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A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding in the proper way of managing nutrients
B. Performance Standards The learner performs application and management of nutrients in the farm
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives 1. identify the macro and micro elements needed by the plants;
2. state the functions of each macro element;
3. enumerate the kinds of fertilizer materials;
4. apply fertilizer appropriately;
5. compute the recommended rate of fertilizer per given area;
6. appreciate the value of proper fertilization.
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Technology and Livelihood Education (Agricultural Crop Production)
Learner’s Material
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource Portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson Activity 1: Leth the ball Rollin’. In this activity the students will pass a ball while the music is
playing. Once the music stops, whoever gets the ball, will then answer a question flashed on
the tv screen.

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson Plant Analysis. In this activity, the teacher presents different plants with different nutrient
deficiencies, students will try to describe or identify what do these plants needs, or lacking
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson The students will watch a short documentary about nutrient deficiencies among rice crops.
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1 Discuss the macro and micro nutrients needed by the plant, their deficiencies and how and
when is the proper way to apply fertilizer.
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #2 Discuss the method on how to compute the proper amount of fertilizer.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment) Activity 2. Students will identify the nutrient deficiencies of the plants presented on the first of
their lesson.
Activity 3. Students will be given a problem to solve on how to compute for the right amount of
G. Finding Practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living Given this situation, students will then identify solutions to the problem of the farmers.
Framer A. His plants are infested with pest and insect. What will he do?
Farmer B. His plants growth is stunted. What will he do?
Farmer C. The leaves of his plants are pale yellow green, what is the nutrient needed by his
H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson Let’s wrap it up! Students will summarize the lesson in the easiest way they can.
I. Evaluating Learning Short Quiz: Students will answer 10-item quiz.
J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation Research from the internet how to formulate soil nutrient booster, using materials that can be
sourced out from the locality. Present your output to the class for deliberations. Once polished,
each group should come up with their own sample output.
Prepared by: Observed by:
Teacher III Head Teacher III

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