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Biol Signals Recept 2001;10:350–366 Received: February 12, 2001

Accepted: May 21, 2001

Localization, Physiological
Significance and Possible Clinical
Implication of Gastrointestinal
George A. Bubenik
Department of Zoology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont., Canada

Key Words in and melatonin binding sites were localized

Melatonin W Gastrointestinal tract W in all GI tissues of mammalian and avian
Localization W Binding sites W Ontogeny W embryos. Postnatally, melatonin was local-
Phylogeny W Pathology W Motility W Food ized in the GIT of newborn mice and rats.
intake W Digestion W Pineal gland W Mitosis W Phylogenetically, melatonin and melatonin
Hepatobiliary system binding sites were detected in GIT of numer-
ous mammals, birds and lower vertebrates.
Melatonin is probably produced in the sero-
Abstract tonin-rich enterochromaffin cells (EC) of the
The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a major GI mucosa and can be released into the por-
source of extrapineal melatonin. In some ani- tal vein postprandially. In addition, melaton-
mals, tissue concentrations of melatonin in in can act as an autocrine or a paracrine hor-
the GIT surpass blood levels by 10–100 times mone affecting the function of GI epithelium,
and the digestive tract contributes signifi- lymphatic tissues of the immune system and
cantly to melatonin concentrations in the pe- the smooth muscles of the digestive tube.
ripheral blood, particularly during the day. Finally, melatonin may act as a luminal hor-
Some melatonin found in the GIT may origi- mone, synchronizing the sequential diges-
nate from the pineal gland, as the organs of tive processes. Higher peripheral and tissue
the digestive system contain binding sites, levels of melatonin were observed not only
which in some species exhibit circadian vari- after food intake but also after a long-term
ation. Unlike the production of pineal mela- food deprivation. Such melatonin release
tonin, which is under the photoperiodic con- may have a direct effect on the various GI tis-
trol, release of GI melatonin seems to be sues but may also act indirectly via the CNS;
related to periodicity of food intake. Melaton- such action might be mediated by sympa-

© 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel Dr. George A. Bubenik

ABC 1422–4933/01/0106–0350$17.50/0 Department of Zoology, University of Guelph
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thetic or parasympathetic nerves. Melatonin in jejunum and ileum exceed 500 pg/g [9]. In
can protect GI mucosa from ulceration by its the quarter of century since the discovery of
antioxidant action, stimulation of the im- melatonin in the GIT [10], a great progress
mune system and by fostering microcircula- has been made in the localization and elucida-
tion and epithelial regeneration. Melatonin tion of physiological functions of this remark-
may reduce the secretion of pepsin and the able compound. Several reviews on GI mela-
hydrochloric acid and influence the activity of tonin are available, which describe the variety
the myoelectric complexes of the gut via its of aspects of this interesting substance [11–
action in the CNS. Tissue or blood levels of 16].
melatonin may serve as a marker of GI le-
sions or tumors. Clinically, melatonin has a
potential for a prevention or treatment of Localization
colorectal cancer, ulcerative colitis, irritable
bowel syndrome, children colic and diar- Melatonin, a close derivative of serotonin
rhea. (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) [17] was first
Copyright © 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel identified in the extract of the bovine pineal
gland by Lerner et al. [18]. The pineal gland is
the major source of melatonin in the peripher-
Introduction al circulation, producing melatonin in a dis-
tinct circadian fashion, with peak levels oc-
Melatonin is a phylogenetically very an- curring during the night [17]. For more than a
cient chemical, which is partly a hormone (in decade it was believed that melatonin is syn-
humans it initiates sleep in amount smaller thesized only in the pineal gland [19]. Further
than 1 mg) [1] and partly a powerful scavenger studies, however, showed that melatonin was
of free radicals, an antioxidant more effective found to be produced in vitro in another neu-
than several well-known vitamins [2–4]. Me- ral tissue, the retina [20]. In the eye, melaton-
latonin crosses readily all morphophysiologi- in was localized immunohistologically in cell
cal barriers, such as blood-brain barrier or pla- bodies of rods and cones [21–23] and the reg-
centa and moves quickly into all body cells ulation of its synthesis and its physiological
[5]. Recently, it was confirmed that melatonin significance were elucidated [24]. Shortly af-
is a significant scavenger of free radicals and ter the discovery in the retina, melatonin was
antioxidant at both physiological and phar- also identified in non-neural tissues, such as
macological concentrations [6]. The antioxi- the Harderian gland (HG) [22, 25, 26] and the
dative mechanisms of melatonin are different salivary glands of the palate [27]. As the mela-
from the action of other classical antioxi- tonin-synthesizing enzyme hydroxyindole-O-
dants, such as vitamin C, E or glutathione. methyltransferase (HIOMT) was also local-
Melatonin does not undergo redox cycling ized in the pineal, retina and the HG [28], it
and therefore it does not cause oxidation [7]. became obvious, that the extrapineal produc-
The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a rich tion of melatonin might be more common
source of melatonin, surpassing substantially than was originally anticipated [29]. That as-
the amount present at any time in the pineal sumption was confirmed by reports from Rus-
gland [8]. Whereas the nighttime plasma con- sia, where Raikhlin and Kvetnoy [10] re-
centrations of melatonin in rats were reported ported that an extract from the mucosa of the
to be around 40 pg/ml, corresponding levels human appendix lightened frog skin by acting

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on dermal melanophores. The active ingre- in was detected in all segments of the GIT of
dient of that extract was identified by chro- cow fetuses in concentrations that exceed by
matography as melatonin and its synthesis several folds the levels found in the maternal
was assigned by immunohistology to seroton- blood [48]. Postnatally, melatonin was de-
in-rich enterochromaffin cells (EC). In addi- tected immunohistologically in several GI
tion to the human appendix, melatonin was segments of 2-days-old rat pups [49]. This
also identified in the mucosa of the rabbit contrasts sharply with the fact that the rat
intestines [30–34]. Using specific melatonin pineal does not produce substantial amounts
antibodies, Bubenik et al. [35] localized mela- of melatonin-synthesizing enzyme HIOMT,
tonin throughout the entire GIT of a rat. until the day 7 postnatally [50]. Those find-
Their study revealed that in GIT, organ and ings thus indicate an extrapineal source of
tissue distribution of melatonin corresponds melatonin in neonatal rodents. In rats, the
to the localization of serotonin-producing EC immunohistofluorescence indicating mela-
[35–37]. This finding further supported the tonin in GIT tissues peaked around the wean-
hypothesis that melatonin is produced in the ing time (21st day) [49]. After the initial dis-
GI mucosa from serotonin. Subsequently, the covery of melatonin in the newborn rat, mela-
presence of melatonin in GIT was confirmed tonin was subsequently localized by RIA in
by radioimmunoassay (RIA), which was vali- the entire GIT of newborn mice. The concen-
dated by a high performance liquid chroma- trations in the stomach, small and large intes-
tography (HPLC) [38]. tines were highest in the neonates and then
Numerous studies confirmed, that the day- sharply declined, leveling at the age of 6 days
time melatonin concentrations in GIT tissues [44]. The discrepancies between melatonin
are mostly 10–100 times higher than corre- content in the GIT of neonates of different
sponding melatonin levels in the peripheral species may be due to a different speed of
circulation [9, 39–43]. That would indicate maturation and a different content of mela-
that either GIT has a tremendous capacity to tonin in the milk, which is absorbed in the
accumulate pineal-produced melatonin from neonates [51]. It may also reflect the differ-
the circulation or more probably, that an ences in the activity of melatonin binding
independent production of melatonin exists sites, which varies substantially among spe-
in the GIT. Finally, because of the huge size of cies [52]. Conversely, melatonin was detected
the GIT, the total amount of melatonin in the duodenum of chick embryos, which
present at any time in the GIT of birds and indicates synthesis of melatonin independent
mammals (especially during the photophase) of maternal origin. Interestingly, whereas the
is more than 400 times higher than the nighttime concentrations peaked at the day 7
amount of melatonin present in their pineal of the embryonic development, the daytime
glands [8, 38]. levels reached on that day their lowest point
[53]. Phylogenetically, melatonin was identi-
fied in the GIT of fishes, reptiles, amphibians,
Ontogeny and Phylogeny birds and mammals, including humans [9, 42,
43, 45, 49, 52, 54].
In the last 25 years, melatonin and mela-
tonin binding sites were identified in the GIT
of fetal and postnatal animals, ranging from
fish to humans [44–47]. Using RIA, melaton-

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Is Melatonin Independently studies of Huether et al. [62] and Messner et
Synthesized in the GIT or Is It al. [63] indicate that GIT may act as a sink for
Pineal-Derived? pineal-derived melatonin, especially during
the night. Differential results of studies inves-
As an injection or an alimentary adminis- tigating the rhythm of GIT melatonin and the
tration of exogenous melatonin and its pre- effect of Px on such rhythms may be related to
cursor tryptophan resulted in a significant ac- differential feeding and digestive strategies
cumulation of melatonin in the GIT [39, 49, [41, 42]. Accumulation of pineal-derived me-
55–57], it was initially questioned whether latonin in GIT tissues is highly probable. Mel-
the presence of melatonin in the digestive sys- atonin binding sites were identified in the
tem is due to its accumulation from the circu- entire muscular stroma of the human fetal
lation (particularly during the night) or due to GIT as well as in the GIT of deer fetuses [46,
an independent synthesis in situ [49]. A sig- 47]. Furthermore, melatonin receptors or
nificant diurnal variation of melatonin con- binding sites were found in many segments of
centrations in some GI tissues (with plasma the GIT of various birds and mammals, in-
concentration much higher during the night) cluding humans [9, 52, 64–68]. Although
was reported by several authors in intact ani- binding site parameters exhibited diurnal
mals, mostly birds [52, 58–60]. Conversely, in variation in some species, this was not con-
rats pinealectomy (Px) reduced melatonin lev- firmed in others [52, 54, 69]. In addition,
els in serum but not in the GI tissues [9]. In large variations of melatonin concentrations
pigeons, Px decreased midnight concentration in the individual segments of the GIT were
of melatonin in plasma by some 50% but did found among many species of birds and mam-
not decrease midday melatonin levels [58]. mals [9, 35, 38, 44, 57, 64, 66, 68–70]. Often,
Whereas Px did not influence an immediate these tremendous variations of melatonin
midnight concentration of melatonin in the concentrations in GIT tissues appears to be
duodenum or the eyes two weeks after the related to food intake rather than to photoper-
operation, tissue concentration in the HG in- iodicity as is the case of pineal-produced me-
creased to 64% of the amount detected in the latonin [41, 70, 71]. In that case, the reported
sham operated birds, thus indicating a com- differences among species may reflect the fact
pensatory increase of melatonin in the HG. that some animals are diurnal whereas others
Based on these results it was concluded that are nocturnal. In addition, some animals are
an increase in plasma concentrations of mela- monophasic and others are polyphasic feed-
tonin is due to the elevation of its extrapineal ers. Finally, different type of digestion occurs
production, mostly in the HG [58]. A postop- in monogastric, as compared to polygastric
erative increase of melatonin was also re- (ruminant) animals [16, 42, 72].
ported in plasma of Px sheep [61]. Conversely,
no diurnal differences in melatonin levels
were observed in immunohistological studies Melatonin Synthesis and Secretion
performed in intact or pinealectomized rats
[49]. The last finding would indicate that the Although a direct synthesis of melatonin in
nighttime increase of melatonin reported in the GIT has not yet been demonstrated in
some studies in the GIT of intact animals is vitro, an independent production of melaton-
caused by accumulation of pineal-derived me- in in the GIT was indirectly indicated in sev-
latonin from the blood. Indeed, the newest eral studies. Two enzymes, synthesizing mela-

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tonin from serotonin, the rate limiting en- Conversely, impaired degradation of mela-
zyme N-acetyltransferase (NAT) and the tonin in the liver, markedly increased mela-
terminal enzyme, hydroxyindole-O-methyl- tonin concentration in the peripheral blood of
transferase (HIOMT) were detected in the GI cirrhotic patients [82, 83].
tissues, [11, 73–75]. Histological studies indi- Whereas tryptophan administration in-
cated that melatonin is synthesized in the creased melatonin levels in the GIT of Px
serotonin-rich enterochromaffin cells of the chickens, [39, 77] similar tryptophan loading
mucosa [12, 30, 35]. Whereas Px attenuated did not alter melatonin levels in the GIT of
nighttime levels of melatonin in blood, it did intact chickens [84]. This may indicate, that
not affect daytime levels [61, 76], which are in intact birds the availability of melatonin
probably produced in the GIT [39, 71, 77]. precursor tryptophan is not essential for the
That GIT is a major contributor to daytime modulation of melatonin levels. Finally, GIT
levels of peripheral concentrations of mela- derived melatonin may be most active in an
tonin in fish was demonstrated by Kezuka et autocrine or a paracrine fashion [12, 52, 66]
al. [78]. As they detected melatonin in plasma acting on the binding sites in the various seg-
of goldfish after Px and bilateral enucleation, ments of the GIT [16, 66, 68].
they concluded that these residual levels are The newest study indicates that melatonin
of GI origin. In addition, further studies re- may perhaps act as a luminal hormone, parti-
vealed that Px did not abolish presence of cipating in the sequential activation of diges-
melatonin in the GI tissue of mammals [9, 38, tive processes [42]. Melatonin detected in the
39, 49, 77]. Furthermore, melatonin concen- liquid of the GIT lumen might have been
trations increased in human and rat peripher- released from some melatonin rich food [7,
al blood after tryptophan (TRP) administra- 85]. Although Hattori et al. [86] demonstrated
tion. Similarly, elevated melatonin levels that in chickens, melatonin-rich food could
were also detected in Px rats fed exogenous elevate blood levels of melatonin, the correla-
TRP. That TRP-increased plasma levels were tion between concentrations of melatonin in
higher after oral as compared to intraperito- the porcine luminal fluid and mucosa indi-
neal administration and the melatonin eleva- cates that a substantial amount of luminal
tion did not occur in animals with the ligature melatonin in mammals is probably of muco-
of the portal vein indicated an independent sal origin or it is produced by the gastrointesti-
production of melatonin in the GIT [39, 77, nal microflora [42]. Another possible source
79, 80]. In the study of Ozaki and Lynch [81], of luminal melatonin could be bile, where
Px did not abolish substantial daytime levels substantial concentrations of melatonin were
of melatonin in plasma, as long as animals reported [54, 87]. (For details see Melatonin
were fed ad libitum. However, these levels and the Hepatobiliary System.)
disappeared when food was restricted. Fur-
thermore, the findings that melatonin levels
were higher in the portal vein than in the sys- Tissue Localization and Action
temic circulation and that the TRP-induced
elevation in the portal vein occurred earlier Using immunohistology or RIA, melaton-
than in the systemic circulation also demon- in was localized mostly in the mucosa of the
strated that GIT contributes significantly to GIT [10, 35, 42, 49, 52, 54, 66]. Similarly,
circulating plasma levels of melatonin, espe- using autoradiography, maximal binding of
cially during the daytime [8, 54, 59, 71, 79]. melatonin was also observed in the mucosa

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and the intestinal villi [52, 66]. Conversely, strongest in the nuclear fraction, to be fol-
lower concentration of melatonin and less lowed by the microsomial, mitochondrial and
binding was detected in the submucosa and cytosolic fractions [12, 72]. It appears that the
muscularis [12, 42, 49, 52, 65, 66]. These find- extranuclear 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding
ings would support the speculation, that mela- sites are localized in the membrane, thus indi-
tonin is produced by EC in the mucosa but cating that melatonin receptors are linked to
can act as a paracrine hormone in other seg- G-proteins [91].
ments of the GIT [12]. That substantial
amount of melatonin was detected in the mus-
cularis (in some organs there was as much Melatonin and Food Intake
melatonin in the muscularis as was in the
mucosa) [42, 49] indicates, that perhaps mela- Mounting evidence indicates that there is a
tonin produced in the mucosa may also act relationship between melatonin and food in-
either on smooth muscles of the muscularis or take. Melatonin implants increased food in-
on the myenteric nervous system, as suggested take in mice [43]. Several other studies found
by Barajas-Lopez et al. [88]. The nervous a temporary increase of melatonin concentra-
plexus of Meissner is located in the intestinal tions in blood of animals re-fed after a period
submucosa, whereas the Auerbach plexus is of fasting [41, 56, 59]. A similar elevation of
located between the inner circular and outer blood concentrations of melatonin was re-
longitudinal layer of the gut musculature. ported in human saliva after an evening meal
Therefore, melatonin could easily move from [92]. When men were fed slow-release prepa-
the mucosa into deeper layers via numerous ration of melatonin, mean melatonin levels in
blood vessels present in the lamina propria plasma were significantly higher in fed than in
and submucosa. Whether parasympatical the fasted state [93]. The rapid increase of
nerves play any role in the synthesis of mela- melatonin in blood after re-feeding [41] may
tonin in the GIT is uncertain. Bilateral vagot- constitute the speculative pulse that causes
omy had no effect on the tissue concentration the shift in biological rhythms. Changes in
of melatonin in the GIT of quails (Bubenik locomotion, temperature and cortisol rhythm
and Zeman, unpubl. obs.). Conversely, a lo- were reported after food intake. This shift of
calization of melatonin binding sites in the rhythms was not mediated by the pineal
intestinal villi [52] may indicate the role of gland, as it was not abolished by lesions in the
melatonin in the intestinal epithelium, per- suprachiasmatic nucleus, the brain tissue that
haps in the transmembrane transport of ions regulates the circadian rhythm of melatonin
and electrolytes, as demonstrated by Legris et synthesis in the pineal [94]. Similarly, feeding
al. [89]. In intact mice, melatonin treatment entrains an endogenous rhythm of swimming
increased water content in their feces [44], in the blind Mexican cavefish. Finally, re-
thus supporting the above-mentioned finding stricting food intake only to the light period of
of Legris et al. In addition, melatonin may the day changed significantly the sleep pattern
play a role in the regulation of colonic Cl – in rats. Conversely, Px or sham Px had no
secretion via melatonin receptors. Basolateral effect on the reported change in the sleep pat-
and apical application of melatonin stimulat- tern, thus indicating an effect independent of
ed short-circuit current of human colonic T84 the pineal gland [96]. All these changes in the
cells in a dose-dependent manner [90]. At circadian activity related to food intake could
the subcellular level, melatonin binding was be explained by a pulse of melatonin released

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from the GIT, that first enters peripheral cir- centrations observed normally only in much
culation and then alters the circadian clock younger animals [59, 70].
[39, 41]. In humans, the sudden elevation of
melatonin concentrations in blood may also
be the cause of sleepiness experienced after Melatonin and the Hepatobiliary
midday meals [71] and be the reason for the System
popularity of ‘siesta’, the early afternoon nap-
ping period. A short pulse of melatonin se- The liver is the major organ responsible for
creted into circulation in midday may also melatonin degradation [15, 112]. A previous
help to cool down the body temperature [97]. study indicated that 92–97% of melatonin is
The well-established hypothermic effect of metabolized on a single pass through the liver
melatonin is mostly dose-dependent [98] and [113]. Although this has not been confirmed
can be manipulated by light [99]. It can be in a more recent experiment [71], liver degra-
therefore speculated that because of the hypo- dation to 6-hydroxymelatonin remains the
thermic effect, siesta is most popular in the major metabolic pathway for melatonin deac-
hot regions of the globe. tivation [114]. Interestingly, recent studies of
Huether et al. [62] indicate that below a cer-
tain threshold (day-time melatonin concen-
Melatonin and Digestive Processes trations in plasma) melatonin escapes liver
metabolism; above that threshold, melatonin
Earlier studies revealed that melatonin is quickly metabolized.
could influence the peristalsis of GIT muscles Initially, immunohistological investigation
in vitro and in vivo [100–106]. Subsequently did not detect melatonin in liver tissues [35],
it was demonstrated that food restriction de- but later studies revealed melatonin in the
creased melatonin concentration in the pineal nuclei of hepatic cells [72]. Most recently,
but increased melatonin levels in plasma melatonin has been identified in the human
[107] and in the GIT (in some segments by as liver tissues in concentrations 15 times higher
much as 2–7 times) [59, 70]. This indicated, than levels detected in plasma [53]. That GIT
that the surplus of circulating melatonin was melatonin contributes to the peripheral circu-
derived from the GIT tract. Reduction of lation via portal vein has been documented
caloric intake or an administration of mela- above (see Melatonin Synthesis). Several oth-
tonin increased the life span of mice [108]. er studies indicate the importance of a sub-
The increase in longevity reported in animals stantial degradation of melatonin during the
on low-calorie diet may be due to the eleva- liver passage. Portocaval anastomosis, which
tion of GIT melatonin observed in food- bypasses the flow of melatonin through the
deprived animals [70, 109]. As melatonin pro- liver, disrupts circadian locomotor activity
tects the organism against hydroxyl-radical- and pineal melatonin rhythms in rats [115]. In
mediated oxidative damage [5], it was hy- addition, disruption of diurnal sleep rhythms
pothesized that the age-related decline of me- was reported in human patients suffering
latonin is partly responsible for the aging pro- from liver cirrhosis [82, 116]. Such distur-
cess [110, 111]. It can be speculated that the bances are probably the result of an insuffi-
reduction of food intake increases the produc- cient metabolism of melatonin in the cirrhotic
tion of melatonin in the GIT, which in turn liver as reported by Steindl et al. [83]. In view
elevates circulating levels of melatonin to con- of these reports, it can be hypothesized that a

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large increase of melatonin concentrations in Melatonin and GIT Motility
peripheral blood, originating in the GIT and
escaping liver degradation, may result in the A decade before the detection of melatonin
postprandial sleepiness, which in some cases in the GIT, Quastel and Rahamimoff [100]
may disrupt the circadian rhythm. demonstrated that high concentrations of me-
Recently, melatonin was detected by RIA latonin inhibit spontaneous and serotonin-
and verified by HPLC in bile samples from induced contraction of rat duodenum in vitro.
gallbladders of various mammals including Similar relaxations of smooth muscles after
humans in concentrations ranging from melatonin administration were also observed
2,000–11,000 pg/ml [87]. These levels are by in the uterus [117]. In addition, muscles of the
far the highest melatonin concentrations tail and brain arteries in rats also exhibited
found in any segment of the GIT. They exceed contractile response to melatonin [118, 119].
daytime serum levels by 2–3 orders of magni- Similar action on muscles was also reported
tude [87] and are 10–40 times higher than for the smooth muscles of the GIT. In vitro,
melatonin levels found during the photophase high concentrations of melatonin inhibited
in the pig and cow GIT mucosa and muscula- spontaneous and 5-HT-induced peristalsis of
ris (50–900 pg/g) [42]. The authors hypothe- the stomach [101, 102], ileum [103], jejunum
sized that high levels of melatonin in bile may and colon [104] muscles. These studies re-
prevent oxidative damage to the mucosa of vealed that the GIT tissues with the greatest
the biliary tract and the epithelium of the responsiveness to melatonin were the seg-
intestine caused by bile acids and oxidized ments exhibiting the highest concentration of
cholesterol derivatives [87]. Conversely, this indole [45]. Early studies demonstrated
Messner et al. [53] found much lower mela- that melatonin is acting through a different
tonin levels in non-concentrated human bile mechanism than the adrenaline and acetyl-
taken from the bile duct. Their bile concentra- choline system. Blockade of serotonin recep-
tions of melatonin (85 pg/ml) correlated well tors indicated that melatonin is not acting as
with levels found in plasma (55 pg/ml). The antagonist of 5-HT stimulatory receptors but
authors calculated that a substantial amount rather as an agonist of 5-HT inhibiting neural
of melatonin (approximately 51 ng/24 h) is receptors [103]. Few years ago, Barajas-Lopez
excreted into the gut via the bile duct and they et al. [88] studied the modulatory effect of
concluded that melatonin might act as a me- melatonin on the enteric nervous system.
diator of inter-organ communication between Their studies indicated that melatonin inhib-
gut and liver. Although, it can be hypothe- its gut muscles directly by inhibiting specifi-
sized that bile contributes significantly to con- cally nicotinic channels. In addition, Reyes-
centrations of luminal melatonin, research Vasquez et al. [120] reported that melatonin
studies in cows and pigs revealed completely might interact with apamine-sensitive, possi-
opposite results between these two species. bly Ca++-activated K+ channels. That observa-
Whereas in cows concentrations of luminal tion was recently supported by Storr et al.
melatonin in jejunum were the lowest of all [121] who reported that an inhibition of small
GI segments, in pigs the levels were the high- conductance K+-channels attenuated mela-
est [42]. The outcome may reflect the differ- tonin-induced relaxation of rat gastric mus-
ent digestive strategies of mono- and polygas- cles contracted by serotonin. Finally, recently
tric species. melatonin was found to potentiate the ampli-
tude and frequency of spontaneous contrac-

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tions in quail caecal smooth muscles. In con- Acceleration of food transit time (FTT) in
trast to melatonin, these contractions were melatonin-treated rats was also reported by
completely blocked by adrenaline [122]. Martin et al. [13]; interestingly, they found
In addition to in vitro effect, melatonin the acceleration of FTT only in fed rats but
was also found to modify the serotonin- not in the fasting ones. Most recently, it was
induced contraction in vivo. Whereas in vi- reported that high doses of melatonin appear
tro, the maximal inhibition of the 5-HT- to inhibit the spontaneous or serotonin-in-
induced spasm was achieved when the con- duced contraction of GIT muscles by Ca++-
centration of melatonin was 50–100 times related, K+ channel-mediated mechanism and
higher than the concentration of serotonin, in to induce gut elongation. Conversely, low
vivo the effect was observed at the concentra- doses of melatonin exerted stimulatory effect
tion of only 1:1. That indicated that in vivo on the gut musculature, leading to gut short-
extraintestinal mechanisms (perhaps involv- ening [124]. Most recent receptor studies re-
ing the pineal gland or CNS) might be in- vealed that the most likely sites of melatonin
volved. The participation of CNS in the gut action in smooth muscles of the GIT tract are
peristalsis, perhaps via cholecystokinin was the ML2 receptors [125]. In rats, an endoge-
indicated by Benouali-Pellissier [123]. Addi- nous melatonin produced a pharmacological
tional studies, investigating serotonin and effect on pre- and postprandial intestinal mo-
melatonin levels after 5-HT and melatonin tility. The effect, the inhibition of irregular
implants and an administration of p-chloro- spiking activity and a reinforcement of the
phenylalanine (a blocker of serotonin-synthe- migrating motor complexes, was observed
sizing enzyme) indicated possible feedback only at night, when melatonin levels in blood
mechanisms [44]. These findings let us hypo- are high [126].
thesize that a mutually counterbalancing sys-
tem exists between serotonin and melatonin,
regulating their levels in the GIT [44]. Al- Melatonin and Mitosis
though in vivo, melatonin injections reduced
the facilitation of food transit time, which was A biphasic mitotic activity within a 24 h
achieved in 5-HT-implanted mice; melatonin period was reported in the duodenum and
given to intact animals decreased food transit colon of mice. Exogenous application of mela-
time, albeit not to the same extent as 5-HT tonin substantially influenced this mitotic ac-
[105, 106]. This was the first report indicating tivity in the alimentary canal [127, 128]. Pi-
that in addition to the inhibitory effect on 5- nealectomy increased the mitotic index in the
HT-induced contractions, melatonin may rat intestinal crypts [129]. Callaghan [130,
have a stimulatory effect on the smooth mus- 131] reported that the hyperproliferative ef-
cles of the GIT tract. Two other findings sup- fect of Px may be mediated by the vagal and
ported such a stimulatory effect of melatonin. sympathetic innervation of the gut and that it
Using in vivo electromyography, Benouali- can last as long as 6 months. In another study,
Pellissier [123] demonstrated that the sup- melatonin was found to reduce the prolifera-
pression of regular spiking activity observed tion of jejunal epithelium in mice [132], but
in the ileum of Px rats was restored by mela- melatonin given alone did not influence mi-
tonin. Her studies indicated that melatonin is totic activities in the gastric mucosal epithe-
involved in the modulation of cholecystoki- lium of rats [133]. Conversely, an opposite
nin action on ileal motility via CNS [123]. effect, an inhibition of cell proliferation in the

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GIT after Px was reported by Pawlikowski against stress-induced gastric lesions is due to
[134]. Similarly, a single injection of melaton- a prostaglandin-mediated mechanism [80,
in stimulated cell division in duodenal epithe- 143]. The protection against stress-induced
lium of intact mice [135]. Finally, administra- and ischemia-induced lesions is mediated by
tion of melatonin, injected intraperitoneally, the scavenging of free oxygen radicals and the
facilitated the regeneration of goblet cells in restoration of mucosal microcirculation [144–
the colonic epithelium of mice suffering from 146]. A dose-dependent increase of superox-
experimentally induced colitis [136]. Whereas ide bismutase and glutathione reductase and a
low doses of melatonin (1–10 Ìg/mouse) de- decrease of xantine oxidase observed after
creased mitotic activity in the rat jejunal epi- melatonin treatment contributed to the pro-
thelial cells, high doses (100 Ìg/mouse) had tection of gastric mucosa against damage
the opposite effect; it increased mitosis [137]. caused by ischemia-re-perfusion. A signifi-
In view of the above-mentioned studies, it can cant reduction of exfoliation of superficial
be speculated that the different results found mucosal cells and a decrease of white blood
by different groups could be due to variations cell infiltration was observed after melatonin
of doses used and GIT organs investigated. treatment [147]. In another study, exogenous
Opposite effects of various melatonin doses melatonin reduced plasma but not gastric tis-
on several other functions of the GIT are dis- sue concentrations of malondialdehyde, a lip-
cussed in the section ‘Dual Effects of Mela- id peroxidation product [148]. A similar
tonin’. mechanism, an antioxidative effect of mela-
tonin, may also apply in the preventive and
therapeutic effects of this indole on experi-
Melatonin and GIT Pathologies mentally induced colitis. That effect may be
combined with improved microcirculation
Ulcers and Colitis and the stimulation of epithelial proliferation
Early studies indicated that melatonin has [136]. Finally, the studies of Kato et al. [149]
a protective effect on the development of gas- suggest that CNS may mediate the protective
tric ulcers [138, 139]. However, only more anti-stress action of melatonin in gastric mu-
recently, this phenomenon has been investi- cosa; intracisternally injected melatonin de-
gated in more detail. In rats, melatonin pre- creased the secretion of hydrochloric acid and
vented stress and ethanol-induced gastric le- pepsin in the rat stomach. Conversely, the
sions, presumably by counteracting the 5-HT- protection to GI mucosa may be partly due to
induced reduction in the blood flow [138– its effect on mitotic activity [136, 137], which
140]. Bubenik and coworkers reported reduc- may be mediated via specific gastrin receptors
tion in the incidence and severity of gastric [133]. The remarkable effect of intraperitone-
ulcers in pigs after administration of melaton- ally administered melatonin on the regenera-
in mixed in food. They reported that a highest tion of intestinal mucosa, and cessation of
incidence of gastric ulcers in young pigs was occult bleeding, loss of weight and diarrhea,
associated with the lowest concentrations of all resulting from dextran-sodium sulphate in-
melatonin in their blood and stomach tissues duced colitis, may be due to its antioxidative
[58, 141]. Melatonin and its precursors L- effect [5], improvement of microcirculation
tryptophan protected against gastric isch- [145] or due to the stimulation of the immune
emia-reperfusion injuries in rats [80, 142]. system [16, 150]. High affinity melatonin
Two studies indicated that the protection binding sites were located in the mucosa of

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the appendix [69] and the number and the tumors were induced by DMH were in-
size of Payer’s patches (the major lymphatic creased, but no diurnal variation was ob-
tissue of the GIT tract) increased substantially served, as compared to controls. The number
after melatonin treatment [151]. of melatonin-containing cells was decreased
Irritable bowel syndrome: (IBS), is a GI in all tissues studied (stomach, duodenum,
disease whose symptoms improve at night ileum and descending colon). Conversely,
and are more pronounced in shift workers. DHM + melatonin treatment increased the
Therefore, this affliction was chosen as a can- number of M-containing cells in the stomach
didate for treatment with melatonin [16]. In and duodenum, albeit not to the same level as
the first preliminary clinical trials, the symp- seen in controls [156]. Carcinomas of de-
toms for IBS improved in female patients suf- scending colon were observed in 65% of rats
fering from IBS and a larger clinical study is treated simultaneously with melatonin and
now in progress in Singapore (Wei Zhen Lu, DMH, as compared to 100% incidence of
pers. commun.). Most recently, melatonin sig- tumors observed in rats treated with DMH
nificantly reduced bloody diarrhea and loss of alone [157]. In healthy human subjects, night-
body weight in rats with dinitrobenzene sul- time melatonin levels in plasma were higher
fonic acid-induced colitis. These effects were than the daytime levels. In patient with gastric
accompanied by a remarkable improvement and intestinal cancers, the circadian concen-
of colonic microstructure as well as a signifi- trations of melatonin were reversed [158]. Au-
cant decrease of colonic myeloperoxidase and thors speculated that an extrapineal produc-
malondialdehyde [152]. tion of melatonin was the cause of this dis-
Colic In humans higher nighttime melatonin
Melatonin may act as a natural inhibitor of concentrations in plasma were detected in
serotonin and a mutual feedback between both control and colorectal patients. In cancer
these two indoleamines may exist [44]. The patients the nighttime concentrations were in
disruption of balance between these two the same range as those of controls whereas
chemicals may be the cause of a painful ab- the daytime concentrations were significantly
dominal affliction known as colic, which af- higher. Surgical treatment of the colorectal
fects a substantial proportion of human in- carcinoma increased blood levels of melaton-
fants. As colic is mostly found in very young in during the night but the post surgical
children, in which melatonin levels are low, it increase was more pronounced in patients
was speculated that colic is caused by an with metastases [43]. Authors speculated that
imbalance between 5-HT and melatonin melatonin might play a protective role in the
[153]. Once the melatonin levels increase development of colorectal cancer by stimula-
(usually within the first 3 months) the colic tion of the immune system [150, 151]. Re-
disappears [154]. viewing the current literature, Fraschini et al.
[159] concluded that melatonin is a natural
Cancer oncostatic agent. In addition to acting directly
Melatonin may serve as a marker of GIT on immune cells, melatonin may act as an
cancer. Melatonin exhibited inhibitory effect arm of the circadian clock, giving a time-relat-
on intestinal carcinogenesis induced in rats by ed signal to various body functions and thus
dimethylhydrazine (DMH) in rats [155]. Se- affecting the timing and quality of the im-
rum melatonin levels in rats in which colon mune response [160].

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Diarrhea cies-specific periodicity of food intake. Mela-
Because of its action on electrolyte trans- tonin might be involved in the modulation of
port [89, 90] and the influence on the water GI motility, regulation of mucosal water and
content in feces [44], melatonin might be con- ion transport. Melatonin may also modulate
sidered as an effective remedy in the treat- epithelial proliferation, sequential activation
ment of severe diarrhea. of GIT during the postprandial transport of
food, and the initiation of the transient sleep-
ing period following food intake. Finally, me-
Dual Effects of Melatonin latonin may be essential in the prevention of
mucosal lesions by increasing blood supply.
On several occasions, melatonin adminis- Melatonin also exhibits a powerful antioxi-
tration has been reported to have an opposite dant action and can stimulate mitosis. It is
effect on various physiological processes, such also involved in the CNS-mediated effects on
as mitosis [127, 128, 134–137], peristalsis or the gut myoelectric complex and on the gas-
food transit time [100, 103, 105] or the change tric secretion of pepsin and hydrochloric acid.
in the length of the intestines [124], depend- Clinically, melatonin should be considered
ing on the concentration or the route of ad- for prevention or a treatment of colorectal
ministration. These results may indicate that cancer, gastric ulcers, ulcerative colitis, irrita-
physiological or pharmacological doses may ble bowel syndrome, children’s colic and se-
significantly differ in their effects. Some may vere diarrhea.
act directly in the endocrine, paracrine or
autocrine fashion, others may be mediated
via CNS or via various neuromodulators, Acknowledgements
such as substance P, nerve growth factor, gas-
I would like to thank all my collaborators who
trin, cholecystokinin or other neurotrophic
helped me in studies I have performed in the last 25
hormones [12, 15, 49, 123, 133]. years, particularly GM Brown, who introduced me to
the topic of melatonin and has remained my closest
collaborator ever since. In addition, I am indebted to
Conclusion my most involved collaborator, Shiu-Fun Pang, whose
contributions were essential in realization of many cru-
cial experiments. Furthermore I would like to thank
Substantial evidence indicates that mela- Bob Purtill, Ron Ball, Roger Hacker, Peter Smith,
tonin is produced in the GIT of most verte- Ludek Bartos, Len Niles, Lee Grota, Patty Pentney
brate species. Circadian variation of GI mela- and Savita Dhanvantari for taking part and helping me
tonin appears to be controlled not by a photo- to perform many of my melatonin studies.
periodicity (like the pineal gland) but by a spe-


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