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Modern Technology

I. Introduction.
Thesis statement: The most recent significant discoveries to benefit humankind
in modern times are in the fields of television and computer technology.
II. Body.
A. The most popular form of instant communication all over the world is
1. Witnessing important events.
a. Destruction of the Twin Towers.
b. Natural phenomena.
c. Launching of spacecraft.
2. Long distance medicine by two way video.
a. Patient and doctors conferences.
b. Special equipment to monitor patient.
B. In the last few decades, computer technology has made tremendous
progress in the world of communication to benefit humankind.
1. Long distance communication.
2. Information superhighway.
3. Global computer network.
III. Conclusion.
To conclude, scientific research and experiments have certainly opened the
doors to faster, more easily accessible information on television and the

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