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The golden snail

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wr wb

hello everybody It's very nice to meet you here

I hope your all fine today, aren’t you?
And praise to GOD I'm fine to thank you
At the moment, I want to entertain you with a very very nice story
it's an Indonesian folktail from central Java
The title is the “golden snail”
Everybody please listen and enjoy it .
And the story run Like this
Long time ago there were a couple of husband and wife, prince Raden Putra and Dewi
limaran. They live In the palace . prince Raden putras father was the king of the kingdom .
one day Dewi limaran was walking around in the palace garden, suddenly she saw a snail.
It was ugly and disgusting,
“what is that? “
“Ihhhhh yuck,,,, it's so disgusting” said Dewi Limaran and then she trew it the way into the
river, she did not know that the snail was actually an old and powerful witch.
She could transform herself into anything, the which is angry to Dewi limaran
“how dare you ? you are so insolent, i will curse you into a golden snail “
“oh no , oh no “
She put a spell on her and changed her into the golden snail. the witch then threw it away into
the river .
ladies and gentlement
what happens to the golden snail ? The golden snail was drifting away in the river and caught
into a net.
An old woman was fishing and use her net to catch some fish, she was surprised to see a
golden in her net , she took it and brought it home
well ladies and gentlemen when the old woman woke up in the in the morning she was
surprise that her house was in the good condition, the floor always swept and she also had
food on the table. She was thinking very hard .
“Who did this to me? the person is very kind” it happen again and again every morning.
Every morning the old woman is very curious, one night she decided to stay up late she was
peeping from her room
To know who cooked for her, then could not believe what she saw.
The golden snail in the river turn into a beautiful woman , the old woman approach her
“Wow the golden snail was actually very beautiful woman”
“Who is she”
“Who are you young girl”
Kelenteng piring dibanting
“I'm sorry mam , I am Dewi Limaran actually I am Raden Putra’s wife, A witch cursed me”
“I can change back as a human only at night , the spell can be broken if I hear the melody
from the holy gamelan” continuous Dewi Limaran
The old women then Rushed to the palace, she talk to prince Raden Putra about his wife.
“Raden Putra please forgive me , I want to tell you importanly about your wife”.
prince Raden Putra was so happy looking for his wife everywhere .
He then prayed and meditate , he Askes to GOD to give him the holy gamelan
” God please help me to get holy gamelan Amin”
After several days praying and meditating, finally the god granted his wish.
He played it beautiful, and then amazingly the golden snail turned into beautiful Dewi
The couple was so happy that they could be together again, they also thanked to the old
As a return ,they asked her to stay in the palace,
well ladies and gentlemen
that's my story from the story we can learn that we should not under estimated anything.
I hope it can entertain you and be very useful for us . thank you very much for your attention,
see you latter

Wassalamualaikum wr wb

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