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Fundamental of Electrical Engineering(BEE-101) Lec-1 As per New Pre eae a4 ETS 2022-23 SL el Cd Parlay Beyer) io} and WhatsApp group for pdf notes. Sinusoidal waveforms Alternating Current Toure ee Ree Aen eel Rea aed Cen eC CIC UR e cu CR Ra ume Cime Teena RR eet ss Beare ofstr med tated CoN C1 ¢-t- 11 VOR E111 (5 ra BU een Re Re Le OR og itself from start to finish. This can also be called the Periodic Time of the waveform for sine waves, or the Pulse Width for square waves. pe, ie, ni Frequency (f):- It is the number of times the waveform repeats itself within a one ee A Pettit See eaea on Sea yan Sal PE Se URC Sc ACCC a Cu AU es eee called its Peak value. It is also known as the maximum value or amplitude or crest value. Bi elects -4 ecu Ld eer ree URL biel oa Se Ay eed Peak to Peak Value:- The sum of positive and negative peak values is known as peak t¢ acs Rete ery] Sane NC au UR BO uc Rue RU eee CLC meal Se Sok curt uc eR CR Cun uCe Cc Ck Ce ec Yo Uk Se BU ee ee ee RUE UC ee CR mu ee at ey md ee Sy ae bl a? Tiere, mew (Ole . bai 4 UN eee Tee a An alternating current will deliver to a resistance the same power as a direct current of PORTER CRU CNAU ER ec ChE CRUE mri aes aa ene can tee Cine eure Trin auc ean During a complete cycle. Pea RR cue Re mur at a SYMETRICAL WAVE FORM & aS alee Tee eR mR ROR CR CL It is describe the Cree alt) La To cole aac Ce ROR lL Ie a PWV UDP AVR OTT ANUS ne on Whug= Pa) ) ay nace WAIN Serer er _Vepy | O 7 rae Se ae war a Pee = au fe) Tn vs o (Cava ree mera a ery mk Tow A = Vee ceca aaa aes ar Pi be rad each a USE g aes arto =] ie a inne aa ae en es > i a pias ee aaa a WA cn ve) Te a1 rere J 2 if a ro 2 & a Ricco alee ae ele he _ 4 de ai oye J) ae ee es ica ae ay ao aae ale he ead oe Grint a ' Hae are , pi Cea al 4+ Dos I ae ca Hl: 419 Oras i ee e cae sure Gor | a) [Sea ROP WO VR UM UC Re tala g eee AEA ( K, = 1.088 f wa rae ery \ ms Practice Q.2.1 Ve meer a Sra TN 152 ran) eA) Sa a Thank You art iS) and WhatsApp group for pdf notes. Fundamental of Electrical Engineering(BEE-101) AlCl MAC ed cect rai SA ieee) cs arch ca tect) Coe ee eats lta lo) MT en AEs CSC e cece cls i Pye ay ia (2 +4) S Oo in are aS ET Rectangular to Polar See val Draw the phasor diagram for the following voltages and find SMa eRe the RMS value of the resultant voltage Roan 1 = 100 sin 500¢ 200 sin(S00¢ + "/s) 50 cos 500¢ = 150 sin(S00e — "/,) Thank You Fundamental of Electrical Engineering(BEE-101) Bele NAM Ele 1-19 Sar eenaticy See am a vay PA) PAU Tata telling io (ane Tp Te een Caer Paes Ko EN) - ae Gc Gonrtst\ eS = fauy= Vat Groeten Pp. ae t Sam De Ea eaaty para nud hose real ae A ier aioe ay i Pysnoa @ 5 aeons aca OCE RST E 5 Ge ary adh LAU) Taille) Ufone tells éw PURE CAPACITIVE CIRCUIT oe f= Wace ean a rey Thank You Fundamental of Electrical Engineering (BEE-101) Cele Let Se Re a ee ey R-L CIRCUIT Z= Arye a Ce CeO SRO, See eRTeTenD) @, K R-C CIRCUIT Vere States Pera eee ana ne va I Sp rat near LTO Sac a deem [ed } Qs y4 aN ey iG ey) )) Hey io Renta OL [cm Ga 2 a We Se ae Ae : a= {RMS Ze Is — on laa) laa) aX am De td yy et oe ra 7 Sage Me ie mtd Sala 5 fs frat aa ae oo | a oe A ax PEN Pou. a nal aan 6g = % anys Pave (ana! VA oo. (yrs a Vea Thank You Fundamental of Electrical Engineering (BEE-101) Cole ete SACs PA acl Saal iy Seni! + Ina series circuit vokage and cutent are given as - ae Vey see Lu a | A Oa ne A =O] ae ee > ie . ty a ie (Qo Toon evan Or anny < Ker See Sos ee ee nY( val ew Problem 6.2 A non-inductive resistance of 10 is connected in series with an inductive coil ac eS eC ead Petts ree ROR eT ie AO anus a Me e7a) cee Tae oa a Be 160 a Morea an ara Enact Seas I Sine. © OSS) gD ee See ee Or Ree CRT Te OR Coe een) Rn ee eR ee = Remeron — eed y ae be od KR x iL le ey sea Sees ey EBS Ea ava Maes oy Bere 2a aca eraa nar |_| X= BAYA ie Clem) Y= Idliog Ib paca * Given iy Mt laa) See Cua * Given een Oe MCMC er eA) a COO RO ROR E ReMe Tetris MS CCA) Samer nT ann td SCORE eee hc t Thank You

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