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The students are required to do Feasibility Study of a new Resort.

✓ You have to identify the location
✓ The total cost is RM7 million
✓ You need to decide the number of rooms, employees, facilities, marketing etc.
✓ The ROI should be within 7 years.

• The project requires the group to come out with costing, pricing, cash budget, and financial analysis of a new project.
• One group maximum of 5 students, minimum 4 students.
• Students can refer to Chapters 2,3,4,5 and 7 for the group project.
• At least 20 academic articles must be cited in the group project.

Submission : (Full Report; APA style of writing)

Medium : Online Submission
Grammarly report: >80% (www.grammarly.com)
OriginalityReport: <20% (ouriginal)
Format of Report: Font type: Times New Roman / Size: 12pt
Line spacing: 1.5
Maximum page: Not more than 50.
Include in the report: Cover page
Executive Summary (1 page)
Table of Contents
Main report
References (Bibliography – follow APA format)
Appendix: Copy of the financial reports or publication; [Grammarly Report – 1 page (indicate the score); Originality Report
– 1 page (Indicate the score)


Excellent (4) Competent (3) Needs Improvement (2) Incomplete (1)

Introduction/Background of An intriguing introduction based A fairly well-formulated The introduction is not well Lacks a proper introduction.
Study on facts leads clearly into the introduction with some evidence constructed, uninteresting, or Weak or inappropriate
research proposal. The to support the topic leads into the does not lead into the research information related to problem /
information presented displays research proposal. The proposal. Inappropriate question is presented ; lack of
expanded scope and relevance information presented is related information related to appropriate citations
and is organized to enhance the to problem/question and problem/question is presented
response to the problem/question displays extended scope and with insufficient citations
presented. Shows evidence of a relevance
critique of prior work on the

Formulate the Stated the research problem Fairly well well-posed statement Statement of the problem is not Lacks a proper statement of the
issue/challenges in the clearly, and provided motivation of the problem that provides clearly stated and/or lacks problem. The evidence presented
hospitality or tourism for undertaking the research evidence but the evidence is not quality evidence to support the does not support the thesis or
industry as strong as it could be problem problem statement

Purpose of of the report Very clearly stated the purpose Fairly well-stated purpose of the The purpose of the report is not Lacks a purpose of the report
of the report and demonstrated report was but did not clearly stated and/or the value is statement
its potential value demonstrate its potential value not stated

Significance of the selected The proposed report is very The proposed report The proposed report is The report’s significance is
financial tools important and nicely builds is important, and there relatively important, and there is missing. The proposed study
on existing financial is a good attempt to an attempt to build on existing does not tackle an important
publications. The report is highly build on existing financial publications. However, issue, and there is no attempt to
significant and innovative. financial publications. There are there are only a small number of build on previous financial
some innovative elements in the innovative publications.
proposed study elements in the proposed There are no innovative
study elements in the proposed

Literature Review Demonstrated adequate basic Demonstrated basic knowledge Unclearly mentioned some There is very minimal mention
knowledge of literature in the of literature or previous financial previous work in the area. of any previous financial issues,
area and prior work on specific issues. The literature review is The literature review is not as literature, or theories. The
financial issues. The literature relatively comprehensive and comprehensive, with some literature review lacks
review is very comprehensive describes most relevant relevant materials deemed comprehensive coverage of
and describes relevant missing. The purpose of the relevant material. The purpose of
report is described but not as the report is not clearly described
material. The purpose of the material, although significant clearly, as it might be. There is and there is no connection
report is clearly described, and gaps still exist. The purpose of only some attempt to between the material
there is an excellent the report is described connect the material reviewed and the purpose
connection between the and there is a good attempt reviewed with the purpose of the report
material reviewed and to connect the material of the report
the purpose of the report reviewed with the
purpose of the report
Explain the methods to A methods section is A methods section is A methods section is A very sloppy method section is
perform the financial analysis present, it is written present, and only a few present, but numerous included in the proposal,
clearly, and the section is elements of the methods elements of the methods many key elements of
missing none of the keys are absent or described are absent or described the methods are absent
elements of the methods insufficiently insufficiently

Demonstrate sound financial The proposed analysis is The proposed analysis is The proposed analysis is vague The proposed analysis is
analysis techniques. appropriate, theoretically sound, appropriate and theoretically inaccurate
and complete, given the proposed sound but incomplete, given the
financial issues proposed financial issue

References The reference list is relevant, The reference list is limited and The reference list includes non- The reference list is incomplete,
complete, and broad enough to is in the correct APA format relevant articles and is not in the and the format is incorrect
support the proposed study and is APA format
in the correct APA format
Organization and Writing The organization of the The proposal is relatively Fairly written proposal that lacks Poorly written paper that lacks
Mechanics & Punctuation proposal is excellent organized. Most sections are clarity; and has poor transition organization. There are multiple
All sections of the proposal is present and are presented in the sentences. There are several grammatical errors. Fails to
present. Adheres to all the right order. Adheres to most of grammatical errors. Almost adhere to the proposal writing
proposal writing format the proposal writing format adheres to most of the proposal format requirements as presented
requirements as presented in the requirements as presented in the writing format requirements as in the guidelines
guidelines. The flow of the guidelines. The writing flows presented in the guidelines
writing is excellent across relatively well across
sections and within sections with sections and within
very minor grammatical errors sections with few grammatical

TOTAL / 36

Total Mark = 36/36 x 15%) /15%


STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5
Presentation Does not adequately Marginally Adequately Competently defends project Masterfully defends project
defend the project. defend defends
project project

Not a reflection technique Does not fully offer a Offer little insight Provides constructive Provides clear and
reflection reflection insightful reflection

Very frequently Quite frequently Frequently shows a need for May occasionally manifest a Did not manifest a need for
shows a need for deeper shows a need for deeper deeper reflection on minor need for further reflection on further reflection on minor
reflection on vital points reflection on vital points points minor points points. Uses presentation
resources as a guide

Assignment type Frequently reads the Relies quite a bit on the Only slightly refers to Only uses strategic
presentation material. material from material from the slide. Give a resources as a guide.
the slide. Has difficulty meaningful strategic Speaks freely to the
connecting points and relationship with personal audience with detailed
reflection. experience explanations

Is clearly not comfortable Is somewhat not Quite comfortable with the Comfortable with the topic Very comfortable with the
with the topic comfortable with the topic topic topic

No engagement at all with Barely have engagement Minimal engagement with Have adequate engagement Keeps appropriate
the audience with the audience the audience with the audience engagement at all times
with the audience

The Total Mark = (30/30 x 3%) TOTAL SCORE /3

Slide Presentation Rubrics
MARKS 5 4 3 2 1
Content The content is accurate, and The content is accurate, but The content is accurate, but The content is The content is inaccurate.
all required information is some required information is some required information questionable. Information Information is not
presented in a logical order. missing and/or not presented is missing and/or not is not presented in a presented in a logical
in a logical order but it is still presented in a logical order, logical order, making it order, making it difficult
generally easy to follow. making it difficult to difficult to follow. to follow.
Slide The presentation flows well The presentation flows well. The presentation flows well. The presentation is The presentation has no
Creation and logically. The presentation Tools are used correctly. Some tools are used to unorganized. Tools are flow. No tools were used.
reflects the extensive use of The overall presentation is show acceptable not used in a relevant
tools in a creative way. interesting. understanding. manner.

Slide Transitions are smooth. Smooth transitions are used on Smooth transitions are used Very few transitions are No transitions are used.
Transitions Transitions enhance the most slides. on some slides used and/or they distract
presentation. from the presentation.
Pictures, Clip Images are appropriate. Images are appropriate. The Most images are Images are inappropriate. No images
Art The layout is pleasing to the layout is cluttered. appropriate
Background eye.
Mechanics No spelling errors and no Few spelling errors. Few Some spelling errors. Some Some spelling errors. Many spelling and or
grammar errors. The text is in grammar errors. The text is in grammar errors. Some grammar errors. grammar errors. The text
the author’s own words. the author’s own words. The text is in the author’s Most of the text is in the is copied.
own words. authors’ own words.
Total: 25/25 x 2% 2

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