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Sidoarjo, 25 Juni 2024

Perihal : Lamaran Pekerjaan

Lampiran : 13 (tiga belas) berkas
Kepada : Yth. HRD PT. Panji Mas Textile
Jl. Raya Driyorejo KM. 25
Lopang, Driyorejo, Gresik

Dengan hormat,
Sehubungan dengan diperlukannya staff accounting & pajak di PT. Panji Mas Textile,
nama : Britania Christy Senadi
tempat, tanggal lahir : Sidoarjo, 19 Maret 2000
alamat : Balongbendo, Sidoarjo
nomor telepon : 082231400164
alamat surel :
mengajukan lamaran untuk dapat bergabung dan mengisi lowongan tersebut.
Bersama ini saya lampirkan daftar riwayat hidup, KTP, ijazah, transkrip nilai, pas foto
3x4, pas foto full body postcard, bukti pengalaman kerja, dan bukti sertifikat TOEFL.
Demikian surat lamaran ini saya buat. Besar harapan saya untuk diterima di PT. Panji
Mas Textile. Atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat saya,

Britania Christy S.
Personal Details
Name : Britania Christy Senadi
Address : Sidoarjo
Phone : 082231400164
Email :

University State of Surabaya
Accounting Department
• GPA 3,77

Professional Experiences
Kementrian Ristekdikti
PIMNAS 34 (2021)
• Wrote scientific paper
• Created an innovative product
• Presented innovative product
Direktorat Jendral Pajak
Relawan Pajak (2021)
• Helped taxpayer in reporting annual tax return
Internship at PT Tri Ratna Diesel Indonesia
Accounting Staff (2022)
• Journalized transactions
PT Indo Marvel Perkasa
Tax Staff (2022-now)
• Made billing code
• Made monthly tax reports (corporate income tax, personal income tax, and value added
• Made calculation of company’s value added tax

Student Association of Accounting, Generaction
Public relation (2019)
• Looked for sponsorship
University State of Surabaya, Tax Center Community
Divison tax event and creative center (2020)
• Implemented the 2020 Taxaction seminar program
• Supervised Taxaction 2020 seminar
University State of Surabaya, UK3P
Public relation (2020)
• Filtered informations before it shared with members

Certificate of Competence
Badan Nasional Serifikasi Profesi – Teknisi Akuntansi Ahli

• Languages : Javanese, Indonesian, English
• IT : Ms. Office

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