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Gravitational force, F =
Gravitational acceleration, g=

• Earth = 9.81 m/s

• other planets

Importance of Knowing the Value of Gravitational Acceleration

• In space exploration:
o Gravity influences the path taken by everything travelling through space
o Slow down space craft during landing
o Keep satellite in its orbit
• In life:
o Rain fall
o Air and water separate
o Flow of body fluids

effects of gravity on the growth of humans

Factors Effect of low gravity Effect of high gravity
Difference in density Density of body decrease Density of body increases
Bone fragility Bone becomes more fragile, No significant changes
due loss of nutrients
Size of lungs Increases or expanded Reduces or contracted
Blood circulation system Blood collected in the upper Blood collected at the lower
parts of body part of body
Blood pressure Lower blood pressure and heart Higher blood pressure and
rate heart rate
centripetal force.
A body in circular motion, a force acts on the body in a direction towards the centre of the circle.

Factor affecting centripetal force:

• Mass
• Linear speed
• Radius of circle

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