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Alkira Secondary College

Student Report
2024 - Semester One

Orzal HASHIMI, HAS0055, 07E, YAAN

Year 7

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Your Childs Report
Alkira Secondary College provides parents and students with ongoing information and feedback about student progress and performance throughout the year. The Semester
Report provides students and parents with an assessment for the student’s progress against a State Standard. Students in Year 7 – 10 are assessed against the Victorian
Curriculum and this is represented graphically. Students undertaking the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or (VM - Vocational Major) satisfactorily achieve Outcomes
through successful completion of School Assessed Coursework (SACs).

Class Attendance Information/Explanation

Parents and students will be able to see the following attendance information for each subject on their report

Classes Attended
Classes Not Present – Approved absence
Classes Not Present – (Unexplained) – No note
Accounted for Attended (%) – The percentage of time the student was actually accounted for
Class Attendance (%) – For the time allocated to the given class, what percentage was the student doing actual class/subject (and not something else). Calculation
formula: Present + Late / Sessions Run

Alkira Secondary College Grading Schemes

VCE Results Key

S – Satisfactory (course requirements have been satisfactorily completed)
SR – Satisfactory through Redemption
NYS - Not Yet Satisfactory
N – Not Satisfactory (coursework requirements have not been satisfactorily completed)
N* - Not Satisfactory due to low attendance
NA – Not Applicable (coursework requirements are in progress)
Achievement – 0 – 100%, N/A, Excluded

VET Results Key

Competent – Unit of Competency has been satisfactorily achieved
Not Yet Competent – Student is working towards satisfactory competency
Not Yet Assessed – Unit of Competency has not yet been taught

Year 7 – 10 Results Key

Approaching Well Above
Below Standard At Standard Above Standard
Standard Standard

Year 10 and 11 Examination Result Key

NA – Student had an approved absence from the examination
UA - Student was absent from the examination with no approved reason

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Result
Students in Years 7 – 10 will receive a Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (N) reported as the Unit Result. This does not refer to the standard of the work but to work completion
and submission. It is the College’s expectation that all students will complete all of the Assessment Tasks and course work assigned to them. In order to receive a S for
submission of work, students will need to have completed at least 80% of their course work.
Victorian Curriculum
Orzal HASHIMI, HAS0055, 07E, YAAN
Alkira Secondary College - 2024 - Semester One

Victorian Curriculum

Rating Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9


Critical and Creative Thinking C



Reading and Viewing B

Speaking and Listening B

Writing B

Health and Physical Education

Health Education C

Physical Education B


Chinese - Second Language C

Learners (7-10)


Number and Algebra B


Science C


Digital Technologies C

The Arts

Visual Arts C

The Humanities

Civics and Citizenship C

History C

Ratings Legend
A Well above the expected level Previous result
B Above the expected level Your child's achievement this semester
C At the expected level Your child's progress
D Below the expected level
E Well below the expected level

Scale Definition
The Victorian Curriculum standard 5 point scale. Ranging from E - A inclusive. Where E is two
standard points below the age expected level and A is two standard points above the age
expected level.
Orzal HASHIMI, HAS0055, 07E, YAAN
Teacher: Miss KALMADJIAN
Alkira Secondary College - 2024 - Semester One

Class Attendance

Classes 43 Classes Not 2 Classes Not 0 Accounted 100 Class 96

Attended Present Present for Attendance
(Unexplaine Attendance (%)
d) (%)

In Year 7 Art, students build on their practical skills learnt in their junior years. Students focus heavily on four core artistic areas; ceramics, media,
painting and drawing. Within these areas students look at cultural, historical influence and technical artistic traditions. Student’s skills are enhanced
as once a week they delve into fun and practical tasks that cater for all types of students learning.

Semester Result Overall Result S

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently


Class Behaviour

Victorian Curriculum

Rating Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9

The Arts

Visual Arts C

Ratings Legend
A Well above the expected level Previous result
B Above the expected level Your child's achievement this semester
C At the expected level Your child's progress
D Below the expected level
E Well below the expected level

Scale Definition
The Victorian Curriculum standard 5 point scale. Ranging from E - A inclusive. Where E is two
standard points below the age expected level and A is two standard points above the age
expected level.

Learning Tasks
Assessment Task: Painting At Standard
Assessment Task: Sculpture At Standard
Orzal HASHIMI, HAS0055, 07E, YAAN
Teacher: Ms CHANG
Alkira Secondary College - 2024 - Semester One

Class Attendance

Classes 43 Classes Not 1 Classes Not 0 Accounted 100 Class 98

Attended Present Present for Attendance
(Unexplaine Attendance (%)
d) (%)

In Semester 1 of Year 7 Chinese, students explore the Chinese New Year and its associated cultural elements, as well as various facts about
China's geography, population, tourist attractions, and ancient inventions. Students complete research projects to deepen their understanding of
these cultural and historical aspects. Students also concentrate on enhancing their listening and speaking abilities through the exploration of self-
introduction topics, encompassing aspects such as name, age, and number counting skills.

Semester Result Overall Result S

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently


Class Behaviour

Victorian Curriculum

Rating Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9


Chinese - Second Language C

Learners (7-10)

Ratings Legend
A Well above the expected level Previous result
B Above the expected level Your child's achievement this semester
C At the expected level Your child's progress
D Below the expected level
E Well below the expected level

Scale Definition
The Victorian Curriculum standard 5 point scale. Ranging from E - A inclusive. Where E is two
standard points below the age expected level and A is two standard points above the age
expected level.

Learning Tasks
Assessment Task: China Facts Above Standard
Assessment Task: Self-Introduction and Introducing Others At Standard
Assessment Task: Culture Understanding and Language Test At Standard
Orzal HASHIMI, HAS0055, 07E, YAAN
Teacher: Mrs MIRRA
Alkira Secondary College - 2024 - Semester One

Class Attendance

Classes 74 Classes Not 2 Classes Not 0 Accounted 100 Class 97

Attended Present Present for Attendance
(Unexplaine Attendance (%)
d) (%)

In English, students work progressively towards attaining Level 7 (Victorian Curriculum). Students will communicate with peers, teachers, individuals
and groups in a range of contexts. They will be expected to read, analyse and discuss a variety of texts that explore a range of different personal,
social, cultural and political issues of significance to their own lives and the global community. Students will demonstrate the ability to produce
sustained and cohesive written pieces that experiment with different language features and focus on the writer's growing awareness of audience,
purpose and context.

Semester Result Overall Result S

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently



Victorian Curriculum

Rating Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10


Reading and Viewing B

Speaking and Listening B

Writing B

Ratings Legend
A Well above the expected level Previous result
B Above the expected level Your child's achievement this semester
C At the expected level Your child's progress
D Below the expected level
E Well below the expected level

Scale Definition
The Victorian Curriculum standard 5 point scale. Ranging from E - A inclusive. Where E is two
standard points below the age expected level and A is two standard points above the age
expected level.

Learning Tasks
Assessment Task: Matilda Text Response Above Standard
Assessment Task: Persuasive Writing At Standard
Assessment Task: Debating Above Standard
Orzal HASHIMI, HAS0055, 07E, YAAN
Teacher: Miss MAGNANO
Alkira Secondary College - 2024 - Semester One

Class Attendance

Classes 29 Classes Not 0 Classes Not 0 Accounted 100 Class 100

Attended Present Present for Attendance
(Unexplaine Attendance (%)
d) (%)

The Level 7 curriculum expands students’ knowledge, understanding and skills to help them achieve successful outcomes in classroom, leisure,
social, movement and online situations. Students learn how to take positive action to enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing.
They do this as they examine the nature of their relationships and other factors that influence people’s beliefs, attitudes, opportunities, decisions,
behaviours and actions. Students demonstrate a range of help-seeking strategies that support them to access and evaluate health and physical
activity information and services.

Semester Result Overall Result S

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently



Victorian Curriculum

Rating Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9

Health and Physical Education

Health Education C

Ratings Legend
A Well above the expected level Previous result
B Above the expected level Your child's achievement this semester
C At the expected level Your child's progress
D Below the expected level
E Well below the expected level

Scale Definition
The Victorian Curriculum standard 5 point scale. Ranging from E - A inclusive. Where E is two
standard points below the age expected level and A is two standard points above the age
expected level.

Learning Tasks
Assessment Task: Dimensions of Health and Wellbeing Presentation Above Standard
Assessment Task: Decision Making Creative Piece At Standard
Orzal HASHIMI, HAS0055, 07E, YAAN
Teacher: Mr ROY
Alkira Secondary College - 2024 - Semester One

Class Attendance

Classes 58 Classes Not 0 Classes Not 0 Accounted 100 Class 100

Attended Present Present for Attendance
(Unexplaine Attendance (%)
d) (%)

As part of their studies of Civics and Citizenship, students explore the concept of the factors which shape our individual and national identity as well
as what is means to be an Australian in a multicultural and secular society. Students will examine the history of ancient civilisations. Through the
evaluation of primary and secondary sources, understanding chronology, and describing the roles significant individuals students will gain and
understanding of continuity and change in the ancient world. Students will be able to make links between ancient and modern ; social, cultural and
economic trends by asking historical inquiry questions and presenting historical research through the selection of relevant sources.

Semester Result Overall Result S

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently



Victorian Curriculum

Rating Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9

The Humanities

Civics and Citizenship C

History C

Ratings Legend
A Well above the expected level Previous result
B Above the expected level Your child's achievement this semester
C At the expected level Your child's progress
D Below the expected level
E Well below the expected level

Scale Definition
The Victorian Curriculum standard 5 point scale. Ranging from E - A inclusive. Where E is two
standard points below the age expected level and A is two standard points above the age
expected level.

Learning Tasks
Assessment Task: What does it mean to be Australian? At Standard
Assessment Task: Ancient Australia At Standard
Assessment Task: Source Anlaysis At Standard
Orzal HASHIMI, HAS0055, 07E, YAAN
Teacher: Mr TAYLOR
Alkira Secondary College - 2024 - Semester One

Class Attendance

Classes 73 Classes Not 1 Classes Not 0 Accounted 100 Class 99

Attended Present Present for Attendance
(Unexplaine Attendance (%)
d) (%)

In Year 7 Mathematics, students develop knowledge of adaptable and transferable mathematical concepts and structures. They make connections
between related concepts and progressively apply this knowledge to develop new ideas. Students develop skills in choosing appropriate
procedures, carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately, and recalling factual knowledge and concepts readily. They
also make choices, interpret, formulate, model and investigate problem situations, select and use technological functions and communicate
solutions effectively. They can pose and solve problems, justify their conclusions by explaining their thinking, and transfer their learning from one
context to another. Topics covered this semester included: Whole numbers, Fractions, Ratios, Decimals, Percentage, Finance and Geometry.

Semester Result Overall Result S

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently



Victorian Curriculum

Rating Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10


Number and Algebra B

Ratings Legend
A Well above the expected level Previous result
B Above the expected level Your child's achievement this semester
C At the expected level Your child's progress
D Below the expected level
E Well below the expected level

Scale Definition
The Victorian Curriculum standard 5 point scale. Ranging from E - A inclusive. Where E is two
standard points below the age expected level and A is two standard points above the age
expected level.

Learning Tasks
Assessment Task: Number Skills Test Well Above Standard
Assessment Task: Financial Mathematics Above Standard
Assessment Task: Fractions and Ratios At Standard
Assessment Task: Geometry At Standard
Orzal HASHIMI, HAS0055, 07E, YAAN
Teacher: Mr BIFFIN
Alkira Secondary College - 2024 - Semester One

Class Attendance

Classes 29 Classes Not 0 Classes Not 0 Accounted 100 Class 100

Attended Present Present for Attendance
(Unexplaine Attendance (%)
d) (%)

The curriculum supports students to refine a range of specialised knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their health, safety, wellbeing,
and movement competence and confidence.? They develop specialised movement skills and understanding in a range of physical activity settings.
They analyse how body control and coordination influence movement composition and performance and learn to transfer movement skills and
concepts to a variety of physical activities. Students explore the role that games and sports, outdoor recreation, lifelong physical activities, and
rhythmic and expressive movement activities play in shaping cultures and identities. They reflect on and refine personal and social skills as they
participate in a range of physical activities.

Semester Result Overall Result S

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently



Victorian Curriculum

Rating Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

Health and Physical Education

Physical Education B

Ratings Legend
A Well above the expected level Previous result
B Above the expected level Your child's achievement this semester
C At the expected level Your child's progress
D Below the expected level
E Well below the expected level

Scale Definition
The Victorian Curriculum standard 5 point scale. Ranging from E - A inclusive. Where E is two
standard points below the age expected level and A is two standard points above the age
expected level.

Learning Tasks
Assessment Task: Impact of Rules Above Standard
Assessment Task: Rhythmic and Expressive Movement Above Standard
Orzal HASHIMI, HAS0055, 07E, YAAN
Teacher: Mr TAYLOR
Alkira Secondary College - 2024 - Semester One

Class Attendance

Classes 58 Classes Not 1 Classes Not 0 Accounted 100 Class 98

Attended Present Present for Attendance
(Unexplaine Attendance (%)
d) (%)

The Year 7 Science course aims to continue the development of students’ understanding of themselves, their world, and their universe. Students will
explore rational thought and the scientific method as well as the research and experimental skills required to succeed in science. Students will be
introduced to the laboratory, and then Mixtures (Chemistry).

Semester Result Overall Result S

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently



Victorian Curriculum

Rating Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9


Critical and Creative Thinking C



Science C

Ratings Legend
A Well above the expected level Previous result
B Above the expected level Your child's achievement this semester
C At the expected level Your child's progress
D Below the expected level
E Well below the expected level

Scale Definition
The Victorian Curriculum standard 5 point scale. Ranging from E - A inclusive. Where E is two
standard points below the age expected level and A is two standard points above the age
expected level.

Learning Tasks
Assessment Task: How Hot is Hot? At Standard
Assessment Task: Separating Mixtures At Standard
Assessment Task: Chemistry Test At Standard
Orzal HASHIMI, HAS0055, 07E, YAAN
Alkira Secondary College - 2024 - Semester One

Class Attendance

Classes 29 Classes Not 0 Classes Not 0 Accounted 100 Class 100

Attended Present Present for Attendance
(Unexplaine Attendance (%)
d) (%)

The year 7 STEM class this year has adopted a unique approach, with term 1 focusing on essential IT skills to prepare students for secondary
school. Topics covered included device security, effective file management, and Microsoft Office essentials like Word and PowerPoint. Term 2 will
continue to build on these skills while emphasising responsible digital citizenship both in and out of school.

Semester Result Overall Result S

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently



Victorian Curriculum

Rating Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9


Digital Technologies C

Ratings Legend
A Well above the expected level Previous result
B Above the expected level Your child's achievement this semester
C At the expected level Your child's progress
D Below the expected level
E Well below the expected level

Scale Definition
The Victorian Curriculum standard 5 point scale. Ranging from E - A inclusive. Where E is two
standard points below the age expected level and A is two standard points above the age
expected level.

Learning Tasks
Assessment Task: Components of a Computer At Standard

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