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What shall we cover?

Economic Planning
MEANING of Economic Planning
TYPES of Economic Planning
OBJECTIVES of Economic Planning in India
HISTORY of Economic Planning in India
History of Economic Planning in India
History of Economic Planning in India
History of Economic Planning in India
History of Economic Planning in India
History of Economic Planning in India
History of Economic Planning in India
History of Economic Planning in India
History of Economic Planning in India
History of Economic Planning in India
History of Economic Planning in India
History of Economic Planning in India
History of Economic Planning in India
History of Economic Planning in India
Lets Practice

Q1. Which of the following 5 year plans came with

an idea of “Garibi Hatao”?
A. Ninth Plan
B. Sixth Plan
C. First Plan
D. Fifth Plan
E. Tenth Plan

D. Fifth Plan
Lets Practice

Q2. 12th 5- year plan was launched with which of

the following theme?
A. Remove Poverty
B. Faster, Sustainable & more inclusive growth
C. Inclusive and Sustainable growth
D. Growth with social justice & equality
E. None of the above

B. Faster, Sustainable & more inclusive growth

Lets Practice

Q3. Ninth 5- year plan covered which of the

following years?
A. 1997-2002
B. 2007-2012
C. 2012-2017
D. 1980-1985
E. None of the above

A. 1997-2002
Lets Practice

Q4. Implementation of the family planning was

one of the major targets of which of the following
5-year plans?
A. Fourth plan
B. Fifth plan
C. Sixth plan
D. Seventh plan
E. Ninth plan

A. Fourth plan
Lets Practice

Q5. Which of the following 5-year plans was based

on Harrod-Domar model?
A. Fourth
B. Fifth plan
C. Sixth plan
D. First plan
E. Ninth plan

D. First plan
Lets Practice

Q6. BoP Crisis hit Indian Economy during which of

the following plans?
A. Fourth
B. Fifth plan
C. Sixth plan
D. First plan
E. Eighth plan

E. Eighth plan (1992-97)

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