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The divine Educational Center

Class Test -3
SST(Democratic politics)
Class : 9th
Roll No:9th Time:

Date :07-12-2020 MM :50

Which party had been ruling Haryana since 1982? 1


2 Which promises of Devilal draw in election campaign attracted the people? 1

3 Why did the Chief Minister resign? 1

4 Why do we have representatives in most democracies? 1

5 What is election? 1

6 Elections are all about ‘political competition’. Give two reasons. 1

7 What is a constituency? 1

8 What are the members of State Assemblies called? 1

9 How are constituencies divided at the local level? 1

10 Why reserved constituencies were created by the makers of the Constitution? 1

11 How many seats are reserved for SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha? 1
12 How many seats are reserved for women in local bodies? 1

13 What is a voters’ list? 1

14 What is the principle of Universal Adult Franchise? 1

15 What is the Photo Identity Card System? 1

16 What is a party ticket? 1

17 How does a person file his/her nomination papers? 1

18 What is the main purpose of election? 1

19 What is a ballot paper? 1

20 Where is ‘polling booth’ located on election day? 1

21 What is an electronic voting machine? (EVM). 1

22 Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner in India? 1

23 What is code of conduct? 1

24 Who vote in larger proportion in India? 1

25 What is meant by booth capturing? 1

26 Who can be denied the right to vote? 1

27 What is the meaning of free and fair elections? 1

28 What is the Electoral Roll? 1

29 What is the Electoral Roll? 1

(a) The list of those who are eligible to vote
(b) The list of those who are contesting election
(c) The list of those who are not eligible to vote
(d) None of the above

30 What makes an election democratic? Select the correct option.

(i) Universal Adult Franchise
(ii) Fundamental Rights
(iii) Directive Principles of State Policy
(iv) Free and fair Election. 1
(a) (ii)
(b) (iii)
(c) both (ii) and (iii)
(d) (i) and (iv)

31 Is it good to have Political Competition? Which of the following statements justify this?
(i) It creates a sense of disunity and factionalism
(ii) Political Competition helps to force political parties and leaders to serve people
(iii) It gives fair chance to people for the responsible government
(iv) Political competition causes divisions and some ugliness 1
(a) (i)
(b) (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (i) and (iv)
32 __________________is the largest legislative assembly in India. 1

33 The full form of NOTA is _______________. 1

34 A ballot paper is a sheet of paper which contains the names of the _______________. 1

35 Election Commissioner in India is appointed for a period of _____________ years. 1

36 Code of Conduct is a set of norms and guidelines to be followed by political parties and contesting candidates during election
time. (True/False)

37 The final stage of an election is the day when the voters cast or “poll” their vote. (True/False) 1

38 Legal declaration or Affidavit includes details of the assets and liabilities too. (True/False) 1

What do you mean by election? Why is it needed in a Democracy? 3


40 Enumerate the demerits of an electoral competition? 3

41 What is meant by ‘seat’ in elections? Explain with example. 3

42 Explain the role of the Election Commission in the election. 3

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