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Institutional Assessment

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What is the importance of proper hand washing technique

Where is the best place for bathing an infant?

Why shouldn`t you leave the infant/toddler alone while bathing?

How do you prevent diaper rash?

Why is it important to dispose soiled clothes and diapers property?

How long do you sterilize the feeding bottles and nipple? When do you start counting the time for the sterilization process?

What are the different types of milk formula?

What will you do with the leftover milk?

When do you burp the infant?

What are the ways to prevent colic?

How would you know if infant/toddler is choking?

What will you do if infant doesn`t respond to your first aid procedure ?

Where do you use a tympanic thermometer

What will you do if the child`s heart beat is more then 120 beats per minute while at rest?

What are the basic food groups needed by growing children?

What precaution s must you take while serving hot soup or dishes?

How would you control a bleeding would ?

When do you use a splint?

What are some of the reason why infant cries?

What will you do if child has temper tantrums?

What safety precautions should be observed if toddler is in the crib?

Why should toddlers be allowed to walk and explore their surroundings?

How would you enhance toddler`s physical growth and development?

What safety precautions are you going to do when infant starts crawling?

What will you do if the toddler has convulsion due to high fever?

How woud you know if a child is ready to be toilet-trained?

What will you do if child met bathroom/comfort room accident?

What are the things to consider in dressing up the child?

What precautions would you take to avoid while feeding a pre-schooler?

What are the precautions when preparing meal for asthmatic child?

What will you do if a child swallowed foods with chemical agent?

What will you do if a child has burns?

What will you do in case of fire at home ?

What are the activities that enhance intellectual and creative needs of the child?

How would you develop bonding with a child?

How would you boost a child`s self-esteem?

What is the best outdoor activity for an 8-10 years old child?

What indoor activities enchance gross motor skills development?

What are some of the hygiene practices that you should instill on children?

How would you determine the maximum inflation point when taking RP?

Why do you encourage the client to urine prior o bed bathing?

How will you undress/dress a client with right –sided paralysis?

What is the purpose of rubber draw sheet in perineal care?

What is the importance of indwelling urinary catheter care?

How often would you change the position of an immobile (bedridden) client?

Why is there a need to apply the principles of body mechanics when transferring and mobilizing disabled client?

What are the considerations in preparing meals for the elderly client ?

What is ABC`s of CPR?

What are the indications that you have to stop, CPR?

What is the importance of back rub to a bed-ridden client?

What are the basic considerations in assisting your client with his personal needs?

How could you help your client maintain his self-esteem and sense of independence?

What important safety precautions must be done when transferring client from bed to a wheelchair?

What are some physical changes related to aging?

What is the basic rule in the care of a client with Alzheimer`s disease?

What is the most effective way to control the spread of infection?

What are the safety precaution to be observed when caring for client with diminished vision?

How would you prevent fall/slip in the bathroom?

How would you know if the bottle content is poisonous?

What protective devices can be used for infection control?

What are the common sings that a diabetic client has low blood sugar?

What is the typical sign of impending heart attack?

What is the first common sign of an infection?

What wil you do if you client has a blood pressure of 150/100?

How would you respond to your cancer client`s statement “ I wish I would die now?

How would you react when criticized by your colleagues at work place?

What is the recommended diet for an elderly with heart disease?

What is the most important consideration when preparing meals for your diabetic client?

What will you do if you found out that a client affected with Alzheimer`s scattered “stool” in the room?

What are the proper steps in cleaning ceilings walls and floor?

What are the commonly used home disinfecting agents/solution?

Why is feather duster not a recommended tool for dusting?

Why do we need damp cloth to dust furniture and fixture?

What is the proper sequence in cleaning the toilet bowl?

What is the importance of waste /garbage segregation?

What is the difference between making-up an open bed close bed or occupied bed?

Why is there a need to sort clothes lines and fabric before washing?

What are the two types of electric flat iron?

What is the importance of proper body mechanics in the performance of the task?

What is the first thing to do before vacuuming a carpet?

How would you test if walls are washable?

How do you control household pest like mosquitoes cockroaches and files?

What are the basic stitches used to mend torn seams?

How do you remove catsup or tomato sauce stains on fabrics?

What are the safety precautions before applying bleach on any linen, fabric or clothes?

How do you prevent cloth shrinkage when using machine clothes dryer?

How would you describe and non colourfast fabrics?

What should you do to have smooth and easy ironing?

What are the advantage of using fabric conditioner?

What is the basic step in the maintenance of machine dryer?


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