Dame Simanjuntak_2110442034_Persuassive Essay

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Nama : Dame Simanjuntak

NIM : 2110442034


“Indonesia Sould Apply an Islamic Rules”

Indonesia, a country known for its national motto "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika," which
means "Unity in Diversity," thrives on the harmonious coexistence of its diverse
cultures, religions, and ethnic groups. This principle underscores the importance of
recognizing and respecting the multitude of beliefs and practices that make up the
nation's rich tapestry.

One reason to advocate for the implementation of Islamic rules is their emphasis on
social justice and equality. Islamic jurisprudence offers a comprehensive framework
that promotes the equitable distribution of wealth, resources, and opportunities among
all members of society. This approach can help reduce socio-economic disparities and
ensure that every individual, regardless of background, enjoys equal rights and

While some may argue that Islamic rules could bring moral and ethical
improvements, it is crucial to consider the broader implications on social harmony. If
the government were to enforce Islamic rules, it could lead to increased tensions and
divisions within society, especially in regions with significant non-Muslim
populations. The notion that Indonesia should apply Islamic rules raises concerns
about the potential marginalization of religious minorities, such as Christians, Hindus,
Buddhists, and indigenous belief systems. When one religious doctrine is prioritized
by the state, it inevitably leads to unequal treatment under the law, which contradicts
the constitutional promise of equality and justice for all citizens. For instance, in Bali,
which is predominantly Hindu, or in Papua, where indigenous beliefs are prevalent,
the imposition of Islamic rules might provoke resistance and unrest, disrupting the
peace and stability that the nation strives to maintain.

Indonesia's diverse society, which has thrived for decades under a secular
government, provides a model of how different communities can live together
peacefully. The legal system, which includes civil and criminal codes, is designed to
be inclusive, reflecting the pluralistic nature ofIndonesian society. Any move to
replace these with religious laws that favor one group over others would not only be
regressive but also discriminatory, ignoring the rich cultural heritage that defines the

Furthermore, the implementation of Islamic rules could have significant economic

repercussions. Businesses, both local and international, might find it challenging to
navigate a legal system based on religious doctrine, which could deter investment and
hinder economic growth. Additionally, tourism, a vital sector of Indonesia's economy,
might suffer as the country could be perceived as less welcoming to international
visitors. Therefore, while the intention behind applying Islamic rules may be to
enhance societal values, the potential negative consequences on the economy and
international relations cannot be overlooked. Moreover, the youth of Indonesia, who
are increasingly exposed to global perspectives through education and technology,
may feel alienated in a society governed by strict religious laws. Consequently, they
might seek opportunities abroad, leading to a potential brain drain that could stifle the
nation's progress. Hence, while the idea of applying Islamic rules might appeal to
some, it is imperative to consider how such a move would affect future generations
and the country’s development as a whole.

In conclusion, while the application of Islamic rules in Indonesia may be advocated

by some, it is evident that such a move would contradict the nation's core value of
"Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" and its constitutional commitment to religious freedom. By
upholding a secular legal system, Indonesia can continue to promote inclusivity,
social harmony, and economic prosperity, ensuring that all citizens, regardless of their
religious beliefs, are treated with fairness and respect.

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