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The Five Philosophy that greatly impacted my classroom practices.

1. Progressivism - This philosophy of education comes from the experience of the

child that develops the learners into becoming enlightened and intelligent
citizens. The curriculum of this philosophy is to responds the students’ needs and
relates to their personal lives and experience.
 Example: On the first day of school, Teacher allows her students to
generate a list of classroom rules and learning principles.

2. Constructivism - This philosophy of education is to construct learners to their

own understanding and knowledge of the world. The learners equipped with
learning skills to develop intrinsically motivated and independent. The Learners in
this philosophy are taught on how to learn.

 Example: Oral Presentations: Each student selects a topic covered in

the course and then is given two weeks to construct a 15-minute
presentation delivered to the rest of the class.

3. Idealism- This philosophy of education is a belief that knowledge comes from

within. The teacher in this philosophy is to implies the need of the learners to
develop their true potential and guide their minds so that they are living up to
their purpose.

 Example: The sense that nothing is impossible if you can imagine it.

4. Behaviorism- This philosophy of education is the acquisition of new behavior

based on environment conditions. The teacher in this philosophy is to teach
learners to respond favorable to variety stimuli in the environment. They also
provide reinforcement and punishment.

 Example: In Operant Conditioning

Positive Reinforcement: Homework Completion- A student tends to
complete his/her homework daily, because he/she knows that he/she will be
rewarded with a candy (action) or praise (behavior).
Negative Reinforcement: Following Rules- Students or children will
follow rules strictly to avoid being nagged by the teachers or parents. So, to avoid
nagging, the child might end up following the rules strictly.
5. Pragmatism - is a philosophy of practicality that has been applied to education.
According to this philosophy, education should be focused on real-life
applications and student growth.

 Example: Wearing Sneakers: Even though your high heels look great,
you choose sneakers for a day of walking because they’re more

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