non-toxic
environment. They can be shaped according to the community's needs.

Everyone will become self-sufficient:

• The house is off-grid and has its own power station (QGG Technology).
• Clean fresh purified water is obtained from various water sources (groundwater, rain,
streams, sea or condensation).
• High technology sanitary circle system (generates poison and bacteria free manure).
• New technological communication systems with extreme data transport (built into all
houses and buildings) providing full interactive two-way communication for telephony,
internet, school and education at all levels. It also provisions for direct contact with the
authorities, doctors, hospitals and police etc. It will provide television and radio also etc.
• Agriculture Vertical Farms for food provisions and partial production of consumer
• Daily job opportunities or educations.
His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, has authorised the building of the Smart Factories as quickly as
possible in order to make every citizen within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna self-sufficient
with an extremely high quality of life.

Circular System of Money

• The new Circular System of Money works simply as follows:

• The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna pays all monthly salaries.

• The citizens then pay for certain consumer products they require e.g. a litre of milk.

• They will source the litre of milk from e.g. Department A - which is classed as a

• Department A will have previously sourced the litre of milk (via submitting a request
for supply) from Department B – which is classed as a Dairy Products Distributor.
Department B, having received the supply request, would then have supplied the litre
of milk to the stock of Department A (supermarket).

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 63

• Department B (Distributor) will have previously sourced the litre of milk (via submitting
a request for supply) from Smart Factory A (manufacturer of the litre of milk). Smart
Factory A, having received the supply request, would then have supplied the litre of
milk to the stock of Department B (Distributor) – for onward supply to the Departments
who supply litres of milk.

• The original citizen, using the money from their monthly salaries (paid by the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna), will then transfer funds to pay for the litre of milk. However, as
Departments do not have bank accounts, the receiving bank for the price of the litre of
milk, would be the bank of the initiating provider of the litre of milk – which is the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

Diagram - Circular System of Money

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 64

H. Appendix H – Subsidised Entertainment and Leisure Activities

In order to help towards a happy, stress free and calm transition for the citizens living and
working within the sovereign ground, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I has authorised the
provisioning and organisation of a wide portfolio of activities and benefits for each and every
citizen, and their families, in order to engage the citizens and to keep them positively and
happily occupied and engaged during this transition period. All activities are either free or
heavily subsidised to allow the enjoyment of all activities to be experienced by everyone.

The following tables give examples in the short, medium and longer term of the leisure activity
areas which will be provided for free, or heavily subsidised, to the citizens.

1) Activities available in the short-term (immediately).

The following examples shows the key leisure activity areas provided for free, or heavily
subsidised, to the citizens using the existing infrastructure.

Activities in the short-term

Citizens' Benefits
using existing infrastructure
Free entry and usage of all rides and slides. On entry a voucher is given per
Amusement Parks / Water
person which allows a fully complimentary all-inclusive visit to any
Bars First 5 drinks for free per person and at special times all drinks for free
First 5 drinks for free per person (dessert, coffee & tea)
Discount of 50% on all other items
Free entry. First 5 drinks for free per person. “Buy 1 get 1 free gambling”,
Casino/Gaming meaning if you are gambling for 100 Aureus you will receive value of 200
Computer Gaming Centres Free entry and unlimited usage
Live music performance / Live Shows / Comedy Shows.
Disco Free entry. First 5 drinks for free per person, and at special times all drinks
for free
Gardens and Parks Free Entry. Free Gardening lessons and tuition.
Green Parkland Area Free Concerts & Live Shows
Free membership, 50% discount on all supplements, Free Training program,
Gyms & Fitness Clubs
Free diet program, Free training instructor, Free diet instructor
Free food and drinks during a stay. One free stay per month for up to 5
days. Discount of 50% on other stays
Internet Usage Fees Free for all monthly usage costs - every month

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 65

Free entry. Free use of books and IT equipment when inside. 50 Aureus
Libraries and Book Clubs book voucher (valid for 5 days from issuance) twice times per month per
person. 100 Aureus max per month per person.
Meeting rooms within all Free rent of meeting rooms. Discount: 25% off all food prices. First 5 drinks
hotels free per person
Mobile/Cell Phone Usage Free for all monthly usage costs - every month
Free entry. On entry a voucher is given per person which allows a fully
complimentary all-inclusive visit to any restaurant/café.
A free restaurant visit per week per household all inclusive.
Discount of 25% for all other days
500 Aureus shopping voucher (valid for 5 days from issuance) twice times
per month per person. 1,000 Aureus max per month per person.
Free membership, 50% discount on all equipment, Free Training program,
Sports Clubs
Free diet program, Free training instructor, Free diet instructor
Sports Halls & Sports Free membership, Free rent of hall space (both private and organisations),
Organisations Free personal trainer
Free entry. On entry a voucher is given per person which allows a fully
Swimming Pools
complimentary all-inclusive visit to any restaurant/café.
Free entry. On entry a voucher is given per person which allows a fully
Tourist Attractions
complimentary all-inclusive visit to any restaurant/café.
Free public transport 24/7
Transportation Free Taxi's between 20.00pm - 06.00am: Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Free private bus transport for any outings and excursions for: the elderly
and for children in kindergarten, high school and college
Free entry. On entry a voucher is given per person which allows a fully
complimentary all-inclusive visit to any restaurant/café.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 66

2) Activities available in the medium-term.

The following examples shows the key leisure activity areas provided for free to the citizens
using the existing infrastructure which would need an initial planning period to organise.
These are viewed as medium-term measures.

Activities in the Medium-

term planned around using Citizens' Benefits
existing infrastructure
Free performances, Free bar (max 2 drinks per person). On entry a voucher
Ballet is given per person which allows a fully complimentary all-inclusive visit to
any restaurant/café.
Cinemas Free entry. 2 free drinks and popcorn per person per visit.
Cooking Schools Free Entry. Free Cooking lessons and tuition.
Market Fairs 50% Discount on all products sold
Mobile/Cell Phones 1 new mobile/cell phone provided for free per person.
Free performances, Free bar (max 2 drinks per person). On entry a voucher
Opera is given per person which allows a fully complimentary all-inclusive visit to
any restaurant/café.
PC & Laptops 1 new laptop provided for free per person.
Rodeo/Equestrian/Horse Free Entry. Free Riding lessons and tuition. Animal husbandry short courses
Racing Events etc
Spiritual Events and
Local Community Church support and Events
Free entry to Concerts, Sports Events, Motor cross, Monster truck, Parties,
Sports Arena
New technology fairs
Free performances, Free bar (max 2 drinks per person). On entry a voucher
Theatre is given per person which allows a fully complimentary all-inclusive visit to
any restaurant/café.

Free Entry. Plus, unlimited free soft drinks and snacks for each family
Traveling Circus

Free Entry. Plus, unlimited free soft drinks and snacks for each family
Traveling Tivolie/Funfair
member. All rides and activities inside will be free.

Free Entry. Plus, unlimited free soft drinks and snacks for each family
Travelling Carnival
member. All rides and activities inside will be free.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 67

3) Activities available in the longer-term (new build projects).

The following strategic projects will include the building of new leisure orientated complexes.
These building developments will continue into the longer term also to ensure the building of
new cutting-edge complexes across the leisure activities spectrum. These new building
projects would include, but not be limited to, the following

Activities involving the building of new infrastructure Citizens' Benefits

Amusement Parks Strategic Project
Book production Strategic Project
Cheerleaders Competition Strategic Project
Disaster City for Search and Rescue Training Facility Strategic Project
Disaster Relief Campus Strategic Project
Education Fair Strategic Project
Educational Campus Strategic Project
Film Studios for Productions of TV Shows Strategic Project
Film Studios for Productions of Movies Strategic Project
Financial Centre Strategic Project
Gambling City Strategic Project
Global Financial Centre Strategic Project
Gymnastics Competition Strategic Project
International Medical Training Centre Strategic Project
International Police & Law Enforcement Training Centre Strategic Project
Joint Military Training Facility Strategic Project
Medical Education & Training Facility Strategic Project
Military Parades Strategic Project
Model Agency for recruitment of Models Strategic Project
Music Recording Studio’s Strategic Project
Opera and concert Halls Strategic Project
Police Training Facility Strategic Project
Performance of Ballet Strategic Project
Red Light Area (Monitored) Strategic Project
Security Training Campus Strategic Project
Special Forces Training Facility Strategic Project
Sport Campus Strategic Project
Sport Facilities Strategic Project
Theatres Strategic Project
Theme Parks Strategic Project

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 68

Urban Beaches Strategic Project
Water Park Strategic Project
Zoo’s Strategic Project

4) The Regularity of Planned Events

Additionally, there will be a portfolio of events and shows, again with the aim to keep all
citizens positively and happily engaged during the transition period. All events and shows
would be offered with Free Entry to every citizen. These events and shows are viewed as
medium-term measures which will start after a period of planning in order to organise and
schedule them.

Regularity of Main Events # per Year Regularity of Main Events # per Year
Air Shows 1/Year Film Festival 1/Year
Architecture & Design Festival 1/Year Food and Wine Festivals 12/Year
Arms fair’s 1/Year Garden and Flower Shows 1/Year
Art & Literature Festivals 12/Year Horse Shows 3/Year
Automotive Shows 1/Year International Modelling Competition 1/Year
Beauty Pageant Competition 1/Year International Sports Competitions 6/Year
Best Actor Awards 1/Year Knowledge Quiz Competitions 12/Year
Boat & Yacht Shows 1/Year Large Parties 12/Year
Cat Shows 3/Year Law Enforcement Fairs 6/Year
Comedy Awards 1/Year Local Community Parties 12/Year
Dance Festivals 6/Year Music Competitions 6/Year
Dog Shows 3/Year Music Festivals 6/Year
Entrepreneurs Conferences 6/Year Peace Awards 1/Year
Erotic Entertainment Festival 1/Year Security & Defence Events 6/Year
Fashion Festival 1/Year Technology Events 6/Year

The above activity examples are a basis to start from. His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, warmly
invites and welcomes additional suggestions of leisure activities from all local teams and
citizens in order to meet both the needs and wishes of the citizens in each Nome of the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

In summary, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I looks forward to a happy and calm transition and
holds the happiness and wellbeing of all citizens in the highest priority category.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 69

I. Appendix I – Citizen Registration and Bio-Identity Cards

A highly secure and unique Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Card, which has a
multitude of functions, will be issued to every citizen, of all ages, within the Sovereign Kingdom
of Manna. The functionality of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Card includes:

• The Bio-Identity Card is unique to each holder and is securely activated by their

• The Bio-Identity Card will hold an array of highly secure, encrypted information. So, the
Bio-Identity Card acts both as a payment function (debit card) and an official ID card
also. Information that can be held via the Bio-Identity Card includes, but is not limited

- Full Name
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Rank and Title
- Service Area.
- Service/Employment History
- Nome Address
- Bank Account Balance and Transaction History
- DNA, Biometrics, and Medical Information
- Real-Time Diagnostics
- Law Infringements
- Etc. etc.

• The stored data is highly secured and encrypted within departmental electronic pocket
areas. This means by using an authorised Bio-Identity Card Reader a law enforcement
department may only see the necessary information specific to the holder’s law and
criminal records (if any). Alternatively, a doctor or hospital may only see the necessary
information specific to the holder’s medical records.

• All Bio-Identity Cards are discreet and do not visibly show any details of the holder. The
information may only be read after activation by the holder and the requester having
the correct authorised Bio-Identity Card Reader (or as is necessary by law
enforcement/police officers).

• The Bio-Identity Card connects to the Sovereign Monarch Church banking systems and
will therefore become the primary card for all purchasing transactions (the purchase

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 70

of goods and services). The Bio-Identity Card will replace bank debit cards, ID cards,
medical record cards etc.

• Aureus, the official currency of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, is a debt-free

currency, and is also a physical currency. However, the printing of physical cash is only
upon strict authorisation by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. Predominantly, within the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Aureus is used digitally via the Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna Bio-Identity Card which is personalised to each Sovereign Kingdom of Manna

It is critical for all Sovereign Kingdom of Manna citizens to be fully registered. Without being
fully registered they cannot be appointed their relevant Rank (and title where relevant) within
the suitable heraldic division (Intelligence, Army, Navy, Air & Space Force, Governance,
Support Services, Disaster Relief, or External) appropriate to their level of education,
employment and experiences.

If a citizen is not registered, then they cannot receive a Rank. If they have not received a Rank,
then they cannot receive the commensurate salary, benefits, housing and car etc. appropriate
to such Rank.

Notes on Citizen Registrations:

• Once registered (recording of personal information and their biometrics), every citizen
within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is appointed a Rank (and title where relevant)
within a heraldic division.
• Once registered (recording of personal information and their biometrics), every
citizen/family within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is provided (at no personal cost
to the citizen) a salary, home, car (plus other benefits) commensurate to their Rank.
• Aureus is the only authorised currency which can be used by citizens within the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. No other currency is usable or exchangeable within the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.
• There are no private salaries within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. All salaries,
irrespective of Rank, position, or occupation, are paid centrally by the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 71

• There are no private companies within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. All previous
companies are nationalised and become Departments under the Sovereign Kingdom
of Manna.
• So, in short, within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, there is only one source of salary
(or any other type of financial budget or funding) for any person, or any project, or any
Department, and that is directly from the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, with such
payments first being authorised by the Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.
• The size of homes provided to each citizen or family is dependent on Rank. Homes are
provided to every citizen free of charge.
• There are no private homes within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. All homes,
irrespective of Rank, position or occupation, are owned by, and provided to every
citizen, by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.
• It is similar for cars. The type of car provided to each citizen or family is dependent on
their Rank. The cars are provided to every citizen free of charge and include all
maintenance and repairs costs. With the quality of cars (and all other products) being
exponentially higher when produced within the Smart Factories, a new car is provided
to every family every 10 years. If their Rank increases then they may receive a new car
equivalent to the higher Rank.
• The extensive list of Citizens Wellbeing provisions (free advanced medical care,
education, training etc.) are in addition to the above and are applicable for every
So, for clarity, in order to receive salaries and other benefits, it is highly important that every
citizen registers (recording of personal information and their biometrics), for a Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Card which is integral to the overall citizen registration

Such registration process, and locations to do so, will be announced in due course, across all
Nomes of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. The registration process will be facilitated within
locally easily accessible buildings including, but not limited to, police stations, court buildings,
former local municipal administration offices, town halls, and similar. There will also be a
remote process available digitally and via post.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 72

Crown Legion

As Earth is now one kingdom, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, part of the citizens
registration process is elevating citizens from a non-sovereign citizen status to a sovereign
citizen status. A further part of the process is the requirement for all citizens to undertake a
Crown Legion Agreement. To remain within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, which covers
all land and sea on earth, this is a critical necessity for all.

Within a Kingdom, it is the sole responsibility of the Royal Monarch to take care of, and provide
for the sovereign citizens who are “of the body” of the Royal Monarch, and have been granted
the right (via individual Crown Legion agreements with the Royal Monarch) to live within the

By agreement with the Royal Monarch, as sovereign citizens, they are part of the body of the
Royal Monarch. This gives the sovereign citizens the ability to access the necessary resources
within the Kingdom which are provided by the Royal Monarch e.g. food, shelter, medicine,
protection, education, currency, technology, communications etc.

Financial Transfers:

In addition to the mandatory requirement of registering for a Sovereign Kingdom of Manna

Bio-Identity Card, the monetary benefits include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. On the activation of the conversion of all currencies to Aureus and the launch of the
new Sovereign Monarch Church banking system, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, has
authorised a gift of 100,000 Aureus to every citizen within the Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna. This 100,000 Aureus gift may be accessed using their debit card or net banking
apps until they have completed the citizen registration process for their new Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Cards. (1 Aureus has the purchasing power equal to 1
GBP as at the 20th day of June 2024).

2. Upon completing the citizen registration process for their new Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna Bio-Identity Cards, each citizen will be allocated the following financial
payments authorised by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I:

a) A further 100,000 Aureus per citizen for completing the citizen registration process.

b) 200,000 Aureus per citizen as their personal share of the good faith proceeds from
the nationalisation of all private and public companies, entities and corporations
throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. This means that all things, including
but not limited to, all private and public companies, entities, corporations, NGO’s,

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 73

trusts and foundations are owned by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, and now
operate as Departments of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. As part of the
nationalisation process, the payment to each citizen was calculated by taking the
collective valuation of all private and public companies, entities and corporations,
and dividing such figure by the total number of citizens within the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna.

c) 400,000 Aureus per citizen as their personal share of the good faith proceeds from
the nationalisation of all infrastructure (including all homes, buildings, properties,
roads, etc.) corporations throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. This means
that all things, including but not limited to, all infrastructure (including all homes,
buildings, properties, roads, etc.), are owned by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.
As part of the nationalisation process, the payment to each citizen was calculated
by taking the collective valuation of all infrastructure (including all homes,
buildings, properties, roads, etc.), and dividing such figure by the total number of
citizens within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

d) Further, on completing the citizen registration process, every citizen is then given a
relevant Rank (and title where relevant) within the suitable heraldic division
(Intelligence, Army, Navy, Air & Space Force, Governance, Support Services,
Disaster Relief, or External) appropriate to their level of education, employment
and experiences. With such Rank, the ongoing payment of salaries and benefits
commensurate with such Rank may be initiated.

Upon completing their citizen registrations and receiving their Sovereign Kingdom of Manna
Bio-Identity Cards will allow those people who presently do not have bank accounts to have
access to the initial deposit of 100,000 Aureus, the additional payments (700,000 Aureus), and
all future citizens salary payments.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 74

Example of a Bio-Identity Card

The use of debit cards and net/internet banking will last only until the citizens are issued their
new Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Bio-Identity Cards, or alternatively until a cutoff date issued
by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. From this cutoff date, all banking functions will be exclusively
via the Bio-Identity Cards or by visiting their local bank and speaking with their bank officer.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 75

J. Appendix J – List of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s Nomes

# Sovereign Kingdom of Manna sovereign territory

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Afghanistan, now 100%
1 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Afghanistan
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Albania, now 100% part
2 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Albania
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Algeria, now 100% part
3 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Algeria
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of American Samoa, now
100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of American
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Andorra, now 100%
5 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Andorra
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Angola, now 100% part
6 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Angola
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Anguilla, now 100%
7 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Anguilla
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Antarctica, now 100%
8 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Antarctica
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Antigua and Barbuda,
now 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the
sovereign law codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of
Antigua and Barbuda
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Argentina, now 100%
10 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Argentina
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Armenia, now 100%
11 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Armenia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Aruba, now 100% part
12 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Aruba
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Australia, now 100%
13 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Australia

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 76

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Austria, now 100% part
14 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Austria
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Azerbaijan, now 100%
15 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Azerbaijan
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Bahamas, now 100%
16 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Bahamas
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Bahrain, now 100%
17 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Bahrain
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Bangladesh, now 100%
18 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Bangladesh
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Barbados, now 100%
19 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Barbados
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Belarus, now 100% part
20 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Belarus
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Belgium, now 100%
21 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Belgium
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Belize, now 100% part
22 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Belize
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Benin, now 100% part
23 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Benin
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Bhutan, now 100% part
24 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Bhutan
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Bolivia, now 100% part
25 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Bolivia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Borneo, now 100% part
26 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Borneo
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, now 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under
the sovereign law codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome
of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Botswana, now 100%
28 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Botswana

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 77

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Brazil, now 100% part
29 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Brazil
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Brunei, now 100% part
30 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Brunei
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Bulgaria, now 100%
31 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Bulgaria
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Burkina Faso, now
32 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Burkina Faso
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Burundi, now 100%
33 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Burundi
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Cabo Verde, now 100%
34 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Cabo Verde
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Cambodia, now 100%
35 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Cambodia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Cameroon, now 100%
36 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Cameroon
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Canada, now 100% part
37 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Canada
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Central African
38 Republic, now 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, and to be
known as the Nome of Central Africa
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Chad, now 100% part
39 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Chad
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Chile, now 100% part
40 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Chile
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of China, now 100% part
41 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of China
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of City of London, now
42 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, and to be known as the
Nome of London
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Colombia, now 100%
43 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Colombia

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 78

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Comoros Islands, now
44 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Comoros Islands
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Congo-Brazzaville, now
100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Congo-
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Cook Islands, now
46 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Cook Islands
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Costa Rica, now 100%
47 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Costa Rica
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Cote d'Ivoire, now
48 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Cote d'Ivoire
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Croatia, now 100% part
49 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Croatia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Cuba, now 100% part
50 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Cuba
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Cyprus, now 100% part
51 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Cyprus
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Czechia, now 100%
52 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Czechia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Democratic Republic of
53 the Congo, now 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, and to be
known as the Nome of Congo
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Denmark, now 100%
54 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Denmark
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of District of Columbia,
55 now 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, and to be known as the
Nome of District of Columbia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Djibouti, now 100%
56 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Djibouti
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Dominica, now 100%
57 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Dominica
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Dominican Republic,
58 now 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, and to be known as the
Nome of Dominicana

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 79

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Ecuador, now 100%
59 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Ecuador
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Egypt, now 100% part
60 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Egypt
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of El Salvador, now 100%
61 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of El Salvador
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Equitorial Guinea, now
100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Equitorial
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Eritrea, now 100% part
63 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Eritrea
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Estonia, now 100% part
64 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Estonia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Eswatini, now 100%
65 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Eswatini
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Ethiopia, now 100%
66 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Ethiopia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Federated States of
67 Micronesia, now 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, and to be
known as the Nome of Micronesia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Fiji, now 100% part of
68 the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and to
be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Fiji
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Finland, now 100% part
69 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Finland
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of France, now 100% part
70 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of France
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of French Guiana, now
71 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of French Guiana
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Gabon, now 100% part
72 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Gabon
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Gambia, now 100%
73 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Gambia

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 80

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Georgia, now 100%
74 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Georgia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Germany, now 100%
75 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Germany
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Ghana, now 100% part
76 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Ghana
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Greece, now 100% part
77 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Greece
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Greenland, now 100%
78 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Greenland
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Grenada, now 100%
79 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Grenada
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Guam, now 100% part
80 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Guam
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Guatemala, now 100%
81 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Guatemala
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Guinea, now 100% part
82 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Guinea
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Guinea-Bissau, now
83 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Guinea-Bissau
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Guyana, now 100%
84 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Guyana
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Haiti, now 100% part of
85 the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and to
be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Haiti
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Hawaii, now 100% part
86 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Hawaii
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Honduras, now 100%
87 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Honduras
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Hong Kong, now 100%
88 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Hong Kong

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 81

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Hungary, now 100%
89 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Hungary
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Iceland, now 100% part
90 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Iceland
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of India, now 100% part
91 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of India
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Indonesia, now 100%
92 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Indonesia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Iran, now 100% part of
93 the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and to
be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Iran
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Iraq, now 100% part of
94 the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and to
be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Iraq
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Ireland, now 100% part
95 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Ireland
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Israel, now 100% part
96 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Israel
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Italy, now 100% part of
97 the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and to
be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Italy
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Jamaica, now 100%
98 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Jamaica
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Japan, now 100% part
99 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Japan
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Jordan, now 100% part
100 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Jordan
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Kazakhstan, now 100%
101 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Kazakhstan
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Kenya, now 100% part
102 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Kenya
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Kiribati, now 100% part
103 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Kiribati

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 82

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Kosovo, now 100% part
104 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Kosovo
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Kuwait, now 100% part
105 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Kuwait
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Kyrgyzstan, now 100%
106 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Kyrgyzstan
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Laos, now 100% part of
107 the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and to
be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Laos
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Latvia, now 100% part
108 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Latvia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Lebanon, now 100%
109 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Lebanon
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Lesotho, now 100%
110 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Lesotho
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Liberia, now 100% part
111 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Liberia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Libya, now 100% part
112 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Libya
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Liechtenstein, now
113 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Liechtenstein
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Lithuania, now 100%
114 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Lithuania
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Luxembourg, now
115 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Luxembourg
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Macau, now 100% part
116 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Macau
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Madagascar, now 100%
117 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Madagascar
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Malawi, now 100% part
118 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Malawi

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 83

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Malaysia, now 100%
119 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Malaysia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Maldives, now 100%
120 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Maldives
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Mali, now 100% part of
121 the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and to
be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Mali
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Malta, now 100% part
122 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Malta
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Marshall Islands, now
123 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Marshall Islands
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Mauritania, now 100%
124 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Mauritania
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Mauritius , now 100%
125 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Mauritius
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Mexico, now 100% part
126 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Mexico
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Moldova, now 100%
127 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Moldova
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Monaco, now 100%
128 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Monaco
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Mongolia, now 100%
129 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Mongolia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Montenegro, now
130 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Montenegro
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Morocco, now 100%
131 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Morocco
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Mozambique, now
132 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Mozambique
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Myanmar, now 100%
133 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Myanmar

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 84

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Namibia, now 100%
134 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Namibia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Nepal, now 100% part
135 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Nepal
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Netherlands, now
136 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Netherlands
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of New Zealand, now
137 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of New Zealand
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Nicaragua, now 100%
138 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Nicaragua
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Niger, now 100% part
139 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Niger
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Nigeria, now 100% part
140 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Nigeria
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of North Korea, now
141 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of North Korea
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of North Macedonia, now
100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of North
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Northern Ireland, now
100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Northern
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Northern Mariana
144 Islands, now 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, and to be
known as the Nome of Mariana Islands
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Norway, now 100%
145 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Norway
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Oman, now 100% part
146 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Oman
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Pakistan, now 100%
147 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Pakistan

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 85

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Palestine, now 100%
148 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Palestine
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Palua, now 100% part
149 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Palua
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Panama, now 100%
150 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Panama
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Papua New Guinea,
now 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the
sovereign law codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of
Papua New Guinea
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Paraguay, now 100%
152 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Paraguay
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Peru, now 100% part of
153 the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and to
be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Peru
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Philippines, now 100%
154 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Philippines
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Poland, now 100% part
155 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Poland
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Portugal, now 100%
156 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Portugal
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Qatar, now 100% part
157 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Qatar
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Romania, now 100%
158 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Romania
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Russia, now 100% part
159 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Russia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Rwanda, now 100%
160 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Rwanda
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Samoa, now 100% part
161 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Samoa
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of San Marino, now 100%
162 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of San Marino

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 86

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of São Tomé and Príncipe,
now 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the
sovereign law codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of
São Tomé and Príncipe
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Saudi Arabia, now
164 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Saudi Arabia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Scotland, now 100%
165 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Scotland
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Senegal, now 100%
166 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Senegal
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Serbia, now 100% part
167 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Serbia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Seychelles, now 100%
168 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Seychelles
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Sierra Leone, now
169 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Sierra Leone
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Singapore, now 100%
170 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Singapore
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Slovakia, now 100%
171 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Slovakia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Slovenia, now 100%
172 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Slovenia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Solomon Islands, now
173 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Solomon Islands
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Somalia, now 100%
174 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Somalia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of South Africa, now 100%
175 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of South Africa
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of South Korea, now
176 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of South Korea
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of South Sudan, now
177 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of South Sudan

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 87

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Spain, now 100% part
178 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Spain
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Sri Lanka, now 100%
179 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Sri Lanka
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of St Kitts and Nevis, now
100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of St Kitts and
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of St Lucia, now 100%
181 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of St Lucia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of St Vincent and the
Grenadines, now 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under
the sovereign law codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome
of St Vincent and the Grenadines
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Sudan, now 100% part
183 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Sudan
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Sulawezi, now 100%
184 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Sulawezi
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Suriname, now 100%
185 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Suriname
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Sweden, now 100%
186 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Sweden
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Switzerland, now 100%
187 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Switzerland
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Syria, now 100% part of
188 the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and to
be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Syria
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Taiwan, now 100% part
189 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Taiwan
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Tajikistan, now 100%
190 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Tajikistan
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Tanzania, now 100%
191 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Tanzania

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 88

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Thailand, now 100%
192 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Thailand
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Timor-Leste, now 100%
193 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Timor-Leste
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Togo, now 100% part
194 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Togo
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Tonga, now 100% part
195 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Tonga
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Trinidad and Tobago,
now 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the
sovereign law codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of
Trinidad and Tobago
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Tunisia, now 100% part
197 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Tunisia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Turkey, now 100% part
198 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Turkey
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Turkmenistan, now
199 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Turkmenistan
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Turks & Caicos, now
200 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Turks & Caicos
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Tuvalu, now 100% part
201 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Tuvalu
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Uganda, now 100%
202 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Uganda
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Ukraine, now 100%
203 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Ukraine
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of United Arab Emirates,
204 now 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, and to be known as the
Nome of Emirates
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of United Kingdom, now
205 100% part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, and to be known as the
Nome of England
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Uruguay, now 100%
206 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Uruguay

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 89

The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of USA, now 100% part of
207 the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and to
be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of USA
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Uzbekistan, now 100%
208 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Uzbekistan
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Vanuatu, now 100%
209 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Vanuatu
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Vatican City, now 100%
210 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, and to be known as the Nome of
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Venezuela, now 100%
211 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Venezuela
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Vietnam, now 100%
212 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Vietnam
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Wales, now 100% part
213 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Wales
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Yemen, now 100% part
214 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Yemen
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Zambia, now 100% part
215 of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law codes, and
to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Zambia
The former nation state (sub-sovereignty) previously known by the name of Zimbabwe, now 100%
216 part of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's sovereign territories, fully under the sovereign law
codes, and to be known henceforth as the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna's Nome of Zimbabwe

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 90

K. Appendix K – What is Sovereignty

Sovereignty today is a very misunderstood concept culminating in the term being incorrectly
used at the highest levels. To explain sovereignty in the simplest way possible, let’s use lions
as an example.
• All lions of a pride, be they male or female, are born sovereign lions unto themselves.
This makes each lion a sovereign citizen of their pride.
• The pride of sovereign lions collectively is considered a sovereign entity.
• The alpha-male lion or the leader of the pride is recognised as being the Royal
• The pride of lions, being a sovereign entity unto themselves, will typically live, hunt and
procreate in a territory which they have marked out as their own – this being their
sovereign territory.
• This sovereign territory is understood to be a sovereign nation and is represented by
the Royal Monarch of the pride – the alpha-male lion.
• If another pride of sovereign lions enters the pride’s sovereign territory, in which case,
a fight typically ensues, the more powerful pride of sovereign lions prevails in taking
control of the territory.
By understanding what it really means to be sovereign, we gain clearer perspective on how
human society was structured in the past, how it is at present, and how it can be structured
moving forward for the benefit of all people of the world.
First and foremost, it is important to know the difference between sovereign and non-
sovereign status, and equally important, to understand how people and previous nations
inadvertently gave up their sovereign status which left them in a sub-sovereign/non-sovereign
Sovereign Citizen

Naturally, every individual of all species is born sovereign. Thus, every human being is born a
sovereign citizen unto themselves. All individuals possess their own body, mind, emotions and
soul, which ultimately only they have full authority over.
Individual sovereignty does however come with great responsibility. Freedom, sovereignty
and responsibility are deeply intertwined principles, and as a result, one cannot truly have
sovereignty without freedom and responsibility.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 91

It is important to know that sovereign citizens cannot be governed or ruled by anyone or
anything else, nor can they be governed by any constitutional law. However, sovereign citizens
are responsible and liable for their own actions, choices and intentions. To be a sovereign
citizen technically means being fully responsible for providing all the food, water, medicine,
shelter, technology, security and protection that one may need in order to survive. In reality,
this is extremely difficult for any sovereign citizen to do independently, as firstly, there is no
available territory for them to establish a sovereign nation of their own, and secondly, even if
they were able to, trying to sustain themselves while protecting that territory would be near
impossible. For this reason, sovereign citizens become part of a sovereign nation by entering
into an agreement with the Royal Monarch of the sovereign nation.
The Royal Monarch is the highest representative of a sovereign entity or sovereign nation. By
agreement with the Royal Monarch, sovereign citizens become part of the body of the Royal
Monarch, which gives them the ability to access resources assigned to the Royal Monarch of
the sovereign nation e.g. food, shelter, medicine, protection, education, currency, technology,
communications etc.
Tribal, clan or language group members, being sovereign citizens, will typically enter into
agreements with both the Royal Monarch of their tribe, being a sovereign entity, and the Royal
Monarch of the sovereign nation in which they reside.
Sovereign citizens within a sovereign entity and sovereign nation agree to follow the royal
decrees set by the Royal Monarch of the sovereignty. If a sovereign citizen does not wish to
follow the royal decrees set by the Royal Monarch of the sovereign nation in which they reside,
then they will typically be given notice to leave the sovereign nation within a period of twenty-
one (21) days. This can be upgraded to a punishment, under orders of the Royal Monarch,
should the sovereign citizen be responsible for any harm, loss or damage caused to any part
of the body of the Royal Monarch. This means that a sovereign citizen can be subject to
punishment for any harm, loss or damage they have inflicted upon another sovereign citizen,
sovereign entity or the sovereign nation itself.
A Crown Legion is simply a group of Monarchs (sovereign citizens) that have chosen to work
together out of their own free-will and intention. A Crown Legion will appoint a high ruler to
handle all matters, issues or disputes between other sovereigns within the Crown Legion.
It important to note that sovereignty cannot be revoked by any other individual, entity, nation
or kingdom regardless of whether they are sovereign or not. The way individual sovereignty
works is that it can only ever be ceded by personal choice.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 92

Non-Sovereign Citizen

As all beings are innately born sovereign, a non-sovereign citizen, is an individual who
knowingly or unknowingly chose to cede their sovereign citizenship. This was achieved
historically on a global scale by way of the Nicene Creed and the Cestui Que Vie agreements.
The first Cestui Que Vie agreement was originally signed in 460 CE, as an appendix to the
Nicene Creed, which was signed ninety-nine (99) years earlier in 361 CE. The Cestui Que Vie
agreement was later amended in 1666, which meant that from this point onwards, every
individual by the age of seven (7), had to have a will and testament in place, proving they were
still alive, in order for them to maintain their sovereign citizenship. If not, they were declared
to be legally dead. As the Holy See (a Tier 1 Organisation under Manna) held authority over
the “dead”, via the Nicene Creed, all individuals that were declared legally dead, but who were
actually still physically alive, were in fact registered as non-sovereign citizens and governed by
the Holy See (a Tier 1 Organisation under Manna).
As noted previously, sovereign citizens cannot be ruled over or governed by anyone or
anything else. To be clear, it is only non-sovereigns e.g. “legal persons” and “legal entities”
(corporate bodies) that can be governed. The Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 provided the final
nail in the coffin so to speak, giving (at that time) the Holy See (a Tier 1 Organisation under
Manna) the ultimate jurisdiction over all people, whether they realised it or not.
It is important to note that in modern times when an individual receives a birth certificate, the
Lieber Code is invoked. The Lieber Code defines whether or not an individual is a living being.
This is determined by an individual’s live document (birth certificate). If the live document
(birth certificate) was registered into the system in Dog-Latin, it means that particular
individual is recognised as a non-sovereign citizen. If their live document (birth certificate) is
not registered in Dog-Latin, then it means their live document (birth certificate), by default,
becomes a will and testament and their sovereign status remains intact.
Furthermore, the Lieber Code indicates, via your live document (birth certificate), whether an
individual operates under Natural Law or constitutional law (International Law). All
constitutional laws fall under the jurisdiction of the Holy See (a Tier 1 Organisation under
Manna). It is important to understand that the law of the Holy See (a Tier 1 Organisation under
Manna) stood above all countries, states, and legal entities governed by constitutional laws.
As all legal entities and legal persons are governed by constitutional laws, they ultimately fell
under the jurisdiction of the Holy See (a Tier 1 Organisation under Manna).
It is important to remember that sovereign citizens cannot be governed by anyone or anything
else, including constitutional law. They are sovereign beings unto themselves and therefore

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 93

In 1645, the Treaty of Gaul, specified that sovereign nations would split into non-jurisdictional
States governed by constitutional laws, while the whole jurisdiction remained under the
sovereign nation and therefore under Natural Law. Following this, was the Treaty of
Westphalia, signed in 1648, which allowed for all States to be governed by man-made law
(constitutional law) due to the States holding the status of non-sovereign nations residing
within a sovereign nation. The Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 placed all people and entities under
the jurisdiction of the Holy See (a Tier 1 Organisation under Manna) by registering them as
legal persons or legal entities, which made them non-sovereign. This also meant that all
constitutional laws were to be governed by the law of the Holy See (a Tier 1 Organisation
under Manna) which is International Law.
To summarise, firstly, as per the Treaty of Gaul, each ‘State’ would reside within a sovereign
nation without operating under Natural Law. Secondly, as of the Treaty of Westphalia, all
‘States’ would be self-governed by man-made laws (constitutional law), while residing within
a sovereign nation that operates under Natural Law. Finally, the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666
had all people registered as legal persons (dead), ensuring they entered the jurisdiction of the
Holy See (a Tier 1 Organisation under Manna). Thus, all constitutional laws are made and
approved by non-sovereign citizens, belonging to a non-sovereign entity, residing within a
non-sovereign nation, all of which fell under the jurisdiction and law (International Law) of the
Holy See (a Tier 1 Organisation under Manna).
A non-sovereign citizen is a legal entity, legal fiction or dead entity, and therefore holds no
rights. This means a non-sovereign citizen does not own, in real terms, their own home, car,
money, valuables or anything else for that matter. Only sovereign beings can own things. Legal
persons and legal entities (non-sovereigns) simply cannot own anything. To be clear, nearly
everybody on the planet, including all previously elected people in government, as well as all
Heads of State, by their personal registrations, were all currently recognised as non-sovereign
citizens, and thus they fell under the law (International Law) of the Holy See (a Tier 1
Organisation under Manna).
Sovereign Entity

All original tribes, moieties, clans or language groups are sovereign entities unto themselves,
and all have a natural right to self-determination, self-reliance and self-governance.
The chief or leader of a sovereign entity, be it man or woman, is the Royal Monarch of the
sovereign entity, as well as a sovereign citizen of the sovereign entity. This means they are the
highest lawful representative of their sovereign entity. Acting for and on behalf of the
sovereign entity, the Royal Monarch, through their authorisation by autograph, thumbprint
and seal can enter into treaties and agreements with other sovereignties.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 94

Sovereign entities are simply a collective of sovereign citizens, who have chosen by their own
free-will and intention, to be of the body of a Royal Monarch, and follow the decrees set forth
by the Royal Monarch which guide the collective on how to co-exist in a peaceful and
productive manner.
Sovereign entities are responsible for protecting, preserving and enhancing their own culture,
language, customs, law, art and medicine, as well as their spiritual practices, ceremonies,
sacred sites, homelands and waterways. Sovereign entities currently have the ability to
administer ground, facilities and sovereign entity structures within their tribal homelands. This
strengthens their capacity to restore and enhance themselves in the areas they feel necessary,
on their journey to becoming fully self-sustainable once again at all levels, living in harmony
with nature, and advancing their diplomatic relations with other sovereign entities and the
sovereign nation in which they reside.
Non-Sovereign Entity

A non-sovereign entity is simply a collective of non-sovereign citizens, governed by

constitutions and constitutional laws. A non-sovereign entity does not fall under Natural Law
and therefore holds no rights or ability to self-govern. It is also important to note that all
governments were officially recognised as non-sovereign entities.
This means that a non-sovereign entity and its non-sovereign citizens carry no real
responsibility for their actions as they are all registered as “dead entities”. However, they can
still be prosecuted for breaking constitutional law, be fined and even sentenced to prison. In
reality, any decisions made by a non-sovereign entity, are non-binding, and as a result of their
dead status, fell directly under the jurisdiction of the Holy See (a Tier 1 Organisation under
Manna), who previously had the ultimate say over all decisions relating to dead entities.
This was clearly stated in the Vienna Convention of 1961, Article 16, Point 3: “This article is
without prejudice to any practice accepted by the receiving State regarding the precedence of
the representative of the Holy See.”
Sovereign Nation

A sovereign nation is comprised of a designated area, landmass or territory that includes all
living beings, sovereign citizens, sovereign entities, resources, buildings, structures, systems,
plants, animals, and all species that reside within the area.
A sovereign nation has a natural right to self-determination, self-reliance and self-governance.
A sovereign nation is responsible for protecting, preserving and enhancing their own culture,
language, customs, law, art, science, medicine, technology and more.
The official lawful representative of the sovereign nation is the Royal Monarch who acts for,
and on behalf of, the sovereign nation. The Royal Monarch issues royal decrees that instruct

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 95

the collective of sovereign citizens and sovereign entities residing within the sovereign nation.
Acting for and on behalf of the sovereign nation, the Royal Monarch, through their
authorisation by autograph, thumbprint and seal can freely enter into any treaties,
agreements and alliances with other sovereignties.
A sovereign nation cannot be owned. The ground, as well as the sovereign nation itself, can
only be represented by a Royal Monarch. No sovereign citizen or sovereign entity can own the
sovereign ground, nor can they own the sovereign nation. In accordance with Sovereign Law,
another sovereign party can make claim to the sovereign ground, however, claiming sovereign
ground on ancestry alone is not possible. Where there is any dispute over the ground the more
powerful sovereign reigns, and if necessary, will use force to become the representative of
the ground.
Non-Sovereign Nation (Nation State/Republic)

A non-sovereign nation is the territory within an existing sovereign nation represented by a

Royal Monarch. By treaty, the non-sovereign nation’s territory (meaning the territory within
the sovereign nation), can be governed by constitutional law. Constitutional law was designed
for all legal persons, legal entities or anything that is declared legally dead.
In the year 1874, the Treaty of Bern founded the Universal Postal Union (UPU), which today is
a specialised agency of the United Nations (a Tier 1 Organisation under Manna). For now, the
UPU maintains post roads, sea lanes and post offices, including all functions relating to these.
Post offices are international stations, connected by post roads, and sea lanes, to every other
post office in the world. The Constitution of the Universal Postal Union, Article 3: Jurisdiction
of the Union, paragraph A states: “The Union has within its jurisdiction: (a) The territories of
Member Countries.” Thus, the UPU controlled the non-sovereign nation territory of all
member countries.
It is important to note that the Crown Corporation (a Tier 1 Organisation under Manna) is
where all administration aspects of ‘States’ are registered e.g. heads of state, government
bodies etc. The Northern Trust (a Tier 1 Organisation under Manna) is the registry of all
courtrooms for all individuals recognised as non-sovereign citizens. All of these courtrooms
were designed to handle International Law, which previously governed the Seven Law
Families, which were the laws of the countries. Due to the Cestui Que Vie Act, all non-
sovereign citizens fell under the laws (International Law) of the Holy See (a Tier 1 Organisation
under Manna).
As a result of the Treaty of Gaul and the Treaty of Westphalia, the Seven Law Families became
constitutional law systems for all “legal persons” and “legal entities”. This means when
individuals previously entered a courtroom, in most countries in the world, they were entering
a courtroom that is governed by the laws of the Holy See (a Tier 1 Organisation under Manna),

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 96

and which adhered to International Law. A non-sovereign citizen i.e. a legal person or juristic
person cannot proceed in the court system of any country under Binary Law (Sovereign Law
and Monarch Law) as Binary Law is for living people (registered alive) i.e. sovereign citizens.
This means, that if one entered an international courtroom with live documents such as a birth
certificate or passport that is not registered in Dog Latin, proving that they were in fact alive,
the court would automatically have had to switch to Binary Law.
The Earth

The Earth is a sovereign being unto itself. The Earth is not owned by anyone, or anything. All
species of the Earth, including all of humankind, are sovereign unto themselves, each having
a direct physical and spiritual connection with the Earth.
Collectively, humanity has a duty of care to work together in protecting and preserving the
Earth and all its ecosystems for the benefit of all of the human, plant, animal and mineral
kingdoms, valuing and respecting all life and each being’s right to be here.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 97

L. Appendix L - What is a Kingdom?

A Kingdom is a piece of sovereign land that is represented, administered and ruled over by a
leader, called a Royal Monarch. Kingdoms are one of the earliest types of sovereign collectives
on Earth, dating back thousands of years.
Within the Kingdom all land, resources, buildings and assets are collectively “owned” in the
name of the Royal Monarch who represents, administers and rules the Kingdom. This is
referred to as “of the body of the Royal Monarch”.
Within a Kingdom, it is the sole responsibility of the Royal Monarch to take care of, and provide
for the sovereign citizens, who, by their own free will, have chosen to be “of the body” of the
Royal Monarch, and have been granted the right (via individual Crown Legion agreements with
the Royal Monarch) to live within the Kingdom.
The Crown Legion agreement
As stated, a Kingdom is a piece of sovereign land that is represented, administered and ruled
over by a leader, called a Royal Monarch. Therefore, the Royal Monarch is the highest
representative of the Kingdom.
By agreement with the Royal Monarch, sovereign citizens are part of the body of the Royal
Monarch. This gives the sovereign citizens the ability to access the necessary resources within
the Kingdom which are provided by the Royal Monarch e.g. food, shelter, medicine,
protection, education, currency, technology, communications etc.
The sovereign citizens’ on the other hand repay the Royal Monarch’s provision of resources,
by supporting the Royal Monarch in his/her duties towards the smooth and efficient running
of the Kingdom, which include, but is not limited to, working in all the relevant areas e.g.
health, finance, manufacturing, defence, support services etc.
Concurrently, it is important that all sovereign citizens are guided and taught in how the
Kingdom operates in order to do their part in supporting it, as well as being taught all the
necessary skill sets for them to efficiently work in all the relevant areas e.g. health, finance,
manufacturing, defence, support services etc.
The sovereign citizens within a Kingdom agree to follow and abide by the royal decrees and
law codes set by the Royal Monarch.
If a sovereign citizen does not wish to follow and abide by the royal decrees and law codes set
by the Royal Monarch, in return for the provision of all necessary resources, then they may be
given notice to leave the Kingdom within a period of twenty-one (21) days.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 98

At any time, the sovereign citizens, may, if they were ever not being adequately provided for
by the Royal Monarch, leave the Kingdom in search of a Kingdom where they would be
adequately cared for and provided for.
The Strength of a Kingdom
So, for a Kingdom to be strong, it is a two-way mutual relationship between the Royal Monarch
and the sovereign citizens. The Royal Monarch, if he/she wishes for the collective unity and
strength of both their Kingdom, and their position within the Kingdom, then they must
adequately provide for and care for their sovereign citizens.
Equally, to be allowed to remain within a Kingdom, and for it to be a strong Kingdom with a
strong united citizenship, the sovereign citizens must follow and abide by the royal decrees
and law codes set by the Royal Monarch.
If the Royal Monarch provides for, cares for, and protects the sovereign citizens - then the
sovereign citizens will fully support the Royal Monarch.
A Kingdom is similar to a Person’s Home
In simple terms, think of the Kingdom, not as a country or sovereign nation, but as a home.
The owner of the home (host) is the Royal Monarch. The guests (visitors) are the sovereign
A host (Royal Monarch) may invite guests (sovereign citizens) to visit or stay within his home.
The host (Royal Monarch) will therefore provide food, shelter, warmth and hospitality for the
guests (sovereign citizens) living within his home.
It would be normal for the guests (sovereign citizens), while living within the host’s (Royal
Monarch’s) home, to abide by the house rules set by the host (sovereign law codes and Royal
Monarch decrees).
If the guests were ever to abuse the requested house rules and not adhere to the host’s rules
within his own home, then it would be normal for the guests to be asked to leave immediately.
Also, it would be normal that in return for the host providing food, shelter, warmth and
hospitality, that the guest would help the host in the tasks of running the home, e.g. washing
or drying dishes, taking the rubbish out, wiping tables after eating etc. (the workforce).
Similarly, if the guest wished to wash the dishes, but did not know how to use the dishwasher
correctly then the host would teach them in the use (education).
Alternatively, if the guests were not happy with the home or the hospitality provided, or did
not get sufficient food, shelter, warmth or respect, then they would be free to leave at any
time, and with a high chance of never wanting to accept the host’s invitation to stay again.

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In summary, a Kingdom is similar to a home, with the guests being the sovereign citizens, and
the homeowner or host being the Royal Monarch.
It is the duty and responsibility of the Royal Monarch to adequately provide for, care for and
protect the sovereign citizens. It is also the responsibility of the Royal Monarch, to set the
rules, through royal decrees and law codes, for the sovereign citizens in order to inform them
in what is acceptable and what is not, while living within the Kingdom.
Concurrently, it is the duty of the sovereign citizens to support the Royal Monarch, and to
follow and abide by the Royal Monarch’s decrees and sovereign law codes.
If the Royal Monarch provides for, cares for and protects the sovereign citizens - then the
sovereign citizens will fully support the Royal Monarch.

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M. Appendix M – Sovereign Monarch Church

The Sovereign Monarch Church is a sovereign nation unto itself with full sovereign status and
sovereign rights. The Sovereign Monarch Church has the sovereign structure of a Kingdom
within other sovereignties. This is due to the Sovereign Monarch Church territory being
sovereign territory within another sovereign kingdom. The Sovereign Monarch Church’s
structure allows it to take care of the most vulnerable citizens most in need on the planet. The
Sovereign Monarch Church also has a mandate to protect historic buildings, and to support
the surrounding communities, culture and etiquette.
Sovereign to Sovereign Agreement
The Sovereign Monarch Church represented by the reigning Royal Monarch, the Supreme
Governor and Highest Protector His Majesty Michael-Uriel Gabriel Raphael Zaphkiel of All
Saints, and the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna represented by the reigning Royal Monarch, the
King’s Supreme Commander and Grand Master Knight His Majesty Michael-Uriel Gabriel
Raphael Zaphkiel of All Saints, both being sovereignties unto themselves, representing each
of their own sovereign interests, formalised a sovereign to sovereign agreement where the
following was agreed and placed into effect:
• The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and the Sovereign Monarch Church will fully respect,
protect, and safeguard each other’s full sovereign status and rights, including each
other’s historical full sovereign status and rights.

• The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna granted the right to the Sovereign Monarch Church,
and her Royal Monarch, being that the Royal Monarch is free with free energetic will,
on matters directly pre-approved by the Royal Monarch of the Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna His Majesty Michael-Uriel Gabriel Raphael Zaphkiel of All Saints, to freely and
unequivocally operate within all Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s territories being not
limited or constrained by dimensional time or dimensional barriers.

• It was also agreed that the Sovereign Monarch Church may operate a banking system
within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s sovereign territories, and that the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna’s citizens may utilise such Sovereign Monarch Church banking

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 101

Structure of the Sovereign Monarch Church
The Sovereign Monarch Church aims to provide for and safeguard the physical and spiritual
wellbeing of citizens in need. The design of the structure is highly advanced and is built
specifically to achieve all aspects of the core principles of the Sovereign Monarch Church.
The Sovereign Monarch Church has the sovereign structure of a Kingdom within other
sovereign kingdoms, due to the Sovereign Monarch Church territory being sovereign territory
(inside another sovereign nation).

The Sovereign Monarch Church’s structure allows the Sovereign Monarch Church to offer full
support and protection to a sovereign nation (if ever needed or requested), and to offer full
support and protection of a sovereign nation’s historic buildings, surrounding communities,
culture, and etiquette (if ever needed or requested). The structures of the Sovereign Monarch
Church include a combination of the following:

• Ownership of sovereign ground (space, air, above ground, below ground, above water,
below water).
• Ownership of sovereign ether (air) within designated buildings.
• Ownership of a network of Mannaks (cathedral-like structures), and
• Ownership of a network of Kadons (smaller church-like buildings/structures)

Wide Spectrum of Support offered by the Sovereign Monarch Church

Complimentary with all provided by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, and as secondary layer
of protection for citizens everywhere, there is wide spectrum of support, including relocation,
re-housing, provision of a new life with education and job guarantee, all under the sovereign
status of the Sovereign Monarch Church, in order to safeguard the physical and spiritual
wellbeing of all citizens, including, but not limited to:
• People who have been persecuted or are afraid of persecution related to their race,
religion, nationality, sex, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion;
• Displaced people and children fleeing war or who come from areas where there is no
safe, healthy or sustainable standard of living;
• Abused women or children who need sanctuary or are in dire need of support and
help, including the need for financial stability. Abused people can be moved to
protected safe areas where they have the option of education and study to help them
start new lives. Those who have been victims of domestic violence can be relocated
where their family member or spouse cannot find them again.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 102

• Orphaned or abandoned children, victims of modern-day slavery. Orphans are looked
after by the Sovereign Monarch Church and are placed with highly vetted suitable
parents who are members of a specialised protective female fraternity-like
department. The family unit are then over-watched on an ongoing basis by the senior
Ranking members of the specialised protective female fraternity-like department, to
safeguard their long term safety and happiness.
• Unemployed people are also supported. This may even include (in order to protect
their self-esteem) people who may have lost their job and can be transported to a new
“employment area” where they can be employed or be re-educated or retrained
discretely in a new employment area. They would be paid during this period and will
be helped finding new employment, without losing face.
• Protection, support and solutions can be given for those who are victims of peer
bullying, family bullying or even those who need to be put into witness protection. If
ever needed, the Sovereign Monarch Church can also provide protection from Mafia,
Syndicate, or Cartel members, or where relevant, legal services for those who need it.
• The elderly, sick, handicapped (physically or mentally) will be given full support, the
appropriate medical treatment and will also have social support structures around
them to dramatically increase their quality of life.
• Those in gangs who want to leave the gang culture and find a safe sanctuary to get
their lives back on track.
• Anyone with mental problems, family problems, drug addictions, or PTSD. They will be
provided with the appropriate healing programmes, including Scar Body Awakening
for those with PTSD etc.
• Homeless people can be offered full support including re-education and then
reintegrated back into society with house and job etc.
• For those who have been criminals or have acted badly in any way, they can request
support in changing their ways back to being good members of the community. They
can be given spiritual healing and guidance to help them on this journey.

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N. Appendix N – Mannaism

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna allows, respects, and protects all lawful religious practices.
The official religion of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is however, Mannaism.

What is Mannaism
Mannaism, is an ancient religion based on the rules of nature intertwining with each person’s
spiritual journey towards the “First Cause and the First Principle and the Unutterable Name”
(referred to in present day language as the Highest of the High, or God), which encompasses
all of The Divine Mother, The Divine Father, The Creator of All, The Divine Source, The
Almighty, and The Eternal One (the Six Benevolent Ones).

Mannaism respects all other religions and their beliefs. Mannaism is about its connections
with the rules of nature (natural law) and understanding the journey towards spiritual purity.
Mannaism combines the core elements of nature, with the spiritual practices for the purpose
of ultimately elevating the soul on the spiritual journey towards the “First Cause and the First
Principle and the Unutterable Name”.

Mannaism is a deep spiritual practice of how the person’s feminine and masculine energies
and actions intertwine with the four elements of earth, where there are no barriers,
restrictions or limitations in the expansion of the conscious, nonconscious and the
subconscious, and the belief of self, nature and all.

What are the Four Elements of Earth?

The world is composed of four basic elements – Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. These are critical
to sustain life. All four of the elements are integral parts of matter and the physical universe,
where the human body is a physical creation existing in the material realm.

Human beings have both feminine and masculine energies within us, which collectively
intertwine in different ways with, and are governed by, the four elements. Maintaining a
balance between these elements ensures physical and psychological well-being as well as
spiritual well-being.

Everything in the sentient world has a combination of four principal qualities: hot, cold, dry
and moist. A combination of these produces the four elements: hot and dry produced Fire;
hot and wet resulted in Air; cold and dry gave Earth; and cold and wet combined to produce

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The feminine and masculine energies of a person combined with the four elements create
life. However female energy, the stronger of the two, or the “glue” that brings all together as
one, can then allow each person to elevate their soul to the spiritual level and become part
of the quintessential fifth element. This is also referred to as the life force, the ‘aether’, which
is the material that fills the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere. In Mannaism,
this is the spiritual journey of purity towards the “First Cause and the First Principle and the
Unutterable Name.

The Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Four Elements

The Earth and the Water are the heavier elements and represent the feminine archetype, the
intuitive function and the passive state. These two elements are related to the symbolism of
the Mother Earth. On the other hand, the Air is above the Water & Earth and has a natural
upward movement, while the fiery sun, stars, and heavens are above even the Air. Both of
these elements have a masculine archetype and symbolise the thinking function. The four
essential elements exist in all of us, men and women and their unique combinations
determine our distinct personalities. These elements represent and symbolise different facets
of human life. They all come from nature. Consequently, by connecting with them and
understanding their presence in us, we become aware of our connection with nature and our
relationship with the “First Cause and the First Principle and the Unutterable Name.

Mannaism in Flow

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The energy of love is the strongest energy on earth, due to the need to reproduce and sustain
life. The feminine energy sets the rules and creates life. The masculine energy upholds the
rules and sustains life.

Mannaism is a spiritual journey of purity towards the “First Cause and the First Principle and
the Unutterable Name”, with no restrictions or limitations to curtail our spiritual growth. The
practice of Mannaism is the elevation of the soul into purity and enlightenment. Mannaism
has no boundaries to the enlightenment one can achieve. (All modern religions hold an
ancient origin in at least one of the four elements of life).

In the practice of Mannaism, to master one element, be it fire, earth, water or air, one must
learn to master the element in each of the six kingdoms and the six oceans. Mannaism in its
purest sense is the mastering of all the elements.

The Six Kingdoms of Life and the Six Oceans of Sovereignty

The six oceans of sovereignty consist of: Under Earth, Surface Earth, Under Water, Surface
Water, Air, Space

The six kingdoms of life each includes a set of organisms that share similar characteristics.
The organisms in each Kingdom are considered biologically distinct from the others. The six
Kingdoms are: Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Fungi, Protista, Plants and Animals.

Mannaism and Spiritual Growth

Mannaism is the ancient religion of being at one with nature and understanding how each of
the six kingdoms of life, and the six oceans of sovereignty act under the natural law of each
element. By understanding and practicing this, a person has the potential to attain tangible
spiritual purity and become closer to the “First Cause and the First Principle and the
Unutterable Name”.

The practising of Mannaism allows one’s mind, body and soul to expand exponentially. It does
not close it or curtail it. On an individual basis, the practice of Mannaism in all its purest forms,
allows us to access the spiritual world (metaphysical and astral) and all levels of spirituality,
without restrictions or limitations.

Mannaism in Practice
As we continually work towards greater spiritual freedom and spiritual purity in order to
become closer and closer to the “First Cause and the First Principle and the Unutterable
Name”, we must ensure and protect the balance of life by adhering to the divine rules of
nature (natural law).

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The way we act in our day to day lives in relation to natural law is also a key practice in
Mannaism. Good practice of Mannaism is portrayed through the principle of good thoughts,
good words, and good deeds of the individual and the acceptance of our own place in the
Circle of Life. The divine teachings of Mannaism is that only ethical behaviour and honourable
actions in all things and the respect for the Rules of Nature (natural law), brings true elevation
of the soul.

• Goodness is apparent through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds.
• Each individual has free will to embark on the rightful path towards the balance of life.
• Respecting all of nature and all living things is a pure action.

A central value of Mannaism is that all humans are created equal, and all have free will. If one
followed the precepts of Mannaism, one would live a fulfilling life. If not, one becomes
tangled in deceit and experiences strife and confusion and will be at odds with the rules of
nature and their own spiritual growth potential.

Starting with the key “taking responsibility principles” in Mannaism, goodness is apparent
through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds – and one practices this through:

• Being humble and selfless in all matters.

• Telling the truth at all times – especially keeping promises.
• Practicing charity to all – especially to those less fortunate.
• Showing love for others – even if they do not return the sentiment.

The virtuous behaviour of believers adhere to three core values of behaviour:

• To make friends of enemies.

• To make the wicked righteous.
• To make the ignorant learned.

If one lived in accordance with these values, one would have a good, wholesome and
productive life.

In whole, Mannaism is exercising good thoughts, good words and good deeds, while
respecting the Rules of Nature (natural law), combined with the perpetual practice of
mastering the elements, the balance of life and our place in the circle of life. By doing so,
allows us access to becoming a part of the fifth element leading to exponential spiritual
growth in our perpetual spiritual journey to becoming closer to the “First Cause and the First
Principle and the Unutterable Name”.

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O. Appendix O – Insignia Example - Display of the National Flag

Visual representation examples for the displaying of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s
national flag atop and around the former main governing parliament buildings and primary
Royal Palaces (where existing) across all Nomes of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

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P. Appendix P - Nomes Administration (De Jure)

Reiterating the fact that there are no more countries (sub sovereign nation states) in existence
anymore, and there is only one kingdom, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, it is important to
describe the new governance systems of the 216 Nomes.

Previously the countries had constitutions and governments. However, unlike the former
countries and nation states, there are no governments anymore within any Nome or Arch of
the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. Therefore, the administration structure within each Nome,
is a completely new structure with completely new appointments. Again, the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna, and her Nomes and Archs, is an Absolute Monarchy, ruled by His Majesty
Michael-Uriel I.

Important to robustly reiterate is that each Nome is a former nation state which has now been
fully registered on the System as a Sovereign Kingdom of Manna geographical area retaining
its own localised culture, language, customs, traditions, architectural language, and cuisine.
Further, all 216 Nomes, and the citizens within, as per Appendix G below, being integrated
into the administrative structures of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

The Nomes make up the territories of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. All Nomes will fly
exclusively the national flag of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. All citizens of the Nomes are
citizens of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna under the rule of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. All
financial budgets for the operational running and the rebuilding of all Nomes is centrally
provided by, and authorised by, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. All citizens’ wellbeing provisions,
benefits, abundance and citizens salaries are centrally provided by, and authorised by, His
Majesty Michael-Uriel I. In short, within the Nomes of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna,
everything is provided for the citizens by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s administrative structures cascade down from the House
of the Royal Monarch, through the De Facto administrative structures, to the De Jure
administrative structures which include the Nomes.

The new administrative structures are presently being installed throughout all of the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s Nomes, which includes His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, formally
appointing all official roles and positions of who will sit within the Governance System of
Houses, Tables, Councils, Committees, Parliaments, Ministries, Departments and Offices. The
individuals chosen for these positions within each Nome will be authorised and appointed
solely by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

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The appointees for such positions will be chosen from those within each Nome, who are
clearly working honourably and correctly as per instructions issued by His Majesty Michael-
Uriel I, and in strict adherence with the wider agenda of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.
Members of the Advisory Councils of the Nomarchy may also be appointed into such positions.

Detailing the administrative structures which are applicable to the levels of the Nomes (De
Jure level), within each Nome, three senior individual Nomarch (Chief Administrator)
appointments will be made to initiate the administrative structures, each reporting up
through their reporting lines, plus directly to the Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I,
via the House of the Royal Monarch channels:

a. Royal General Nomarch

The Royal General Nomarch, reporting up to the Royal General Chieftan, will be
responsible for the requesting and administering of an annual financial budget
(including overseeing the central payment of salaries for all citizens within the
respective Nome) from His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. Such financial budgets are for the
efficient and effective wellbeing needs of all citizens within the respective Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna’s Nome, in strict adherence with the guidelines and the principles
stipulated by the Royal Monarch of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, His Majesty
Michael-Uriel I. It is important to note, that the Royal General Nomarch has no
fundamental power. Their integral and priority task is to follow and execute in detail
the instructions received by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

b. General Nomarch
The General Nomarch, reporting up to the General Chieftan, will be responsible for
the safety and security of a designated part of the respective Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna’s Nome and her citizens, in strict adherence with the guidelines and the
principles stipulated by the Royal Monarch of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, His
Majesty Michael-Uriel I. Additional responsibilities will be to request and administer
an annual operational budget (excluding the payment of salaries) for the operational
needs of the military, intelligence, disaster relief, emergency rescue services and law
enforcement. It is important to note, that the General Nomarch has no fundamental
power. Their integral and priority task is to follow and execute in detail the instructions
received by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

c. Presidential Nomarch
The Presidential Nomarch, reporting up to the Presidential Chieftan, will be responsible
for the requesting and administering of an annual financial budget (excluding the

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payment of salaries) from His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. Such financial budgets are for
the efficient and effective operation, development and maintenance of the
infrastructure of the respective Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s Nome, in strict
adherence with the guidelines and the principles stipulated by the Royal Monarch of
the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. It is important to note,
that the Presidential Nomarch has no fundamental power. Their integral and priority
task is to follow and execute in detail the instructions received by His Majesty Michael-
Uriel I.

The Presidential Nomarch, General Nomarch and Royal General Nomarch appointments,
similar to all senior appointments within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, are for an initial
period of one year and can be renewed each year, every year, subject to previous satisfactory
performance of the role. All appointments of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, all else being
equal, are renewed at the end of each year, prior to the start of each new year. All who are in
violation of their remits and engaging in gross misconduct during their tenure will be
addressed as per Royal Monarch Law.

Administrative structures under each Nomarch (Presidential, General, Royal General)

Supporting each of the Nome’s Nomarch positions are three support structures, namely,
Administrative Departments, Councils, and a Security Departments:

a. Departments (Administrative Departments)

Within each Nome, there is one Department (Administrative Department) for the
running and administration of each area e.g., Department of Health, Department of
Education, Department of Energy, Department of Transportation etc.,

Concurrent Female Leader + Male Leader

For maximum efficiency and representation, every Department has two leaders: one
female, and one male. These Departmental leadership positions are held for two years,
and then the people are rotated. To ensure effective continuity of experience within
every Administrative Department, the male Head and the female Head are rotated at
different times.

i. A core principle of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is to cultivate healthy

balanced work ethics and collaborative equal opportunities for both men and
women, while still performing at the highest levels. Complimenting this approach
is the need to balance the energy and efficiency in any leadership or management
position to maximise efficiency and performance.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 112

ii. To maximise performance, all of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s Departments
(Administrative Departments), Councils, Committees, Organisations etc. have
fraternity/sorority-like structures where all have two different lines of leadership,
management and reporting. There is the female line and the male line. There is
a female Head for the female line, and a male Head for the male line.

iii. By this, the two Heads, or the female Heads and the male Heads in each
leadership position, will lead and run the Departments (Administrative
Departments), Councils, Committees, Organisations etc. together, coming to
mutual key decisions by committee of both.

iv. Each female Head, and each male Head, of every Department (Administrative
Department) send weekly reports to their respective Nomarch plus directly to
the Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, via the House of the Royal
Monarch channels.

Members of the Departments

Within every Department (Administrative Department) are the Members – both male
and female respectively) who work under the Heads of the Department (Administrative

i. Within this structure females within the Departments (Administrative

Departments), Councils, Committees, Organisations etc. will answer to the
female Head, while all male positions answer to the male Head.

ii. Members of a Department (Administrative Department) are appointed for a

period of 4 years and then the people are rotated. For continuity of experience
within the Departments, the male Members and the female Members are
rotated at different times.

b. Councils
Within each Nome, there is one Council under each Nomarch. The Council is a
collection of Committees, where there is one Committee for each area e.g., Health,
Education, Energy, Transportation etc. The Committees are separate from, but
complimentary to the Administrative Departments.

The Heads of the Councils, who are appointed for one year and then rotated, have the
task of making sure all suggestions and strategies, plus the administration of the
reports are compiled and put forward correctly for final analysis and selection.

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The task of the Committees is to continually execute and implement all instructions
issued by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, and at all times listening to the people and
reporting via their reporting lines, in order to make each of the areas e.g., Health,
Education, Energy, Transportation etc,. the best they can be for the citizens.

i. Each Committee has 27 Members (26 Members and 1 Chairperson) which are
randomly selected.

ii. In order that all ongoing reviews and refinement of all areas e.g. Health,
Education, Energy, Transportation etc., be for the benefit of all citizens,
irrespective of age, gender, colour, background, geography, socio-economic
status and demographics etc, all Committees must be fully balanced and diverse
with Committee Members from all walks of life being represented e.g. men,
women, urban, rural, educated, uneducated etc.

iii. In short, the Committee Members are compiled of a whole variety of citizens who
will see things from every angle, not just from the eyes of one aspect of society,
but from many aspects. Their job is to bring forward new suggestions, ideas,
strategies so that the quality of life and the efficiency of all areas continually

iv. Committee Members are in position for two years. For clarity, every two years
fresh new Committee Members are appointed.

v. Each Committee for each area e.g., Health, Education, Energy, Transportation etc.
send weekly reports to the Council, to their respective Nomarch, plus directly to
the Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, via the House of the Royal
Monarch channels.

c. Security
Within each Nome, for each Nomarch structure there will be an Intelligence and
Security structure, mandated to overwatch and police the correct activities from all

Administration Overview

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s administrative structures for her Nomes gives a dynamic,
effective, and continuously fresh and energetic approach to best guarantee the highest quality
of life and delivery of services to all her citizens, not just some of them.

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Each Department is responsible for its own area, under each of the Nomarch structures. For
example, a Presidential Nomarch, General Nomarch and the Royal General Nomarch each
have for example, a Department of Justice – which handles all legal and documentation issues
for their specific Nomarch structure. This means that there are 3 separate Department of
Justices in each Nome, one for each of the Presidential Nomarch, General Nomarch and the
Royal General Nomarch structures. This example extrapolates to each type of Department.

As mentioned, each Department (Administrative Department), under each of the Nomarch

structures, is responsible for the execution of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I’s instructions in their
own area. However, continuously, all Department Heads, from each of the three Nomarch
structures, come together in a committee format to ensure the correct execution and
implementation of those projects which have been authorised and budgeted for by His
Majesty Michael-Uriel I, from the previous year.

Each Department Head has the responsibility of effective and accurate delivery of all activities
and reports relating to their Department. If any task is incorrect, with such mistakes being
deemed to be intentionally incorrect and/or fraudulent and or criminal actions, then the
Department Head will fall under immediate judgement of the Royal Monarch Court.

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Q. Appendix Q - New Financial System

Also simultaneous with the activation of Aureus as the sole currency to be used across the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and the deletion of all things connecting to Fractional Reserve
Banking, is the launch of the new financial system.

The Fractional Reserve Banking System, and all values and systems connecting to it, is
presently being deleted from existence by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna as authorised
solely by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. In its place is a new financial system based on the
structures of the Sovereign Monarch Church banking system.

For note, the Sovereign Monarch Church is a sovereign nation unto itself with full sovereign
status and sovereign rights. The Royal Monarch of the Sovereign Monarch Church is also His
Majesty Michael-Uriel I. The Sovereign Monarch Church is structured as a sovereign nation
that may operate, through a sovereign-to-sovereign agreement, within another sovereignty.
In this case the Sovereign Monarch Church may operate within the Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna. Please see Appendix I and Appendix J for more information on the Sovereign Monarch

When Aureus is activated, simultaneously with the activation of the new Sovereign Monarch
Church financial system across the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I,
has authorised an initial financial gift of 100,000 Aureus for every citizen, irrelevant of age or
location. With all previous values and balances connecting to the former currencies and
fractional reserve banking being deleted, this financial gift of 100,000 Aureus will be the
amount in each person’s new bank (account) within the Sovereign Monarch Church banking
structure. On a purchasing power comparable, 1 Aureus is equal to 1 Great British Pound
Sterling (£) as of the 20th June 2024.

The New Financial System Structure

By authorisation granted to, and as authorised by, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, the new
financial system under the Sovereign Monarch Church structures is set up as follows:

i. One former electronic financial wallet connecting to each citizen has now been issued
a bank license – therefore becoming its own Bank.
(All other financial electronic wallets supplementary to needs e.g. citizens additional
financial electronic wallets and all financial electronic wallets connecting to any type
of company, trust, foundation or organisation, will be deleted from existence).

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 116

ii. Each newly issued Bank license number has an identical number as its former electronic
financial wallet (bank) account number.
iii. The Sovereign Monarch Church issued one new Central Bank license for each of the
new Banks (meaning the former electronic financial wallets).
iv. Each new Bank sits within an individual Sovereign Monarch Church Central Bank
appointed to it. This means there are a huge quantity of Sovereign Monarch Church
Central Banks in existence.

v. The license number of the specific Sovereign Monarch Church Central Bank is an
identical license number as to the newly issued Bank license number of the new Bank
which sits within it.

Within each and every individual Sovereign Monarch Church central bank there will be two (2)
additional Banks located:

a) One (1) Bank in the name of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, initially holding two
billion Aureus (equivalent to two billion Great British Pounds), plus
b) One (1) Bank in the name of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, initially holding two billion
Aureus (equivalent to two billion Great British Pounds),

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 117

c) Both of these Bank’s funds balance (in each and every individual Sovereign
Monarch Church central bank) are visible to the relevant authorised Bank or
counterparty, but they are not accessible.
d) For clarity this means that in each and every individual Sovereign Monarch Church
central bank there are only three (3) Banks situated: 1 in the name of the Individual
or Entity (with a starting balance of 100,000 Aureus), plus 1 in the name of the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, plus 1 in the name of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.
e) Therefore, within each and every individual Sovereign Monarch Church central
bank there will be a combined funds deposited of four billion and one hundred
thousand Aureus (4,000,100,000 Au)

View and Request Facilities Only

i. Each new Bank, sitting within an appointed individual Central Bank of the Sovereign
Monarch Church, issued a Branch License to the Financial Institution (or similar) where
its former electronic financial wallet (bank accounts, central bank accounts, pension
accounts, insurance accounts, investment accounts etc.) was previously situated.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 118

ii. Each newly issued Bank Branch license number issued to the Financial Institution (or
similar) has an identical number as its former electronic financial wallet (bank) account
number which was previously connecting to it.
iii. By holding a Bank Branch license, the relevant Financial Institution (or similar) may view
the connected new Bank’s account funds balance and transaction history. However,
they have no authority, capability, or technical access to move or use the funds in any
way for their own use or gain.
iv. The Financial Institution (or similar) on request of the new Bank representative
(account holder) may make transactional requests via their core banking systems
(request only function - similar to previous standard practice of bank branches making
query or transactional requests to Bank HQ).
v. Such query or transactional requests are automatically routed to the Sovereign
Monarch Church banking systems. If the query or transactional request is lawful and
authorised by the Sovereign Monarch Church banking systems, then such query or
transaction can be executed.
vi. For clarity, all Bank HQs (Financial institutions or similar who formerly held the bank
accounts inside), via their core banking systems, are restricted to transaction requests
only to the new banks where they have an issued branch license.
vii. No individual, entity or Bank can interfere, block, stop, delay, or impinge any of the
above. However, even though it would be futile to even attempt to do so, any and all
individual(s) or entity(s) even attempting to negatively interfere in any shape or form
with such transactions, will be deemed unlawful actions and all perpetrators will fall
under immediate judgement of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 119

Methodology – Transfer of Funds:

i. As stated above, within each and every individual Sovereign Monarch Church central
bank there will be a combined funds deposited of four billion and one hundred
thousand Aureus (4,000,100,000 Au).
ii. However, when one individual (or entity) is making a transfer to another individual (or
entity), there is no movement of funds between the different Sovereign Monarch
Church central banks where the individual transacting Banks sit.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 120

iii. When Bank A (located within Sovereign Monarch Church central bank A) wishes to pay
Bank B (located within Sovereign Monarch Church central bank B) e.g. 50,000 Aureus
(Au), then they make a request to do so via their Bank Branch Teller.
iv. All requests automatically go to the Sovereign Monarch Church banking systems.
v. If the requested transaction is lawful and is therefore authorised by the Sovereign
Monarch Church banking systems, then 50,000 Au will be deducted from the balance
of Bank A (located within Sovereign Monarch Church central bank A), and 50,000 Au
will be added to the balance of Bank B (located within Sovereign Monarch Church
central bank B). Both Bank A and Bank B transaction history will show each other as
the counterparty to the transaction.
vi. However, in the above scenario the 50,000 Au will be deducted from the balance of
Bank A (located within Sovereign Monarch Church central bank A) but without funds
leaving the environment of Sovereign Monarch Church central bank A or going to the
environment of Sovereign Monarch Church central bank B.
vii. The Sovereign Monarch Church banking systems execute the transaction by:
a) Sending (via book-keeping) the 50,000 Au from Bank A (within the Sovereign
Monarch Church central bank A) to the Bank in the name of the Sovereign Kingdom
of Manna (also within the Sovereign Monarch Church central bank A). Thus, the
combined funds within the Sovereign Monarch Church central bank A remains at
four billion and one hundred thousand Aureus (4,000,100,000 Au).
b) Receiving (via book-keeping) the 50,000 Au from the Bank in the name of the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna (within the Sovereign Monarch Church central bank
B) to Bank B (also within the Sovereign Monarch Church central bank B). Thus, the
combined funds within the Sovereign Monarch Church central bank B remains at
four billion and one hundred thousand Aureus (4,000,100,000 Au).
c) For the individuals holding Bank A and Bank B, to them, they have exchanged funds
directly – however the reality of the book-keeping is very different.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 121

B) Nationalisation of Infrastructure, Buildings and Properties

Concurrently with the activation of Aureus all types of infrastructure (including but not limited
to all buildings, properties, homes, roads, bridges etc.) are nationalised. This means that on
nationalisation all things, including all infrastructure (including but not limited to all buildings,
properties, homes, roads, bridges etc.) are owned by and of the Royal Body of the Royal
Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

Due to the former structures, people never did have any real rights of administration over their
homes or buildings. This was a falsely created illusion giving the people the incorrect
perception that they had a degree of ownership. However, this was never the case in any shape
or form. The people, at best, had a degree of administrative rights relating to the buildings and

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 122

properties. Herewith, for clarity, the residents and tenants do not have any rights or holds
whatsoever (in any shape or form) relating to, or connecting to, to any infrastructure (including
but not limited to all buildings, properties, homes, roads, bridges etc.). Everything is owned
by, and of the Royal Body of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

Upon completing the citizen’s registration process every citizen is appointed a Rank (and title
where relevant) within the relevant heraldic division. Based on their Rank, which they receive
upon completing the citizen’s registration process, they will receive the commensurate salary,
house, car and other related benefits connecting to their Ranks. See Appendix K and L for more

In the interim period, while all new infrastructure is being built, and during the period of the
citizen’s registration period, most citizens will remain in their present homes and locations.
However, any changes will be at the sole discretion of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, the owner
of all infrastructure (including but not limited to all buildings, properties, homes, roads,
bridges etc.).

So, for clarity, no infrastructure (including but not limited to all buildings, properties, homes,
roads, bridges etc.) can be bought or sold. They can only be allocated for specific uses at the
sole authority of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. The size of home a person is allocated for use is
commensurate to the Rank they have achieved. One primary home is allocated per family plus
one secondary home is allocated per family. The secondary home will be located within one
of the new mountain cities which will be built.

It is similar with cars and vehicles. Cars and other transportations (aircraft, ships, boats,
motorcycles etc.) cannot be bought or sold. All existing cars and vehicles must be re-registered
under the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna where they will be issued new vehicle registrations.
Going forward, all new cars and vehicles will be allocated free of charge to every citizen. The
type of car or vehicle a person is allocated for use is commensurate to the Rank they have

As part of the citizen’s registration process and release of salaries, for certain Ranks and
heraldic divisions, the displaying of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna insignia will be
mandatory. Please see Appendix M for more information.

Also, as part of the nationalisation process of the infrastructure (including but not limited to
all buildings, properties, homes, roads, bridges etc.), a payment to each citizen was calculated
by taking the collective valuation of all infrastructure (including but not limited to all buildings,
properties, homes, roads, bridges etc.) and dividing such figure by the total number of citizens

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 123

within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. This payment is released upon the citizen completing
the citizens registration process for the Bio-Identity Card.

- Any attempts by any person to deviate from the above and or to attempt to operate
within, utilise, reside in, or claim as their own, any infrastructure (including but not limited
to all buildings, properties, homes, roads, bridges etc.), without authorisation from His
Majesty Michael-Uriel I, to do so, will be deemed unlawful and for those attempting to do
so they will fall under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court

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R. Appendix R - Citizens Working Hours

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna provides all citizens with the possibility of a healthy,
rewarding and invigorating work environment. The ethos is to have a healthy balance between
work, quality family time, and leisure time, thus keeping everyone fresh, healthy and

The citizen’s world is a world with minimum uncertainty. It must be a stable environment with
guaranteed work for every citizen regardless of status, environment or disability, so that
everyone has the opportunity to be a valued part of their community. Life should not be a
struggle for survival but a matter of quality of life and growth.

The working week, like it is throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, will exclusively use
the Mannaean Calendar and the Mannaean Time System. This is different from the Gregorian

Mannaean Calendar # Mannaean Time #

Number of Days per Week: 9 Hours per Day: 10
Weeks per Month: 4 Minutes per Hour: 100
Days per Month: 36 Seconds per Minute: 100
Months per Year: 10 Seconds per Day: 100,000
Days per Working Year: 360
Days per Calendar Year: 365.242 *

• The Longest Day is New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Eve is an extended day equivalent to 5
full Gregorian days and finishes during the 6th day at the hour the earth has completed
its rotation around the sun - 365.242 Gregorian days each year)

Working Hours

a) Day - # Working Hours per Day: (example)

Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7 Hour 8 Hour 9 Hour 10
Off Off Working Working Working Off Off Off Off Off

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 125

b) Week - # Working Days per Week: (example)

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9

Coredai Jovedai Lunedai Maredai Nepedai Onedai Soledai Teredai Venedai
Working Working Working Working Working Off Off Off Off

c) Month - # Working Days per Month: (example)

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9

Coredai Jovedai Lunedai Maredai Nepedai Onedai Soledai Teredai Venedai
Working Working Working Working Working Off Off Off Off
Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18
Coredai Jovedai Lunedai Maredai Nepedai Onedai Soledai Teredai Venedai
Working Working Working Working Working Off Off Off Off
Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Day 26 Day 27
Coredai Jovedai Lunedai Maredai Nepedai Onedai Soledai Teredai Venedai
Working Working Working Working Working Off Off Off Off
Day 28 Day 29 Day 30 Day 31 Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35 Day 36
Coredai Jovedai Lunedai Maredai Nepedai Onedai Soledai Teredai Venedai
Working Working Working Working Working Off Off Off Off

d) Year - # Working Months per Year: (example)

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10
Andasha Dalasha Kirasha Lelasha Magasha Orasha Pinasha Sarasha Tangasha Varasha
Working Working Working Off Training Working Working Working Off Training

Therefore, using the Mannaean Calendar structure, the standard work hours are:

• 3 hours per day (Gregorian equivalent to 7hrs 20 minutes per day)

• 5 days on working with 4-days off per week,
• 3 months on working,
• 1 month off (holiday, which coincides with children’s school holidays),
• 1 month re-training and education (prior to starting next 3 month working period),

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 126

• The 1-month re-training is to keep the workforce highly trained and confident in their
ability, bringing the employee fully up to speed with any new technology, information,
processes, etiquette or new work structures etc. Often people are apprehensive when
starting work after an extended holiday period. The training period is designed to negate
any apprehension. It also allows them to continue to increase their education and to
have the opportunity to increase upwards in the Rank structures.
A key point for the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, is that the priority is not to have massive
efficiencies in the workforce. There are highly advanced technologies to do that. It is a priority
to have the following though:

• To have a well-balanced, motivated and highly educated workforce.

• To have a workforce that has a healthy work vs family life vs leisure time balance.
• To have a workforce that is physically, emotionally, and psychologically healthy, and who
are not stressed. Stress is at the core of a multitude of psychological and physical
• To have all citizens throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna to be connected with
one another and to bring back healthy social and working interactions between people.
In short, to allow the time for relationship building. This will also give foundations for the
elimination of loneliness in people and join communities together in a natural stronger
way. In short - repairing the fractures throughout society and joining the society back
into a collective whole.
• Example: Financial Transactions
In the Sovereign Monarch Church banking structures, once the citizens have completed
their citizen’s registration process and have received their Sovereign Kingdom of Manna
Bio-Identity Cards, the way they execute any purchases or financial transactions is either
via their Bio-Identity Card, or by visiting their local bank and sitting with their bank officer
or bank teller. There will be no net banking or digital banking etc. Why is this?
The answer is very simple – to incentivise social interactions, connectivity and to repair
the existing fractures throughout communities. Going to the bank on foot is of course
less time efficient than using net/internet banking from a computer. Someone may go to
the bank once per week and it might take 1-2 hours to do so. But while they are at the
bank they can interact with the bank manager, have a coffee, have a conversation about

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 127

other financial matters, and generally build a constructive and warm relationship with
one another. This type of positive human interaction is far more beneficial for all citizens
and the communities they reside within.

Going forward, the Departments working environment will also have the following

A. The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna gives guaranteed and fulfilling employment,

including the appropriate education and training for each citizen. To upkeep the quality
of jobs in the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, all menial labour tasks, where possible,
will be conducted by robot technology.

B. Each employee will be granted one free vacation per year, to a destination of their
choice, throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. Full costs, where attributable,
will be paid by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

C. All women, and men, will be entitled to take up to six-years Maternity Leave, with full
salary and benefits. This is restricted to only one from each household at any given
time. Their job, or a similar position, is reserved for them, should they decide to return
to work. A training programme will be offered, to assist with re-introduction to the
work environment.

D. Anyone wishing to change jobs, elevate their skills, or retrain into a new field of
specialty may do so at any time. Free Employment Re-Education and Training Centres
are made available to all who request them.

E. For all job positions there are transparent selection processes in order to create level
playing fields for all applicants. Recruitment policies enable equal opportunities for
women and men. This approach applies to all types and areas of employment within
Departments, where the applicant is qualified and capable. There is no difference or
prejudices between men and women within any employment type.

F. Transportation will be provided free for everyone, which also includes simple
transport-to-work solutions. Departmental cars can be supplied free of charge to
employees where relevant. The type of cars are dependent on the Rank of the

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 128

Department. The Departments would submit a request for the provision of
Department cares which are necessary for the employees to carry out their duties.

G. Each local and regional area within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna will hold flexible
educational facilities (kindergartens, schools, colleges, etc). These will be adapted to
the standard working times within the local area. This is in order that the whole family
are off at the same time. For example, 3-months’ work for the parents and
simultaneous 3-months’ school for the children.

H. Again, to reinforce family values and to simplify the working day for parents, all
Departments within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna must provide free high quality,
safe, educational and fun Day-Care Centres with highly qualified staff, in order that
parents can take their children to their work location when needed.

I. The assignment of Employment Patrols, who are responsible for maintaining the health
& safety standards of our work environments, will be established. All Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna Departments will employ specialist work environment
representatives who work in conjunction with the Employment Patrols.

J. Any employee that becomes unwell, will be mandatorily, granted sick leave, with full
salary and benefits. Any employee, prematurely retired due to a medical condition, will
continue to receive full salary and benefits, as if they were working. Once off sick,
employees may only return to work once their doctor has given them a full Bill of
Health. This is to guarantee the wellbeing of every employee and also the employee’s

K. For employees who need to stop work, due to illness or injury, before their pensionable
age, Visiting Units will be supplied on request. This is where the Visiting Unit comes to
the citizens home/local area to allow the citizen to conduct a knowledge transfer
process and workshops for people. The aim is for people who cannot work is to
empower them, where they maintain their feeling of usefulness and self-worth to
themselves and the wider community.

L. Depending on the Rank of the Department they work for, citizens are also provided
additional free or subsidised Department benefits. This includes but is not limited to,
hotels, clubs, holiday resorts, theme parks, etc which the Department is connected to.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 129

S. Appendix S - Aureus – the sole currency

Aureus is the sole national currency of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. It is a non-debt
currency and will be the sole recognisable and usable financial currency throughout the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna Currency

Name of National Currency Aureus

National Currency Alphabetic Code: Au

National Currency Symbol:

Type of Currency Asset Based Currency - therefore Debt Free and not connected
to Fractional Reserve Banking

Physical Currency Yes (Printing only on authorisation of the Royal Monarch)

Purchasing Power 1 Au = the purchasing power of 1 GBP (as on 20th June 2024)

Aureus, the official financial currency of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, is an Asset-Based
debt-free currency, and is also a physical currency. However, the printing of physical cash is
only upon strict authorisation by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. Predominantly, within the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Aureus will be used digitally via the Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna Bio-Identity Cards which are personalised to each Sovereign Kingdom of Manna citizen.
Please see Appendix A for further information.

Aureus are sovereign funds which hold full sovereign status and rights. They are part of the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and are part of the Royal Body of her Royal Monarch, His
Majesty Michael-Uriel I. Being sovereign funds, and of the Royal Body of His Majesty Michael-
Uriel I, however futile to even try, they cannot be blocked, restricted, controlled, pinged,
traded with, or have their rights infringed, in any way, shape, or form.

Aureus – What it Means

With the imminent activation of Aureus as the sole currency in existence throughout the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, the changes to the present structures, the financial system as
people have known it, the former power positions influence, and basically the destructive way
the world had been heading prior to the emergence of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna will

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 130

be systematically and seismically different and better - for all living things – including all of
both humanity and nature.

There will of course be a period of necessary adjustment for all citizens across all Nomes of
the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. The structural changes will be visible to all and will come
into effect immediately on His Majesty Michael-Uriel I’s activation of Aureus.

How this looks in real terms:

7. Aureus will be the only authorised currency which can be used by citizens or entities
within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. This means that all 8.2 billion citizens
throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s sovereign territories (amounting to
510,100,000 square kilometres of land and sea - which equates to 100% of earth’s
surface area) will be exclusive using Aureus.
8. No other currency, apart from Aureus, will be usable, recognisable or exchangeable
throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. This means that Aureus will be the only
currency which will be electronically and digitally recognised, readable and usable
across all types of payment systems, payment gateways, electronic systems, Till
Systems, Point of Sale Systems, or similar. So, if a person wishes to buy e.g. a litre of
milk, then only Aureus can be used to purchase this or any other item.
9. With the exception of Aureus, all existing national currencies (including but not limited
to the 180 official currencies presently recognised as legal tender) will be deleted from
existence, digitally, electronically, and physically, by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna
as authorised solely by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. Such deleted currencies will no
longer be usable, transferrable, or recognisable by the global systems, Global Financial
System, or any type of financial system, monetary system, banking system, payment
system, payment gateway, currency exchange system, electronic system, Till System,
Point of Sale System, ATM, Cashpoint, technology platform, or similar. Please see
Appendix G for the full list of currencies to be deleted.
- Further attempts to use in any way, including but not limited to, any remaining
pallets or stockpiles of physical cash currencies is unlawful and for those attempting
to do so they will fall under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal
and court system.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 131

10. All registrations and certifications of the asset allocations of the commodities and
inground assets which were allocated to back any existing national currencies
(including but not limited to the 180 official currencies presently recognised as legal
tender) will be deleted from existence by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna as
authorised solely by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. .
- All assets, historical assets, bunkered assets, and inground assets of all types, are
registered to, and fully owned by, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. Any
unauthorised attempts (meaning without authorisation solely from His Majesty
Michael-Uriel I) to use these assets, in any shape or form, including but not limited
to, for trade, exchange, leverage, monetisation, value realisation, pinging,
mirroring, or similar, is deemed unlawful and all those attempting to do so will fall
under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system.
11. All existing, or future unauthorised cryptocurrencies will be deleted from existence,
digitally and electronically, by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna as authorised solely by
His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, and will not be usable, transferrable, or recognisable by
the global systems, Global Financial System, or any type of financial system, monetary
system, banking system, payment system, payment gateway, crypto exchange system,
electronic system, Till System, Point of Sale System, ATM, Cashpoint, technology
platform, or similar. Please see Appendix H for the full list of cryptocurrencies to be
12. All registrations and certifications of the asset allocations of the commodities and
inground assets which were allocated to back any existing unauthorised
cryptocurrencies (including but not limited to any type of Central Bank Digital Currency
or global cryptocurrency) will be deleted from existence by the Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna as authorised solely by His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. All assets, historical assets,
bunkered assets, and inground assets of all types, are registered to, and fully owned
by, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.
- All assets, historical assets, bunkered assets, and inground assets of all types, are
registered to, and fully owned by, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. Any
unauthorised attempts (meaning without authorisation solely from His Majesty
Michael-Uriel I) to use these assets, in any shape or form, including but not limited
to, for trade, exchange, leverage, monetisation, value realisation, pinging,

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 132

mirroring, or similar, is deemed unlawful and all those attempting to do so will fall
under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court system.

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T. Appendix T - Military Service Overview

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, an Absolute Monarchy, is ruled by her Royal Monarch, His
Majesty Michael-Uriel I. The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is a peaceful, non-aggressive
sovereign nation with a mandate to uphold global peace. To do this effectively, the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna is openly and transparently built and administered using military
structures as its foundations.

Every citizen above the age of 18 within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna are classified as,
and employed as, military personnel. They not only hold a perpetual military Rank based on a
Ranking structure within their chosen Service Arm (employment area), but they will have
successfully undergone the initial period of basic military training. They will also continually
undertake further regular refresher periods of basic military training throughout their life.

So, with every citizen within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna perpetually holding a military
Rank (be they active roles or non-active roles) within a military structure, they are collectively
maintaining a secure and safe environment for all citizens and upholding the mandate for
global peace.

Every citizen will therefore have a robust understanding and ability of the core military combat
skills as well as expertise in their chosen careers be that within active military roles or non-
active military roles.

Initially Military Training

An initial period of military training is mandatory for all citizens, both male and female. This is
the period where they learn the appropriate basic combat skills plus combat skills based on
their elected Service Arm.

• The initial military training period lasts 30 months and commences after completion of
senior school at the age of 18 years old. It is permissible with formal parental consent
to commence the 30-month period of initial military training at the age of 16 years old.
• Both men and women undertake the 30-month initial military training period.
• For the first 12-months all recruits undertake the same basic military training. This
includes basic combat soldiering, personal administration, fitness, field craft, weapons
training, hand-hand combat, navigation skills, survival techniques, radio and satellite

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 134

communications, spiritual training, teamwork, Sovereign Kingdom of Manna military
structures, etiquette, and protocols etc.
• Those with disabilities which prohibit them from certain physical tasks will be catered
for accordingly. They also will undertake a 30-month initial military training period but
may do so in non-active classification. However, with the highly advanced technology
and healthcare knowledge at the disposal of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, the
number of those with serious disabilities is expected to be very low.
• For the complete duration of the 30-month period of initial military training the
personnel hold the level 1 Rank of Enlisted Private and are paid based on the Enlisted
Private salary of Aureus 24,750 per month (Aureus 297,000 per year).

Service Arms - Initially Military Training

After the end of the first 12-months, subject to satisfactory performance, the Enlisted Privates
are then allocated a Service Arm most suited to them for the remaining 18-months of their
30-month period of initial military training.

There are eight (8) Service Arms in total. There are four (4) combat areas of service arm, these
being Intelligence, Army, Navy, Air &Space Force. There are a further four (4) support arms,
these being governance, support services, disaster relief, and external. All service arms have
their own ongoing training programmes.

Service Arms – Sovereign Kingdom of Manna

Air & Space Force
Support Services
Disaster Relief

At the end of the first 12-month basic training period, and after completing their evaluation
process (which will include aptitude tests, psychometric tests, interviews, fitness tests, health
tests, plus reviews of their schooling and basic training overall performance), the Enlisted
Privates are asked to fill out a Personal Preference Questionnaire. The questionnaire inquires
what environment they prefer to work in and which is their preferred Service Arm.

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Taking everything into consideration, the Enlisted Privates are then allocated to the Service
Arm deemed most suitable to them. Women are allowed to serve in all roles, including combat
and special forces roles.

From this point they will serve the remaining period of their 30-month initial military training
period within their allocated Service Arm.

After the 30-month initial military training period

Once the Enlisted Privates have successfully completed their 30-month initial military training
period they then:

a. continue their present active military roles within their allocated Service Arms, or
b. embark on their new chosen career within the relevant Service Arm,
c. or go to college or university to train and qualify for new roles.

All the routes above, remain within the military structures, and as Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna citizens they continue to hold a military Rank directly related to their level of training,
area of expertise and level of responsibility.

Overview of the how the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna operates

Within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, an absolute Monarchy, all is owned by, and provided
to the citizens by, her Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

There are no private citizens, or private companies, or anything called private, within the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. From the offset of the transition period into becoming
sovereign territories, of and administered by, the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, everything
within the previously registered nation states (sub-sovereignties) is nationalised.

• There are no private companies within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, only
Departments under a master Department. So, as an example, a law firm is not a private
law firm. It is a department specialised in law with its employees/lawyers being military
lawyers of various legal specialities and Ranks based on their seniority and expertise.
• As everyone is classified as military personnel, the military personnel are sub-divided:
- active military personnel
e.g. combat soldiers, sailors, aircrew, space crew and intelligence, and
- non-active military personnel

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 136

e.g. support services - lawyers, doctors, engineers, chefs, administrators,
accountants, vertical farmers, artists, musicians, retailers, businesspeople etc.
• All employment and salaries are therefore provided exclusively through being
employed within the military e.g. lawyer, doctor, engineer, chef, administrator,
accountant, vertical farmer, artist, musician, retailer, businessperson, plus the active
combat military personnel etc.
• The simple way to understand the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s structure is to think
of every citizen living and being employed within a large military base. Such “military
bases” are the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna cities. So, if someone is not employed
under a military employment classification, then they have no employment.

Education and Training Facilities

Once the Enlisted Privates have successfully completed their 30-month initial military training
period they then move to their chosen career paths starting with the necessary education and
or training to qualify for such roles. For this they will then enter the appropriate college or
• All education facilities, colleges and universities etc. are military establishments, run by
the military for the benefit of educating the citizens to the highest standards.
• Therefore, all citizens are offered ongoing educational opportunities to qualify for their
future roles, and training opportunities to develop the skills and expertise necessary to
succeed within their chosen careers. For such roles they would then attend the
appropriate colleges and universities to attain such qualifications and skills.
• To emphasise the point, all further education facilities e.g. training colleges, further
education academies and universities are military facilities operated by the military
educational staff.
• Whatever career route citizens choose, they will always be within a military structure,
holding a military Rank, and they, in addition to their day-day chosen roles, will
continually undertake, further regular periods of active military training to keep their
basic soldiering skills fresh.
Ranks: Officers & Non-Officers

• Both active military roles and non-active military roles hold officer Ranks and non-
officer Ranks.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 137

• The potential to be considered for officer training is only possible after successful
completion of their 30-month initial military training period, and after successful
completion of an Officer selection process (which will include aptitude tests,
psychometric tests, interviews, fitness tests, health tests, plus reviews of their
schooling and basic training overall performance)
Examples of Ranks:

• A serving active military officer within the army may hold the officer Rank of active
Istander (Colonel).
• A serving non-active military officer e.g. a senior lawyer or doctor may also hold the
officer Rank of Istander (Colonel) within their area of expertise, - however their Rank
would be classified as non-active.
• The leader of an Army Battalion would hold an active officer Rank and could be a senior
officer e.g. Istander (Colonel), versus the leader of a small squad would hold an active
non-officer Rank and could be a Databda (Corporal).
• Similarly, the leader of a medium size law Department would hold a non-active officer
Rank and could be a senior officer e.g. Istander (Colonel) versus the individual lawyers
with a small number of clients to look after would hold a non-active non-officer Rank
and could be a Databda (Corporal)
• All non-active roles are still part of the military structures but are classified more as
“home guard’ ready to be called up for active duty in times of need.

As a rule of thumb, after completing the 30-month initial military training the Enlisted Privates
move to further education and training towards their chosen career paths.

A. Those wishing to qualify for their chosen career but without the added responsibility of
being of officer Ranks will attend non-officer training colleges or universities.

B. Those wishing to qualify for their chosen career with the added responsibility of being of
officer Ranks will attend officer training colleges or universities. This is a longer process
than the non-officer process (A above) but will allow the participants to be promoted up
the officer Ranks through time.

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C. Those who initially undertake the non-officer process but once in their chosen career they
choose to convert to the officer process may do so. This process accumulates to a longer
process than B above.


The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna provides all citizens with the possibility of a healthy,
rewarding and invigorating work environment, while maintaining the security and safety of
her sovereign territories at the highest levels.

The ethos is to have a highly trained and highly educated population with a proud sense of
national identity while maintaining a healthy balance between work and quality family and
leisure time, thus keeping everyone fresh, healthy and motivated.

The key is a stable environment with guaranteed work for every citizen regardless of status,
environment or disability, so that everyone has the opportunity to be a valued part of the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and of their local community.

Life should not be a struggle for survival but a matter of quality of life, happiness, personal
growth, and spiritual growth.

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U. Appendix U – Royal Decrees

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna being an Absolute Monarchy, ruled by her Royal Monarch,
His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, is under Royal Monarch Law. All instructions issued by His Majesty
Michael-Uriel I, take the lawful form of Royal Decrees. All Royal Decrees must be strictly
adhered to and followed in full, without deviation or omission, as per their clear content,
instruction, and intent.

For clarity, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I’s word is final - under the rules set by Eternal Law -
where there is no free will. Natural Law, which sits under Eternal Law, allows for free will
within specific boundaries set by Eternal Law.

Any citizen of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna who do not follow or adhere to a Royal Decree,
in part or full, will fall under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court

Law Description
Eternal Law Eternal Law is the defined laws of the Universe, governing all aspects within the
Universe. It is the principles by which all things within the Universe functions. It is
Universal in that it exists and applies everywhere throughout the Universe,
regardless of location, and it is eternal and immutable, as it exists and applies for
as long as the Universe exists.
Divine Law Divine law is how people interpret Eternal Law
Natural Law Natural law is the law applicable to nature throughout all territories, and within
the Six Kingdoms of Life and the Six Oceans of Sovereignty. Natural law in one area
may be different from natural law in another area – simply because nature and
the environment is different. For example, natural law in the Antarctic functions
differently from how natural law functions across the Sahara Desert. Both areas sit
under natural law, however due to nature/the elements and the Six Kingdoms of
Life differing, so would the natural law in each area.
Monarch Law Monarch Law is the belief in natural law and how people interpret natural law
within the different areas or regions.
Sovereign Law Sovereign Law is the law set by the respective Royal Monarch over the sovereign
territories which sit under the Body of the Royal Monarch. In simple terms it is the
house rules of a Kingdom. In practical terms it is the Law Codes that all citizens of
the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna sit under, complimented by the Royal Decrees of
His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 140

The Seven Law These are the laws used to uphold Sovereign Law, as permitted by Sovereign Law,
Families within different areas of a Kingdom. In simple terms it is how normal people
uphold the Royal Decrees of the Royal Monarch.
International Law With all sovereign territories on Earth being of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna,
and under the law codes of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and the Royal
Decrees of her Royal Monarch, subsequently, International Law is no longer in
existence or applicable in any way, shape or form. Please see Appendix C for more
information on Sovereignty and the previous use of International Law

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V. Appendix V - Calendar System of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna

The days and months of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s pertains to her own unique
calendar and time systems, which is different from the Gregorian Calendar, namely:
Mannaean Calendar and Mannaean Time.

Mannaean Calendar # Mannaean Time #

Number of Days per Week: 9 Hours per Day: 10
Weeks per Month: 4 Minutes per Hour: 100
Days per Month: 36 Seconds per Minute: 100
Months per Year: 10 Seconds per Day: 100,000
Days per Working Year: 360
Days per Calendar Year: 365.242 *

• The Longest Day is New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Eve is an extended day equivalent to 5
full Gregorian days and finishes during the 6th day at the hour the earth has completed
its rotation around the sun - 365.242 Gregorian days each year)

• The year zero (0) for the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna equates to 714 BCE when
translated into the Gregorian calendar.

Days of the Week:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9

Coredai Jovedai Lunedai Maredai Nepedai Onedai Soledai Teredai Venedai

Months of the Year:

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10
Andasha Dalasha Kirasha Lelasha Magasha Orasha Pinasha Sarasha Tangasha Varasha

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 142

W. Appendix W - Transportation

From this point forward all transportation vehicles (all and type of cars, vehicles, motorbikes,
boats, ships, yachts, superyachts submarines, aircraft, etc.) are fully owned by, and of the
Royal Body of the Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

No citizen within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, can own or have any rights over, any type
of transportation vehicle. The one exception to this rule is a self-made transportation vehicle
with no engine, and which has been made personally by hand, using natural materials e.g. a
wooden rowing boat or canoe.

Herewith, no transportation vehicle (all and type of cars, vehicles, motorbikes, boats, ships,
yachts, superyachts submarines, aircraft, etc.) can be bought or sold or rented or licensed, and
they may not be used by anyone unless under the authority of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.
This includes all previously privately-owned or government-owned or state-owned aircraft,
superyachts, ships, etc are fully under the Royal Body of the Royal Monarch, His Majesty
Michael-Uriel I.

All existing transportation vehicles, including but not limited to cars and vehicles must be re-
registered under the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna where they will be issued new vehicle
registrations. Going forward, new cars will be allocated free of charge to every citizen. The
type of car or vehicle a person is allocated for use is commensurate to the Rank they have
achieved. This is the same for all other types of transport vehicles.

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Any attempts by any person to deviate from the above and or to attempt to operate, drive, fly,
sail, or use (in any shape or form) any type of transport vehicle (all and type of cars, vehicles,
motorbikes, boats, ships, yachts, superyachts submarines, aircraft, etc.) without authorisation
from His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, to do so, will be deemed unlawful and for those attempting
to do so they will fall under the full extent of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna legal and court

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X. Appendix X - Sovereign Territories

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is an Absolute Monarchy with her sovereign territories
amounting to 510,100,000 square kilometres of land and sea located globally which equates
to 100% (one hundred percent) of earth’s surface area. The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s
sovereign territory extends from the core of the earth to the outer Hill Sphere (radius of
1,500,000 kilometres from the core of earth).

Currently there is a population of over 8.2 billion citizens across the Sovereign Kingdom of
Manna’s total sovereign territory. All citizens globally are now registered under the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna therefore the nationality of all citizens on earth is now Mannaean.

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is a peaceful, non-aggressive sovereign kingdom with a

mandate to adhere to and uphold the Declaration of Peace, while protecting the correct
balance between humanity and nature.

Having cancelled all historical administration agreements with all former governments
globally, who were each previously administering parts of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s
sovereign territories, by Royal Decree of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, the Sovereign Kingdom
of Manna, an Absolute Monarchy, will now self-administer all her sovereign territories under
her own De Facto and De Jure administrative structures.

In simple terms, this means that every part of Earth, from the core of the earth to the outer
Hill Sphere (radius of 1,500,000 kilometres from the core of earth) is the sovereign territory
of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, and now under, and subject to, the sovereign law codes
and royal decrees of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. Respectfully, this simple fact, is not up for
debate, negotiation, or discussion, and is irreversible.

Cascading the intricacies of this, means very categorically all that what was previously termed
a country, or a nation state, which held the status of sub-sovereign nations under the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, have now been re-registered as Nomes of the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna, under the rule of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I. A Nome therefore is a
former nation state which is a Sovereign Kingdom of Manna geographical area retaining its
own localised culture, language, customs, traditions, architecture, and cuisine.

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In reference to the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s sovereign territory, there are two key

• Nome:
A Nome is a former country or nation state which has now been re-registered as a
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna geographical area and a part of the whole Kingdom.
There are presently 216 Nomes. For note, no former country or nation state is in
existence anymore. They are all Nomes.
• Arch:
An Arch is a collective grouping of Nomes. All Nomes are therefore part of an Arch.
There are presently 9 Archs throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, namely:
i) North America,
ii) South America,
iii) Europe,
iv) Eastern Europe,
v) Balkans,
vi) Africa,
vii) Middle East,
viii) Asia,
ix) Oceania.
Within each Nome, the former governmental status has been cancelled. All governments are
now defunct, completely unauthorised, and have no allocated budgets or access to the global
systems. These former structures are being replaced by the self-governing De Facto and De
Jure administrative structures of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna. Further all present
national insignias and national flags will all be changed to the national emblems, national
insignia and national flag of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.

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Y. Appendix Y - Governance Structures

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is an Absolute Monarchy with an Elective Monarchy, ruled
by her Royal Monarch His Majesty Michael-Uriel Gabriel Raphael Zaphkiel of All Saints,
otherwise referred to as His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is a sovereign kingdom with full sovereign status and
sovereign rights and is therefore under eternal law and natural law - which supersede
international law.

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna citizens, which means all citizens on earth, henceforth will
no longer operate under a constitution, but under the Decrees of the Royal Monarch. Each
Nome practices one of the law families. However, every law family within all Nomes is
superseded by Royal Monarch Law, in whole and in parts, which is defined by the Royal
Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

Within and throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, including but not limited to every
Nome and Arch, only her Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, has the lawful authority
to authorise or approve anything, or the authority to appoint anyone into any official or
unofficial position.

The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is openly and transparently built and operated on a military
structure. Each and every citizen holds a military styled rank within one of the 8 heraldic
divisional areas, dependent on their area of expertise, study, knowledge and chosen
profession. These 8 heraldic divisional areas are: Intelligence, Army, Navy, Air and Space Force,
Governance, Support Services, Disaster Relief, External.

At the head of each division is the General Marshall, with the General Marshall being the Royal
Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

Overarching the rank structure of the citizens is the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s
administrative structures. Under the Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel I, the
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna has both De Facto and De Jure administrative structures, with
the De Jure structures reporting up to the De Facto structures. The simple difference between
De Facto and De Jure is that those who can directly reach the ear of the Royal Monarch
predominantly sit within De Facto positions.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 147

There are four designated De Jure administrative capitals within the Sovereign Kingdom:

i. Royal Crown Hall of Pacific Capital City.

ii. Royal Crown Hall of Atlantic Capital City.
iii. Royal Crown Hall of Indian Capital City.
iv. Royal Crown Hall of Mesopotamia Capital City.

Within each of the De Jure administrative capitals is one De Facto administrative Royal Capital:

i. Royal Monarch Hall of Pacific Royal Capital City.

ii. Royal Monarch Hall of Atlantic Royal Capital City.
iii. Royal Monarch Hall of Indian Royal Capital City.
iv. Royal Monarch Hall of the Mesopotamia Royal Capital City.

Within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, as an Absolute Monarchy, above all, and with sole
authority on all matters, is the Royal Monarch, His Majesty Michael-Uriel Gabriel Raphael
Zaphkiel of All Saints, otherwise referred to as His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.

De Facto Governance Structures - Sovereign Kingdom of Manna

Governing Authority
of the Executive branch, Legislative His Majesty Michael-Uriel Gabriel Raphael Zaphkiel of All Saints
branch and Judicial branch.
Governing Body
of the Executive branch, Legislative House of the Royal Monarch
branch and Judicial branch.
Sovereign Kingdom of Manna’s Royal Monarch De Facto
Governance Summary: De Facto ____________________________________________________
House of the Royal Monarch De Facto

Within the House of the Royal Monarch of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, amongst other
bodies, sits the Private Office of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I (and the connecting Front Offices
of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I) and the Divine Office of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I (and the
connecting First Offices of His Majesty Michael-Uriel I).

The De Jure structures report up and communicate through their De Jure reporting lines, to
the De Facto structures who themselves report up and communicate through their De Facto

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 148

reporting lines within the House of the Royal Monarch to the Royal Monarch of the Sovereign
Kingdom of Manna.

De Jure Governance Structures - Sovereign Kingdom of Manna

Parliament of the Ministry of Archs De Jure

Governance: De Jure Parliaments ____________________________________________________
Parliament of the Ministry of Nomes De Jure
Area Rank of Person in Charge Remit
Arch: Presidential Chieftan Administration
Parliament of the Ministry of Archs
General Chieftan Protection
(Presently there are 9 Archs)
Royal General Chieftan People

Area Rank of Person in Charge Remit

Parliament of the Ministry of Nomes Nome: Presidential Nomarch Administration
(Presently there are 216 Nomes) General Nomarch Protection
Royal General Nomarch People

Both De Facto and De Jure administrative areas hold administrative and reporting structures
within them. For each area there are reporting lines and a two-way flow of information – both
downward and upwards. The key bodies for the flow of information and instructions within
each channel are the following:

a) House (predominantly De Facto)

b) Table (predominantly De Facto)
c) Superior Council (predominantly De Facto)
d) Council (predominantly De Facto)
e) Committee (predominantly De Jure)
f) Parliament (predominantly De Jure)
g) Ministry (predominantly De Jure)
h) Department (predominantly De Jure)
i) Offices (predominantly De Jure)

What is key throughout the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is the discipline of the reporting
lines, both reporting up and passing instructions down.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 149

When it involves planning, or strategy creation, or any activity, everything gets done in private
first at the highest levels. Only after everything has been created and planned, and only after
such creation and planning is deemed finished and therefore authorised by His Majesty
Michael-Uriel I, will anything be made public, and then pass down through the relevant
communication lines.

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Z. Appendix Z – Healthcare and Wellbeing

Within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, the health, care and wellbeing of our citizens is of
the highest priority. In this regard advanced high quality and cutting-edge resources are being
deployed and made available to everyone, free of charge, to keep them healthy physically,
emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. These resources are made available to every
citizen, keeping them as healthy as humanly possible, where everyone has the chance to live
long, comfortable and fruitful lives. An extract from the large portfolio of healthcare

a) Free high quality and cutting-edge Health System for every citizen, including the
provision, when needed, of high-quality medicines.
b) There is no limitation to the types of healthcare offered for free and includes all
advanced and special medical treatments for those in need.
c) Full healthcare including pre-medical, pro-medical & bio-medical.
d) Full range of beauty care including all types of cosmetic surgery.
e) Full Dental Care including cosmetic dentistry, including false teeth, implants and
f) Free ophthalmologist, ear doctor and other specialists including best technology
options in glasses, hearing aids and artificial limb parts.
g) The Sovereign Kingdom of Manna will release an extensive portfolio of natural cures
for deadly and debilitating diseases that have affected so many e.g. cancer, heart
problems, diabetes, asthma etc.
h) The best treatment, support and facilities for people with addictions will be provided
for free e.g. drugs, alcohol, obesity, sugar addiction, gambling etc.
i) Homeopathy and homeopathic doctors are part of the healthcare system and can be
requested at the patient’s choice.
j) A Cannabis Bank will also be provided in order to source useful and natural medical
remedies that can be sourced from the plant extract.
Hospital Provisions:

a) New state of the art advanced hospitals will be built in all Nomes. The design of every
hospital and its architecture will focus on the balance between light and energy flow.
b) Hospital hygiene will be a top priority including the internal design and smells within
the hospital to give a less medical hospital feel, therefore increasing the patients
comfort levels.

Sovereign Kingdom of Manna, Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999 151

c) In every hospital there are dedicated emergency rooms for children and separate
emergency rooms for the very critically injured, plus ones for adults only.
d) Each family within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is designated a 70 square metre
family hospital room for exclusive use by the family providing the maximum needed
care without having to endure any waiting times for scans, x-rays and all other medical
treatment etc.
e) Each family hospital room is fully equipped with all the needs for the family and has
the same number of beds within it as the size of the family’s primary home. The rooms
also come with a lounge area, kitchen and a full highly advanced remote surgery room,
allowing for a very comfortable stay even when undergoing any medical treatments.
f) For clarity, each family room is fully equipped for maximum medical care and will
include an advanced medical pod, all medical equipment needed to treat any illness or
injury, x-ray, scanners, blood matching the family, artificially grown organs, and living
herbal homeopathy medicine plants.
g) Every hospital will have meditation areas, relaxation areas, personal health advisors
and counselling areas.
h) There will be in-hospital personal counsellors designated for each patient to guide
patients through treatment processes and alleviating as much stress as possible. All
hospitals will have gardens, fountains and nature areas with animals around them to
help the holistic effect for the patient, and their visiting families.
i) All hospitals will also have a significant number of free luxury hotel type rooms within
the hospitals for visitors to use when necessary.
j) Resident Wisdom Keepers will be made accessible to patients who require spiritual
healing and or ceremonial rites assistance or support.
k) All ambulances within the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna are equipped as advanced
mobile hospitals and staffed with highly trained medics in order to maximise survival
rates. There are also drone ambulances fully equipped with advanced emergency
medical pods which can treat injured people while they are being transported to
l) A free full range of veterinarian care is provided for all animals.
m) All citizens can request when required to be provided with a personal or family
dietician, massage therapy, physiotherapy, chiropractors, etc. Fertility and reproductive
therapy is also offered for free.
n) Doctors home visitation service available for anyone who requests it.

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