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Roll No.

: Time -
Date : MM - 124

1. Which incident sparked the French Revolution? 1

2. Why was Bastille prison attacked? 1

3. Why was the Bastille hated by all? 1

4. What did the French Revolution of 1789 stand for? 1

5. What was the immediate cause of rioting in Paris? 1

6. Which ruler came to power in France in 1774? 1

7. What activity of the French monarchy hastened the revolution? 1

8. How did the American War of Independence add more debt to France? 1

9. Why did the French government increase the taxes? 1

10. What was the Old Regime? 1

11. Which estate paid taxes out of all? 1

12. How was the society divided before the French Revolution? 1

13. Who owned the majority of land in 18th century France? 1

14. What was the most important privilege enjoyed by the first two estates? 1

15. Which estate enjoyed the feudal privileges? What were the feudal privileges? 1

16. What were the conditions of eighteenth century french peasants? 1

17. What was Tithe? 1

18. Which types of taxes were levied by the states? 1

19. Why had the peasants and workers had participated in revolts? 1

20. Which social group emerged in France in the 18th century? 1

21. Name the Philosophers who put forward the ideas of freedom, equal laws and opportunities for 1
all in French society.

22. What did John Locke write in his book Two Treaties of Government? 1

23. Which form of government was proposed by Rousseau? 1

24. Who wrote The Spirit of the Laws? 1
25. Mention the ideas proposed by Montesquieu in the book The Spirit of the Laws. 1

26. Where and when did the ideas of division of power within government came into effect? 1

27. What did become an example for political thinkers in France? 1

28. Where were the ideas of the philosophers discussed intensively in France? 1

29. Which news enraged the system of privileges in eighteenth century France? 1

30. What was the Estates General? 1

31. Why was the meeting of Estate General called in France during Old Regime? 1

32. What was the representation of the three estates at the Estate General Assembly of 1789? 1

33. When and where did Louis XVI called the assembly of General Estate? 1

34. Which principle was followed by Estate General for taking vote? 1

35. Which proposal of the third estate was refused by King Louis XVI? 1

36. In which book did Rousseau mention the idea of one person, one vote? 1

37. What step was taken by the third estate when their demand was refused? 1

38. Who was Mirabeau? 1

39. What do you know about Abbe Sieyes? 1

40. Define Chateaux. 1

41. What was the decree of the National Assembly of 1789? 1

42. When did the National Assembly completed the drafting of the constitution? 1

43. What was the objective of the National Assembly’s draft completed in 1791? 1

44. What made France a constitutional monarch? 1

45. Which section of the French society got political right by the constitution of 1791? 1

46. Which document was in the beginning of the French constitution? 1

47. Which rights were the natural and inalienable rights according to the French Constitution? 1

48. What was the significance of natural and unalienable rights? 1

49. What was the decision taken by National Assembly in April 1792? 1

50. What was Marseillaise? Who composed it? 1

51. What were the roles played by people of French when fight took place with Prussia and Austria? 1

52. Why were the political clubs formed in France? 1

53. Which was the most successful of the political clubs formed in France? How did it get its name? 1

54. Who were the members of the Jacobin Club? Name the leader. 1
55. Who were Sans-culottes? 1

56. What was the name give to newly-elected assembly of the Jacobins? 1

57. Explain the term ‘republic’. 1

58. Define Treason. 1

59. Why was Louis XVI sentenced to death? 1

60. Which period in France was known as Reign of Terror? Why? 1

61. Against whom the Robespierre followed the policy of severe control and punishment? 1

62. What was guillotine? 1

63. Which class came into power after the fall of Jacobin government? 1

64. To whom the new constitution denied the vote? 1

65. What was Directory? 1

66. Why the executive body like Directory was introduced? 1

67. How did the Napoleon Bonaparte come to power? 1

68. What was the status of education among women during French revolution? 1

69. What did the women in France do to discuss and voice their interests? 1

70. Name an important political club formed by women in France. 1

71. According to French women, how their interests were presented in new government? 1

72. When did the new government issued laws to close down the women’s club? 1

73. When did French women got the political rights? 1

74. Who wrote the Declaration of the Rights of woman and citizen? 1

75. What was the most revolutionary reform of the Jacobin regime? 1

76. List four commodities supplied by the French colonies in the Caribbean. 1

77. Between which three continents was the slave trade carried out? 1

78. Name the ports of France from where the slave trade was carried out. 1

79. Why had the exploitation of slave labour done? 1

80. Why did the National Assembly did not pass any law regarding exploitation of slave labour? 1

81. What the freedom mean in view of plantation owners? 1

82. When did the slavery finally abolished in French colonies? 1

83. Which law came into effect soon after the incident of Bastille 1789? 1

84. Which document proclaimed the freedom of speech as natural right? 1

85. Who crowned himself as Emperor of France? 1

86. What actions proved Napoleon as moderniser of Europe? 1

87. How were Napoleon image taken up by the people? What image came later? 1

88. Where was Napoleon defeated? 1

89. How did the colonised people created the sovereign nation state? 1

90. Name the two Indian individuals who responded to the ideas coming from revolutionary France. 1

91. What did the fall of Bastille signify? 1

92. Why was the treasury empty when Louis XVI ascended the throne? 1

93. In how many estate, French societies were divided in the Eighteenth century? 1

94. Define subsistence crisis. 1

95. Which groups of third estate were allowed entry in the Estate General and which group denied 1

96. What is a manor? 1

97. Who were the electors? 1

98. Mention the dressing style of Jacobin members. 1

99. How was Robespierre executed? 1

100.Why were the women disappointed by the constitution of 1791? 1

101.What was the benefit of freedom of press? 1

102.How were Napoleon image taken up by the people? What image came later? 1

103.Which one of the following group was not benefitted by the French Revolution? 1

(a) Peasants
(b) Workers
(c) Nobels
(d) Agricultural labourers

104.What was the name of the direct tax paid by the third estate to the state? 1

(a) Tithe
(b) Taille
(c) Livre
(d) Revenue

105.Which of the following theories was proposed by Montesquieu? 1

(a) Social Contract Theory

(b) Theory of Division of Powers
(c) Theory of Popular Sovereignty
(d) Theory of Democracy

106.The Bastille was hated by all in France because 1

(a) it stood for the despotic power of the King.
(b) it was a fortress prison.
(c) its commander tortured the inmates.
(d) it housed some dreaded criminals.

107.The greatest achievement of the National Assembly convened in France in 1789 was 1

(a) issuing of Declaration of Rights.

(b) passing of laws checking the power of the monarch.
(c) establishment of a new judiciary.
(d) establishment of a new legislature.

108.Why was the subsistence crisis caused in France? 1

(a) The wages of the people were low.

(b) There was widespread unemployment.
(c) Increase in population led to rapid increase in the demand of food grains.
(d) The government imposed various taxes.

109.The term Old Regime (France) refers to 1

(a) The society and institution under an old Emperor.

(b) Society and institution of France before 1789.
(c) The society and institution of France after 1789.
(d) The society and institution of France under the Jacobins.

110.What did the red cap worn by Sans Culottees in France symbolise? 1

(a) Brotherhood
(b) Danger
(c) Anger
(d) Liberty

111.Who wrote the book ‘Two Treatises of Government’? 1

(a) John Locke

(b) Jean Jacques Rousseau
(c) Louis XIV
(d) Montesquieu

112.Austrian Princess Marie Antoniette was the Queen of which of the following French ruler? 1

(a) Louis XIII

(b) Louis XIV
(c) Louis XV
(d) Louis XVI

113.At which of the following battles was Napoleon finally defeated? 1

(a) Paris
(b) Waterloo
(c) Elba
(d) Versailles

114.Who among the following proposed the Social Contract Theory? 1

(a) Locke
(b) Rousseau
(c) Montesquieu
(d) Thomas Paine

115.Marseillaise is the National Anthem of _________________. 1

116.A ____________is a form of government where the people elect the government including 1
the head of the government.

117.______________was a device consisting of two poles and a blade with which a person was 1

118.The tax ‘Tithe’ was collected from the French peasants by the_______________. 1

119._______________ was the staple food of the people of France. 1

120.____________ was the most successful political club. 1

121.The first estate comprised of nobility. (True/False) 1
122.The burden of financial activities of state during the old regime was borne by the church alone. 1

123.In Paris, most people were protesting against the high price of bread. (True/False) 1

124.The Jacobins of France were known as Sans- Culottes because they wore striped pants. 1

125.Robespierre introduced the Reign of Terror introduced in France between 1793 – 94. 1

126.Which age group of children does the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan aim to promote education? 1

(a) 6-14 years

(b) 6-15 years
(c) 8-14 years
(d) 8-15 years

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