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Programmable Logic Controller Lab

Submitted by
Nguyễn Vũ Xuân Bách-EEACIU21078
Tô Quân Chính-EEACIU21093
Phạm Hoàng Duy-EEACIU21103
Tất Phi Hùng-EEACIU21111

Date Submitted: 04/06/2024

Date Performed: 10/04/2024
Lab Section: Lab 01
Course Instructor: Ton That Long
Number Content Score Comment

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- Font size Yes No

- Lab title Yes No

- Page number Yes No

- Table of contents Yes No

- Header/Footer Yes No

- List of figures (if exists) Yes No

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2 English Grammar and Spelling (max 6%)

- Grammar Yes No

- Spelling Yes No

3 Data and Result Analysis (max 85%)

Total Score


International University School of Electrical Engineering

Table of Contents

List of Figures .................................................................................................................................... II

List of Tables .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

1 Theoretical Background ............................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Ladder logic symbols ........................................................................................................................ 1

2 Experimental Procedure............................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Experiment 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Experiment 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.3 Experiment 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.4 Experiment 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.5 Experiment 5 ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.6 Example 6 .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.7 Example 7 .............................................................................................................................................. 5

3 Experimental Results .................................................................................................................. 7

3.1 Experiment 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Experiment 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.3 Experiment 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 8
3.4 Experiment 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 9
3.5 Experiment 5 ..................................................................................................................................... 10
3.6 Experiment 6 ..................................................................................................................................... 11
3.7 Experiment 7 ..................................................................................................................................... 11

4 Discussion of Results ................................................................................................................. 15

Programmable Logic Controller Lab I EEAC007IU

International University School of Electrical Engineering

List of Figures
Figure 1. LAMP Display .............................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 2: A lighting system ....................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 3: Phase Motor ................................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 4: Problem 7 ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 5: Experiment 1 Tag ...................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 6: Solution for Experiment 1 ...................................................................................................... 7
Figure 7: Experiment 2 Tag ...................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 8: Solution for Experiment 2 ...................................................................................................... 8
Figure 9: Experiment 3 Tag ...................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 10: Solution for Experiment 3 ................................................................................................... 9
Figure 11: Experiment 4 Tag.................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 12: Solution for Experiment 4 ................................................................................................ 10
Figure 13: Experiment 5 Tag................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 14: Solution for Experiment 5 ................................................................................................ 10
Figure 15: Experiment 6 Tag................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 16: Solution for Experiment 6 ................................................................................................ 11
Figure 17: Experiment 7 Tag................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 18: When Start control Oil Pump. ......................................................................................... 12
Figure 19: When press Start of Main Motor and Oil Pump Active. ......................................... 13
Figure 20: When press Start of Main Motor and Oil Pump is inactive. ................................. 13

Programmable Logic Controller Lab II EEAC007IU

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1 Theoretical Background

1.1 Ladder logic symbols

1.1.1 Normally open contact (---| |---):

The activation of the normally open contact depends on the signal state of the
associated operand. When the operand has signal state "1", the normally open contact closes
and the signal state at the output is set to the signal state of the input. When the operand has
signal state "0", the normally open contact is not activated and the signal state at the output
of the instruction is reset to "0". Two or more normally open contacts are linked bit-by-bit
by AND when connected in series. With a series connection, power flows when all contacts
are closed. The normally open contacts are linked by OR when connected in parallel. With a
parallel connection, power flows when one of the contacts is closed.

1.1.2 Normally closed contact (---| / |---)

The activation of the normally closed contact depends on the signal state of the
associated operand. When the operand has signal state "1", the normally closed contact
opens and the signal state at the output of the instruction is reset to "0". When the operand
has signal state "0", the normally closed contact is not enabled and the signal state of the
input is transferred to the output. Two or more normally closed contacts are linked bit-by-
bit by AND when connected in series. With a series connection, power flows when all
contacts are closed. The normally closed contacts are linked by OR when connected in
parallel. With a parallel connection, power flows when one of the contacts is closed.

1.1.3 --|NOT| (--: Invert RLO)

Use the "Invert RLO" instruction to invert the signal state of the result of logic operation
(RLO). If the signal state is "1" at the input of the instruction, the output of the instruction
has signal state "0". If the signal state is "0" at the input of the instruction, the output has the
signal state "1".

1.1.4 Output (---( )---: Assignment)

Use the "Assignment" instruction to set the bit of a specified operand. If the result of
logic operation (RLO) at the input of the coil has signal state "1", the specified operand is set

Programmable Logic Controller Lab 1 EEAC007IU

International University School of Electrical Engineering

to signal state "1". If the signal state is "0" at the input of the coil, the bit of the specified
operand is reset to "0". The instruction does not influence the RLO. The RLO at the input of
the coil is sent directly to the output

Programmable Logic Controller Lab 2 EEAC007IU

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2 Experimental Procedure

2.1 Experiment 1

With using appropriate PLC tags, build a ladder logic diagram which satisfies the
following requirements.

‒ When pressing START, LED 1 is turned on and the motor runs.

‒ When pressing STOP, LED 2 is turned on and the motor stops.
2.2 Experiment 2

With using appropriate PLC tags, build a ladder logic diagram which satisfies the
following conditions.

‒ If pressing button 1, device 1 works and button 2, button 3 cannot work.

‒ If pressing button 2, device 2 works and button1, button 3 cannot work.
‒ If pressing button 3, device 3 works and button 1, button 2 cannot work.
2.3 Experiment 3

Build a ladder logic diagram which satisfies the following conditions.

‒ When press START program ready to run

‒ When turn on BUTTON -> Led Red On
‒ When turn off BUTTON -> Led Green on
‒ When press STOP program stops
2.4 Experiment 4

Use PLC Ladder logic program to describe the operation of the Lamp, shown in the
following Figure 1

Programmable Logic Controller Lab 3 EEAC007IU

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Figure 1. LAMP Display

Known that, the display has the following operation:

1. Press the button PB1, LP1 lights. Do not press PB1, LP1 off.

2. Press the button PB1, LP2 off. Do not press PB2, LP2 lights.

3. Press the button PB3, LP3 lights. Press PB4, LP3 off.
Verify the results.

2.5 Experiment 5

A lightning system is considered in Figure 2 where there are two switches (X1 and X2)
and 1 light (Y0).

Figure 2: A lighting system

Programmable Logic Controller Lab 4 EEAC007IU

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2.6 Example 6

The following figure shows the operation of a 1 phase Motor according to the 3 Push
buttons: START, STOP, and TEST.

Figure 3: Phase Motor

Controlling the running state of the 1 phase motor is by pressing START and STOP
pushbuttons. Motor should remain in ON state after START pushbutton is pressed and
should be OFF when STOP pushbutton is pressed. Checking if the Motor is running normally
by pressing TEST push button. Use Ladder Logic diagram to describe the above operation.
Verify your solution.

2.7 Example 7

Providing lubricant for the gear box before the lathe spindle starts to run which aims
to ensure that the oil pump motor starts first and the main motor starts subsequently.

Programmable Logic Controller Lab 5 EEAC007IU

International University School of Electrical Engineering

Figure 4: Problem 7
Write a PLC Ladder Programming to describe the following operations of Main Motor
and Oil Pump Motor as follows:

1. Y0 = ON when Oil Pump START button is pressed. Therefore, the oil pump will start to
provide lube for the gear box of main motor (Y1).
2. Under the precondition of the operating state of the Oil pump, the main motor (Y1) will
be ON when the Main motor START button is pressed.
3. During the operation of main motor (Y1), oil pump (Y0) needs to provide lube
4. The oil pump will be stopped when Oil pump STOP button X2 is activated, and the main
motor will be stopped when Main motor STOP button X3 is activated.

Programmable Logic Controller Lab 6 EEAC007IU

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3 Experimental Results

3.1 Experiment 1

Figure 5: Experiment 1 Tag

Figure 6: Solution for Experiment 1

3.1.1 Discussion of Experiment 1

First at all, we design Master start. When the Start button press then LED 1 and Motor
will on. In addition, if pressing Stop Button, Led1 and Motor will be off, and LED 2 will be
turned on.

3.2 Experiment 2

Figure 7: Experiment 2 Tag

Programmable Logic Controller Lab 7 EEAC007IU

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Figure 8: Solution for Experiment 2

3.2.1 Discussion of experiment 2

In this experiment, we must activate one button which links with the device. When one
button one button two others button cannot work and the other device cannot activate.
Therefore, we make two devices other as the input then two devices cannot affect by the
other button. For example, in the figure above we press button 2, device 2 turn on. Another
button cannot work.

3.3 Experiment 3

Figure 9: Experiment 3 Tag

Programmable Logic Controller Lab 8 EEAC007IU

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Figure 10: Solution for Experiment 3

3.4 Experiment 4

Figure 11: Experiment 4 Tag

Programmable Logic Controller Lab 9 EEAC007IU

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Figure 12: Solution for Experiment 4

3.5 Experiment 5

Figure 13: Experiment 5 Tag

Figure 14: Solution for Experiment 5

Programmable Logic Controller Lab 10 EEAC007IU

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3.5.1 Discussion of the result 5

The ladder light which is made by 2 contacts. We make the system which leads to on
and off respectively. Therefore, we use 2 OR and 1 AND gate to make the system smooth. In
addition, we use surely that when press contact the light will switch state.

3.6 Experiment 6

Figure 15: Experiment 6 Tag

Figure 16: Solution for Experiment 6

3.6.1 Discussion of result of experiment 6

The system to turn on and turn off the motor. In addition, the testing button which is
not effect the start and stop button to test the motor which active or not.

3.7 Experiment 7

Figure 17: Experiment 7 Tag

Programmable Logic Controller Lab 11 EEAC007IU

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Figure 18: When Start control Oil Pump.

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Figure 19: When press Start of Main Motor and Oil Pump Active.

Figure 20: When press Start of Main Motor and Oil Pump is inactive.

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3.7.1 Discussion of result in problem 7

The design of ladder logic which aim to control Main Motor and Oil Pump. The
condition which we will follow that, the Oil Pump supply oil for Main Motor. Therefore, we
will start to control the Oil Pump first in Figure 18. After that, when pressing Start Main
Button and Oil Pump activate the Main Motor will activate in Figure 19. Beside, another state
when the oil Pump is inactivate, Press Start Main Motor and the Main Motor cannot active.

Programmable Logic Controller Lab 14 EEAC007IU

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4 Discussion of Results

After this lab, we know that the function of PLC S7-1200. The Property and Led indicate in
CPU and how to add Analog input or Digital Input. In addition, we know how to use TIA Portal
and PLC Simulation and apply the theory in to build ladder logic

Programmable Logic Controller Lab 15 EEAC007IU

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