Nursing Qualities for students

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Name________________________ Period__________

Nursing Qualities as it pertains to residents.

Describe examples of each quality as it pertains to the care of residents. Then choose 4

qualities that resonate most with you. Be ready to share with the larger group.

You can work in pairs when you share a document—no more than 2 to a group.

● Patient and understanding

Patient and understanding are very important traits to have in the healthcare profession

because assisting someone who has had a stroke or is learning how to walk again after

surgery. These tasks require a lot of patience because re-learning something requires

time. Being understanding plays an important part in this as well because if the patient

gets frustrated from “walking” you should act with understanding towards them.

● Honest and Trustworthy

Being honest with a patient is connected to being trustworthy because if you’re honest

about things people will see you as trustworthy. They will trust you with their health in

this case.

● Conscientious
People who are conscientious are guided by a sense of right and wrong. They always try

to do their best. They're alert, observant, accurate, and responsible. This is an important

trait to have as a nurse because I wouldn’t want to continue doing something that my

gut told me was wrong.

● Enthusiastic

People who are enthusiastic about positive attitude. There are encouraging. They show

interest in others, including their situations and problems, Enthusiastic people have a

positive influence on others.

● Courteous and Respectful

NAs must be kind, polite, and considerate. They should respect others' beliefs, even if

these beliefs are different from their own. They should value other people's


● Empathetic

Empathetic people identify with the feeling of others. They care about other people's

problems. They think about what it would be like to be ill and dependent on others for

Being able to show compassion, put yourself in someone else's shoes, and understand

how they’re feeling. This is important because understanding what this patient might be

going through could help you improve the way you communicate/act towards them.

● Dependable and Responsible

NAs must be at work on time and avoid too many absences. They should always follow

policies and procedures. NAs must be able to be counted on to do their tasks properly.

● Humble and open to growth

people who are humble are willing to admit that they have made a mistake. They can

accept their limitations and are open to growth. They hold themselves accountable

which means that they can admit when they make a mistake and apologized. They can

ask others for help when they need it.

● Tolerant

Willing to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from your own, even if you

disagree with or disapprove of them.

● Unprejudiced

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