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Mana La Excellence APPSC Secure Notes

APPSC Secure Schedule – 1. Great bath of Mohenjo-Daro served to take ritual bathing which has been so vital to
hBnHRP_cpeS6iU7H8bwQxz4MlEeKGXpXLS8uw any religious ceremony or ritual bathing in
/edit?usp=sharing the temples can be seen still in India.
2. Worshiping of tree (pippal) and animals
Date: 5-8-2022 (bull) which was prevalent during
Harappan times is still practiced in present
Subject- Ancient India day India.
Syllabus- Pre-Historic Cultures in India- Indus 3. Worshiping of goddesses as fertility god.
Valley Civilization- Vedic Culture- example: kamakhya temple in assam is
Mahajanapada’s treated as mother goddesses.
b. Economic culture:
Number of questions- Mains: 02, Prelims – 10 1. Numerous articles used for weight shows
Mains Questions of the day: that in weighing mostly 16 or its multiples,
it has continued in India till modern times
1. Describe in detail about the Harappan that is 16 annas made one rupee.
cultural practices that are still contemporary 2. They practised navigation on the coast of
to India. Arabian sea and in inland waterway for the
Introduction: procurement of metals and grains, at
present day waterway place’s a crucial role
Explain about the Harapan culture with timeline. in India for export and import of goods
Body: both seaway and inland waterway, security
purpose and for tourism
Describe in detail about the Harapan culture 3. Harappan people have kept most valuable
with comparison of present culture ornaments of made up of carnelian, jasper,
Conclusion: crystal, steatite from metals like copper,
bronze, gold, and silver which were still
No other culture in the contemporary has reached precious and in usage by both men and
the level of advanced technology they used, art women in today’s life
forms, health care, sanitation they had in Harappa. c. Planning of cities:
Content: 1. The remarkable thing about the Harapan’s
is arrangement of the houses in the cities is
Harapan civilization was discovered in third that they followed the grid system. in the
millennium BCE that appeared in north-western contemporary Chandigarh was example
part of the India and Pakistan. it can be called as for the construction of houses in grid
Indus valley civilization or Harapan culture, system.
considered to be the largest civilization of its 2. The usage of burnt bricks were used in
contemporary. the civilization of India which construction in the Harapan cities is
familiarized the urbanization was not seen for next
remarkable, still India there is a huge usage
for another thousand years.
of burnt bricks in construction field.
Cultural practices still prevalent In India: 3. Gabarband’s or nalas enclosed by dams for
storage of water is a technique still we
a. Religious culture:
apply for control of water from flooding
and for storage of water

App: Mana La Excellence Ph: 7207955032(Offline)/ 7207955034 (Online) 7207955035 (Test Series)
Mana La Excellence APPSC Secure Notes

4. Not only present-day cities of India contain birth or on 3. Sudras as a social

drainage system but also during Harapan profession category appeared at
period used remains of mud-brick they follow later Vedic Period.
platforms and of streets and planned 2. Women 4. There was an
drains for the passage of wastewater. treated increase in privileges
5. Cereals received as taxes from peasants Equally with of two higher classes,
Men in all brahmana and
and stored in huge granaries held in
social kshatriya.
Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro and Lothal for
emergency usage of grains, no India we 3. Social
follow the same method for storage of Classes were
food grains for public distribution system classified
and for buffer stocks. into warriors
2. Compare and contrast the salient features of priests
Early Vedic and Later Vedic civilisations in (brahman)
political, social, economic, and religious and
fields. common
Introduction: people (Vis).
Kinship was
Explain about the Early Vedic and Later Vedic
the basis of
periods social
Body: structure of
Describe salient features of Early Vedic and Later Rigveda
Vedic periods in various aspects. 1. Rigvedic 1. As society
Content: aryas where became more
Aryan people entered northwest India from Indo- pastoral settled than
Iranian region in 6th century B.C. they occupied People main pastoral so
occupation agriculture
the whole north India, which was then referred to
was cattle started to
as aryavarta. Rearing become chief
This period is in between 1500 B.C. and 600 B.C. is 2. occupation
divided into early Vedic period (or) rig Vedic period Ploughshare 2. Improved type of
and later Vedic period. was implements was
mentioned used for
Early Vedic Later Vedic Period in Rigveda cultivation
3. Danas and 3. Taxes like bali and
Period (1500 (1000BC TO 600BC)
dakshinas bhoga came into
BC and
offered to practice
1000BC) people were 4. Handicraft,
1. People 1. Caste system was means of goldsmiths,
were based on birth (caste Resources pottery also
categorised of parents) became
into 2. Women treated as prominent.
different slave to someone 1. Prithvi 1. Prajapathi(the
caste based (Earth), Agni creator),
on their Religious
(Fire), Vayu Vishnu(protector)

App: Mana La Excellence Ph: 7207955032(Offline)/ 7207955034 (Online) 7207955035 (Test Series)
Mana La Excellence APPSC Secure Notes

(Wind), and Robert Bruce is known as the father of pre-historic

Varuna(rain) Rudra(destroyer) archaeology of India. pre-historic India is divided
and Indra became into three stages- Paleolithic age, Mesolithic age
(Thunder) prominent during and neolithic age.
were later Vedic
important period.
gods during 2. Importance of 2. Which among the following tools are most
Rig Veda prayers declined widely used in Lower palaeolithic age?
2. Prayers and that of a. Chopper and Hand axe
were mostly sacrifices and b. Implements of flake
aimed for rituals became c. Implements of blade and Flake
material important. d. Scraper
prosperity 3. Temples became Answer: a
not for prominent and Explanation:
spiritual priest played
attainment important role in Tools used in lower paleolithic era were mainly
3. There was society cleavers, choppers, and hand axes. these tools
no temples were mainly used for cutting, digging, and skinning
or idol the prey.
3. Which among the following Neolithic site
Political The basic Larger kingdoms
present in Andhra Pradesh?
unit of were formed, many
political jana’s or tribes were a. Kurnool
organisation amalgamated to form b. Paiyampalli
was kula or janapadas or c. Pallavaram
family, The rashtras. d. Utnur
highest Answer: d
political unit Explanation:
was called Neolithic sites held in India are Utnur in Andhra
Jana or tribe. Pradesh, Kashmir Valley, Chirand in Bihar, Belan
Valley In Uttar Pradesh. Maski, Brahmagiri, Hallur
and Kodekal in Tamilnadu.

Prelims Questions of the day 4. Where did Grains of Millet were found in
Neolithic phase of Andhra Pradesh?
1. Who among the following is called as the a. Utnur
father of pre-historic archaeology in India? b. Hallur
a. Daya ram sahnini c. Vinukonda
b. R D Benarjee d. Sattenapalli
c. Robert Bruce foote Answer: b
d. John Evans Explanation:
Millet, cattle, sheep, goat and pig are found in sites
Answer: c of Hallur in Andhra Pradesh.

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Mana La Excellence APPSC Secure Notes

5. Which among the following cultures associated Answer: c

with Iron age? Explanation:
Chief-male Diety was pasupati(proto-shiva)
1. Painted Grey Ware
2. Nothern Black Polished ware represented in seals as sitting in a yogic posture
3. Megalitic Culture with three faces and Two horns. It is surrounded
Choose the correct code given below by Elephant, tiger, rhino, and Buffalo each facing a
a. 1 and 2 only different direction.
b. 2 and 3 only
c. 3 and 1 only 8. Indian Music was originated from which
d. 1, 2 and 3 Veda?
Answer: d a. Rig Veda
Explanation: b. Yajur Veda
Iron age in the world began in 1300 BC. Iron c. Sama Veda
Technology played a central role in urban d. Atharva Veda
revolution of gangetic valley. Cultures Answer: C
associated with Iron age are Explanation: Indian Music was originated from
Samaveda. It is a set to tunes for the purpose of
• Painted Grey Ware – PGW Culture
chanting during sacrifice. It is called the Book of
• Northern Black Polished ware- NBPW
Culture Chants.
• Megalithic Culture 9. Which Upanishad defines Shiva for the first
5. Which among the following is a port city of time?
Gujarat during Indus valley Civilization? a. Mundako Upanishad
a. Lothal b. Kato Upanishad
b. Surkotada c. Keno Upanishad
c. Dholavira d. Sweta Swataro Upanishad
d. Kalibangan Answer: D
Answer: a Explanation:
Explanation: Sweta Swataro Upanishad defines shiva for the
Lothal in Gujarat is Port city of IVC first time. Keno Upanishad defines talks about
6. Which among the following animals is found Uma or Parvathi.
on Pasupati seal? 10. Which among the following is the capital of
1. Elephant Kosala Dynasty?
2. Lion a. Rajagriha
3. Tiger b. Indraprastha
4. Deer c. Sravasti
5. Rhino d. Vaishali
6. Buffalo Answer: C
7. Horse Explanation:
Choose the correct option given below Sravasti was the capital of Kosala Dynasty. Kosala
a. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 only Dynasty was one of the Janapada Under 16
b. 2, 3, 4 and 7 only Mahajanapadas.
c. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Only
d. 2, 3, 6 and 7 Only

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