JD - Fullstack Engineer

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About the job

We are looking for a Full Stack Developer with deep knowledge in both frontend and
backend development, particularly with Typescript, MongoDB, and React Native. As
a Full Stack Developer, you will be working interchangeably with our frontend and
backend engineers, ensuring the coherence and efficiency of our overall systems. You
will not only bring your expertise in both fields but will be the bridge to create a
seamless integration between our frontend and backend components.

Our ideal candidate is proficient and passionate about UX/UI, proactively identifies
additional areas of improvement, enjoys short and impactful software development
cycles, and is looking to grow into a full-fledged Product Owner.


 Work interchangeably with frontend and backend teams based on feature

 Develop and maintain frontend components using React Native and
 Collaborate with the Backend team to develop and maintain our backend
 Implement APIs and ensure the seamless integration between frontend and
backend functionality
 Create scalable, maintainable, and secure codebase
 Work with AWS services to deploy and manage the full-stack infrastructure
 Implement testing frameworks to ensure code quality and reliability across the
 Conduct code reviews for both frontend and backend to uphold code quality
and best practices
 Stay updated with the latest industry best practices for full-stack development
 Troubleshoot and resolve issues across the stack


 Proficiency in Typescript
 Strong frontend development experience using React Native
 Backend development knowledge, particularly with MongoDB and
implementing APIs
 Ability to work interchangeably across the stack based on project requirements
 Familiarity with AWS services for full-stack deployment
 Experience with CI/CD processes for efficient development and deployment
 Knowledge of security best practices for both frontend and backend
 Excellent problem-solving skills and a strong team player

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