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Integrated capture and conversion of CO2 to methanol

rocesses that capture carbon dioxide from in- moting a route that methylates the amine site.
dustrial fluegas and simultaneously convert it With an integrated capture and conversion process,
into useful chemicals are desirable because the exothermic CO2-to-methanol conversion process
they offer an opportunity to produce CO2- partially offsets the energy that would normally be re-
derived chemicals more efficiently and economically quired in conventional carbon capture and utilization for
than conventional approaches, where costs are driven the regeneration of the capture solvent, the PNNL team
up by the energy-intensive regeneration of the capture explains. Further, “because the captured CO2 is con-
solvent. By integrating CO2 capture with conversion to verted directly in the capture-solvent medium, there is
methanol (flowsheet), scientists at Pacific Northwest also energy saved on the CO2 compression and trans-
National Laboratory (PNNL; Richland, Wash.; www. portation that would otherwise be required with gas- have developed a process that could eventu- phase conversion, thus reducing additional energy inputs
ally reach cost parity with producing methanol derived and associated equipment costs,” PNNL says.
from fossil fuels, the PNNL team says. The PNNL research, reported in the journal Advanced
For the CO2 capture component, the team used Energy Materials, includes a technoeconomic analysis
2-EEMPA (N-(2-ethoxyethyl)-3-morpholinopropan- (TEA) of capturing CO2 from a natural-gas combined-
1-amine), an advanced, water-lean, amine-based cap- cycle power plant and converting it to methanol in the
ture solvent. To produce methanol, the CO2-containing condensed phase. The TEA suggests that the mini-
solvent is exposed to a catalyst that consists of platinum mum selling price for methanol can be significantly re-
metal atoms on a titanium-oxide support. The hetero- duced, and may reach price parity with conventional
geneous catalyst allows a reaction pathway that avoids methanol synthesis, if faster kinetics and higher selec-
methylation (and thus deactivation) of the capture sol- tivity can be achieved through catalyst and reactor de-
vent. Other catalysts used for methanol synthesis in the velopment. Current efforts are focused in those areas,
gas phase tend to deactivate the capture solvent by pro- the PNNL team says.


A new way to improve valve resiliency against flashing

lashing occurs when the pressure of a fluid pass- trim parts, and enable the valve to withstand severe
ing through a valve is lower than the same sub- conditions. The EroSolve variant designed for globe
stance’s vapor pressure. This causes the fluid valves employs a seat basket that creates backpres-
to boil — otherwise known as “flashing.” “By re- sure to reduce downstream velocity and pressure drop
ducing flow capacity and eroding the valve itself, flash- to avoid damage to the valve body — without requiring
ing causes unplanned maintenance, reduced reliability any piping modifications.
and critical safety risks,” says Mike Semens-Flanagan, According to the company, this is the first dedicated
Global Engineering Director at IMI Critical Engineering and successfully demonstrated valve technology on the
(Birmingham, U.K.; The company market aimed at mitigating problems related to flashing.
has therefore developed a new valve enhancement tech- EroSolve Flashing has been demonstrated in a com-
nology called EroSolve Flashing, which aims to protect bined-cycle power plant that had experienced erosion
angle and globe valves against leakage and other is- in its heat-recovery steam generators (HSRGs). Follow-
sues caused by steam flashing. The EroSolve solution ing the installation of valves equipped with EroSolve
prevents low-travel operation and moves the fluid-path’s technology, there was no component damage reported
vena contracta downstream of the seating area of the after a year. In another demonstration, EroSolve valves
valve, effectively protecting it against any damage. It also were installed at a chemical plant in South Korea to re-
gradually reduces pressure through the introduction of place boiler blowdown valves whose trim had not been
special multi-path, right-angle-turned flow passages that specified for flashing conditions. The new valves are
prevent sudden acceleration of fluid velocity. expected to last 2 to 4 times longer than the previous
In angle valves, hardened trim material and an en- valves, resulting in a significantly lower cost of owner-
hanced seat-plug design move flashing away from vital ship, says the company.


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